The Thanksgiving Holiday has always been my favorite, because it's Christmas without the hassles--the endless carols, the mad shopping rush, and whatever it is that has transformed the religious feast into a commercial beast. I celebrate my Thanksgiving with lots of food and family, nothing unique here, I'm sure, but certainly keeping in the spirit of the holiday. What I'd really like to know is how you spent your Thanksgiving vacation, especially if it turned out to be a pretty special one. For those of you who don't care to share such personal stories, or if your vacation wasn't so good, feel "free" to write about "anything" that especially excited or interested you over the six-day break. Did you read a good book, watch a good movie, or draw or Thanksgiving turkey with a younger sibling or relative (see above photo)? Let me hear it. "Thanks" for sharing.
Meanwhile, to draw a "hand turkey":
Directions are given for right handed individuals. Reverse as appropriate.
- Place your left hand on a piece of paper with the fingers outstretched, thumb at 45° from the vertical.
- Trace around your hand, include the base of the palm.
- Draw a small triangle protruding from the thumb outline to the right at about the level of the base of the thumbnail. This is the beak.
- Draw a wattle under the beak.
- Draw turkey wings in middle of the palm outline.
- Draw turkey feet protruding from the base of the palm outline.
- Decorate as desired.
This Thanksgiving holiday was a good one. Although, Thanksgiving was not my favorite part of our six-day break. On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I went to my cousin’s house on my father’s side of the family. All of my aunts came over to help cook for the next day. Then my cousin and I started talking about what we used to do when we were little, this ended in getting home-videos out and watching them. My aunts, cousin, and I sat watching them until two in the morning not realizing what time it was. The last video we watched was more of my dad. This caught everyone off-guard because he was the one filming the tapes. As soon as he came on camera I saw my aunts eyes fill up with tears. My aunt said, it’s Thanksgiving and it’s a shame he is not with us. Then my other aunt exclaimed, “He is always with us, especially now these videos are on, I mean he loved the way he looked.” This made everyone feel better and laugh at how funny the videos were. This also made Thanksgiving better because my aunt reminded us, my dad is always with us and that he was with us through thanksgiving.
My Thanksgiving holiday was a lot of fun this year. Wednesday I spent the day relaxing somewhat and helping my mom prepare some goodies for the upcoming event. Thanksgiving day, time was spent with my parents, then we went to my aunts for dinner. At dinner i got to mingle with my relatives i haven't seen for a while. After we ate me and my uncles sat around and watched football while discussing players' stats and teams' chances of making the superbowl. After eating all that food everyone just wanted to go home and sleep, so they did. Friday I went to the skatepark with my friends. And the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing, hanging out with my friends, and more relaxing. Therefore, my Thanksgiving weekend was fun, plus I spent quality time with my family.
Although this Thanksgiving holiday flew by, it was still one to remember. Besides putting my brain on standby, I got to see a lot of my family that I missed. My dad flew home from Singapore and we all went to Virginia to gather with some other members of the family. Even though it was cramped two-hour car ride, everyone still had a blast catching up. While the adults partied upstairs, I had the pleasure of watching over around seventeen, five or six-year olds that were apparently related to me. Thankfully, I love little kids so i was still able to enjoy our stay. They taught me how to do the worm (also known as the centipede), play wii (an intense but highly entertaining form of electronic fun), and helped me relive my childhood. I also have an extremely musical family, where everyone plays at least one instrument. There was a nine hour jam session with numerous songs such as "Hotel California", "Comfortably Numb", "Devil Went Down to Georgia", and so much more. Nothing is more enjoyable than sitting among friends and family, while munching on a turkey leg and listening to the tunes your family is jamming out to. I also got the joy of shopping on Black Friday at Tyson's Corner, which is the mother-ship of all malls. It wasn't extremely crowded, but we still got lost in the mazes of the massive mall (alliteration ha!). Besides our expedition to Virginia we also had a small party/practice at my house. We had to learn the thriller dance and song which we did accomplish (very funny to watch). Besides "practicing", we also made the most gargantuan pile of leaves that I have ever seen (to jump/frolic in), and we enjoyed a toasty bonfire. So this Thanksgiving was extremely enjoyable and I look forward to the ones in the future.
This Thanksgiving for me was very good. On Wednesday I went over to my friend’s house, and relaxed there. For thanksgiving all of my relatives met at my second cousins house. My relatives came from as far away as San Francisco (only two came from that far away). I got to catch up with all of them, including one of my aunts who went on a safari trip over in Africa, and later went to the ocean (where they baited a shark) and went into a cage in the water and took pictures of it swimming and biting at the bait (I think it was a great white shark). After that I watched the football game with all of the relatives (mainly the men in my family). The rest of the vacation was spent relaxing and hanging out at friends or my cousins.
I had a great Thanksgiving vacation this year. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because my family spends a lot of time together on this holiday. It is also one of my favorite holidays because my sister comes home from college and is here to celebrate my birthday. My granddad comes up from Maryland and spends the holiday with us, too. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we all made pies and breads together while listening to Christmas music. One of our family traditions is to go bowling together on Thanksgiving. This has been a family tradition since I was born. On Black Friday, my sisters and I always go shopping together. Even though we have to get up very early, it is always worth it because we have so much fun together. This year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, all of my relatives came to my house for the day. It was exciting because we don’t get everyone all together very often. It was a lot of fun to be all together as one big family. Thanksgiving is special because it reminds us all that we have many things to be thankful for -- especially our family.
My thanksgiving holiday was great, usually I spend my thanksgiving holiday at my house, however this year we spiced things up a bit and went up to my uncle’s house in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. We left Thursday morning and the commute took about two and half hours. My uncle’s house was just remodeled and it is now worth almost 2.5 million dollars. This alone made this past Thanksgiving great. Thanksgiving day we all hung out, cooked food and watched football. For dinner we ate the norm turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and our occasional “Schimmel macs.” “Schimmel macs” is a family recipe passed down for decades. The basic ingredients in “Schimmel macs” are noodles and cheese baked in the oven. Your probably thinking, “ Oh that’s just baked macaroni ” however it is more, I cannot tell you the rest because it is a secret family recipe. I slept over my uncle’s house Thursday and Friday night and went home on Saturday. On Friday I hung out with my cousins and we shot off fireworks. Only my father and I went up to New Jersey, so my mother was quite disappointed that the whole family wasn’t in Elkton together for our traditional thanksgiving dinner, therefore we had a little Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night. This Thanksgiving was very pleasant and soothing and I hope others had the opportunity to celebrate a holiday as fantastic as ours was.
My Thanksgiving weekend was filled with fun, food, work and family. It was mostly work though. My weekend started with a long, six-hour shift on Wednesday night. I then woke up on Thanksgiving morning to another six-hour shift. When I came home from work, I helped finish preparations for the turkey dinner, and sat down to eat with my family. After dinner, we went over to my cousin’s house for dessert and games. After returning to our house around 8, we relaxed and watched some football. My Friday and Saturday consisted of more work and turkey sandwiches. Today, Sunday, we celebrated my dad’s birthday by going out to dinner at Klondike Kate’s. Overall, it was a good Thanksgiving break, and I’m ready for next weekend.
This year my thanksgiving break went pretty well. Although it was exactly great weekend I still had some fun. It started with basketball on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Thursday my family came to my house as we had a nice Thanksgiving and watched some football. After the success of another Thanksgiving the next day was filled with some excitement at the Delaware game. Delaware who played Delaware State for the first time ever was determined to keep their playoff hopes alive. The game was exciting when the teams were taking the field and all but by halftime the score of the game spoke for itself, Delaware was dominating. By the time Saturday came around I really just relaxed the whole day after basketball practice so later that night I went to the movies and saw a movie called The Mist, a story about a powerful thunderstorm that unleashes a mist that envelops a small Maine town. Dozens are trapped inside a supermarket knowing that in the mist are horrible creatures, which feed on humans. Being stranded takes its psychological toll. The trapped shoppers split into 2 camps: those who believe it is an act of a vengeful god who demands human sacrifice and those don't. Based on a rather long short story by Stephen King, long considered one of his scariest. On Sunday I just tried to enjoy the last day on vacation by watching some football. After the long but short break it felt good to get some time off of school and homework.
Every Thanksgiving my mom's entire family go down to North Carolina for an entire week. Every year we rent a different house, but this was the first year that we had an ocean front house. The house that I stayed at was called, The Painted Lady, and was amazing. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I get to go away for a week and just spend quality time with my family and relax. Normally on this vacation my family doesn't really do anything special, but this year we went to the sand dunes which I haven't been to since I was about 5 years old. They were a lot more fun then I remembered, and a lot less big. My cousins and I constantly play card games while we are down there to occupy ourselves. We also go to the beach. This year we went swimming in the ocean even though it was really cold but the house had a hot tub so we went into that after going in the ocean. Thanksgiving day was no different than any other day that we were down there except my mom and aunt cooked all day. I look forward to this vacation every year because I love getting away from everything and spending time with my family.
Drew Mink Red
My Thanksgiving Break this year was truly one to remember. It started on Wednesday night, when my cousin, Jennah, who is living with us, had her 17th birthday party. There were alot of people at my house for this event, mostly newark kids. I hung out with everyone but I mostly found myself with my brother and "The crew" or the group of kids he hangs out with. The Crew consists of Ben Mink (my big brother), Ben Young and Dan Le who are both freshmen at UD, Andrew Young, Andrew Mucaria, Ian Goodenough, Tim Miller, and Drew Keane. We spent most the night playing basketball and xbox 360 and hanging out by the bonfire. Ben Mink and Tim slept upstairs and me and Dan didnt go to bed until 4 am. The next day was Thanksgiving, and my dads side of the family came over. My Dad has 2 brothers, but one of them lives in california so he couldn't be there. But his other brother is 10 years older then him, so he has grandkids that are pretty young. Me, my brother, and my cousin Alex had to entertain the 5 little kids that were there. Needless, to say it wasn't easy. The oldest of the kids is 9 so they are all very hyper. Thanksgiving was one of the greatest days of the break. The next day, the crew came over again and we hung all day. It was the greatest thanksgiving holiday ever.
My thanksgiving this past month was extremely interesting. As usual as not to break tradition, my family and I drove up to Buffalo , New York. My entire family on my mom and dads side live up there. They migrated to Delaware when my dad came to Philadelphia for school . We left tuesday afternoon and headed up to my uncles house, where we stayed until saturday morning. It's extremely fun going up there and catching up with my entire family. I feel that our familys are tighter because the distance is so far away from them that all we do is bond. Thanksgiving day is the best of all. I start by going to my grandmothers house with my mom's side of family around 2 in the afternoon and then proceeded to my dad's sisters house for actual thanksgiving dinner. I found my dads side a bit more fun this year. That night we went and saw steve carell's new movie, " Dan in Real Life".
I had a very traditional Thanksgiving break. I sat at home and didn't do much… or not that I remember. I hate short-term memory loss. My parents invited over a bunch of our friends for Thanksgiving and so we had a full house. I did help my mom a bit with preparing the Polish-American feast. Besides the little four and five-year- olds that tried to break into my room and destroy it, I had a fun time. The rest of the break I think was spent relaxing, sleeping, and listening to music, except for Saturday when I went to do volunteer work at my stables. I was also one of the helpers in a trail ride my stables organized. Pretty usual stuff for me, though.I think that maybe I should have done some more things over break, but I did need a relaxing vacation, and I got one.
We celebrate every Thanksgiving the same. This year though was just slightly different due to a basketball scrimmage. After the scrimmage we left to go to our beach house in New Jersey. All my family lives in New Jersey besides my Uncle who moved to Arizona. We leave early in the morning and head to see my Dad’s parents. Unfortunately almost every Thanksgiving my grandma ends up in the hospital, this year with a broken elbow. After we visited her and my grandpa we went to see my Dad’s brother who I have not seen in awhile. I got to see his new house and meet his girlfriend and dog. It was very nice to see him again and after about an hour we left for an early dinner at my Gramy’s house. We arrived first and helped set up everything and not before long my Aunt Patty and cousins Kevin and Caroline came. We watched football while we waited for dinner and engaged in small talk. Dinner was delicious, as always. I indulged in some turkey, yams, eggplant parmesan, and shrimp. After dinner we clean up and get dessert ready. We always have our pumpkin pie, apple pie, chestnuts, and pecan pie. After dessert we say out goodbyes and head back home, for us a two-hour ride. Thanksgiving is a time for the Rivituso family.
ar red posted above
This Thanksgiving was good, but it was not my favorite day out of our holiday. On Thanksgiving went to dad's parents house in Wilmington for two hours and then we went up to my mom's parents in New Jersey for dinner. All of my Aunts and Uncles were there. At my grandparents house there was my brother and sister and my new baby cousin. Since I am the oldest out of my cousins it was not that much fun. Thursday was my favorite day of our break. I went shopping on black Friday with my best friend. We arrived at the mall at 3AM and we were there for three hours and then we went to Best Buy. Best Buy was very crowded so we were there for a couple hours waiting in line. After we went to a couple other stores, my friend Erin and I went home and slept for and hour. Around noon my family and a group of my neighbors all went paintballing. I had never been before and I was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed laughing at my mom and the other moms playing. I really enjoyed our six-day break.
Thanksgiving holiday was such a relaxing time for me. On Wednesday, I don’t even remember what happened. The only thing that I remembered was I was trying to do homework to get it off my chest, but I was distracted so I just did ‘normal’ stuff on that day. On Thursday, I woke up late because I usually never do that anymore recently. Then I had 2 Thanksgiving dinners to go to. My family didn’t cook dinner with only us, but we were just invited with other people. So I ate 2xs the turkey and 2xs the gravy. One was in Delaware, and one was in my friend’s mansion in Pennsylvania. My family stayed there until 12 in the morning, but my mom went shopping with her friends and my friend was to tired to drive to go shopping. On Friday, I went shopping like everyone else on Black Friday. I only bought one thing, because I didn’t need anything. After shopping, I had to go to choir practice. After choir practice I had to go to dance practice. Then that was my ‘excitement’ on Friday. Saturday, flew by fast. I woke up late as usual, did the usual and then went to church. After church I went to my friends’ house and hanged out there. We had to discuss about our Christmas presentation and our dance we had to make up for the pre-conference for our youth group. I went home late again. On Sunday, I was going to go out with my friends, but I had homework to do so I had to do homework the whole day. So on Sunday it felt like the usual feeling you would get for school; the dragging yearning feeling was oh so joyous. Thanksgiving break was a great way to get rid of that school stress, and focus more of the other stress. It relaxed me and I feel grateful for that.
Ka red
This Thanksgiving Holiday was alot of fun this year. I enjoyed thanksgiving day the most about my whole six-day break.My day began with waking up and watching the Thanksgiving day parade with my sister. Then my family got ready to go over to our close friends house, they are practically family. This was the first year we were spending our thanksgiving with them because our grandparents were out of town. It was a fun new experience. My sister and I got to spend time with all of our "Aunts", "Uncles" and "cousins". We ate at the largest dinner table i have had for thanksgiving. My Mommom came too so some of the tradition remained from the previous years. There were so many desserts, apple pie being my favorite. The meal was very enjoyable and a fun experience to share with alot of kids. It was one of the most entertaining thanksgiving as well. The boys all ran around the house throwing around the football and the girls watched movies. All the adults were watching football and yelling at the TV most of the night. I was glad and thankful I was able to spend my thanksgiving with people that I am very close to. Overall I had fun spending time with my family.
I had a nice Thanksgiving vacation this year. I didn’t have to worry about anything because I didn’t have any homework to do. It was a very nice and relaxing break. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because my family spends a lot of time together. It is also one of my favorite holidays because my grandparents come over from Maryland, and they don’t come by often. My cousins, Aunt, and Uncle come up from Maryland and spend the holiday with us, too. This year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, all of my relatives came to my house for the day. It was exciting because we don’t get everyone all together very often. It was a lot of fun to be all together as one big family. We watched the football games that were on together. We watched many movies together and had many snacks. The rest of the week I ate leftovers from the big feast. I was getting tired of eating all of the turkey and ham sandwiches. It was a very enjoyable week; unfortunately it went by too fast for me. I really like Thanksgiving because it is special and it reminds us all that we have many things to be thankful for.
KJE BLUE said...
On Thanksgiving, my Aunt Jen and Devin, my three-year-old cousin, greeted us by yelling, “Happy Thanksgiving!” from the fifth floor balcony of my uncle’s building. Inside, I saw my Grandparents, Aunt Jen and her husband Steve, Devin, my Uncle John, his fiancée Chrissy, her family, and my Uncle John’s friend “Army Steve.” I helped everyone in the kitchen to make stuffing, risotto, sweet potatoes, and much more. After hours of cooking, we all sat down to feast. There was one problem, no one wanted to say grace. Devin became hungry and decided he would say the short grace of, “God is great.” It happened to be a powerful one-liner. When Devin finished his “short and sweet” prayer, everyone at the table realized that our hard work had paid off. Our feast ended with the delicious pies that my Uncle John purchased. I loved Thanksgiving because I spent time with my family, especially with people in my family who I do not see very often, and ate delicious food that everyone worked together to make. The next day, my mother, brother, aunt, cousin, and I traveled to my Uncle John’s house once more and ate the leftovers for breakfast by mixing food from the night before in a sort of omelet. We watched a movie while we feasted on the leftovers. Over my Thanksgiving break, I visited and spent time with my family.
My Thanksgiving holiday was not very exciting, or even interesting; just the usual. The Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated in my home with my Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop who brought a dessert for the occasion. Unfortunately my Oma and Opa were unable to attend the occasion this year. They were on vacation in Cancun. Mexico. Prior to dinner, everyone snacked on an abundance of appetizers my mother had made. My Mom-Mom and I attempted to play the game Clue, but that did not go well because my Mom-Mom could not understand the concept of the game. After dinner my mom and I played Clue trying to explain how to play the game properly to my Mom-Mom. My mom bought a 15lb. turkey, and made my favorite, garlic mashed potatoes. I was in charge of making the stuffing, which I like to think was the best part of the Thanksgiving dinner; it was very good. My mom also made the sweet potatoes, which had marshmallows on top, and a green bean casserole. Included on the dinner menu were cranberries, corn, bread, and salad. The dinner was delicious and I almost did not have room for dessert, I was so full from dinner! Some way I managed to fit a slice of pumpkin pie into my stomach. After all of the festivities and food, my stomach felt like it was about to explode. My Thanksgiving this year was very nice and I enjoyed the celebration.
This year my thanksgiving was different than any thanksgiving I have ever had. It was different because I had thanksgiving at my house. Usually I celebrate thanksgiving at either my Aunt Tina’s house or my Aunt Denise’s house. My Aunt Tina is my dad’s sister and my Aunt Denise is my mom’s sister so we alternate every other year with either my mom’s family or dad’s family. Since thanksgiving was at my house, of course my parents were stressed out about cooking thanksgiving dinner since it was their first time cooking it. My dad bought about three different roasting pans for the turkey and debated on which one to use for a week. He also looked up tons of recipes for the turkey and sent me and my mom out to many different stores to find everything he needed. After all the preparation the turkey would not thaw and that caused mayhem in the house. The worst part for me was cutting six loaves of different types of bread into cubes for two different kinds of stuffing. Once all the guests started to arrive everything seemed to go smoothly and everyone was enjoying themselves. Everyone was commenting on how delicious the stuffing tasted. In the end the dinner turned out excellent even though we got off to a rocky start.
Usually on Thanksgiving, my dad and I vacation in Florida. We go to Orlando, and visit the many theme parks and attractions. We stay for the majority of Thanksgiving break. However, this year my dad was injured, and we could not make our trip. So this year, i decided to spend Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family, at my grandmother's house. This was a nice change, because i usually do not see those relatives over Thanksgiving. My family and I helped make food for everybody to eat. Then on Thanksgiving day, we all headed over to my grandmother's. It is always nice to spend time with my family, as our family is very close. We spent the time talking, making jokes, and eating. My Thanksgiving was a very good one. During break, i also went shopping at King of Prussia and got to hang out with my friends. My Thanksgiving break was very fun.
This year my Thanksgiving holiday was pretty good. Just the fact that we had a break from school was great. Finally, i had a chance to just relax and not worry about my school work for a couple days. The best part of Thanksgiving break was, of course, hanging out with my friends. I also went up to Pennsylvania to visit my mom's side of the family. We stayed at my grandparents. That was fun because I got to see all my aunts, uncles, and cousins that I barely ever see, including my cousins from Ohio. Since my grandma always stresses when we eat at her house, we had our family Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's house. My cousins and I sat in one room, and all of the adults sat in the other. We also watched the game. We only stayed in PA one night, then came back home. My mom, dad, sister and I had our own Thanksgiving dinner before my sister went back to college. The rest of the break I just hung out and enjoyed my free time.
This Thanksgiving wasn't overly special but it was still better than most. Getting out of school and not having to worry about anything is mostly what I like the best. Everyone kinda leaves me alone, so I do what ever I want. Whether it be watching a movie, television or playing a little NBA Live. what I don't like about it is the food. I think every part of the dinner is awful. I hate turkey, it leaves a taste in my mouth that makes me want to throw up. The stuffing is even worse, not only does it taste horrendous it looks like it too. Now I love desserts, but pumpkin pie is probably the worst dessert ever created. Besides the dinner, everything is usually perfect. I beat my uncles in video games at my grandmother's house. At the end of the night, our entire family gets together and plays Trivial Pursuit. I love this tradition even though I don't know to many of the answers. This is what I like most about the Thanksgiving holiday.
This Thanksgiving was a good one. Like always, our cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and other close friends come to eat at our house. They all come to my house at around 4:00 and we talk and share stories until 6:00 or so. Next, me and a couple of my friends played a game of football outside. Then we ate the turkey and everything else that was prepared and after that, my uncles and my dad and I watched football. This was a usual Thanksgiving at our house but it was still fun.
Well what i did this Thanksgiving break was quite nice. The break from the school was possibly the best part. But i mean. I got to do the things i love and be with the people i love. I spent alot of time with my girlfriend of course. visiting her family, getting to knwo them. And she visited my family and hung out getting to know more of them also. But i mean i just got to hang out with my friends, play guitar, skateboard, do alot of the things i cant while school is going on. It was just nice and relaxing, and i had so much fun. My family of course is really funny so we had a good time together, we always do though. And i spent time with my bestfriend Kyles family. They are like my second family, so that was alot of fun also. It was just an all around amazing time. To bad it was only like 6 days long!
I had a very good Thanksgiving Holiday. First off, my family from Detroit, Michagen. We hardly ever get to see them so that was a really nice change. It was nice to have the entire family together even if it was for a short time. I enjoy Thanksgiving day the most because everyone just relaxes the entire day. We watch movies, talk about the year that passed, and just about funny old times that we shared. Then when it comes time for dinner everyone starts to help out with certain things. We enjy helping eachother put since its really the only time of year we're all together. Then we all sit down and enjoy the meal we share. This is the most quite time of the day because everyone is stuffing their face with the amazing food that is prepared. Between the turky, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, biscits, and pumpking pie its all amazing. After dinner everyone is extremely stuffed and most of the family goes and takes a nap, but everyone returns around eight to tell everyone what they were thankful for. It may be a little mushey but it really is kind of nice. Thanksgiving is a great time that should be spent with family, so that is what I do.
I had an overall pretty good Thanksgiving break. Me and my family drove about nine hours down to southern North Carolina for Thanksgiving with my grandparents. We drive down there every year. We had very good food. Many of the inland, rural areas of North Carolina though are very, very boring. Everyone always says how cool North Carolina is, but they have been to only the outer banks and commercial areas like that, the inland areas are all completly flat and the soil is very sand, which makes things very brownish. But my family down there is very fun, and it is nice to see them and as I mentioned earlier, the food was very good. We got back about 2 days before going back to school which gave me some time to relax. Overall it was a very good Thanksgiving break.
My thanksgiving was one of the typical ones for myself. I didn’t do very much different than usual I went to my Uncle John’s. This is one of my family’s oldest traditions every year we make the trip up to Ridley Park Pa. to sit around and watch Bret Farve and eat turkey. We arrived at their house around midday and the party began as soon as we arrived the aroma of the turkey in the oven was heavenly. My mom and my aunt make their special recipe stuffing and prepare the food along with the table while they guys are either throwing the football around or watch football on TV. The best part of the day is when both families sit down to eat eight heads in all we all sit around the table waiting to dig in while my uncle read his previously typed and printed prayer. Once the meal actually starts the entire table is drooling due to the overwhelming smell of the thanksgiving foods. The food is always delicious and perfectly laid out in the same spots each year. As I find myself looking around the table I notice everyone in their own sense of happiness and enjoying themselves. Even if things weren’t personally great for each person at the table they could let it all go and enjoy themselves for these short hours.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There is food fun, and football. I have always spent thanksgiving with my Dad and his side of the family. This year we hosted the event. Everyone, my uncle jimmy, aunt anna, aunt annie, and cousin erica along with my grandparents came at about noon. My cousin Erica brought her dog Bella. It is a very rambunctious rat of a dog. I could probably punt it sixty yards but thats beside the point. Every year my sister, erica and I all watch the movie Anchorman. Of course the best part of the day is eating. There are a plethora of diffenrent foods to eat and I get as many as I can. After the meal its time to watch football. Watching Brett Favre and the Packers take on the Lions this year was great. We don't normally get that good of a game on thanksgiving. I watch this with my uncle jimmy, my Dad, and my poppop. Thanksgiving is a great holiday and I love spending it with my family.
Thanksgiving is a time of year when family comes together to celebrate each other and to thank God for all of their blessings. For Thanksgiving, my parents and I traditionally get together with my out-of-state family and have a delicious feast. But, this year’s Thanksgiving turned out to be everything but the usual. The first thing that made this year’s Thanksgiving unusual is the place where we spent it. Traditionally, my parents and I travel to Ohio to spend Thanksgiving with my family. Instead of our usual destination for the holidays, my parents and I decided to stay in Delaware and have Thanksgiving dinner with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins. Although this year’s Thanksgiving scene was going to be different than normal, I was looking forward to seeing my local family and catching up on the year’s events. Unfortunately, these plans were disrupted by a thing called the flu! When my parents and I arrived home after Mass on Thanksgiving Day, we received a message from my aunt saying that my cousin was very sick and had to go to a 24 hour emergency center. Because of this unfortunate situation, we would not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins. With no other alternatives, my parents and I spent a quiet Thanksgiving holiday at my house. Despite my “rollercoaster of a Thanksgiving,” I had a delicious dinner with the people I love the most- my parents.
This Thanksgiving break was a good way to relax from school for a while and gave my family a chance to come together and truely be thankful for everything we have. The traditional Heller Thanksgiving starts out with all the family coming to my house and cooking like its the end of the world. Everybody is givin a specific job and we all do our part to help make Thansgiving come together in the limited time that we have with eachother. Although no major incidents happened this year, in the past our oven has conveniently broken just in time for the turkey to not be done. We have to had to use our neighbors oven for two Thanksgivings and it is always a toss up on whether it will be done in time or not for the magnificent meal. After a full day of basically nothing but cooking we all sit down to enjoythe food that God has given us. Now me, my brother, and my cousin have a tradition of our own. It is called the Turkey Bowl. The three of us weigh ouselves before the meal and then wiegh ourselves after Thanksgiving dinner. Whoever has gained the most weight wins the Turkey Bowl. This year i lost to my brother, but i will avenge my loss and come through with flying colors next year hopefully.After the meal everybody just sits around barely able to walk because we have eaten so much and normally fall asleep. I love thanksgiving because of the festive times, the family togertherness, and for the chance to truely say thank you for all that we have.
I had a nice thanksgiving break this year. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It's nice to spend time with my family and just relax. On Thanksgiving day, my mom spent all day cooking, and me and my two sisters helped her. Before we ate, we all went around the table and said what we were thankful for. The food is always delicious, and my favorite is the turkey and mashed potatoes. AFter dinner, my aunt and uncle came over for dessert. Once they left, I went to my friends house and we took a long nap so we could go to the mall at 3 a.m. for Black Friday. That weekend, i went to New Jersey with my mom to visit my uncle. The rest of break I spent hanging out with my friends and relaxing.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays also, and I had a great one this year! Every year most of our family goes down to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where one of my grandparents live, and celebrate Thanksgiving there. It is always a fun couple of days there. There are many things to do there, especially around that time of year. We did many different things including hiking in the Smokey Mountains National Park and going into the house of mirrors and getting completely lost for an hour. My father and I did an eleven mile hike up a 8,000 foot mountain this year on Thanksgiving day and we felt like our legs were gonna fall off. We went earlier in the day and came back to worried family members and a huge Thanksgiving meal, including Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and my Mom's famous stuffing. We've had this tradition for a couple of years now and it is always a good time, because I get to see relatives that I rarely ever see and I get to spend my Thanksgiving break with them. It also makes my Grandparents very happy who don't get to see us that much because they live so far away.
I had a relatively good Thanksgiving break this year. I did the usual things most people would do on Thanksgiving, spend time with family and eat a lot of food. We had everyone over at our house this year, both my mom’s family and my dad’s family. This is a tradition that we have been doing for about 5 years now, and it seems to be working fine. Everyone came and helped out with the cooking and shortly after we started to eat. The food smelled excellent, and of course it was. When everyone was finished, the guys went in the family room and watched football for the rest of the day. Everyone else just sat in the kitchen and talked. This may seem like a boring Thanksgiving, but I really enjoy seeing my family. We don’t really get a lot of chances throughout the year to see each other because we are all so busy, so we always make it a priority to get together on holidays and birthdays. This is my typical Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. It’s a nice break from school that you get to spend with friends and family. Thanksgiving is so special to me because every year my mom’s side of the family comes to my house and we spend the whole day with them. The day normally begins around 11 when my two aunts, uncles, their children and my grandmother come over. They always bring a bunch of delicious treats and my mom’s friendship bread is always a favorite. My favorite part of Thanksgiving day is the food. There is always a turkey and lots of good side dishes and sides. At around 3 o’ clock we start dinner and it always begins with grandmother saying the prayer. After she finishes her prayer it’s a family tradition that we go around and say what we’re thankful and my Uncle Mike always talks for about twenty minutes in a mono toned voice which is really boring. After everyone at the table has said what they’re thankful we begin eating. Dinner normally takes around two hours since my family has
such big talkers and after dinner we start so fun games. I know the games sound corny but they really are fun. We normally play charades and battles of the sexes, both are very entertaining. The night normally comes to an end around 11 at night and some of my family from Connecticut stays the night and leaves the next morning. Thanksgiving is
always a very relaxing and laid back holiday filled with good food and people, that’s why I love it.
MR Yellow
Thanksgiving is always a big deal in my family since everyone goes over one family members house. This year we went over ot my aunt Tammies and uncle Carmen's. WE usually arrive around four thirty and eat at around six. We almost always have around fifteen for dinner. Everyone brings some kind of dish. After dinner we watch some Thanksgiving day football. Often my sister, brother and I try entertaining our younger cousins and keep them in line. This year we played Taboo. This is game where you have a minute glass and you have to pick up a card snd try to get the people on your team to guess what the word is without saying any of the words on teh card or using expressions. If you say any of the words on the card then the other team gets one point and fo revery card your team guesses right your team gets one point. My team one and we ended up staying at my uncle and aunts house untill around twelve. That is what I did this Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite days of the year. This year, my family and I went to my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving dinner. My grandma makes the dinner a person can imagine. We have a three course meal that is so good that everyone there always gains weight by the end of the day. We start off with homemade chicken noodle soup. Then, we have turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes. Finally, after I feel like I cannot eat anything else, a huge slice of apple pie always gets placed in front of me. There has not been one year that I did not finish the pie. The food is always very good, but the people make it special. It is the only time of the year i get to eat with my older cousin Mandie (I think you might know her from basketball) as well as my entire family. Thanksgiving allows us to catch up with each other and share stories of all the memorable events that had occured in the previous year. Words do not describe how much Thanksgiving means to me, but in my best effort to describe it, the best thing I can come up with is that it is simply amazing.
Turkey Day Time Out
This year my thanksgiving break went pretty well. Although it was exactly great weekend I still had some fun. It started with basketball on Tuesday and Wednesday, but on Thursday my family came to my house as we had a nice Thanksgiving and watched some football. After the success of another Thanksgiving the next day was filled with some excitement at the Delaware game. Delaware who played Delaware State for the first time ever was determined to keep their playoff hopes alive. The game was exciting when the teams were taking the field and all but by halftime the score of the game spoke for itself, Delaware was dominating. By the time Saturday came around I really just relaxed the whole day after basketball practice so later that night I went to the movies and saw a movie called The Mist, a story about a powerful thunderstorm that unleashes a mist that envelops a small Maine town. Dozens are trapped inside a supermarket knowing that in the mist are horrible creatures, which feed on humans. Being stranded takes its psychological toll. The trapped shoppers split into 2 camps: those who believe it is an act of a vengeful god who demands human sacrifice and those don't. Based on a rather long short story by Stephen King, long considered one of his scariest. On Sunday I just tried to enjoy the last day on vacation by watching some football. After the long but short break it felt good to get some time off of school and homework.
I had a very satisfying thanksgiving break. it was more special than other years because my uncle and his wife came from New Hamshire. The day before Thanksgiving we went to a rock climbing gym in Maryland. On the way back my uncle let me drive back and we stopped at Taco Bell, which made my day. When we got home we rented a movie and relaxed by the fire. The next day I slept in and woke up to the pleasant aroma of turkey cooking in the oven. At about five o'clock we all sat down to a candle lit dinner. For a few moments before eating we sat silent in reflective prayer. We then feasted for about and hour. after dinner we sat at the table and talked before we went to watch another movie. They left the next day but it was really great see them and catch up with them. For the rest of the break i relaxed and digested my food. Overall i had a very good break.
This past Thanksgiving was a very relaxing week off, but not a typical Turkey Day break. Because of four or five basketball practices, some in the wee hours of the morning, I was not able to leave with my other and brothers to go up to Pittsburgh to visit with the rest of my relatives, and I had to stay home with my dad the entire break. Thanksgiving Day was very odd itself, as my dad invited people over that I had never even met before. But the strangers didn't bother me, I just went and watched 10 straight hours of football on the 70' LCD on the leather recliners in the basement (a.k.a. my paradise). Eventually, a disappointed with a Green Bay Packers' loss to the Dallas Cowboys' ruined the night, as it also ruined my fantasy football score with brett favre injured during the game. Of course, the next morning, just like every other over break, I had to get up extra early for practice. My dad and my stepmom picked me up from practice and we tok off for the mall. Although almost everything decent was gone, I ended up spending a few bucks on some stuff at Dick's, including a Calloway putter for my dad (didn't help his game too much, I still crush him). The day ended with a trip to the movies, going to see the film "Hitman". And that was my 2007"Turkey Day Timeout".
I had a great time this Thanksgiving. I went to my aunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was amazing! We had so much food and ate for about three hours. My family spent about three days preparing this whole meal and believe me, it was worth the wait. Prior to dinner though, I watched the Packers tear apart the Lions. I watched it with my uncles. We were all going crazy in front of the television. The game finished and it was time to feast. After we indulged in the huge array of food, we spent a good hour talking with each other and catching up on lost times. When we digested a little bit, dessert was brought out. there were about twelve different desserts to choose from. they were so good. When we went home, i didn't want to eat food for about a week. It was Definitely a great holiday.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm not to sure why I like it so much but I do. I think I like it so much because I actually get to spend alot of time with my family. (And eat lots and lots of extremely good food at the same time!) I usually am busy with friends and I am rarely ever home, so this holiday gives me time to just hang out with my family. This year my Thanksgiving wasn't too eventful though. We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. We usually have it at my grandparents but this year my grandma was too sick to have us all over and cook. So to me it was special because I realized that my grandparents are growing older and I don't know how much more time I will get to spend with them and not to take this time spent with them for granted. Also this year was more special then usual because I got to help cook all the food for everyone. Our family has a special recipe of lasagna that we make every year, but this year instead of my grandparents making it my mom and I got to. It felt really good to be able to be apart of this family tradition. So this year even I didn't really do anything or go anywhere I still had a really great holiday.
my thanksgiving break was abnormal, but still excellent. this thanksgiving break my mom and step dad and brother had flown out to the bahamas to stay at a time share we have there. lucky them right? i had to stay home to go to basketball and not to miss school, and put my grades in more jeopardy then they already are. I opted not to go as well, saying that i would miss the feel of the thanksgiving holiday. so i went to my dads house and had dinner with my step mom and dads family. i had a wonderful time, it was an amazing dinner, all the normals, my favorite being sweet potatoe caserole. everyone got along, had fun, laughed, and acted like a true close knit family. although i wasnt able to hang out with friends, or get off of basketball practice, i still had fun with my family. my mom and step dad and brother were not there, but of course i communicated with them over the phone often and wished them a happy thanksgiving.
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