Thursday, September 30, 2010

Degas or Vermeer? (red & purple respond here)

The ballerinas are Degas; the milkmaid is Vermeer. Click on the photos to enlarge.
Which painting do you prefer? Why? Just a few sentences will do.


At 6:53 PM, Anonymous SJ Purple said...

I like painting by Vermeer better. I think I like it more because it seems much more colorful to me. The other reason I like it more is the way it's painted with less happening in the background so your eye focus' on the milkmaid rather than everything that is happening in Degas painting. Vermeer's style is much more appealing than Degas style is by far.

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous AK Red said...

I prefer the painting of ballerinas by Degas. The other photo, although a wonderful painting, does not seem as elegantly constructed as Degas interpretation of the dancers. His style of painting is very unique and soft, yet detailed, while the other is more focused on the lighting and making the average or poor subject look beautiful and out of the ordinary. Dancers are always considered elegant and the painting by Degas emphasizes that with his use of paints, scenery, and organization.

At 10:12 AM, Anonymous SD Red said...

I can see where Jay got the idea that Degas’ paintings looked like colored pictures. The style of Degas is dreamy and surreal. The colors are very light and delicate. They appear to be smudged. However, I prefer the painting of Vermeer. I like it because everything is very distinct. The colors are vibrant and the details are exquisite. It depicts a woman doing her everyday chores. The painting doesn’t focus on the task itself, but on the natural beauty of the woman doing it.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous ND Purple said...

I like Degas ballerinas better. I think it has a lot more energetic than the Vermeer. The colors in the Vermeer are a little dull compared to the Degas. I like idea of making the ordinary into the extraordinary but the Vermeer just does not interest me.

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous BLpurple said...

I like the Vermeer painting more than Degas' ballerina painting. Vermeer's painting looks more like a real photograph. He uses the the light in his paintings perfestly. However, Degas' painting seems to be more smugged and lazy. Vermeer's painting looks sharp, crisp and precise.

At 3:51 PM, Anonymous cb purple said...

I like the painting by Degas better. I like his use of the colors. It is not as vibrant as the Vermeer but it's subtely pretty. I'm also a dancer so I like how he takes the simplicity of just a studio practice and makes it beautiful. I like how he captures the essence of the ballerinas with their appearance of elegance while also showing the side behind the curtain and how hard and painful dancing can be.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous jspurple said...

Vermeer's painting of the woman is my favorite of the two because it depicts a scene of the woman doing her everyday chores. It is calming in a way and simple, yet still intriguing with its color and detail.

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous BFG RED said...

I would have to say that I am a bigger fan of Degas’ painting of the ballerinas, than I am of Vermeer’s painting of the milkmaid. This is my preference because I see the ballerinas as very sleek and elegant, and I enjoy that look. As for the milkmaid, I find that painting rather dull and crude. I am no expert in the history of painting, so I do not know a great painting when I see one. This is what just appeals to my untrained eye, in the act of seeking great painting.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous SC RED said...

Though both of these paintings appeal to me, I prefer the Vermeer over the Degas. I like how the colors in Vermeer's are intense yet he still has the ability to let the milk maid's face softly glow with the light shining onto it. The idea of taking an everyday thing and portraying it as elegant and beautiful is wonderful to me. The milk maid posing for the painting was probably poor and worked hard, but the painting makes her appear to be a beautiful queen or something.

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous SG purple said...

I have to say I am a bigger fan of the Degas Ballerina painting. I am more attracted to the many colors and actions that seem to be going on in the scene. I also like how every line in the painting is not exact/clear, to me it makes it look more antique and I like that. Although Vermeer's is very colorful and pretty as well I find that Degas' screams out to me more.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous RN Red said...

I like the Degas ballerinas the best through it’s used of color. There also seems to be a lot more going on in the picture with young ballerinas filling the dance studio. I also feel that there is a little bit of humor involved with the old man teaching the women and he is the same height.

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous RN Red said...

I like the Degas ballerinas the best through it’s used of color. There also seems to be a lot more going on in the picture with young ballerinas filling the dance studio. I also feel that there is a little bit of humor involved with the old man teaching the women and he is the same height.

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous AZ red said...

I like Degas’ ballerina paintings better. I danced for 12 years so I’m sure my eyes are naturally inclined to go to any sort of ballerina pictures, paintings, or posters. I feel that I can relate more to the ballerina painting. I can relate to being in a studio, with instructor with the cane. The colors are more vibrant, and the girls are more elegant looking. I would rather look at a lively, happy picture than a dull one.

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous em purple said...

I personally prefer Degas ballerinas. When I was younger I danced for nine years of my life. And being in a dance studio four days a week I know what it feels like to be in a room full of girls trying your hardest and being critiqued on the smallest details. Along with having to do it over and over again until its perfect even though your feet are numb and you’re tired. I feel drawn to this picture because to me it embodies that feeling.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous AC RED said...

I prefer the painting from Vermeer because he uses vastly different colors to paint a real life photo. His painting is believable because of it's authentic characteristics that he has portrayed in the accents of the picture. The clothes that he paints onto the milk maid are very descriptive of the milk maid's character. Overall it shows great strength for a painting that could easily tell a short story.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous LV RED said...

I prefer the painting of the ballerinas by Degas because of the coloring. It just seems warmer to me and much more natural. Such as the girl in the left hand corner who's scratching her own back. I also like it because more things are going on in he painting, unlike the Vermeer painting where she's just pouring milk. I also like how he put the little dog in the picture by the feet of the girl in the front of the picture.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous jpred said...

I prefer te painting of the milkmaid by Vermeer. This painting uses yellow and blue throughout the whole painting. The milkmaid picture uses more rich and vibrant colors. Degas painting of the ballerinas uses light colors and has lot going on in the painting.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous NR Purple said...

The Degas painting of the ballerinas is my favorite. I'm not sure whether it has more to do with the fact that I used to dance and it's interesting to see the way he depicts how practices look, or if it's just more the technique he uses. He does an exceptional job of illustrating the girls and putting a lot of detail into their outfits and the positions they're in. There's so much to look at and it's very interesting. Vermeer's style is still very nice but it's a little too plain and boring for me.

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous colem red said...

Both paintings have their own appeal, but I would have to say I much prefer the Milkmaid by Vermeer. The milkmaid is so lifelike and elegant, it's hard not to like it. However what catches my eye the most about the painting is the detail of the objects that aren't the focus of the painting. The box on the floor, the markings on the wall, and the debris on the ground are just some of the detail and precision that have me in awe of the painting. Vermeer must have been a very patient person to have painted such a painting.

At 7:53 PM, Anonymous MD red said...

I like the Vermeer painting better. It is much more peaceful, calm, and gives me a warm homely feeling. Life appears to be simple, but not easy. She seems relaxed and professinal.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous JL purple said...

I personally prefer Vermeer’s paintings over Degas’s. This is because Degas takes settings and situations which are already originally beautiful scenery (a ballet theater or stage with naturally set lighting) and paints originally beautiful elegant dancers, specifically ballerinas. Vermeer on the other hand takes something ordinary, and transforms it into extraordinary. Vermeer takes everyday situations, everyday generic figures, the example given in the blog is a milk made. This is the perfect example where Vermeer takes something so simple such as pouring milk into an art by adding in and exaggerating the beautiful lighting in the picture. Another unique thing that Vermeer tends to include in his paintings is allegory- he tells stories throughout the picture using objects as symbolism, nothing is insignificant. Therefore, Vermeer’s paintings require you to pay a particular amount of attention to details

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous ag purple said...

I prefer the Vermeer painting of the milkmaid over the Degas painting. I like how Vermeer took something that most people wouldn’t look twice at and turned it into a work of art. Degas captured the obvious beauty of the ballerinas, but Vermeer found the beauty of something as simple as a woman pouring milk. I also like how in Vermeer’s painting it seems so real and clear that it is almost like you are looking at this woman from across the room.

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous LFpurple said...

I prefer the Degas painting over the Vermeer. I like the brightness and it's a cheery setting. The Vermeer painting seems sad to me. The ballerinas is more energetic and happy, it has a soft look. Degas's paintings are somewhat dreamy and i like that.

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous ASp Purple said...

I prefer the painting by Degas. The way that the dancers are painted in such a way so that you are looking at an old photograph; a memory from years past. The old man that stands there with the cane could be their teacher. He is teaching them everything they need to know so they can be their absolute best. The colors are simply elegant; you can almost feel the sunlight coming into the room.

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous CDred said...

Both paintings are beautiful. I really enjoy the vibrant color pallet used by Vermeer in the milkmaid portrait but in this case I do prefer the Degas painting. I love how he made each ballerina unique and drew your eye to various points to fully appreciate his work. I also liked the fact that he threw in the older man with a cane to break the ballerinas up a little. Degas definitely showcased his talent in this famous piece.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous mnpurple said...

I prefer Degas' ballerinas because the action in the painting actually tells a story. The colors more appealing and his strokes are careful. In the milkmaid painting by Vermeer the color seem to be slopped on

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous NM red said...

Personally, I perfer Degas' painting of the ballerinas to Vermeer's painting of the milkmade. I think Degas does an amazing job of portraying the grace, charm, and poise of a ballerina onto the canvass. The soft neutral color scheme is broken up with little splashs of color of the ballerina's tutus. I like how Degas throws the old man with the cane into the painting, making it much more realistic as ballerina's always have an instructer nearby to critique their every movement. Overall, I believe that Degas did a fantastic job of interpretating the essence of a ballerina in his painting.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous EPG RED said...

I like Vermeer better because I feel that the picture is clearer and life like. To me the picture brightness and the detail in it is amazing unlike Degas I feel doesn’t show close detail to everything. In the picture it actually looks like she is purring milking in a “3D” bowl and she really concentrating on it. I do like Ballerinas but at the same time I see them as more graceful and organized and structured. In the painting I feel like they aren’t structured because of disorganization of the painting.


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