Be True to Your School

I have to admit that I don't get Spirit Week anymore. I'm don't understand how dressing up like Sesame Street characters or Bourbon Street revelers translates into school spirit. I'm likewised confused about some of the other Spirit Week traditions into which students pour lots of time, effort, and money during the week. Before I write another line, I will also be first to admit that I represent the vast minority opinion. Probably 98% of the student body (the other 2% populate the top part of the gym bleachers during school assemblies) would disagree with me. So would most teachers. Ones who have spirit, anyway. I know that I'm one of the few who doesn't get it, even though I think I have lots of Spartan pride.
Hopefully protected by my admission of ignorance, here goes my rhetorical rant that will go no further than this blog. Not that I could change anything anyway. This Week is way bigger than me or anyone else, for that matter. The genie is out of the bottle. Elvis lives.
First--why does Spirit Week need a different theme other than rooting for good ol' St. Mark's? How about this theme? St.Mark's School Spirit. I know how creative and talented our students are. Even with so "limited" a theme, I'm completely confident that our students would outdo themselves coming up with novel ideas year after year, all in celebration of St. Mark's. I'd like to see this Spirit Week spent in the education, honoring, and cheering of St. Mark's history, tradition, and ongoing commitment to excellence.
How about a song? Well, we could have two official songs. Our alma mater and our fight song. Could we try to take a more dignified approach to the singing of our alma mater? I don't know if we have tried hard enough to do this. Go to a college football game. Watch 100,000 rabid Penn State fans grow serious as the first strains of the alma mater are heard. They're Penn State Proud. Before our students graduate, let's remind them about the significance of their attending St. Mark's, which we hope they will realize one day after they graduate: "Winds of time whisper on, now the foundation's laid strong."
What about getting a real St. Mark's Fight Song? Students should WANT one. College and professional athletic fight songs are immensely popular today. Fly, Eagles, fly. Hail to the Victors. Cheer, cheer for Old Notre Dame. With every victory or score, the band, cheerleaders, and fans could launch into a rousing rendition of our very own fight song. If I were a senior who had an ounce of musical talent, I'd be writing my fight song right now and passing out the lyrics and sheet music as soon as I could. Talk about starting a tradition. And while we're at it, how about getting those cheerleaders doing push ups for every football touchdown, too?
Sure, we can keep special dress-up days. But Pajama Day? New York Day? Huh? I want School Color Days, every day, wearing the Green and Gold, throughout the week and to the all of the athletic events throughout the week. Wear your Green and Gold team uniform, club shirt, band hoodie, whatever. As long as it's Green and Gold.
The Beach Boys song, Be True to Your School, remains an anthem to high school spirit. Here's your homework assignment-- go find a copy of the song and play it five times. I guarantee it will get you singing along, maybe transporting you back to a more innocent, fun time when it was just plain cool to be proud of your school. You didn't need to masquerade behind Mardi Gras masks, either. If you're singing along by the fifth time, reconsider what I've had to say.
So be true to your school now / Just like you would to your girl or guy / Be true to your school now / And let your colors fly / Be true to your school
P.S. I give credit where it's due. Even though I'm out of the loop, I have to agree that there was lots of excitement, talent, and spirit to spare at the pep rally. I know, so why all the fuss?
Hey Dude!! Cool blog man. You got me thinkin of a new theme for next year ... "Heroes and Villains" Like one day everybody could be like Superman and the next day Ayatollah Khomeini or sumbody like that. That would be cool.
Oh...sorry no toe tappin or singin along to that moldy oldy. Didnt Limp Bizkit cover it ?? Could I sub their version?
I don't really understand the whole concept of the themed Spirit Week, either. But I'll never pass up a day to wear my pajamas to school =)
I agree, we should get a real fight song. The "fight song" we have now just doesn't seem to work. I don't even think some people knew we had a fight song until Friday...which is sad. What's worse is that barely any of the students know the words to the alma mater, and most of those people are in chorus, so it doesn't count.
Oh well. Despite all this, though, the pep rallies are still lots of fun. And most people get involved in the school activites, even if it's only for a week.
bleacher guy,
Um . . . no, you totally missed the point, dude, heh, heh. But you're right on one point. Fred Durst rules.
Thanks for the response. Thoughtful and honest. Part of my blog's purpose is to understand the loop, even if I have no chance of ever being in it.
I can understand why one may be confused at the direction spirit week has gone. When I told outsiders about the events during week I frequently encountered puzzled expressions. "Traffic Light Day??" they'd ask. After 15 minutes of explanation they still did't understand. Even I have to admit, that one was bad. But what I think spirt week represents now is not school pride, but class pride. And that pride is not a one week deal. Freshman year you try so hard to outperfrom the other grades but are really just trying to get a feel for what it's all about. By time your a Sophomore you now have some confidence but seriously, who is going to beat a live band? The juniors always give the Seniors a run for their money.(We should have won last year) But when its all said and done after 4 years of rallying, the glorified sprint to the stick is one of the most exciting things I've ever experienced. I enjoy the unique and diverse themes each year because it lets the class really say who they are as a group. If we all sang the same song where's the fun it that?
Despite my strong support of the current pep rally format I am disapointed in the Spartans. The turnout for the game itself was horrible. Yeah, yeah, the weather was bad, but still. It was the same way last year. That is where the alma mater and fight song should echo across the Pike Creek Valley. Maybe I'm just making your point. If the pep rally was "rallied" around the school as a whole maybe more people would actually support the team at the game instead of having their hair turned 2000 different ways. Maybe if there was an actual crowd of students, we could have won.
Your explanation of how each grade gains a sense of class pride is great. You're right. By the time you're a senior, you're ready to win the Stick. The week does develop Class Pride, that's for sure. With few exceptions, I saw all "different" groups of seniors having fun with one another, a great thing. As for the lack of students attending the game . . . yes, I was there and thought the same thing. Maybe people thought the game was cancelled? Maybe they were "tired" from the dance? But hey, the game was at 2 and we were off school the next day, too. I hope MORE true Spartan fans come out to the next game.
Mr. Fio,
Although we see your point (it is sort of random)... we love our spirit week. it is a very unique tradition, and it is tons of fun!!
the BEAN says hi......
PS---i dont really support your idea of having the cheerleaders do pushups whenever the football team scores...i dont think my arms could handle that.
Nice blog...we loved it!!!
ashley and the bean,
I hear you and how much you like Spirit Week. I am the first to admit that "I" don't get it. The pushups thing was a joke; some college cheerleaders do this, mostly at military schools. Our cheerleaders are great.
Hey Fio. Ask Mr. Smiley or Mr. Hanagan about our St. Mark's Fight Song, they're the two who wrote the words to it. And if you really want to see the sheet music, I've got a copy in my flip folder, I think Bookout wrote it? We play it after every PAT or field goal is made. It's not too bad musically, but the lyrics are tremendously lacking (Not one line of it rhymes). Since you are so adamant about creating a fanworthy fight song, why don't you, Smiley, and Hanagan get together for a compilation remix of the original. With the touch of a veteran English teacher, it is sure to be superb. Anyway, I do agree that our Spirit Week themes can be silly, but they are fun if you approach them with that intent. I am friends with many of the 2% top row and when a spiritive event comes around it is always dificult to hang around them because of all the scorn for St. Mark's that they utter. So, if we need to entertain the silly theme traditions to keep the studentbody's interest peaked then we should do that. I don't agree that our children are creative enough to find new ideas for the same St. Mark's based theme year after year. At least not enough to perform a whole new and enthralling skit. I like Spirit Week and I think we show our school spirit plenty during it. We buy the t-shirts with our Spartan plastered all over. We wear our St. Mark's colored sweats on Pep Rally day. And, the glorious fencepost of a trophy that we strive to hold high is covered in St. Mark's apparel and , more importantly, pride.
Post Script - I saw you taking pictures of every facet of Pep Rally that you could find. You loved it and you know it.
Oh yeah,
Fred Durst? Come on.
I'm glad I checked out the archives. Great post!I just think that if some musically and lyrically challenged student wrote the song it would kick off the popularity in a big way. I could probably write one, but I KNOW there are students more musically gifted than I. I do enjoy the pep rally. I just wish all of this great spirit was in the name of St. Mark's, not a certain class or random theme. Keep writing.
Mr. Fiorelli
I must say that I totally agree with you about the majority of spirit week. If a kid did not buy a spirit week T-shirt and does not have a collared shirt the color of a traffic light then he or she can't participate? I am in total opposition of this. If a kid has any T-shirt that represents the school in a positive way, whether it be sports or school activities then they should be allowed to wear that shirt all week if they choose to. By making obscure days and placing such strict guidelines on them it takes away from the fun of the week and encourages some kids not to participate. I think that for the most part the theme should stay strictly to the dance and perhaps the pep-rally. I would be in favor of keeping some of the routine days that we have, like jean day and pajama day but to make every day involve the theme is a little redundant. The other days, students should just wear school colors. Let the kids be kids and show their pride for their school. After all, spirit week is about bringing the school together. In my opinon, nothing looks better then green gold and white covering the halls of the school.
Love the green-gold-white. All week long.
When it comes to spirit week, in my opinion, there are many good things, but just as much bad things. Overall I tend to enjoy spirit week very much because not as much work gets done and the teachers are more giving. It is a time to get pumped with your classmates and battle during the pep rally. It finishes with a great homecoming dance that cant last in memories forever.
There one thing I dont like about spirit week. I cannot stand the different days we have to dress down. Whats with NYC day or beach day?..Spirit week is a time to show our spirit within the school community, not to wear a statue of liberty hat. I totally agree with you in the aspect of wearing school colors everyday to show pride for our show and to let everyone know were the best. I wish everyone would wear the school colors everyday (any appropriate article of clothing-no restrictions like no t shirts on collared shirt day or something)
But like I said, spirit week is a great week that gets the school amped. It allows people to come closer to one another and I believe spirit week is needed in every school.
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