Going Mobile

Pete Townshend's ode to traveling aimlessly in his mobile home paradise has taken on a new meaning for me. During the last year, my purchases of a new computer, high speed cable Internet access, and now, a wireless router has me with the pedal to the metal cruising down the Audobahn of the Information Superhighway. I was able to motor to places where I've never been during my unplanned sojourn from the real world. Our school's leader in our T.I.P. (Technology Immersion Program) might have been speaking tongue- in-cheek when he told us his goal was "to be able to do this gig from home," but I'm pretty sure that he wasn't too far from the truth. The truth being that given a destination, a fast car, and some speed limits, students might learn far more by using all of the resources out there, reachable in nano seconds. He's right, too, that it's the adults who need the driver training to get their classes up to speed with the new technology.
As for me, I don't care about pollution / I'm an air-conditioned gypsy / That's my solution / Watch the police and the tax man miss me / I'm mobile, I'm mobile
Back to the grind of Crosstown Traffic (All you do is slow me down /And I got better things on the other side of town) on Monday.
Technology will not foster the desire or effort or interest or motivation (or any other appropriate word) needed for educational success any more than the pen and pencil did/does. Don't posit your conviction to learn on some pathetic 16 year-old who only cares about sleeping 12 hours a day or having the right sneakers to wear.
Hey Breeze,
You think you can do better teaching that "pathetic 16 year-old"? You pretty harsh. Where'd you get that word "posit"? Same place you got "enervate"? Computer thesaurus or dictionary.com?
Right on, Breeze. By the way, what's on the A-line today?
i don't know but whatever it is you'll make a face.
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A lone star above shines brightly, but the full night sky is decorated by many stars, floating together, shining individually, shining in unity.
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