Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Soph Green class--vocab unit 3

Post tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 12.

Post five (5) sentences using your vocabulary words correctly, giving clues to the meanings of the words within your sentence.




Work by yourself on this assignment, please.

Save your sentences in a file in case you have problems posting.


At 1:16 PM, Anonymous kjiang Green said...

1. John forgot to turn in his essay so the teacher decides just to deduce a few nominal points.
2. Although it was her first time presenting a public speech, she was calm and sangfroid. she presented the speech with flawlessness.
3. The robber broke in to the property and peculated all the items .
4. No one in the class took David seriously because of his sarcastic and vitriolic language.
5. The student charmed and wheedled the teacher in order to get an A on the test.

At 1:19 PM, Anonymous AubB green said...

1. Jack abominates McDonald's ever since he found a cockroach on his sandwich.

2. When Dana's dog passed away, I commiserated with her because I, too lost my dog.

3. The sophomores at St. Mark's are very excited for pep rally, you could call it a state of ferment.

4. The student was struggling with her math homework because she did not have a calculator, but her sister expedited her stress by lending her one.

5. The mom enjoined her daughter to clean her room because it was so messy the floor could not be seen.

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous AJB Green said...

Ask your question in a less circuitous manner.

A new school causes students to begin the process of acculturation into the school.

I commiserate the fool who attempts such a plan.

After I expiate with someone online, we tend to become good friends.

I abominate those who say mean things just because they can.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous KG Green said...

1. She peculated the other group's idea to make a poster about Delaware.
2. I tried to wheedle information from her about my birthday gift.
3. The inadvertant driver speed through the red light.
4. He was still noncommittal about which candidate he was going to vote for.
5. His vitriolic remark caused an uproar throughout the entire school.

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous AllisonB Green said...

1.My entire family abominates seafood so much we cannot stand to be near it.

2.Receiving the award was adventitious because it was only by chance.

3.Her family and friends were all there to commiserate with her when the results from her tests came back.

4.Feeling guilty about missing his daughters recital, the man expiated by spending quality time with her.

5.The firefighter enjoined everyone to exit the building as 1uickly and carefully as possible.

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous DMILLS GREEN said...

1) I was very upset when I found out that my fried tried to peculate my money from my bookbag.
2)I try to keep by sangfroid in every situation possible.
3)The cops tried to use wheedle to convince the bank robber to give up his accomplice.
4)In certain situations I become a seditious person.
5)To some people big foot is just a noiminal character but to others he is their biggest fear.

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous TGB Green said...

1. “Your circuitous drivel is driving me insane!” exclaimed the annoyed teacher.
2. For Some immigrants, especially to those who have strange traditions, the acculturation process can take years.
3. Luckily, Sally had a friend to commiserate with her after her horrible day at work.
4. Teds vociferous feelings towards Fred fermented to the point of violent outbursts and disputes.
5. After Ted’s confrontation with Fred, Ted went to a priest to expiate his sins towards Fred

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous LT GReen said...

1. I expedited my studying by making a study guide the night before.
2. The boy's vitrioctic remark got him sent to the dean's office.
3. I trusted my accountent by with my retirement funds and he peculated them and disaperred.
4. The musican showed sangfriod when she messed up her piece by continueing to play.
5. After the Revolution War, France, Spain, and America made an expiate with eachother.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous MD Green said...

1.The the girl commiserated with her friend when she lost her dog.
2.Listening to music expedites my homework.
3.Caught in the ferment of the activity, the students became very rowdy.
4.The teacher enjoined the students to stop talking.
5.I abominate backstabbing, and have no tolerance for it.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous HR Green said...

1. The player had to keep sangfroid in front of 90,000 people if he wanted to win them the game.
2. She acted sweet and nice to wheedle the secret out of her.
3. Talking in a vitriolic way did not help him get what he wanted.
4. Having to wake up early every morning for school started to become a proclivity for him.
5. After being caught snooping around the boy was very noncommittal when security was asking him questions.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous JS Green said...

1. The imaginary friend was nominal.

2. The nuetral noncommittal fan could not decide who to cheer for.

3. The bully was inadveretent to the pain he caused.

4. The man on stilts looked tenous.

5. The seditions Americans overthrew the British.

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous AS Green said...

1.) The apple that was hidden under the cabinet started to ferment.

2.) She inadvertently left his homework on his desk at home.

3.) There was a nominal fee to get into the school football game.

4.) He was noncommittal when it came to getting married.

5.)The teenager cooked her parents favorite dinner in order to wheedle the use of the car for the night.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous JM green said...

Lisa is so noncommittal about what to wear each day and takes so long to get ready in the mornings because she keeps changing her outfit.

Carrie has a proclivity to bite her nails and cannot seem to break this bad habit.

He is very tenuous and narrow minded and cannot seem to view the situation in a way other than his own.

The salad was extremely vitriolic and we decided that it was the strong dressing that was causing this unpleasant taste.

The candidate wheedled up to the voters and tried to get them to vote for him by giving them all sorts of free souvenirs.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous LC green said...

1. The police man enjoined the man to step away from the bridge and put the spray paint can down.
2. Although you won’t get along with all your classmates, it is not okay to abominate other students.
3. The guilty looking girl kept changing the subject and had a very circuitous answer to her parent’s questions.
4. When the little girl lost her favorite toy her mom commiserated with her and bought her a new one.
5. His friends helping him paint the garage expedited the process.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous DMD Green said...

1. My mom enjoind me to do my chores and if I didnt, I couldnt go out.

2. Since we used our notes on the test, the class expedited through it.

3. Since a kid, I have really abominate the Pihladelphia Eagles.

4. They ascribe courage to me for something I did out of panic.

5. Alot of drivers take a circuitous route when lost.

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous kevinJohnston Green said...

1. I was ferment once i found out that i was going to the wiz khalifa concert.
2. I expedited my car bying adding nitrous.
3. I commiserated for my friend because his dog just passed away.
4. I abominate math class with a passion.
5. i enjoin them to stop cheating or else they will get caught.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous GB BLUE said...

She commiserated with the family when their family dog died.

Saint Mark’s enjoins its students to wear anything but the uniform during the regular school year.

The “frenemies” expiated so that they could work cooperatively and get a good grade on the project.

The woman knocked into the baby stroller
inadvertently while she crossed the street.

When you send a package, you can buy a pricey “First-Class” shipping method, which expedites your package arrival to its owner.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous NL Green said...

1. The man wasn't arrested for his nominal crime, because he took a pen from the bank.

2. He is very noncommittal when it comes to decisions about where to go.

3. In an intense debate, she stayed sangfroid and answered as best as she could.

4. My friend is very vitriolic, and we can't ask her anything without her getting snippy at us.

5. She tried to wheedle her way into the sold out concert by being nice to the security guard.

At 10:48 PM, Anonymous ac green said...

1.She abominates the way we do our work because she likes the way she does it better.
2.People may ascribe the debt in our country to George W. Bush but I blame the government in general.
3.We all commiserated with my friend when his dad died.
4.He was enjoined to live more carefully.
5.All his jail time did nothing to expiate his inner guilt.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous DaltonDGreen said...

1. I intensely abominate those who are followers and can't think for themselves.
2. I don't see it as an adventitious event when she came into Chic Fil A and i met her for the first time but I see it as fate.
3. All of the blame should be ascribed to those darn manufactures for putting a tortilla chip in my bag of potato chips.
4. I commiserate with those pathetic enough to not express themselves because of their fear of social disapproval.
5. Paul expedited the song writing process by having a great inspiration rather then making things up he thought people would approve of.

At 12:51 AM, Anonymous LB GREEN said...

He abominated the idea of not being able to work with a partner on his project.

The acculturation of Native Americans could be viewed as genocidal if it took place in modern times.

He adventitously passed the test through a miracle and plenty of luck.

They commiserated with the old widow who lived in their neighborhood by payin dor her vacation.

I need to expiate some issues I have with my parental unit.

At 6:57 AM, Anonymous ca green said...

1. We all commiserate for those who have lost loved ones.
2. The sophomores are going to show ferment when we win the spirit stick.
3. I tried to expiate the goal I let in by sprinting back as fast as possible.
4. My drivers- ed teacher tried to expiate my skills by taking me driving on weekends.
5. The homeroom representatives were told to enjoin their homerooms to practice their cheers.

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous JM Green said...

1. The noncommittal boy could ont make up his mind on whether to stay or go.
2. The vitriolic remarks of the young girl made her friends distant from her.
3. After the angry boy calmed down he realized that his actions were harmful but inadvertent.
4. The girl found some way to peculate the necklace from her mom.
5. The tenuos girl was able to slide through the window before it shut.

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous KS Green said...

1.) Victoria's mother could not stay mad at her after she found out Victoria inadvertently broke her vase.
2.) The new employee wheedled her co-workers to get a raise quickly.
3.) The plan to meet at my house fell through because the directions to get there were tenuous.
4.) After tripping and falling in front of her whole class, Jenni tried to exemplify sangfroid.
5.) Both arguing friends demanded me to take a side, but i remained noncommittal so that I didn't get involved.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous kh green said...

1.The car accident was an inadvertent event that occurred when the driver took his eye off the road.
2.Many banks charge a nominal fee for a checking account.
3.Monkeys in the Amazon have an incredible proclivity for quickly climbing large trees.
4.The high school football teams lead was very tenuous as the other team was about to score.
5.Her children tried to wheedle her into letting them have a sleep over.

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous MTE GREEN said...

1. Slaves and Union soldiers fought to abominate slavery during the Civil War.
2. You need to acculturate to life if you don’t fit in.
3. The adventitious happening of him winning the lottery was crazy!
4. It is only okay to copy someone as long as you ascribe him or her.
5. She talked circuitous because she was afraid to tell me the truth.

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous JC GREEN said...

1. The girl abominated the idea of her ex boy friend being with someone else.
2. The loud music at the concert ascribed to Lucy's head ache.
3. The river followed a circuitous route.
4. She went over to commiserate with Julie who had just lost her grandfather.
5. I enjoined my brother to go to the party, because I knew he would have fun, even though he was doubting he would.

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous AM Green said...

1.The student tried to WHEEDLE their way into retaking the test that they had recently failed.

2. The book seemed so nominal until i realized that all the information for my test was in the book.

3. The information the student had about the subject was tenuous and not worthing believing.

4. My friends are always noncommittal to plans for the weekends in case something better comes along toward the wend of the week.

5. The mistake could have been made by anyone who had such inadvertent attention span's.

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous TH green said...

1)The girl and her two friends made up a plan to peculate from the store.
2)I was hurt by his vitriolic tone when i asked if he liked my outfit.
3)He asked me over and over again if i witnessed who stole the jewelry but my answers stayed noncommittal.
4)He tried to wheedle information from me about the test.
5)The girl was texting while driving and ran into a tree, the damage to her car was inadvertant.


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