Friday, October 22, 2010

Vocab Unit 4 Blue class

Post this weekend before Monday morning!

Post five (5) sentences using your vocabulary words correctly, giving clues to the meanings of the words within your sentence.




Work by yourself on this assignment, please.

Save your sentences in a file in case you have problems posting.


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous KN Blue said...

1. My mother referred to my short skirt for school as SLEAZY and I was not allowed to leave the house looking like that.
2. A boy in my American History class was very REMONSTRATE during our mock trial.
3. What you said to her was IRREVOCABLE and you need to apologize to her.
4.Play - doh is very RESILIENT and mothers love the easy clean up after arts and crafts.
5. George Washington showed various traits during his time as president such as courage and PROPENSITY.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Brooke Z. Blue said...

1. After I REMONSTRATED against the idea of our project and my friends didn't listen, I needed to go another step to get them to listen to me.

2. After the girl said she did not like the shoes in the mall that her friend already owned, the friend REPUDIATED them too.

3. A sillyband is RESILIENT enough that after you twist it, it goes back to its original shape.

4. The cloths from wetseal are very SLEAZY by the way they are made.

5. The boy was QUERULOUS the whole class period that I just wanted to get away from him.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous CK Blue said...

1. At the flea market, fake designer purses, jeans, and perfume were taken as CONTRABAND when the police arrived.
2. When the movie star entered the room, she carried an AURA of elegance and sophistication.
3. The doctor was quite AFFABLE with his recovering patients.
4. The judge had an INSCRUTABLE expression while overseeing the murder trial.
5. Although it was never specifically said, it was INFERRED that the homework was due Monday.

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous LM blue said...

1. I unsuccessfully remonstrated with my dog hoping that he would stop barking in the house filled with just-put-to-bed children.
2. Whenever I do something against my parent’s liking, the always threaten to repudiate me saying that if it happens again, I will be living on the streets.
3. As I called out my cry for joy when I reached the top of the mountain I noticed that it reverberated many times before the echo ended.
4. Reporters have taken up the description of sleazy due to their uncovering of the “truth” at any price.
5. One should seriously deliberate dying their hair before actually doing it, due to the fact that it can be an irrevocable process and is very difficult to change back if you don’t like it.

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous MP Blue said...

1. Due to the marking period ending, the student’s bad grade was IRREVOCABLE and could not be changed.
2. Babysitters hate when they have to deal with a QUERULOUS child whom is always whining and complaining.
3. WE would rather do the yard work ourselves instead of having a SLEAZY inexperienced company do it for us
4. The gunshot REVERBERATED throughout the forest when the hunters killed a deer.
5. The RESILIENT metal would not melt at high temperatures or crack when struck with a huge force.

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous JW BLUE said...

1) As the coach finalized the team list, it was IRREVOCABLE because he already announced the team.

2) When the parent made a fool of himself, the child REPUDIATED his dad because he was embarrassed.

3) After Sallies lost their football game, they were RESILIENT the next week.

4) There was always one SEDULOUS girl on the team that was always ready to win.

5) After my sister didn't get her way, she was QUERULOUS.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous MM Blue said...

1.The story about the two bears taught the class that mean things you say are IRREVOCABLE and cannot be taken back.
2.From the start, Elizabeth showed a PROPENSITY toward leadership and the adults all knew that she would be a good leader when she grew up.
3.Even though some people see little kids as QUERULOUS, I see them as fun and cute.
4.After being wrongly accused, Larry REPUDIATED what he said about Phil.
5.The children’s laughter REVERBERATED around the room and filled the large hall with excitement.

At 10:07 PM, Anonymous GB blue said...

1.) If you are going to be a socialite, you need to be affable to people.
2.) The Blackberry Company is trying to aggrandize its company by coming out with new phones and a new tablet, similar to the iPad.
3.) A physic sometimes sees a person’s aura and can tell what is going on in their lives.
4.) To be accepted into the University of Notre Dame, you need to be very erudite and bright.
5.) “I will infer my theory after our research about his medical history” said the Doctor about a puzzling emergency room patient.

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous TT Blue said...

1. A decree made by a king, or some other monarch, is IRREVOCABLE.
2. When you are babysitting, there is nothing worse than a QUERULOUS child.
3. The citizens of a country can REMONSTRATE to their country’s leader about laws.
4. No matter how much you pull or bend something made of rubber, it will always keep its shape because rubber is a RESILIENT material.
5. On the field trip to Carlsbad Caverns, the children’s favorite part was yelling and hearing their voices REVERBERATE.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous RG Blue said...

1.) After the 3 year old sneezed, the adorable, AFFABLE young girl replied "bless you."
2.)The government's power decreased as the man's power AGGRANDIZED, once he became the dictator.
3.)Most matter is not AMORPHUS, unlike water, which is shapeless.
4.) After college, the young ERUDITE, intelligent boy jot a very good, well-paying job.
5.) The chair was so GOSSAMER, that it broke when the large woman sat down.

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous EYblue said...

1.The only bad thing about our vacation was the sleazy hotel.
2.The teacher repudiated the report because it was written so sloppily.
3.The young girl remonstrated to her parents because she didn’t want to go to her room.
4.My aunt was querulous on the hiking trip even though we only hiked 2 miles.
5.The law issued by the president was irrevocable.

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous MH | Blue said...

The young man sitting next to me in the waiting room looked quite affable, so I decided to start a conversation with him, and it turned out that he was very easy to talk with.

Speak-easies were used to sell and buy alcoholic beverages when they were considered contraband.

He was an erudite student; I wasn’t surprised that he got out of taking all of his finals.

Mike inferred that his roommate was not in a good mood because he went straight to his room after he came back from his classes.

Mike’s roommate’s behavior seemed inscrutable to me, but I could tell he wasn’t feeling his normal self.

At 5:52 PM, Anonymous AG Blue said...

1. Jeff's AURA of charm and kindness made everyone want to be friends with him, even adults.
2. Constant study and application of what you learn in school can make you a very ERUDITE student.
3. Based on the fact that his hands were covered in chocolate, Aaron could easily INFER that Bill had eaten his chocolate.
4. In order to AGGRANDIZE his skills in football James practiced and trained daily.
5.Vlad was taken away by the police for trying to smuggle CONTRABAND across the border to make more money in Amercia.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous CB Blue said...

1. We didn't mind having our AFFABLE neighbors over for a few hours because they are easy to talk to and great company.

2. The ERUDITE historian could speak extensively on just about any topic.

3. We could INFER by his constant stuttering during the speech that he was extremely nervous.

4. Even though you think math is an INSCRUTABLE subject, I think that with some daily practice, you should be able to grasp the concepts.

5. The man was arrested at the airport for having foreign CONTRABAND stashed away in his suitcase.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous HM Blue said...

1. In most foreign language classes, the teacher says one of the vocabulary words, and the students are to reverberate it back to the teacher, so she can correct our pronunciation if needed.
2. The animal-rights activists remonstrated against the testing of makeup on animals.
3. Everything you post on the internet is irrevocable because those that own that website save all the information you put into it.
4. Jesus foretold that Peter would repudiate Him before the rooster crowed three times.
5. If you try out for the baseball team every year, the coach may give you a position solely based on being sedulous.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous ML blue said...

1. The protesters remonstrated against the fur coast being sold at a store.
2. The fun house mirror didn’t reverberate what you look like instead it distorted your entire body.
3. Once Billy stopped dating Mary, he didn’t want the tattoo of her name on his arm, but he knew that it was irrevocable.
4. Elisa got in trouble with the principle when she screamed a scurrilous word at her friend.
5. The resilient trampoline could have many people on it and still allow us to bounce into the air.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous KZ Blue said...

11.) The girls decision was irrevocable that she would not go to the party, and no one else could persuade her otherwise.
12.) I have a propensity towards music so I decided to enroll in the School of Arts to become a musician.
13.) I became querulous with my realtor when she couldn’t sell my house in over a year!
14.) The approval of the president caused the public to remonstrate greatly.
15.) The father was full of so much anger at the realization of his daughter’s pregnancy at only 16 that he threatened to repudiate her.
16.) The rubber band was resilient after being stretched.
17.) The sound reverberated off of the concrete floor.
18.) Vandals attacked the building with scurrilous graffiti.
19.) Emma was quite sedulous in his postgraduate studies never letting up on his intense dedication.
20.) The district was known to be very run down and sleazy.

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous TylerT. Blue said...

1. His promise to take his brother to the movies on Friday night was IRREVOCABLE according to his parents.
2. The rock climber uses a very strong and RESILIENT nylon cord while on a climb.
3. Play-goers have a severely different attitude than the SCURRILOUS spectators you might find at a sporting event.
4. My simple sleeping bag seems rather SLEAZY compared to my uncle's heavy duty Marine Corps sleeping bag.
5. While on the hike, we could hear the howling of a wolf REVERBERATING through the trees.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous AGA Blue said...

1: Why Brett Farve keeps coming back to the NFL is INSCRUTABLE to me.

2: My parents insist that it is extremely INSULAR to argue with the six year old.

3:The movie The Blob is about an AMORPHOUS blob that consumes people.

4: This jacket is so GOSSAMER that it would seem the slightest friction would tear it.

5: I like to surround myself with AFFABLE people, because I myself am a talkative person.

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous RD Blue said...

1. The man must put off a strong aura because everyone in the room had the same suspicious feeling about him.
2. Thought it was Jason’s friend’s contraband drugs, Jason was arrested as well for being in the car with them.
3. The curtain was made of such a gossamer material that if pulled too hard it will rip.
4. The coroner is able to infer how long a person has been diseased by their body temperature.
5. Kyle has such a inscrutable face the no one can ever tell if he is joking or being serious.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Patrick C Blue said...

1. The experiment the students performed resulted in an AMORPHOUS, gooey substance.
2. His kind and AFFABLEpersonality made him the perfect candidate for class president.
3. Through many years of hard work and saving money, she gradually AGGRANDIZED her wealth.
4. The role of many border protection agents is to stop the flow of illegal CONTRABAND into the United States.
5. The girls’ ghost costume consisted mainly of a white GOSSAMER bed sheet.

At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Tyler D. Blue said...

1. Many successful and famous people ascribe everything they do to a religious meaning.
2. Mazes have the quality of circuitousness because the goal is it to be hard to find the way and get through.
3. A good part of America commiserated with nine- eleven victims and their families during the tragic events.
4. As a kid my mom tried to expiate any scrape or cut by giving me candy and a band- aid.
5.The idea of going to war fermented the boy, and he was eager to enlist in the army.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Tyler D. Blue said...

1. During your high school years you meant many affable people that you end up befriending.
2. Powerful leaders back in history have tired to aggrandize their empire buy conquering other areas.
3. America has many problems with contraband from Mexico.
4. Court tries to infer what happened and then decide the outcome of the punishment.
5. Inscrutable behavior can be easily misunderstood as something else.

At 11:51 PM, Anonymous MG blue said...

1. Some people have a certain aura of mystery to them.
2. People who pirate movies are among the contraband caught by the police last night.
3. Teachers want to see an erudite history when students write research papers.
4. I can infer a lot about people’s personalities by watching their behavior around other people.
5. Some people just have inscrutable personalities therefore no one can understand what they’re thinking.

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous mt blue said...

1. My mother would not let me out of the house in what she thought were SLEAZY clothes.
2. Bella professed her IRREVOCABLE love for Edward in the Twilight books.
3. The student was acting like a QUERULOUS child so the teacher kicked him out of class.
4. I put my child in time out for his SCURRILOUS behavior to our neighbor.
5. As I got ready in the morning, my mirror REVERBERATED all my actions.


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