Your Favorite Stock Character--Extra Credit

Here's my extra credit assignment of the story of one of the most famous "stock" characters in history, namely Ebenezer Scrooge.
Ebenezer Scrooge is a miserly misanthrope in the Charles Dickens' classic, A Christmas Carol. His love of money and disdain for Christmas characterizes the original Scrooge. Scrooge overworks and underpays his loyal employee, Mr. Bob Cratchit. Cratchit, a good and holy family man, has bills to pay and a crippled son (Tiny Tim) to take care of, but he faces his responsibilities with Christian fortitude, and he refuses to admit to his poor family that Mr. Scrooge is a bad man. You might say that Cratchit is a stock character himself, the "poor but happy" fatherly figure whose religion and stoicism keeps his family in food and clothes.
Back to Mr. Scrooge, who grudingly allows poor Bob to take the day off on Christmas Day, but orders him to arrive earlier the next. He greets holiday well wishers, like his kind nephew, with a "Bah, humbug" that of course, is universally recognized as the reply of the Christmas Scrooge. Suddenly his world is turned inside-out when he is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, his former business partner and a scrooge like himself. The forlorn ghost, who now does penance by walking the earth in heavy chains, money boxes, and keys, warns Scrooge to mend his ways, lest he suffer the same fate.
Scrooge is shaken, but falls asleep. During the rest of the well known story, he is visited by three Christmas ghosts. He then undergoes a miraculous change. The new Christmas loving Scrooge sends a huge turkey to the Cratchit home, raises Bob's salary, and becomes a surrogate grandfather to Tiny Tim.
This Christmas tale is a story of faith, faith in humanity and the goodness that lies within us all. It was buried in Ebenezer Scrooge, and then unearthed in the joyful end of the novel.
"God bless us, every one!"
My favorite stock character is Steve Urkel from Family Matters. Steve plays the part of the hopeless nerd. He is the nerd who lives next door to the Winslow family. He often crushes on the Winslow daughters and messes things up for the family. Steve Urkel (played by Jaleel White) is my favorite stock character because he pulls it off so well. People think he's a total nerd in real life, which shows how good of an actor he is.
I have many favorite stock characters but if I had to choose one it would be Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter. I would pick him for many reasons because he such an all around favorite for many people. Some would say it is because of his power to conjure amazing magic spells. Others might say its because he is the “good guy” in the series. These are all good reasons but as for me, it is because he can be anyone’s friend and he is always there for someone especially Harry. Dumbledore is seen as the “good” and the “wise” man and I think that he is very inspirational. J.K. Rowling did a remarkable job of showing that he is a great and strong wizard but he can also be vulnerable and he is one of us. For example, when he reveals to Harry of his dark fate, he cries because he is ashamed of himself for not telling him sooner. However, he was brave enough to put his life in danger to save Harry and all the students of Hogwarts. Even though Dumbledore is fictional, he is a very good role model for everyone. His character shows that kindness is always the way to go and trust and loyalty are an important part of life. He teaches Harry and all of us that you should always keep your friends close but your enemies closer because good always prevails over evil.
My favorite stock character is Stewie from Family guy. He is like that little brother that you always see in a big family always acting out because he never gets a lot of attention, and often he gets himself or his family members into trouble. He is able to do everything and make it funny, like how he and Brian (his dog) go to a bar and get drunk in one episode and then Stewie (who is very young but can talk) doesn’t let Brian drive because he is drunk (even though they both are) and he ends up driving the car through the wall of the bar that they had just left.
One of my favorite “stock” characters is Donald Duck. He represents the character that if anything bad can happen; it will happen. He has a good heart and almost always has good intentions. His later intentions are the good ones, but by the time they come, Donald's already off in the wrong direction. He refuses to let anyone or anything stand in his way. He's a loser, not a quitter, and he'll go down fighting. When things don't go right, he goes crazy. When the outburst is over his conscience finally catches up with him, even Donald can confess that there must be a better way. Nothing goes right for this duck; even his best intentions often go wrong. As stubborn as he is explosive, he won't give in, even when he's in big trouble. Like a lot of people with a temper problem, he's blind to his own problems, but he can see them in others. This is why Donald Duck is one of my favorite “stock” characters.
A stock character is described as, “one that relies heavily on cultural types or “stereotypes” for their personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics." Disney’s Cinderella is my favorite stock character. This popular fairy tale is about unjust treatment that turns into a glorious reward. Cinderella is a girl that shows unparallel goodness and sweet temper. In the story, Cinderella’s step mother gave her all the housework and treated Cinderella like a servant. When invitations are sent by the Prince to everyone in the land, Cinderella’s stepsisters make fun of her and tell her she is not worthy to attend the party. Cinderella cries out of desperation. In response to her cries, her fairy godmother appears and Cinderella is transformed from “rags to riches.” She attends the ball and while coming home she loses one of her glass slippers. The Prince travels to all the women in the land in search of the owner. When he reaches Cinderella, the glass slipper fits perfectly. Her stepsisters beg for forgiveness and Cinderella accepts their apologies. In the end, Cinderella marries the Prince and “lives happily ever after.” Cinderella is my favorite stock character because I think everyone can closely relate to the character that is overworked and not treated fairly, but then receives a reward because of their hard work and compassion.
One of my favorite characters, Adrian Monk, could fit into the category of "insane genius." Although not truly insane, Monk does suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which proves to be very debilitating for him in many situations. Despite his difficulties, he is able to solve some of San Fransisco's most complex cases. While Monk never fails to intrigue others with his various eccentricities, he also ends up being the hero in numerous instances. It is in these ways that I believe Adrian Monk exemplifies the stock character of an insane genius.
My favortie stock character would probably have to be Jack Dawson from Titanic. He's a very caring person regardless of who it is, and he cares for Rose more than how anyone I know cares for their spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend, and vice versa. It was mainly love at first sight for him, but was told Rose was way out of his league, since she was rich and he was poor. That didn't stop him when he followed her out to the stern of the Titanic just to talk to her but ended up saving her life. She. then, falls for him and the rest of the story fall into place. Almost everyone feels this way about one person or another, but I have never seen love like the love between Jack and Rose. Jack is really down-to-earth and seems like the kind of guy who would do pretty much anything for the greater good. And good artistic skills never hurt.
my favorite stock character is Chris Turk from my favorite tv show, scrubs, on at 9:30 pm. on thursdays on NBC. Chirs Turk is a surgeon at sacred heart hospital. He is a brash, cocky, all around fun person. He, and his fellow surgeons are the epitome of jock. Almost everyday Turk and his fellow surgeons are taking on any competitor from any area of the hospital, a frequent match up is Turk versus his best friend J.D. 's boss DR. Cox. In one episode, Turk goes all out to prove he is the best athlete in the hospital, but ends up losing to Dr. Cox in basketball, but Dr. Cox threw out his back dunking the ball for the final point, proving Turk's point. Also anytime Turk is proved right in any matter, he instantly springs into a victroy dance. He gives them names too, which is especially hilarious. Chris Turk is a great stock character.
Prince Charming is my favorite “stock” character. Prince Charming has many basic characteristics. He is always a handsome gentleman. He always saves the princess from her problems. He is always the princess’s true love, and they always live happily ever after. This “stock” character is in many classic children movies. A few of these movies are Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty.
In the movie Cinderella, Cinderella is a beautiful young lady. After the death of her biological mother her father remarries and she is stuck with a wicked step-mother and two wicked step-sisters. They all treat Cinderella horribly. Cinderella is given a beautiful gown because of a spell from her fairy god mother so that she is able to go to the ball. At the town’s ball, Cinderella meets Prince Charming. They dance the night away until Cinderella has to leave at midnight before the spell wears off. As she is running home she loses one of her glass slippers. Prince Charming finds Cinderella because she is the only one young lady in the town that fits the glass slipper. They fall in love get married and live happily ever after.
In Snow White, Snow White runs away from the wicked queen because the queen is trying to kill her because Snow White is fairest of them all. Snow white ends up living in the forests with seven dwarfs. Prince Charming meets her. They fall in love, get married, and live happily ever. In Sleep Beauty, she touches the spindle and falls asleep. The only way fro her to wake is if she gets kissed by her true love. Once again, Prince Charming comes along to save the princess. He kisses her and she awakes. They get married and live happily ever after. Do you see and pattern? I love this stock character because it gives little girls hope and faith that one day they will find their true love.
My favorite stock character is Hermoine Granger from the Harry Potter series. Hermoine plays the role of the all around smart girl. Hermoine always knows the answers to the questions the professors asks and is always at the top of her class. She has read many different books and has learned many other things that many of the students have not. I like her because she is always prepared and ready for anything. Most of the time, it is Hermoine's wits that get Ron, Harry, and her out of dangerous situations. Without her wide variety of knowledge, the trio would have gotten into a lot of trouble they would not have been able to get out of. Hermoine helps Harry on all of his different adventures throughout their years at Hogwarts. For instance, she helped him find the Sorceress’s Stone in their first year, defeat Tom Riddle the second year, help Sirius to freedom the third year, gave him training for the Tri-Wizard Cup the Fourth Year, and helped him prepare to defeat Lord Voldemort in the coming years. Without her, Harry would never have gotten as far as he did. Harry may have even died at some points, but Hermoine was always there to help him out. Out of all the stock characters, Hermoine Granger is definitely my favorite!
My favorite stock character is Cruella Devil from 101 dalmatians. This is because she is the typical crazy old lady. Shes that old lady that drives an old luxury car and smokes cigarettes constantly. Shes that old lady that had the short hair and wears fur coats. She could be closely compared with many elderly ladies form various shows and movies. When i was a little kid and i saw her in this movie and that was how i view all old women. This is why she is my favorite stock character.
I have alot of favorite stock characters, but my favorite has to be Mia Thermopolis from the Pincess Diaries. Mia is a highschool student that has problems fitting in with the other students. She is considered a geek and loser by alot of the students at her highschool, but when she finds out she is Princess of Genovia, she gets treated alot differently. All of the students and even the hottest guy in the grade starts talking to Mia. Mia starts becoming popular and noticeable. Mia gets a whole new make over inside and out. She goes from being a poor,ugly and invisible girl to a wealthy,pretty and visible woman. She is my favorite stock character because everyone sometime or another has been in that postitin. No, everyone isnt given the gift of royalty, but everyone has been treated like Mia either one time or another.
One of my favorite stock characters would have to be Brian from the television show Family Guy. The reason why I love Brian's character in show so much is because he is a talking dog. Another reason is because he is the smartest one in the family. This makes the show a lot more funnier since Brian's intelligence makes the rest of the family seem extremely stupid. Brian and Peter (the father of the family) always have conversations and when Peter says something stupid, Brian always comes up with something to say that gets Peter dumbfounded and confused. This is why Brian from Family Guy is one of my favorite stock characters.
One of the most famous and over uses stock characters is the preppy-popular girl. This stock character is used in such movies as Pretty in Pink. Where the rich and popular girl can get away with anything, like being rude to everyone they aren’t friends with, and being able to break the rules without being threatened with the normal consequences. This role is also portrayed by males, which is known as the jock, or the rich boy.
These are some of my favorite characters in movies because it seems as though they lead such a charmed life. They have the best clothes, house and cars, and this has always been fascinating to me. But not only that they have a great life but the people they are always mean to in the movie or book seem to get them back for all the mean things they did to them. Showing the timeless cliche' that good always does prevail over evil. These are a few reasons why they rich, popular, and preppy kids are always my favorite stock characters.
One of my favorite stock characters is Snow White. She was a beautiful, innocent princess who was envied by an evil witch, who was the queen. The evil queen tried to get someone to kill Snow White, but he could not because Snow White was so beautiful, innocent, and kind. As Snow White walks through the forest and finds a house at which dwarfs live. She cleans their house and soon, accidentally falls asleep on one of their beds. After the dwarfs come home from their mining job, they meet Snow White, and soon they are all very good friends. Snow White cleans the dwarf’s home while they are at work, and cooks for them. This is an example of Snow White’s kind, and loving personality. When the evil queen is told that Snow White is living with the dwarfs, she hatches an evil plan to kill Snow White. Soon, she has tricked Snow White into eating a poisonous apple (innocence), and Snow White goes into a deep sleep. The only way to wake Snow White is if her true love kisses her. Soon, Prince Charming comes and kisses Snow White, waking her from her deep sleep, and they all live happily ever after. I love how Snow White is selfless and hard-working when cleaning and cooking for the dwarfs. Snow White brings joy and happiness to everyone(except the evil queen, of course).
jd blue
my favorite character is kramer from seinfeld. kramer is played by an actor by the name of michael richards, and starred as kramer for all years of the shows seasons. he was famous on the show for his witty funny obnoxious personality, which brought slight stupidity to the cast, but also a great defiance. kramer always had something funny or unexpected to say. and even if the show's characters or episodes were unhappy or serious, michael richards always seemed to have kramer lighten the situation. the reason i liek this part so much is, i enjoy laughing and enjoy being around people that are funny, and even think i myself am pretty funny, and i beleiev that i times i react to things in ways that kramer would on the show. he is not only my most memorable character, but he is also my favorite stock character.
My favorite stock character is Screech from the t.v. show Saved By the Bell. Screech represents the school nerd.His real name is Samuel Powers, but everyone calls him Screech. He is best friends with Zack, the popular boy in school, and is always loyal to him. He does anything Zack asks him too. Screech is also in love with a popular girl in school, Lisa Turtle. She of course, has the opposite feelings for him. Screech is constantly made fun of because of the weird things he does, such as hiding in his locker, wearing extremely mismatched clothes, and obsessing over science and chess. He also made a talking and working robot, which he kept in his room. Screech is one of the smartest kids in his school. During his senior year, he gets chosen as the valedictorian, even though he gives it to his friend Jessie. He also gets accepted into a lot of colleges.
My favorite stock character is the Grinch. The Grinch's character type is grumpy and unhappy. The Grinch is a book and a movie. The Grinch has a strong hatred for Christmas and plans away to steal it from the Who's in Whooseville. The Grinch builds a sleigh and uses his dog as a reigndeer. He then goes into each house and steals all their ornaments, lights, food, presents, and the Christmas tree. He then tries to bring to the top of a mountain and plans to dump and destroy verything on the sleigh. Right before the sleigh is about to fall the Grinch hears all the Who's singing and still having a good time even though he stole everything. This triggers a sudden change of heart and the Grinch brings back all the stuff he took and celebrates Christmas with all the Who's. This is why the Grinch is a perfect example of a stock character.
My favorite stock character is Regina George, played by Rachel McAdams, from the movie Mean Girls. Regina is your typical popular girl. She is the leader of her clique, the plastics. Like every other popular girl in other movies, she lives in a mansion, drives a expensive car, and is beautiful. In the movie, Regina always got whatever she wanted. All the guys love her, and all the girls want to be her. Rachel McAdams really pulls off the role as a rich and popular girl. These are some of the reasons why Regina George is one of my favorite stock characters.
KJE BLUE said...
My favorite stock character is Topanga from Boy Meets World. In earlier episodes of the popular television series, Topanga is viewed as an extremely smart . Cory Matthews and Sean Hunter, the main characters of the series, thought that she was as strange as she was intelligent. As the series progressed and the characters matured, Cory falls in love with Topanga and they are a couple during most of the series. Eventually, Cory and Topanga were married. Topanga is transformed from a nerdy girl to a beautiful, intelligent woman. Topanga's charming wit and intelligence prevails throughout the entire television series. This, for me, made the show entertaining. Whenever Cory and Sean try to decieve her, she is waiting with an even better scheme. Topanga is my favorite stock character because I believe she is a good role model.
My favorite stock character is Ed from Good Burger. Ed plays the part of a young high school student working at Good Burger with his friend over the summer. He is the kind of guy who is always telling bad jokes, doing dumb things, and causing chaos by some sort of crazy accident. When Ed's friend Dexter has to pay for his teachers' car after he was involved in a car crash they try competing with its neighboring burger joint "Mondo Burger". Ed is the kind of guy who is a good friend and will do anything for you but is like the blonde of the group.
My favorite stock character is the Grinch. He is in the movie called The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The Grinch is a fictional character that represents the negativity of the point of christmas. He says that Christmas is all about the gifts, he trys to destroy Christmas by stealing all the gifts from the town he lived above. He realized the true meaning of christmas when all the people started singing and rejoicing that christmas is here and that there still is joy. The Grinch is the enemy that deep downs cares and becomes a goodguy. I picked the Grinch becuase he truely brings out the moral of the story, in this case the true meaning of christmas. I think that the Grinch brings out the qualities of a good person at the end of the film that children can relate to. Every movie has a villan that can change and show the moral of the story.
My favorite stock character is The Little Engine that could from the book, The Little Engine That Could. This is for one main reason. This reason is that he never gives up. He sometimes doubts himself and wants to give up but then says to him self "I know I can." This character in this story teaches all especially little children that if you try hard, do not give up, and tell yourself that you can do something, you will be able to accomplish it.
My favorite stock character is Snoopy from the Peanuts series. Snoopy is Charlie Browns dog who lives in his doghouse outside. He regards Charlie as “that round-headed kid” who brings him food. The one thing that makes me like him so much is the fact that he can not speak but he manages to convey everything necessary in every situation. It is hard for me to explain how Snoopy acts in this series, but he always expresses everything with facial expressions. Some personalities that he has created are Joe Cool, Literary Ace, and Vulture. Snoopy is such a great character to watch and is very amusing.
my favorite stock character is probably the villian. I like the villan becuase it always happens that the villian catches someone and than the hero comes to save the day. In most cases this is the plot of the story. However, there is an ocassional movie in which the hero does not succeed in his quest to save the victim. This type of movie is my favorite movie One stock chracteer I like is stewie from family guy. he is the evil villian always out to kill louis. For some reason she always ecsapes somehow. She usually evades the attack by ducking or Stewie fall and misses the shot to kill her. However louis cant hear stewie talk only Brian can so louis is clueless that he is about to kill her. I also like Stewie becuase he has the ability to make things funny when any other person wouldn't be able to.
My favorite stock character is Bell from Beauty and the Beast. She is the definition of a book worm. She loves to read and is very close with her family. Also, she does not follow the crowd. Every girl likes Gaston, except Bell. She knows that there is more to people then just looks. She is my favorite stock character because I can relate to her. I love to read. If I had the choice between sitting home and reading a book or going out to the movies I would choose to read a book. Also, I do not like to do what people expect me to do. Bell is also nice to everyone she meets. I consider myself a very friendly person as well.
My favorite stock character amongst many would have to be Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. I like him for many reasons. One of those reasons is that he is the type of character that you can't figure out until the end of the movie. Is he a deceiving bad guy or a hero? Turns out he is, indeed, a hero. He is the captain of a pirate ship that was taken from him by his mutinous enemy Barbossa. While trying to figure out a way to get his ship back, he meets Will Turner, who asks him to help Will get back his love, Elizabeth, who was captured by Barbossa. The two of them create a crew and set out after Jack's ship and Will's Elizabeth. Jack is hard to trust, as he starts making a deal with the enemy that involves Will's life. In the end, Jack can be trusted as he saves everyone at the last minute. Not only is he a great captain, but he is also hilarious. It's hard to take him seriously, because he sounds drunk when he speaks, but that's part of the reason why I like him. I like characters in dramatic stories that don't take anything too seriously.
Although R2 is commonly seen with another robot, my favorite stock character is R2-D2. R2-D2 as you probably already know is from the two part trilogy, Star Wars, by George Lucas. R2-D2 is the comic relief in each movie and almost always paired with 3-CPO. 3-CPO is the English butler stock character also, which is paired well in contrast to R2-D2. Most of the comedy comes from the arguments that occur between R2-D2 and 3-CPO and the predicaments that they find themselves in. This type of comedy works because R2-D2 is only able to speak through beeps which are then interpreted by 3-CPO and giving his reaction more meaning and depth. R2-D2 can also be shown as the unlikely hero in some instances because many times R2 saves the human characters of Star Wars. R2-D2 and 3-CPO are portrayed as complete opposites. R2 being more adventures and daring while 3-CPO is more cautious. R2-D2 is my favorite stock character because of the way that, although being a robot, R2 is able to have a very human personality and provide the comedy in Star Wars which is primarily a more dramatic and action story.
Rocky Balboa is my favorite stock character. In the original Rocky movie, he represents the underdog who overcomes adversity. Even though he doesn’t win the fight against Apollo Creed, Rocky overcomes the obstacles that stand in his way and refuses to get knocked out in the fight. When Rocky is first introduced in the movie, he gives the impression of being a very nice guy but someone who is not very intelligent. It seems impossible that he would survive in the ring against Apollo Creed. Rocky has to prepare himself for the fight by working out in a meat locker and running through his Philadelphia neighborhood while Apollo Creed is trained in the best atmosphere possible. Rocky also has to go through personal issues while he’s preparing for the fight. He doesn’t have a manager so he has to go back to his old manager Mickey and convince Mickey to help get him ready. Rocky represents the underdog who has the heart of a champion and works hard to achieve his goal.
My favorite stock character is probably Milhouse from the t.v. show The Simpsons, he is a very stereotypical nerd, he wears very glasses and gets picked on a lot. He sucks up to his friend Bart. Milhouse even gets picked on by the adults like when Homer calls him a nerd and Milhouse just takes it. The creators of the show said that a lot of the unfortunate things that happen to him are based on their personal experiences in their akward teenage years
One of my favorite stock characters would have to be Dwayne from Little Miss Sunshine. I like his character because in the story you get to see how much he changes from the beginning. When you first see him in the movie he is silent straight faced and very critical. In the story the family sets out on a mission. They seem to know what they want but in the end the journey changes them and they realized that what they wanted wasn't that important. And although all the characters change I think Dwayne undergoes the most significant change in perspective. I like characters like Dwayne because I feel like I can relate to them. Sometimes it seems like we know everything we need to know but when we find out we are wrong it changes the way we think. I think Dwayne is a classic example of the character that thinks they are right and realizes they are wrong but in the end fixes everything and turns out for the better.
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