I'm Sinking To Their Level

This is a photo of the University of Delaware football team after their win in the mud against Hofstra. KC is the guy in the middle holding up his championship ring. They lost that game? Oh, sorry.
I'm not proud of my feelings, but it's hard for me to contain my glee that the University of Delaware's beloved football field has officially reached quagmire status. University officials have pampered and protected their turf for years, and I'm not just talking the grass on Tubby Raymond Field. Try using any of their facilities and see how they don't facilitate anything for you, at least, not without you paying up the nose and doing things their way. Any complaints? No field for you! No track for you! No BOB for you! One of the most egregious acts of arrogance in recent history occured in the winter of 2002, when a November blizzard postponed the state football title game and had DIAA officials scrambling for a field. Tarped before the storm, the university field was the logical choice. "No, the field is closed for the year. It needs rest after the long, hard, football season," remarked one university bureaucrat (note: quote is made up. It's my blog and I can do this). Anyway, they refused. The game between William Penn and St. Mark's (Penn won) was played in Seaford before about 700 die hard fans. Someone had the nerve to give out University of Delaware bleacher cushions before the game. I took one, still have it, never use it. It's a cherished memento. It's the only thing Delaware has ever given away for nothing.
I'm getting in my licks now because I know that this misfortune for Delaware will be only temporary. I'm absolutely sure that the current field condition will lead to the funding and construction of a turf football field real soon. A field, of course, which the Turf Nazis will hoard, protect, and defend from intruders as the Germans did after they gobbled up Europe. As for me, I'm outta here. And I'm NOT exiting up.
Glad you like the entry. Check out the Oct 4 piece on Updike. It's your homework, actually. Hope you're feeling better. Don't tell Aunt Kath that I'm bustin' on the UD.
how unfortunate you never use your bleacher cushions. my mother and, even more so, my grandmother never fail to forget to bring them at the most opportune moments when one's bottom might become tired from sitting on a hard, cold bleacher.
The only thing better than losing their field was losing to Richmond. The arrogant prima donnas-Michigan think they ares-can't have their lunch handed to them often enough. The same holds true for their fans. In fact, what makes their fans worse is their nerve to boo. Classless Delaware.
Right on, new366. What makes a Delaware football fan? Most are spoiled front-runners who aren't allegiant to anyone or anything except the enjoyment of their own winning afternoons at the stadium. They booed Tubby Raymond in his final years, booed new QB Sonny Riccio last year, and have abused opposing teams as they enter the field (in the southeast end zone)for years now. They'll be booing Keeler soon if his team doesn't turn things around. Classless, indeed.
why that's not a picture of the University of Delaware team at all. But, I am sure, had they won the game, KC and his sunshine team would have celebrated in just that same fashion.
I was waiting for someone to come up with the KC and the Sunshine Band pun. You win!!!!!! Good post.
In my opinion, I believe the people over at the University of Delaware are a bunch of ignorant human beings. I dont understand why they cant let the high school state championship be played at their field. I mean Tubby Raymond field isn't like the top place to play in the nation. Come on, let the high school players get an experience of what its like to play in a college stadium with thousands of people. The two teams obviously deserve to play there because they showed they were the two best teams in the state. The people cant even give them and gift and respect their play by letting them play on Tubby Raymond field.
Another point is that they let the basketball and volleyball state tournaments play on campus (at the BOB), so its not fair to say no to the football teams. I totally disagree with the people who so ignorantly turned away the championship game.
Another strong point I would like to address is that fact that all Delaware wants is the money. It all comes down to money, and thats the sad part. I have been around many people at the University of Delaware and I cant count on two hands the number of people who were disrespectful. Yes, they have to maintain the facilities and thats why they charge so much to attend events held on campus, but for the fact that is it the championship game of the state of Delaware, i believe they should have full access to the field. It is not fair!
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