If you don't trust Holden as a reliable narrator, how about if you tell your version of the story? YOU, of course, are NOT you. You will now retell some part of the Holden chronicles from the point of view of any one of the characters in the book, like Mr. Spencer, Phoebe, Stradlater, Ackley, Jane Gallagher, Sally Hayes, Mr. Antolini, etc.
If you don't want to retell any one incident, then just tell me what you think of this Holden character.
In completing this assignment, try to imagine how your character would "talk" to the reader. In other words, don't make your character sound like Holden.
Any worthwhile and creative assignment of this type is going to be at least a FULL page long.
(I decided to write my journal entry on Holden’s encounter with Mr. Spencer. I will now retell the meeting between the two from Mr. Spencer’s point of view.)
I knew who it was as soon as I heard the doorbell. I continued to read my Atlantic Monthly magazine, regardless of the bell. That boy had the loudest footsteps coming up the stairwell. It gave me a slight headache to go along with my nasal congestion. As I sat in my leather chair, wrapped in my favorite blanket, I heard a loud, awkward knock on my door. I knew who exactly it was, but I asked who was there. He looked somewhat sick when he walked in. I could tell that he didn’t want to be in my house. He kept looking around the room, eyeing my nose drops and medication pills. You could see that he was confused, maybe even appalled. I’m somewhat surprised that he actually came. I told him to sit on my bed. He asked me how my grippe was. Why did he care how my grippe was? He didn’t give a damn about anything, you could tell from his history essay. I didn’t want to be rude, so I told him that my grippe was better. I wondered why he wasn’t watching the big game, so I asked him. He then told me some story about the fencing team. I didn’t care much for it. I was intent on talking to him about his essay. But before I could confront him on his essay, he began to pity himself. He complained about how he’s been to three schools already. I told him that life was a game, and he just wasn’t playing it right. That stupid boy was failing four subjects. I could tell that he didn’t open his history book even once during the term. I told him to go grab his atrocious essay off my chiffonier. He seemed hesitant to do it, but he picked it up anyway. I asked him if he wanted to read it, but he said no. “The Egyptians were an ancient race of Caucasians residing in one of the northern sections of Africa.” Boy, was this essay full of crap. “The later as we all know is the largest continent in the Eastern Hemisphere.” I will not make you suffer through any more of this idiocy. He wrote a note on the bottom of his essay. He explained about how he didn’t care if he failed and that he knew his essay was bad. I had every reason to flunk the boy. He then told me he had to go to the gym to grab some equipment. That sure was some bull. I let him go anyway, even though I had more to say to him. I had never met someone more ignorant than Holden Caulfield.
Although hearing this story from another character's perspective may be interesting, I think I would still prefer Holden's viewpoint. His character is enjoyable for many reasons. First of all, he has a great sense of humor. Holden even occasionally manages to deceive others with his sarcasm; take, for instance, the time in which he told Ackley that he was fighting Stradlater to defend his honor. He is a goofy kind of person, in that he formulates outrageous lies about going to the opera or being shot in the stomach. I found the part in which Holden dances around saying that he is the governor's son hilarious. Holden says that his father wants him to attend Oxford, but tap-dancing is in his blood. That part really killed me. I also like Holden's ability to be completely random at times. While some readers may interpret this characteristic of his as mindless rambling, I find it quite funny. He notices things that most people would not take the time to observe. As common and trivial as they may seem, the ducks in Central Park continue to occupy Holden's thoughts. In addition, Holden is very easy to relate to, especially for the angsty teenager. He doesn't care too much for school and most of the people around him annoy him. He finds a great number of things phony or stupid, but he also has a sweeter side. He genuinely cares about his younger sister Phoebe, and he feels great concern for his old-time friend Jane when Stradlater takes her out on a date. He frequently brings up his deceased brother Allie, whom he deeply loved and always spoke fondly of. Holden generally finds a sense of happiness in children. He admires the young boy singing in the street, and he tries to be friendly to the two boys on the see-saw. He loves the museum near his old school where everything is always the same. The Catcher in the Rye is a wonderful story which displays the many aspects of Holden's personality. I think he very well may be one of my favorite characters in literature.
For this entry I have decided to write about the fight between Stradlater and Holden. This will be from Stradlater’s point of view.
As I walked into the dorm I saw that Holden was still awake, so I started to talk about how cold it was outside. Then I realized that no one was around, so I asked him where everyone was but he didn’t answer me. I then asked him if he had written my composition and he replied that it was on my goddamn bed. When I read it I saw that it was about a baseball glove and not a room or house and I started to get pissed off then. I yelled at him for a minute or two for writing about the glove and told him he couldn’t do anything right and that was why he was flunking. He told me to give it back to him and then he came over and pulled it out of my hand. For some reason he then ripped it up. Then he lay down on his bed and started to smoke while I got undressed… it drives me crazy when people break the rules and it was against the rules to smoke in the dorm. I swear to god he did it just to piss me off. He asked me if I had made her late since she only signed out for nine thirty and I replied “who signs out for 9:30 on a Saturday night”. He then asked me if I gave her his regards I had forgotten to but I told him that yes I did. I asked him where he went since they weren’t able to go to New York because of when she signed out. I said nowhere and that we just sat there in the car. While I was answering him I started to joke around and punch him lightly in the shoulder. He then asked me whose car since I didn’t own one and I told him it was Ed Banky’s car. He then asked me “what’d you do? Give her the old time in Ed Banky’s car?” right when he said that last part his voice cracked horribly. That pissed me off when he asked that so I said “want me to wash your mouth out with soap?” but he was persistent so I just told him “That’s a professional secret, buddy.” Then he got up and it looked like was going to the can. The next thing I knew he tried to punch me in the head but he ended up just grazing the side of my head which didn’t really end up hurting much. So I punched him as hard as I could in the face. Then I pined him down and held his wrists so that he couldn’t punch me again. He started to call me a stupid moron which got me really pissed and he kept saying it even though I kept warning him that if he kept calling me that id hurt him more. I finally decided I’d let him up if he promised to stop calling me that. He agreed he would so I got off him. My knees must of hurt him because he called my a moron again as I was getting off him and then he got up and told me that morons like me don’t like to discuss anything intelligent… right when he got there I punched him as hard I could in the face and I thought I had killed him. But a minute or so later he woke up and I told him it was his fault. Then I saw all the blood and told him to go and wash off his face. He went into the can and then to Ackley’s room. Right about then I fell asleep.
Ooh, I remember this one! I had so much fun with it. If anyone needs inspiration, go read my crazy long entry. I think it was a page an a half on Word, single spaced... o.O'
P.S. The name I used was Moonyasha
(Holden and Ackley after the fight with Stradlater [Ackley's p.o.v.])
I had decided to go to bed when of course Holden opens the curtain shining that darn light in my face. He asked if I was up and I said yes because knowing him he’d come and wake me up anyways. He tripped over my show on the floor, as he came in he was such a klutz. He asked me what I was doing and I sort of yelled at him because I was tired. Holden went and turned on the light and I saw he was all bloody. I asked him what the hell happened and he said him and Stradlater got in a tiff but acts like its no big deal. Then the crazy guys asks me if I wanna play Canasta I mean I love the game but the kid is bleeding all over the place. I told him he should put something on that I don’t want blood all over my damn floor but he ignores me like always and asks again to play Canasta. I was starting getting a little irked by Holden I asked him what time it was and he says its only about eleven thirty like its not late at all. I told him I have to go to Mass in the morning and asked what the fight was about. He told me it was along story and didn’t want to bore me, which was no surprise he never tells me much. Then he asks if he can sleep in Ely’s bed so I tell him I don’t know when he’ll be back. He got sore after I said that and I told him I cant tell someone he can sleep in someone else bed its not my place. Then he goes on about me being a prince what a load of lies he was trying to butter me up to let him stay there and that wouldn’t help him. Holden keeps rambling on and on so I finally ask again what the fight was about. He said it was about me and Holden was defending me I got angry and excited but then the crazy guy tells me he was just kidding he was only pulling my leg. I was tired of his ranting so I laid down and tried to sleep. He went and laid on Ely’s bed but I didn’t care as long as he shut up. I yelled at him to turn of the light and he finally did but the I was worried that Ely might come back and see him in his bed. Holden said he wasn’t staying to I fell asleep and hoped my snoring drove him out of my room.
I have decided to write about how I feel about Holden Caufield. I have mixed feelings about this boy from New York. Sometimes I can relate to him, and sometimes I just think he is the dumbest kid in the world. For example, I understand his views on phony people. You can spot them a mile away, whether it be the clothes their wearing, by talking to them and seeing their views on life, or by seeing them walk down the street or should I say strut. I also agree about his views on sex. The girl has to be really special to you, like being married to her. Thats what I think he's trying to say, he just wants to sound cool, which I can understand. The things where I think he makes no sense are the instances when he goes on his rants about stupid things like ducks or suitcases. I hate the fact that he focuses on the stupid ducks that don't matter at all. Who cares where they go when it gets cold. When he keeps asking people about them, it gets me more aggravated. Second, those stupid suitcases really have no relevancy at all. I don't understand why Holden cares about the quality of suitcases. Holden, in my opinion, is a very strange character.
I am going to write about what I think of Holden Caufield. Some things I agree with him but some things i just think he is a complete idiot. An couple of instances where I think he is a complete idiot are when he is talking about the suitcases and if you have an expensive one, then it is awkward to talk to a person without an exspensive one. Another instance is when he is tlaking about the ducks at Central Park and he askes the cab drivers about where they go and if they all survive. I think those two things are the dumbest things to talk about for many pages and is really not needed in the story. But, there are some times when I do agre with him. One is when he talks about phony people and how you can spot them a mile away because of their clothes, ways they do things, etc. Inspite of all of these attributes, he has a very good sense of humor because he always uses sarcasm to lighten up a dark or unpopular subject. Holden Caufield is a very interesting but confusing character.
When Holden visits Phoebe
I was sleeping soundly in D.B.’s room with my clothes neatly folded on the chair next to the bed. My shoes and socks were on the floor underneath a chair, and the jacket to a tan suit my Mommy bought for me in Canada was hung on the back of the chair. The books and school supplies I owned sat quietly on D.B.’s desk. Holden had just walked into my room and was reading through my notebooks, laughing because I am always changing my middle name in my books and on my papers. My original middle name is Josephine, but I prefer Weatherfield. After looking through my books, Holden woke me up. I wake easily. I was overjoyed when I saw Holden. I embraced him forcefully. He gave me a kiss and I asked him when he came home. He didn’t answer me, but he asked how I was. I said I was fine, but considering I wrote him a 5 page letter and he didn’t respond, I was concerned if he had received it. My letter asked Holden if he would attend my play since I practically have the biggest part. He said he received the letter and would be attending my play on Friday. “Daddy can’t come. He has to fly to California,” I said to Holden. Then I remembered Mommy told me Holden would be home Wednesday. Today was not Wednesday; why was Holden home? I was trying to explain to Holden the movie, “The Doctor,” which I had just seen with my best friend, but Holden kept interrupting me. He wanted to know when Mommy and Daddy were coming home, as if he was worried. “We have a radio now!” I told Holden. He seemed to be relaxing. Our conversation was very scattered, and it was annoying me quite a bit. He told me that he bought a record for me, but broke it on the way home. I was so happy I wanted to keep the pieces. “Little Shirley Beans” was the record, and I love her. I couldn’t believe Holden had bought me her record! “D.B. is coming home for Christmas?” Holden asked me. I told him that we weren’t sure. D.B. might have to stay in Hollywood to write a picture about Annapolis. Of course Holden has a problem with this. He has a problem with most things. Holden discovered my arm injury and asked me about this impairment. I told him my dilemma with this boy, Curtis Weintraub. Curtis had pushed me while I was going down the stairs in the park. This is probably because Selma Atterbury and I had put ink all over his windbreaker. Holden told me, “That isn’t nice. What are you- a child, for God’s sake?” I then explained that Curtis follows me all the time, and I didn’t like him following me everywhere. Holden thinks Curtis likes me, but I sure hope he doesn’t! I asked Holden again about why he was home so early. I then realized that Holden must have been kicked out of school! I was so angry, I put the pillow over my head, and didn’t look back up at Holden.
Phoebe describes her brother Holden and one incident that happened.
My big brother Holden is amazing! I think he is the toughest guy in the world and I look up to him a lot, but he can also be a bit immature. He makes me mad every time he flunks out of school. I just know that my parents will kill him eventually if he keeps flunking out! He really should stay in school and all. I just wish I could convince him enough to grow up. I try to help him all I can, like that one time at the museum. I got a note from him when I was in school one time saying to meet him at the Museum of Art. He said he wanted to give me back my Christmas dough because I gave some to him earlier when he told me he was running out. So when I met my brother Holden at the museum, I knew he wanted to go away, so I decided to go with him. I think it would have been better for me to be there rather than him living alone. I got all excited about it and everything, as a matter of fact. It sounded like an adventure. I packed only some of my stuff into a suitcase and all, and I went during recess to visit him. I begged Holden several times to take me with him, but he wouldn't! That made me very sore, and I really didn't want him to leave at all, especially if I wasn't coming along. So I stopped talking to him and gave him back his hunting cap! Then you know what he told me? He told me to go back to school! Of course I said no, and I still didn't feel like talking to him. Then he promised me that he wouldn't leave and wanted to take me to the zoo. I guess that was ok so I went with him. I was still sore at him though and so I kept my distance by walking on the other side of the street. We eventually made up, but he needs to stop doing that sort of stuff because it worries me. I love my big brother very much.
I think im going to tell you what i think of Holden. I think he is a very confused kid and he doesnt know quite what direction to go in. He has many issues that he cant get over, and he would be able to with some help, or just trying to fix them on his own. In some sense i think some things he says are pretty interesting. I think he is completly right about phonies, i hate fake people and people who change for their surroundings. I can see why he has such a strong stand point on that subject. But i mean, he doesnt like the movies and things of that nature, when in reality movies and shows are what really gets most people to think and even inspires some. So i mean, i just dont completly understand Holdens ways despite what he says and doesnt say, i think he has some major issues he needs to get figured out, and soon. He will end up hurting others and himself. He just doesnt seem to even have feelings either. Always talking about the things he hates and doesnt want to be. But what is there that he even really does like, i mean come on, you cant go through life hating everything and everyone for no reason. Its not like anyone did this to Holden. I feel like he did most of the damage to himself through dumb ideas and dumb choices.
I am going to tell you how I see Holden. My opinion might be a little less harsh as others since I am his sister. No matter what he does I will always love him. He is my older brother so of course I respect him and admire him. He is in fact my hero. I brag to my friends about him and how cool of an older brother he is. I usually leave out all the bad stuff he does though. Sometimes I wish Holden would just grow up for once. I wish he would behave in school, and finally make it at one school. I know how smart he is, but he never even tries in school. Also, why does he always have to be so depressing? He rarely likes anything, besides my dead brother. He complains about everything and everyone, and thinks the whole world is just one phony place. Holden needs to fix his life before something horrible happens to him.
Hearing this story from another character's perspective would be very interesting, but I still prefer to describe Holden's viewpoint. His character is very depressed, negative, and yet he is enjoyable for many reasons. First of all, he has great wittiness. Holden, every once in a while, tends to trick others with his sarcasm. A good example is the time when he told Ackley that he was fighting Stradlater to defend his honor, when he was really just being very annoying to Stradlater. He is a strange kind of person. He constantly lies about things. He lied to Sally about wanting to go to the opera, when he really hates them and doesn’t really want to go. He is very much like a hypocrite, he calls everybody “phonies”, but he himself lies and keeps secrets, just like the “phonies” he describes. He seems to be very random, and he likes it. He is very observant and smart for his age. He can see things that nobody else would even think of. Holden is very easy to relate to, especially for the troubled teenager. He doesn't care about school at all and most of the people around him annoy him, for reasons that don’t seem to be annoying characteristics. He finds many things fraud or stupid like the movies, competitive sports, girls, and boys, but he also has a nice side to him. He truly cares about his younger sister Phoebe. He very often talks about his deceased brother Allie, whom he speaks fondly of. He likes children and he is very nice to them. He enjoys the young boy singing in the street, and he tries to help the two boys on the see-saw. He loves the museum near his old school where everything never changes. He doesn’t want the kids to grow up into the adult world, much like himself. He doesn’t want to have to be with all of the adult phonies and he doesn’t want to do those things because he hates adulthood. He wants to be a guy that keeps the adult world away from little innocent kids, so that they don’t turn into adults, but it is impossible, because everybody grows up, even himself. The Catcher in the Rye is a story that shows the many aspects of Holden's personality and his way of thinking, his psychological ways.
Holden is very different from most people his age. He is confusing, annoying, and weird. Most teenagers love going out and having fun. They love the movies and just hanging out with their friends, but Holden is nothing like that. He hates everything and just complains. He has no friends to hang out with because he thinks everyone is a phony. That is why he always calls random people to hang out with him, and why he talks to random people he does not know. He is also a hypocrite. He says how much he hates the movies but he still goes to the movies all the time. He says he hates Sally Hayes, but he still calls and hangs out with her. The only things he actually likes are his dead brother Allie, and talking to his younger sister Phoebe. He wants kids to stay young and innocent, but he acts like nothing a kid. Holden needs to get help and learn to have fun and actually like life.
As a narrator, I feel Holden is very unpredictable and may not have the same point of view on subjects as another character in the book might have. I feel that if Phoebe was the narrator of “The Catcher in the Rye,” her point of view would be very different from Holden’s viewpoint. Because Phoebe is a young girl, I think she was excited, but startled to see her older brother home earlier than expected. I imagine that Phoebe’s point of view of the conversation between her and Holden may be different than his point of view of the conversation. I think Phoebe would have a more childish outlook on the subject. When Phoebe finds out Holden was kicked out of Pencey Prep, I think she may not have made such a big deal out of the situation, only because she is juvenile and probably doesn’t fully understand the magnitude of the problem. If Phoebe was the narrator, I assume she would tell Holden all about her school, friends, and her latest crushes. In conclusion, I feel Holden’s point of view regarding Phoebe is much different than Phoebe’s point of view regarding herself and the situations she has experienced.
I have decided to tell you what I think of Holden. My first impression of Holden was this teenager who complains about everything and is always criticizing someone. I began to see that he is very lonely and sort of confused about many things. He does not have any close friends anymore, just some people that he used to be close to but has not seen in a while. He has not yet grown up, or matured to a point where most boys his age would be at. I think that this is one of the main reasons for his loneliness. He often calls up some of his old friends, but he never seems to like them too much. I did not understand it at first, but I eventually realized how desperate he was for someone to talk to. I believe this loneliness of his has something to do with his lack of effort and terrible grades he receives in school. He is just a sad and depressed kid who needs some friends to hang out with and talk to. I also think that the death of his brother, Allie, plays a big part in his poor grades and loneliness. He needs to get his priorities straight and start thinking about his future. He simply seems not to care about anything at all. If I were him, I would sit down and rethink which path I would wish to take in life and how I would act to do so. I would be interested to see what eventually happens to Holden, but I know there won’t be a sequel to this book. These are some of my feelings and opinions on Holden.
tv yellow
For this journal I am going to write about what I think about Holden Caulfield. To me Holden is a very imature kid who is confused about so many things. He is always "horseing around" with someone. For example, he horsed around with Stradletter in the can, and he wants to prevent the kids from growing up by catching them from falling off the cliff. Holden is a very lonely kid who most of the time just wants someone to talk to. That's why I believe he enjoyed being with Pheobe because she was someone he could really talk to. For example, when he hired that prostitut, he only wanted her there so he could talk to her. Also, Holden is very much a contradictory person. He is always saying that everyone is a phony. Saying this means he is refering to people who he thinks are lieing or trying to be too nice. But, the fact is he is a phony himself. When he talks to people he ends up making up a lie about almost anything. The thing is, I can relate to how Holden feels about these phony people sometimes. Girls really seem to confuse Holden. They confuse him so much that he has to talk to one of his friends who he says is really good with the ladies to give him advice. Sometimes you wonder if he should be in the funny farm or someone you can really relate to . Therefore, Holden is a kid who is imature and confused but a person I can relate to sometimes.
He likes allie and talking to me? What is this. He's old enough to know that those arent real things, they dont count! allies dead I told holden but he wont listen. He never listens its just like he never thinks about what things are going to become. He looks worse then ever and he needs my help. I asked him if he had any goals or ambitions and of course he dosent, he gives me some weird answer. He should want to be something like a scientist but no instead he would rather just run away from all his problems until they finally catch up to him. But I cant let him live like this our families already lost Allie and we can't lose Holden too. I dont get what he's trying to say catcher and the rye? this dosent make sense. I wonder if he thinks my belching lessons are cool? Or how I can make my head hot if i think about something hot, its really wierd! Here he goes again talking about nothing, its not even worth me trying to convince him anymore its like he hears what im saying but dosent process. I think my brothers completeyly lost it! uh oh there's mom and dad!
I am going to write my journal blog in the eyes of Phoebe, Holden's younger sister. This entry is just going to be about how 'Phoebe' feels about her brother.
It’s embarrassing to admit the achievements of my brother Holden. That is half based on the fact that there are so few to name. When I was extremely young and my brother Allie was still living, Holden seemed like a normal 10 year old kid. Typical karate and toys and guns. He was surprisingly optimistic. All was well and good. AFTER Allie passed away, Holden went through a rough time. It was as if he shut himself off from the world and started seeing everything in the worst possible view. Things started being “phonies” and he started to hate everything with a passion. Me on the other hand grew a little older, wiser, and started seeing the world as opportunity. Holden went off and had his fair share of different schools. Every 3 months my mother would get a call saying that he has been kicked out and was on his way home the next morning. It drove me sick. All kidding aside, I still love my brother, even counting all the crap I give him for being dumb. He can’t change who he is even if he is some big unapplied little kid.
For this journal I have decided to write about my thoughts on Holden Caulfield. I have mixed thoughts about Holden. I agree with some of his views like on phony people. I do not like phony people at all. They have to do everything the "cool" way instead of what they actually want. I think it makes absolutly no sence at all. It's stupid to do things for what other people will think rather then for what is right or important. Another view i agree with is his view on sex. The person you have it with has to be special to you. You can't just go running around having it with anyone and everyone because then it doesn't mean anything. The thing I disagree with Holden about is the way he pays attention to such mintue details. The way he describes everything so spacificly. I think it is pointless and stupid. Most people could care less on what you have to sya to begin with let alone if you are just going off about the ducks from central park. News flash for Holden, no one cares about where the ducks go when the pond freezes. I don't think anyone cares about how he thinks the movies are stupid either. Yes he may, but most people do enjoy the movies and Holden has to accept that. All in all, Holden is a very unique character who has his opinons just like everyone else.
My grandparents’ house always looked well-tended and manicured. They planted many various flowers and plants and always took pride in them. Christmas was rapidly approaching in the year of 1997. My mother had the brilliant idea to make a heart-shaped stepping stone that my brother and I could place our handprints in. This was easier said than done. My mother had a great deal of trouble mixing the cement. When she finally stirred it enough, my brother, David, and I put our handprints, our initials, and polished rocks in the stone. On Christmas Day when we handed them their gift, they were puzzled at how heavy their present was. Surprise washed over their faces as they opened their gift. They enjoyed it so much that my grandfather went outside in the freezing cold that day to find a place for the stepping stone. He positioned it next to the steps that lead to their house, where everyone approaching the house could see it. To this day it is there. Sometimes when David and I walk up to the door, we press our hands against the stone and see how our hands have grown since that Christmas eleven years ago.
The judgmental, moody, and jovial Holden Caulfield narrates and lives the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Holden is an unusual character who is very judgmental about others and himself. He considers many people to be “phonies” even when he himself sometimes acts like one. He calls actors that are not good or too good, phonies. He calls people who do not act just right phonies. Holden knows that he is not perfect and often calls himself crazy, but he expects perfection from everyone else. Girl crazy Holden casts judgement on women as well.. Even if he does not like a girl, he feels like he is in love with her. “Every time they do something pretty, even if they’re not nice to look at, or even if they’re stupid, you fall half in love with them.” This bothers him very much. He judges the blonde-haired girl he meets in the lavender room because when he dances with her, he thought of her as a “moron” but a “terrific dancer.” He describes Sally Hayes as “stupid” and “a pain” but calls her anyway. They see the Lunts’ show followed by ice skating at Radio City.. Later, he proposes to runaway together in Massachusetts or Vermont and maybe one day marry. Holden, a sensitive gentleman, can demonstrate through his treatment of women how gentlemanly he can be. He despises the way some men disrespect women, such as the man who spits in the woman’s face. Very close to his sister, Phoebe, Holden thinks about her often and buys her favorite record, “Little Shirley Beans,” for her. He loves his sister, and she adores him. His criticism also extends to Catholics. He resents that they always want to know whether or not a person is Catholic. This ruins conversations. Holden, moody and often depressed personality dictates his behavior. Holden has to be in just the right mood to call people, such as Jane or Sally. He said, “I can’t always pray when I feel like it”. He sees himself as an atheistic person who likes Jesus, but not many other Biblical people. His moods change very quickly. Sometimes, he goes into telephone booths to call people, but soon decides that he does not feel able to because he does not want to talk with their mothers. After Holden gives a prostitute five dollars, she leaves because he is so depressing. In his depression, he almost wishes himself to be dead. When the prostitute leaves, Holden “smoked a couple of cigarettes” and suddenly became even more depressed. His depression could come from his smoking so many cigarettes so frequently. When he becomes this way, he talks to Allie, his younger brother who died of leukemia on July 18, 1946. when not depressed, Holden is a jovial person who likes to “horse around”. Holden entertains himself by lying to people, “horsing around” with them, or calling them names that he knows they do not like, just to anger them. He once called himself “the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life.” Dishonest about his name and age to many strangers such as the prostitute, Maurice, and Ernest Morrow’s mother, he, “‘can go on for hours if [he] feels like it’.” Holden fools around with people for his own enjoyment, like Stradlater. When Holden becomes angry with him, Holden smokes in their dorm room just to annoy Stradlater. Holden also calls people he knows names that will surely bother them. He calls Ackley “Ackley kid” and Stradlater a “moron”. The conflicted and complex character that is Holden tells a fascinating story of his life.
(I chose to analyze Holden for this journal.)
I gather that Holden is a very troubled kid. I think that he may have been fondled and molested by an adult as a young kid. It did not specifically say this but it would explain why he distrusts adults and thinks they're all phonies and perverts. holden is also a why hypocritical person. He hates grown ups yet he doesn't act like a child. He engages in many adult things such as alcohol, cigarettes, and swear words. He also contradicts himself when he talks about the fine arts. He says over and over how he hates movies. He says this but he often puts himself in movie-like situations in his mind. This shows that even though he hate the movies and calls them phony, they have had an effect on the way his imagination works. Holden is a very negative person but he does have good qualities. He does not advance on a girl after she says stop and he has conservative views on sex and girls. I think Holden just longs to be a child and stay a child. He has trouble taking that step into manhood. He also longs for a place in life he is never comfortable in the prep schools i don't think they're fit for him. I believe in time holden will find a place and get happier.
I decided to write my blog assignment in the viewpoint of Stradlater telling about the fight between him and Holden.
Okay so it all started the night when I got home from my date with this girl Jane something. I came back to our dorm room and he was smoking up a storm on his bed just looking out the window. I told him thanks for the jacket. Then out of nowhere he started drilling me with questions about my date. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it but he kept pressing the subject. He just wouldn't stop no matter how many times I asked him to drop it. And he kept smoking after I asked him to stop a good five times. Then he started to get all serious with me and started to insult me. I didn't do anything to him that made me deserve it, he was just in a lousy mood like always, the bastard. Then he just stands up and gives me a quick shot on the jaw. It didn't hurt when he did it but later on it was killing me. So after he did that I got up and took him to the ground and wouldn't get off, I was mad. Then what does he do? He starts calling me a moron! I couldn't believe it, I was an honest-to-God genius compared to this guy. So anyways, he left the school shortly after that and I haven't seen him once. I kind of am sorry that happened though, he wasn't such a bad guy.
From Another Point of View
Holden Caufield
In my opinion I would say that Holden is a very strange, confused, and weird teenager that needs some metal help. I mean he is so random throughout the book and he talks about a lot and I mean tons of things he hates but after a while it just gets annoying. He also loves “the youth” because of their innocence and I guess you could say their “un-phoniness”. Holden absolutely hates phonies and the way they act and dress in public. At Holden’s prep schools he talk about all kinds of phonies and all the different clubs and cliques he hates. I also think that maybe since Holden is different and really does not have friends or hang out with and certain type of people that maybe he hates groups and cliques because he does not fit into any so therefore it makes he anger to see that. Looking back on the book it seemed like Holden did not really like anyone except for Phoebe (his sister), Mr. Antolini (until he rubbed his head), and Jane. He admires his sister so much that it’s like his hero even though she is younger. Holden may have killed himself or at least he talks about it during the book but what stops him is thinking about the pain and sorrow his sister would feel at his funeral. Holden loves his sister so much that he would not let her runaway with him because he knew it would ruin her life and he knew she had a bright future. The end of the book did not really surprise me but it was not what I really expected. I thought Holden would have change a little but by the end of the book he is in a metal hospital getting an attitude with people who ask him if he will change for the better. I think Holden was a weird character but if y thinks about he is such a controversial character when comparing him with society.
Perhaps the most interesting character in The Catcher In The Rye was Mr. Antolini himself. The incident that would be interesting to hear from Mr. Antolini would be the situation where Holden woke up in the middle of the night to Antolini rubbing his forehead. Holden is very freaked out bye this interaction and started to think Mr. A. was a “flit” which I believe he ended up regretting later on in the book. By not giving Mr. A. any chance to explain I think it makes Holden realize that he is much too quick to judge people. If Mr. Antolini was given the opportunity to explain his actions I think they would have been meant more as a sign of affection for Holden and the acknowledgement that he is a very mixed up man that needs some form of help or guidance and Mr. Antolini is just trying to provide that for him. It seems as though Mr. Antolini is the single adult that somewhat understands Holden in a real sense. By losing Mr. Antolini as a sort of anchor for Holden to lean on when he needed a conversation or a place to visit he may have finally gone nuts and thus the reason for him being in a mental home.
I decided to write my journal entry from Phoebe's point of view, from the point at which she recieves the note from Holden.
I was sitting in math class, when all of a sudden some old lady from the main office came in our room and told the teacher she had a note for me. "From your brother," she said. "He said that since your mother is sick, instead of going home for lunch you must meet him at the drugstore to grab a bite to eat." Mom's sick? Wait a second, how does mom even know that Holden's home? Does she know that he got kicked out of school again? The lady handed me a note that was folded about a hundred times. When i opened it, a found a message scrawled from Holden. It said that he would be leaving to go to the West immediately, and asked if I would come meet him at the steps of the museum at lunch time so that we could say goodbye to each other. Immediately I was filed with feelings of anger and sadness. Holden was supposed to come see me Benedict Arnold in my play on Friday, and it was only Wednesday! He promised he would come! I had my doubts that Holden wouldn't make it out in the West. I mean, He really doesn't apply himself to anything. How could he be loyal to his work he would find? Take school, for example. Holden thinks school is a complete waste of time. He never applies himself, and therefore fails almost all of his classes, getting him kicked out every school that he attends. Holden hates school. Actually, Holden hates a lot of things. There are very few things that Holden actually does like. He always seems sort of negative about things. And surely he'll have to start applying himself to things in order for him to have a successful future. In fact, I'm always really worried about Holden. But the truth is that even though he's a pain sometimes, Holden is my bestfriend. I don't know what I would do without him. I already miss him so much when he's away at school, it would be even worse if he was to go away forever. That's why as the teacher kept explaining her fractions on the board, I made an important decision. I was going to go home, pack a bag, and meet Holden to move with him to the West.
The "Catcher in the Rye", by J.D. Sallinger, may be one of the oddest, yet extremely enjoyable books I have ever read. Even odder is the main character of the story, Holden Caulfield. Despite being my age, I found significant troubles attempting to relate to this 16 year old boy, as his outlooks on life are almost the exact opposite as mine. His feelings of sincere dislike for phonies and absolute love for children really arent typical for a teenager. I applaud his try of preserving the innocence of little children, as shown in his feelings towards the "F Yous" written along the walls in the museum and elsewhere. Something I truly cannot stand at all about Holden is his quickness at judging people, very often incorrectly. In today's society, that is the fault I feel almost everyone has, their urgeance to judge people right away. In the end, Holden's character type kept the book very entertaining, and that is why I loved reading it so much.
See-ya I said as I dropped Jane off at her dorm, "Bye" she said as she walked up to her door, not even a lousy kiss goodbye. Well that just caps off a great night, she was more worried about what kind of flowers where growing in the grass than the date we were on. I wonder if that crazy Holden got my paper done, I'm toast if that moron didnt do it, i like the guy i guess, he can just be a bit on the far side though. As I pulled up to the dorm building I got out of old Ed's car, that thing shuttered to a stop, ill give the junker back to him tommorow I guess. I walked up to the room and went in. Holden was lying on his bed or something, he didnt say much just asked me if I told Jane some dumb thing or something. I asked him about the paper and he said it was on the desk. I read the first few sentences and realised it was about some dumb old baseball glove that had junk written all over it. I told him that it was supposed to be about a room or something but the moron wasnt even listening, he then started to mouth off to me about something, we stood up and faced each other. He just kept on yammering on about Jane, the paper, and God knows what else. I warned him a few times that I would sock him if he didnt settle down, but the bastard just kept on going calling me all kinds of names. Finally I just whopped him one, right in the face, I dont think he thought I would actually do it, I did though. He laid there for a second and then walked off into dumb old Ackley's room or something, probably to poke around for some sympathy, he is one messed up kid, ya know? I felt sorry for him, but I went to the bathroom and came back and went straight to bed, dozed of thinking about Jane and Holden and all kinds of crazy stuff. In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly and heard someone yelling something like a banshee. I didnt care though and went back to sleep quick.
I am just going to write about my thoughts on Holden as a person and a character. Holden seems to be a confused teen. Although normal guys around his age would love playing sports, or interacting with girls, and getting involved with love relationships, holden takes himself out of this. Holden, although he loves company, and talking to people for a while, usually ends up discussing much more serious topics and serious aspects of his life then normal people. Holden hates phonies and refers to almost everyone besides his own self as a phony. He enjoys smoking and drinking which I think is somewhat because it gives him a sense of rebellion and feels like he owns his future. Holden likes the though of staying a child, or at least continue being childish. He finds himself never getting along with anyone for too long, and usually finds something wrong with them to criticize. He dislikes movies mostly because of the so called "phony" actors in them, but really, the true reason for hating them is because they are so good at what they do. I feel as though Holden is a jealous type of person. I feel like he criticizes the things he thinks no one else will take the time to criticize. Even though he seems to act childish, he learns that he needs to grow up, from his younger sister, who is still a little kid. That in fact is one of the most ironic things about the story it self. Overall, although he might seem out there at times, and weird to others , I think Holden is mostly normal, and acts as many kids these day would. No one is perfect, and not everyone can be the same or have the same interests.
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