Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Blue class vocab unit 5

Post this weekend before Monday morning!

Post five (5) sentences using your vocabulary words correctly, giving clues to the meanings of the words within your sentence.




Work by yourself on this assignment, please.

Save your sentences in a file in case you have problems posting.


At 3:23 PM, Anonymous MP Blue said...

1. We have to follow the PRECEPTS of a fire drill so we can make it out safely
2. My SCATHING blister kept me from running a fast time.
3. Mr. Fiorelli’s epic lectures are anything but VAPID
4. The beautiful yet TRANSIENT sunset brought joy to myself
5. The UNWIELDY crate was dropped because of the weakness of its carriers.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous IC Blue said...

1) My mom loves to BLAZON my sister’s art work all over the house so that everyone can see.

2) While taking drivers ed I learned that the many signs on the road are there in order to make a COVEAT for drivers.

3) My coach is very EQUITABLE, so everyone gets to play an even amount of time during the games.

4) I was blowing huge bubbles and before I knew it I was EXTRICATING watermelon bubblegum from my hair.

5) The girl had to quietly walk into her sister’s room in order to FILCH the shirt she wanted to borrow.

6) It is very immature to FLOUT at people you don’t like, but a lot of times people do it anyway.

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous MM blue said...

1.The school, even though it is 100 years old, believes in and uses the same PRECEPTS that the founders of the school established.
2.My friend told me of a play whose sole purpose was to be SOPORIFIC and actually wanted to put the audience to sleep.
3.I was told that the school is extremely STRAITLACED—it has high standards and the teachers are very strict.
4.Henry’s sad mood was TRANSIENT and went away once his mom gave him the cookie.
5.Even though most people were bored by Jonathon’s long and VAPID story, I thought it was interesting.

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Jenna Wolff /Blue said...

1) As we stopped and asked for directions, the man was very SALUTARY, and we ended up getting to where we needed to go.

2) The SOPORIFIC girl kept falling asleep because of the boring class.

3) The game was very TRANSIENT, and we got done earlier then we expected.

4) The football game was VAPID and i had to leave early.

5) In the military school, the dean was STRAITLACED and we had to follow the exact rules or we would get kicked out.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous mt blue said...

1. We tried to make friends with her but she was so VAPID that it was hard to make conversation.

2. I thought that by going on this trip I would have a good time, but I soon learned we were limited to many PRECEPTS.

3. Her words were very SCOURGING and hurtful that I couldn't help but feel sorry for Grace.

4. Date rape usually begins with the girl being given a SOPORIFIC drug in her drink.

5. For Halloween Jake had on a very SEPULCHRAL costume it made me scream.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous EY blue said...

1.Half of the class fell asleep in the VAPID history class.
2.The concept of algebra seemed UNWIELDY to the class of first graders.
3.The good movie went by quickly and seemed to be TRANSIENT.
4.My father took on his father’s trait of being straitlaced.
5.The SCATHING hurricane whipped through the small town and destroyed it.

At 9:01 PM, Anonymous CK Blue said...

1. My cat tried to FILCH my clean sock, but I found him with it in his mouth.
2. The celebrity likes to FLOUT the rules of drinking and driving and then makes bad decisions.
3. After agreeing to sell the house for less than it was worth, the seller tried to EXTRICATE himself from the deal.
4. The will left an EQUITABLE amount to all the heirs, except the black sheep grandson who never came to visit.
5. All the CAVEATS and warning signs could not prevent the group of teenagers from trespassing on private property.

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous DrewA said...

1. Luckily the police officer caught the man who FILCHED my car.
2. After almost every touchdown you can see the player FLOUTING.
3. Most contract have many CAVEATS to avoid lawsuits.
4. It did not seem very EQUITABLE that I did most of the work on my project but my partner and I got the same grade.
5. America was really the first country to gain there own AUTONOMY.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous LM blue said...

1. The teacher showed a great role of precept due to the discipline and rules given to the children.
2. Jesus was know to have been scourged 39 times in the Bible leaving him nearly dying from the pain he heroically endured.
3. The exciting story our teacher built our whole class up to turned out to be a boring, vapid anectdote of when his cat ran away.
4. One would say the homilys at church tend to be soporific, considering the fact that they leave only the devout Christians wide awake and all others fast asleep in the pews.
5. In my Sunday school classes there was always that one straitlaced teacher who demanded no talking or interaction with the other kids and believed in any punishment necessary.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous TT Blue said...

1. In an election, politicians make SCATHING remarks against their opponents.
2. If pirates were ever caught by the British, they would be SCOURGED.
3. Some over-the-counter medicines can be SOPORIFIC.
4. Many of the army’s policies are STRAITLACED and there are harsh consequences if you disobey them.
5. When carrying large boxes, you should only carry one or two because they can become UNWIELDY if you carry any more.

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous KN Blue said...

1.The professor's lecture on the human mind was very boring and VAPID, which caused the whole class to start falling asleep.
2. The date rape drug commonly referred to as 'Roofies' have a chemical in them that causes the victim to lose conciousness and to start to drift in to a SOPORIFIC state of mind.
3. The SCATHING lemon made the little boy's lips pucker.
4.The purpose of a social worker is to help the client get back on their feet and be as SALUTARY as possible.
5. A piano is a very unwiedly object to move from one place to another.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous TylerT Blue said...

1) The opinion of the nation was obviously that the show had a VAPID storyline, as it was off the air after a month.
2) Getting a flu vaccination includes a TRANSIENT pinch in the arm, and proctection from the sickness for months.
3) It was extremely difficult to move the UNWEILDY dresser from my fourth floor apartment to my car on the street.
4) The all boys prep school is extremely STRAIGHTLACED compared to other public schools in the area.]
5) Studying and reading the chapter days before the test is quite SALUTARY when the test comes around.

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous HM Blue said...

In Europe in the 1600's, when slaves didn't accomplish their work in a timely manner they would be scourged with no mercy.

In Tim Burton's "The Corpse Bride," the female lead wore heavy, sepulchral makeup to make them appear as if she just came out of her grave to marry this man.

Many believe that cutting out junk food and soda from your diet will be salutary to your health.

Eating that much citric acid may be scathing to your enamel.

The student apologized the teacher for falling asleep in class and blamed it on the soporific classical music that was being played.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous BrookeZ. Blue said...

1. My dressor was UNWIEDLY to move from my bedroom into another room.

2. People that are considered bipolar have TRANSIENT behavior.

3. All schools have a PRECEPT of not texting during class.

4. To be executed during the civil war was a SCOURGE punishment.

5. Sitting at the seminar was a VAPID day, especially on a sunday.

At 1:55 AM, Anonymous MG blue said...

1. The end of March sees the start of a month-long national guns amnesty.

2. Yet ordinary suicide would blazon the very idea he dreaded.

3. She needed to extricate herself from the burning building.

4. The bully went to the principles office for flouting at another student.

5. It is almost axiomatic that diamonds never go down in price.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous RG BLUE said...

1. The US Government is sometimes also refered as an AUTONOMY.
2. The obnoxious coach BLAZONED about his "huge win" even though he only one by one point.
3. A yeild sign could also be refered as a CAVEAT.
4 After the Hish School Entrance Exam, I felt EXTRICATED and free of worries.
5. When people flap their arms, and say "cluck cluck" and mock you there also FLOUTING you.

At 2:50 PM, Anonymous ml blue said...

1. The scathing winter killed most of the plant life around the Smith’s house.
2. Deep tissue massages tend to be very soporific so most people fall asleep.
3. When slaves used attempt to run away, their owners would severely scourge them as a punishment.
4. Kelly’s after school help has been very salutary to her classes.
5. After the speaker was done his vapid speech, he looked up to see most of the audience fast asleep.

At 3:25 PM, Anonymous AG Blue said...

1. The teacher was so kind to his students that he granted them AMNESTY on any work they had forgotten to turn in.
2. The thief made an attempt to FILCH Mike's wallet out of his back pocket.
3.Bill's FRACTIOUS nature led to him getting into trouble constantly at his school.
4. To further BLAZON the dress the fashion designer added sequins to the dress.
5. The rowdy group of men FLOUTED the nerd as he waltzed by for no real reason.

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous CB Blue said...

1. As a result of FILCHING quarters from the cash register for over a year, the man amounted a sum on three hundred dollars.

2. Plastic bags usually have a CAVEAT printed on them which declares the dangers of letting small children play with the bag.

3. Trying to EXTRICATE the gum off of the bottom of my shoe proved to be harder than it looked.

4. The teacher watched the group of boys with suspicion, as they all had FRACTIOUS behaviors.

5. During the Revolutionary period, many soldiers were granted AMNESTY for committing crimes, just because they served in the war.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous PatrickC Blue said...

1. Some people flee from their countries when they are denied amnesty from their own government.
2. The new treaty established provided each nation with their own autonomy.
3. Many people get annoyed when others feel the need to blazon their possessions.
4. The man had trouble extricating his foot that had fallen through the hole in the net.
5. The girl would secretly filch coins from her brother’s collection.

At 6:37 PM, Anonymous MH | Blue said...

The new actor’s face was blazoned all over the magazines and television channels.

I sent them a caveat to warn them against the danger of their plan, but it was too late.

He tried to extricate the man from the tree that fell upon him so that he could be freed from the weight of its trunk.

When he went to his friends’ houses in November, he would always filch some candy from their stashes.

Stop acting so troublesome and fractious or I’ll call you children.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous TylerD Blue said...

1. Amnesty was granted to prisoners who were associated in the economical scam.
2. One good example of autonomy was America because of their separation from England.
3. Filching from drug stores is common because of the low security on the low value items.
4. She flouted his beliefs in his religion saying that there was no possible way his religion made sense.
5. When an equitable deal is reached that means that two parties have reached a fair agreement.

At 7:38 PM, Anonymous KZ Blue said...

11.) I tend to live my live following the common precept or what I like to call the “Golden Rule” to love yourself, others, and God.
12.) The new friends she had made at her new school was salutary in filling her empty void in her heart from when her father passed away.
13.) After the scathing beat down the girl thrust upon her fellow classmate, she soon felt guilty and begged for the girl’s forgiveness.
14.) During World War II Adolf Hitler caused extreme suffering and scourged those who were different from him, especially those who were Jewish, crippled, or had a certain disease.
15.) As we all gathered around the fire my sister told scary stories in a sepulchral voice that had everyone in their seats shivering.
16.) The old movie produced in the 1950s was soporific that by the time it drew to a close the teacher had to scream at the class to wake up and pay attention.
17.) The straitlaced nun even went to such extremities of hitting the students who she taught; for that was how she was raised to get her opinions across.
18.) The family’s move from Delaware to North Carolina proved to be transient considering the father’s job required lots of traveling.
19.) It was not that the furniture was too heavy for the man to carry it into the house, but rather that it was too unwieldy.
20.) The summer reading book that we were required to read was so vapid that I could not even begin to take any kind of interest with the plot.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous SD Blue said...

1.The signs on the fence's of St.Marks are Blazoned for peoples birthdays.
2.The man was able to filch 10,000 dollars from a bank.
3. The players on the team would flout new players, as a form of initiation.
4.The dog was so fractious, that he was forced to be on a leash at all times.
5.The government of the United States is equitable, while also being strict.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous MRC BLUE said...

1. At the end of a President's term he most likely grants to AMNESTY to anyone.

2. It is AXIOMATIC that the world is round and the sun is the center of the universe.

3. Maria EXTRICATED her way out of the scary maze.

4. Manny used to FILCH four cookies a day when she was younger.

5. It is not nice to FLOUT other people who are not as smart.


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