Friday, September 11, 2015

Green-Yellow Sections Vocab Unit 1

Write an original sentence for each of the ten words that you have NOT yet written sentences for. 
Post on Schoolsville before Monday’s class.

1. approbation
2. assuage
3. coalition
4. decadence
5. elicit
6. expostulate
7. hackneyed
8. hiatus
9. innuendo
10. intercede
11. jaded
12. lurid
13. meritorious
14. petulant
15. prerogative
16. provincial
17. simulate
18. transcend
19. umbrage
20. unctuous


At 8:57 AM, Anonymous bobby r yellow said...

1. The soon to be husband only asked his girlfriend to marry him, if he had APPROBATION from her father.

2. Advil ASSUAGES pain whenever you take the medicine.

3. The U.S. joined the COALITION of the Allied Forces in WWII.

4. A controlled liking of a food is okay, but a DECADENCE of a food will eventually be a problem.

5. If you leave salt water alone the salt will naturally ELICIT from the water.

6. The girl's best friend who didn't like her friend's fiancé EXPOSTULATED her.

7. Nobody likes a HACKNEYED joke that came out a long time ago.

8. In the days of the Spartans, there couldn't be a HIATUS is the frontline, or the whole formation would fall apart.

9. At the end of any good essay, there is a works cited page that gives INNUENDO to the sites they received their information from.

10. When there is an argument between two of your friends, you should never INTERCEDE for one specific person

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Meltem O. Yellow said...

11. The football players were jaded after the very long and hard game.

12. The lurid movie made the little kids jump out of their seats.

13. They had an assembly for the meritorious woman who had worked at the school for over 60 years. 

14. The exhausted teacher didn't want to listen to the petulant students about their loads of homework. 

15. Just because Mr. Adams is a wealthy man, doesn't give him the prerogative to run the red light. 

16. Although Chris had visited many countries, he still wears clothes that are provincial and out-of-date.

17. New pilots usually use video games to simulate flying a plane. 

18. The high school baseball player practiced everyday to transcend and make it to the top.

19. Josh was struggling with the math problem and his brother gave him umbrage for not knowing how to solve it.

20. Brittany's unctuous attitude started to annoy her friends. 

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Tony p yellow said...

After being on a plane for 20 hours, I was a bit jaded from traveling.
I do not want to hear the lurid details of your frog dissection.
Of all his achievements, winning the gold medal was definitely his most meritorious.
My mother was very petulant about me asking for videogames.
Changing the law is not the lone prerogative of politicians.
In my opinion, anyone who does not have access to the theater lacks classiness and is provincial.
I love the airplane simulation because it feels like the real deal.
It was not at all clear at the time that his work would transcend the ages.
I take umbrage to insults.
His impression of the president was unctuous and poorly done.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous sophia k yellow said...

11. After the intense workout at the gym, I was completely jaded by exercise for the next week.
12. The lurid details of the girl's murder kept me up for days.
13. The Red Cross certainly deserved the meritorious remarks at the assembly.
14. After receiving several warnings from her parents about her bad behavior, the petulant child ran up to her room in tears.
15. It was the teacher's prerogative not to give homework on the student's birthday.
16. When the provincial farmer came to the city for the first time, he was surprised at what it had to offer.
17. Astronauts simulate the spaceship ride before actually going into space in a rocket.
18. After being asked to do fifteen service hours as a requirement, the student transcended the limit and did seventy-five hours instead.
19. The girl took umbrage at the bully's mean remark.
20. Her unctuous remarks at the funeral seemed insincere to the widow.

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Elizabeth D Green said...

Sometimes jaded clothes have to be patched up.
The fact that women started raising their hemlines in the 1910's was lurid to the elderly.
The security guard received a medal because of his meritorious actions.
people love to annoy me because they know I am petulant.
We have a prerogative to be able to drive.
Belle was tired of living in her dull provincial town.
The simulator imitated what it was like to be on the moon.
The student's project transcended above expectations when he added a working solar system.
It gives me umbrage when people are rude to my friends for no reason.
I dislike when my forehead is unctuous.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Ana D green said...

11. The marathon runner's smile marked the jaded feeling he had after finishing.
12. The lurid salmon that was given to us by our neighbors made store-bought fish look magnificent. 
13. Many hours of meritorious volunteer service to the community deserved a large gathering of gratitude for the woman. 
14. Parents who work all day may ignore the complaints of their petulant young children.
15. War veterans may wear a prerogative button on their coat to symbolize their service.
16. I sometimes like to think of my sister as a provincial person due to her stubborn behavior.
17. Movie actors often have to simulate emotions that they might have never felt before while filming. 
18. A great athlete who puts in time and has dedication can transcend thier goals.
19. Sometimes it is better to keep your opinion to yourself because others may take umbrage at your statement.
20. My Aunt constantly asks about my schoolwork, which at first seemed nice but now it is simply unctuous. 

At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Jeff E green said...

1. After being on an airplane for nearly twenty-four hours, Henry is a bit jaded and never wants to travel again.
2. I do not want to hear the lurid details of your frog dissection!
3. Though he had not won first place, he felt his efforts were still meritorious.
4. When the movie started, the petulant infant would not stop crying because of the loud noise.
5. Just because you are rich does not give you the prerogative to break the law.
6 Because of her age, my 92-year-old grandmother has the provincial idea that women should not work.
7. Astronauts simulate zero gravity by performing daily routines in reduced gravity aircrafts.
8. In order for me to transcend over my opponents, I need to work harder, train harder, and play harder.
9. After the pick up basketball that I played in 90 degrees weather, I sat underneath the umbrage of the tree to cool down.
10. When Jerry walked into his party, he pretended to be surprised with an unctuous performance.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Lauren B green said...

11.) The jaded teen does not think that we should have homework.
12.) My lurid accident caused me to get stitches when I was eight.
13.) My straight A grades was meritorious of a reward at the end of the year.
14.) I am very petulant when my mom tells me I can't buy something.
15.) It is every citizen's prerogative to wear whatever kind of clothes they want.
16.) My small town life, made me a very provincial adult.
17.) The movie star had to simulate a politician's life.
18.) When I cleaned my room and the bathroom, I transcended my mother's expectations.
19.) I set my picnic up under the umbrage of the tree.
20.) The unctuous paper was so heartwarming, that it made the whole class cry.

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Grace s yellow said...

Unit 1 sentences 11-20

11. After a long day of school, volleyball practice, and studying I was so worn-out and JADED.

12. I can never watch scary, violent movies when there is a lot of gory and LURID scenes such as blood and killing.

13. The man received a life time achievement award for all the MERITORIOUS work he completed.

14. My teachers tend to be more PETULANT and peevish when we misbehave in the morning.

15. When I get to the age of sixteen, I get the PREROGATIVE or privilege of being able to drive.

16. For someone growing up in the south, they are very PROVINCIAL and narrow minded about city life.

17. I love the rides at the boardwalk that SIMULATE what it's like to be on a real roller coaster.

18. The smartest kid in the grade, had test scores that completely TRANCENDED above and beyond everyone else's grades.

19. I take major offense and UMBRAGE when people assume things about me that aren't true.

20. Car salesman have to act UNCTUOUS and be smug when they are trying to make a tough sale.

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Claire Crivelli Green said...

11-20 vocab sentences

11- Jaded
After being a flight attendant for over 45 years, the women felt jaded and decided to quit her job.
12- Lurid
The young mother took her child to what she thought was a children's movie but was horrified when she found the movie to be lurid.
13- Meritorious
After a year of meritorious service, the soldier was rewarded with a purple heart.
14- Petulant
I had many complaints about my petulant teacher to my mother; she was so annoying.
15- Prerogative
It is Mr. Reynolds prerogative to drive students in their birthday order in drivers Ed.
16- Provincial
The students told each other they had made a mistake when they elected their president because they didn't yet know of his provincial views.
17- Simulate
Some zoos have tried to simulate the animals cages like their natural habitat to make them feel better.
18- Transcend
Some say the movie, "Saving Private Ryan" transcends the watchers back to WWII because of its screenplay.
19- Umbrage
The girl took umbrage at the boys comment, "WOW; you have huge feet."
20- Unctuous
The unctuous boy was the perfect choice to play the oily hobo.

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Matthew S Yellow said...

1. After looking at my grades for the quarter, my parents gave me a smile of APPROBATION.

2. It takes more than a few kind words to ASSUAGE the feelings of a crying baby.

3. Britain, knowing it had to stop the German war machine, decided it should form a COALITION with France and Russia.

4. Rome after many wars experienced a period of DECADENCE.

5. By attempting to ELICIT information from the witness, I hoped to figure out who committed this crime.

6. The child found it useless to EXPOSTULATE with his teacher for siding with the other student.

7. The movie tells a great story without being ruined by a HACKNEYED script.

8. When the witness was testifying on the stand, there was a sudden HIATUS in his testimony.

9. The teacher realized quickly after the students told their side of the story that the story was full of INNUENDO not facts.

10. The mediator of the group is the one who will INTERCEDE in all group disputes.

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Matthew S Yellow said...

1. After looking at my grades for the quarter, my parents gave me a smile of APPROBATION.

2. It takes more than a few kind words to ASSUAGE the feelings of a crying baby.

3. Britain, knowing it had to stop the German war machine, decided it should form a COALITION with France and Russia.

4. Rome after many wars experienced a period of DECADENCE.

5. By attempting to ELICIT information from the witness, I hoped to figure out who committed this crime.

6. The child found it useless to EXPOSTULATE with his teacher for siding with the other student.

7. The movie tells a great story without being ruined by a HACKNEYED script.

8. When the witness was testifying on the stand, there was a sudden HIATUS in his testimony.

9. The teacher realized quickly after the students told their side of the story that the story was full of INNUENDO not facts.

10. The mediator of the group is the one who will INTERCEDE in all group disputes.

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Andie M Yellow said...

11. We went that restaurent so much that it has left us jaded.
12. The lurid details of the accident made the news reporter feel sick.
13. The meritorious student exceeded all expectations for the speech. 
14. The petulant old man aggressively yelled at the other drivers.
15. Some jobs have special prerogatives, which ordinary people do not have.
16. The provincial man has never left his state before.
17. Some video games simulate what the world would be like in an apocalypse.
18. The great artist's work transcended the ages.
19. She took umbrage at the rude comment thrown at her.
20. The seller seemed very unctuous by how he was trying to convince him to buy something.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Michael N yellow said...

11. His taste buds are so JADED from that type of food, because of the time he got food poisoning after eating it.
12. Sometimes movie scenes are so LURID that the audience can't help but look away.
13. The man had a very MERITORIOUS career, receiving various medals for things he had accomplished.
14. People who don't get enough sleep tend to become more PETULANT to the little things.
15. The PREROGATIVE of someone who has worked the same job for many years is better hours and better pay.
16. Someone who looks at things with a very PROVINCIAL point of view will never experience new things in life.
17. The best actors are the ones that can SIMULATE emotions, regardless of whether they feel that way or not.
18. The teacher commemorated the student, because his work TRANSCENDED those around him.
19. He took no UMBRAGE to the person's comment, even though it was an insult directed at him.
20. You may find that many politicians these days are very UNCTUOUS, and just try to tell you what you want to hear.

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Kate C green said...

11. After a long day of school and sports the girl was very jaded. 

12. The movie Insidicous was very lurid and people might not like it because it was scary. 

13. People who do simple acts of kindess daily deserve meritorious praise for what they do. 

14. After a long day at school, parents asking a bunch of questions can be very petutlant or 

15. In elementary school sitting in the back of the bus was a prerogative to the older kids in fourth and fifth grade. 

16. People who dont like change can be very provincal to certains things that are brought up. 

17. In movies the actors sometimes have to simulate being sad and fake cry. 

18. Some singers and songwriters transcend their era and people in younger generations enjoy their music too. 

19. Sometimes people are scared to speaking their mind because they dont what kind of umbrage theyll get from others. 

20. In movies at first villians give off a deminer of unctous, they arent the person they seem to be. 

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Gaby O green said...

11. It was a jaded practice for all the girls on the team, everyone was so tired. 
12. The lurid horror film made everybody in the theatre feel gross.
13. Metorious honor goes to all men who are brave enough to to fight for our country. 
14. The peevish child was almost impossible to please gieven the fact he was so irritable. 
15. It is a prerogative that when I get a good grade, the family goes out for ice cream. 
16. The provincial town wanted all the women to be married by 20 years old, which seemed slightly narrow-minded. 
17. It is a natural talent that I am able to simulate crying on command. 
18. I always strive to transcend my parents expections, I want to show them I can exceed all things. 
19. Whenever my mom is in a bad mood I question whether or not to ask her to help me with things because I dont want to cause her more umbrage. 
20. Her unctous approach caused her to lose her important client once he saw how unsincere she was. 

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Cassandra P green said...

Unit one vocab sen 11-20

11. The once beautiful dress was jaded from all the wild parties it had been worn too.

12. Lurid horror movies such as Insidious and Occulus are good to watch if you want to be absolutely terrified.

13. It's frustrating when you put meritorious effort into something and still don't get the out come you'd hoped for.

14. I could never pick a career that works with children because I don't have enough patience for their petulant whining.

15. I understand if someone is upset and wants to be left alone, but it does not give them the prerogative to be rude to everyone around them.

16. Alligators are a provincial animal down south because they not common in other places in America.

17. Some video games where you are driving a car can really simulate the actual feeling.

18. The song Polaroid by Imagine Dragons transcends me to a happier place every time I listen to it.

19. I know she didn't mean to be rude but I took umbrage from her comments.

20. The employee's unctuous attitude is what led the manager to believe he had been stealing from the store.

At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Hannah S green said...

11. Their jaded attitude about the show told us that they were getting tired of watching it.
12.  The lurid movie was too violent for the children to see, so we had to leave the theater.
13. Because of her meritorious acts, she recieved a Nobel Peace Prize.
14. After listening to the child cry and scream all day, the petulant mother had to take a night off.
15. After she worked long, hard days she claimed that it was her preogative to not do anything all weekend.
16. Tobacco used to be a provincial plant of the South, but soon more people started growing it all over the country.
17. Before becoming an austronaut, a person has to complete trainings that simulate what it will be like on a spaceship, and in space.
18. Whittney Houston's voice will trancend time and will never be forgotten.
19. They took umbrage at the thought that she was going to leave the team to go to a better one.
20. His unctuous behavior made us suspicious of her motives.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Meaghan K Green said...

1-10 Vocab Sentences

1. The girl's project was so amazing, all of her fellow classmates and her teacher gave her a large amount of APPROBATION.
2. The mother of the child eventually gave in to ASSUAGE the baby's crying and gave him the binky.
3. Many Catholic schools have had COALITION due to the number of students plummeting.
4. Since I have had the same car for ten years, the DECADENCE of the vehicle has increased more and more every year.
5. Sometimes it takes hours to ELICIT the correct information you were looking for from the internet.
6.When my friends try to do things that make no sense or something I know will hurt them in the future, I try to EXPOSTULATE them the best I can.
7. Some of the cheers our cheerleaders do are HACKNEYED and we need to create some new ones.
8. At the movie theater, there was a HIATUS during the film due to a fire alarm being pulled.
9. The girl behind me in line was making an INNUENDO about the girl who was in front of me in line.
10.When my friends fight, I always try to INTERCEDE and stay neutral.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Erin D Green said...

Unit 1 #11-20

11. You could tell the college kids were out partying the last weekend of summer when their jaded and caffeinated selves tried to sit through classes the first day.

12. Her lurid expression was enough to tell me that I made the wrong outfit decision.

13. Still after many years, some police officers and firefighters haven't been thanked for their meritorious service in the 9/11 attacks.

14. After spending my entire day taking care of petulant children, I really don't want to hear your excuses for not cleaning your room.

15. She's been teaching here for so long and hasn't taken one sick day that she should have the prerogative to take the week off.

16. You could tell from his southern drawl and his cliché cowboy hat that he came from a provincial area in the South.

17. To stop the clock so they could get one last play in, coach told the guard to fake an ankle injury since we were out of timeouts.

18. Coming from a small school and being very smart, she was used to transcend above everyone else, but was rudely woken up to the real world when she went to a big school.

19. Seniors usually feel they can take umbrage over the freshman since they're the top of the pyramid in high school and the freshman class is at the bottom.

20. After her little tatted on her for teasing him, her unctuous attitude made it seem like he was lying.

At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Jessica G green said...

1. The crowd was filled with approbation as the only female player of the co-ed soccer team scored a goal.
2. We did as much as we could to assuage her grief after her grandfather passed away.
3. The school board members formed a coalition to try to settle a debate on whether or not Saturday school should become a thing.
4. Although I am not opposed to self-indulgence, I am opposed to a lifetime of decadence.
5. The teacher hoped that his questions were interesting enough to elicit a conversation and debate from the class.
6. I find it impossible to expostulate a yes from my dad once my mom had already said no.
7. Too often used by teenage girls, the word "literally" has become hackneyed.
8. Although the comedian took a one year off hiatus from entertaining, she never lost her ability to make people laugh.
9. Most top fast food restaurants use a form of innuendo to sell their food.
10. Even though I am their daughter, I never want to intercede on my parents' arguments.

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Abigail D Green said...

1)James stared at his mother for approbation to go on the field trip.

2)Making friends at college will assuage my homesickness.

3)My neighborhood has started a coalition called the watch.

4)The decadence of water will leave America thirsty.

5)My father elicits candy to my baby brother to make him happy.

6)My mother never tried to expostulate her opinions toward my personal style.

7)The term yolo has been used so often it is hackneyed.

8)My mother told me all my privileges will be on hiatus until I get my act together.

9)Instead of telling my parents the story I used an innuendo to change the subject.

10) The lawyer intercedes his clients case in court.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anna S yellow said...

Vocab sentences unit 1 #1-10

1.Donald trump is surprisingly getting approbation from people, despite the disgusting remarks he makes against minorities and women.

2. When my aunt was crying about losing her job, it seemed as though nothing and no one could assuage her sadness.

3. Because republicans are so closed minded. They put together coalitions to go against certain groups they do not favor.

4. Her love for pizza was decadence because she ate it so much it was becoming unhealthy.

5. The lawyer tried to elicit the man on trial to admit to the wrong he had done.

6. Many Americans openly expostulate the things Donald trump is doing and saying, but there is a large percentage of people who are taking his side.

7. The amount of times we've used the guitar, the worth of it was hackneyed.

8. The student that was turned around talking to another student suddenly realized the teacher had been looking at him in the history of the talkative students.

9. Rebecca used an innuendo to spread negative rumors about the transfer student.

10. The mother tried to intercede the argument between the two brothers.

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Kaitlyn B yellow said...

Unit 1 Vocab Sentences
11. My view on the children's shows now is JADED because i grew up watching better shows.
12. When the LURID scene came on I had to turn away because it was too scary.
13. Her MERITORIOUS performance was so good it was hard not to cheer loudly.
14.I get PETULANT when I don't get enough sleep and have to do work in every class the next day.
15. It is the PREROGATIVE of the varsity coach to brag about his team when they win.
16. Some older people still have PROVINCIAL opinions that women can't be successful.
17. There are rides that SIMULATE the feeling of going in spaceship.
18. He made varsity because his skills TRANSCENED everyone else's.
19. I tend to keep my jokes to myself so there is no chance of someone taking UMBRAGE to them.
20. Most freshmen try to act UNCTUOUS when meeting their new classmates.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Andrew s yellow said...

1. The crowd was filled with APPROBATION when number 29 scored a touchdown.
2. To help ASSUAGE my guilt, I told the truth.
3. Most people that run for an office usually have a COALITION of people supporting them.
4. The DECADENCE of eating five candy bars made me quite lazy.
5. The chef hoped his food would ELICIT a great deal of compliments from the people.
6. Many veterans EXPOSTULATE about the lack of benefits they receive.
7. Eventually, the phrase became so HACKNEYED that people stopped saying it.
8. My doctor suggests I take a HIATUS from my job while I am recovering from knee surgery.
9. Verizon frequently uses a form of INNUENDO to sell their products.
10. The minister tried to INTERCEDE the argument between the two people.

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Olivia S yellow said...

1. approbation: Sarah gained her boss's APPROBATION by exceeding her expectations on a project. 

2. assuage: A light snack after school ususally ASSUAGES my hunger before dinner. 

3. coalition: In chemistry class, we formed a COALITION of chemicals into one beaker to make a completley different chemical. 

4. decadence: The abandoned house was in a state of DECADENCE for the past ten years. 

5. elicit: In order to complete my essay, I had to ELICIT some information from different books and webites. 

6. expostulate: It was hard to EXPOSTULATE the company from tearing down the trees for the neighborhood, but it eventually worked.

7. hackneyed: Sarah got points off of her essay for overuse of HACKNEYED words.

8. hiatus: A lot of the tv shows I watch take a short HIATUS called a mid-season finale. 

9. innuendo: The teacher tried to tell the class an INNUENDO to the answer but no one took the hint. 

10. intercede: Carly didn't want to become part of the drama between her two friends, but once she INTERCEDED and sided with Sarah, she became a part of it.  

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous rachel b green said...

word 1; The new kid sought approbation from his peers and tried hard to fit in.

word 2; Little Jenny's mother assuaged her fears by looking under the bed to assure there were no monsters.

word 3; A major funding source for the 3 mile walk was the Breast Cancer Coalition.

word 4; Dupont's wife's decadence lies in her gorgeous mansions, exotic cars, and high dollar wardrobe.

word 5; His mother claimed that the older brother elicits outrages by constantly nagging his little sister.

word 6; Her parents expostulated Michelle's relationship with the rude and disrespectful young man.

word 7; The grandchildren always roll their eyes at the grandmother's hackneyed old stories.

word 8; Starting in March 2016, One Direction will be going on a hiatus to spend time with family.

word 9;Young school children often giggle when the teacher makes an accidentgal innuendo.

word 10; My mother always tries to intercede when my brother and I get into petty quarrels.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous rachel b green said...

word 1; The new kid sought approbation from his peers and tried hard to fit in.

word 2; Little Jenny's mother assuaged her fears by looking under the bed to assure there were no monsters.

word 3; A major funding source for the 3 mile walk was the Breast Cancer Coalition.

word 4; Dupont's wife's decadence lies in her gorgeous mansions, exotic cars, and high dollar wardrobe.

word 5; His mother claimed that the older brother elicits outrages by constantly nagging his little sister.

word 6; Her parents expostulated Michelle's relationship with the rude and disrespectful young man.

word 7; The grandchildren always roll their eyes at the grandmother's hackneyed old stories.

word 8; Starting in March 2016, One Direction will be going on a hiatus to spend time with family.

word 9;Young school children often giggle when the teacher makes an accidentgal innuendo.

word 10; My mother always tries to intercede when my brother and I get into petty quarrels.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Matt t yellow said...

1. After his great performance the fans shouted remarks of praise and approbation to him.

2. After cheating on his girlfriend Jeff knew nothing would be able to assuage her broken heart.

3. Two schools dying schools combined together to form a coalition because of enrollment problems.

4. St. Mark's football loss to Newark was the start of a decadence from best team in the state two a minor division two team.

5.An elicit no-name source has just released an article that shows us why the All-Pro wide out was released.

6. I tried to expostulate Dom out of making this terrible choice but he was too stubborn to listen.

7.My grand pop still tells me old hackneyed jokes that never make me laugh.

8. The truck got stuck in a pot hole and it took hours to get it out of this hiatus.

9. The fictional murderer, Saw, left innuendos to where his recent kills where left.

10. I had to intercede between my mother and father when their argument over financial reasons got too serious.

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Rebecca B yellow said...

11.The hockey team felt jaded after a long tournament weekend.
12.The lurid movie caused many people in the audience to scream.
13.After all his years of meritorious work, he was happy to receive a promotion.
14.The petulant man yelled at the cashier for not scanning his items fast enough.
15.Suzy felt that arriving to work late was her prerogative since she had worked there for many years.
16.Maple trees, thought to be provincial to Canada, can grow in other climates.
17.The new robot simulates human life forms.
18.The only kid always getting good grades transcended above the rest of his class.
19.The tree allowed us to have umbrage from the bright sun.
20.After talking to us for about an hour, we realized she wasn't really concerned with our families, she was just being unctuous.

At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Tyler s yellow said...

He looked for the coaches APPROBATION to go into the game.

I always look to ASSUAGE a person when they are upset.

When you have a good COALITION with someone nothing can stop you.

The DECADENCE of the economy is putting a toll on the citizens.

I always try to ELICIT the truth from someone who always lie.

It's always good to EXPOSTULATE something you're against unless you use violence.

Things catch on and after about a week they get HACKNEYED.

I think we should get an hour HIATUS between classes.

Some people need an INNUENDO to understand what you're saying.

I try to INTERCEDE for my friends when someone says they are wrong.

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Vinny K yellow said...

1. If I wanted to not be charged from my car accident I need led an approbation from the officer and insurance company.
2. She gave the man morphine to assuage the pain from undergoing surgery.
3. We formed a coalition in order to get the point across to the boss.
4. The English faced decadence after losing the revolutionary war to the Americans.
5. We knew that she was lying, so we tried to elicit the truth in front of the crowd.
6. I had to expostulate because I knew that what he was doing was wrong.
7. A lot of girls think that his pickup lines are hackneyed because they've heard them for almost 10 years
8. I was sitting there thinking about the hiatus without my Poppop there
9. The man gave a slight innuendo to who committed the crime
10.The lawyer interceded the client during the court session.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Emily H green said...

1. If my mom gives approbation, I can spend the night tomorrow.
2. A binky always seems to assuage a crying baby.
3. A few people in the neighborhood formed a coalition to prevent more robberies.
4. My decadence with the box of chocolates made me feel sick.
5. The comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a lot of laughter from the audience.
6. Trying to expostulate my mom to change her decision is almost impossible.
7. No one says the hackneyed phrase anymore because it was said so much.
8. The hiatus I felt this morning was right when I realized I had forget my notebook.
9. The manager refused to respond to the innuendos  about fraud charges.
10. His lawyer will intercede for him during court.

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous John M Yellow said...

Before he could marry her he had to first get APPROBATION from her father.
Before the baby would fall asleep he would first have to assuage the baby.
The COALITION of the ally's in World War II helped defeat Hitler.
After the Vietnam War Vietnam was in DECADENCE.
Sometimes if you ask questions you may ELICIT information that wasn't told before.
My parents try to EXPOSTULATE me from doing something when I should be studying.
One of my favorite movies is ruined due to the HACKNEYED script.
The HIATUS in the speech shows that he forgot part of it.
The slight INNUENDO in the teachers PowerPoint told us that it was going to be on the test.
If you are asked to INTERCEDE in a fight you should never accept.

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Madison w yellow said...

11. After being a teacher for almost fourt years Mark was jaded from the job 

12. Some movies can't be shown in school becuase of the lurid connect that might scare the children

13. In the story the prodigal son the meritorious son was the one who didn't get the party

14. After studying for three hours I was very petulant by my mom telling me to study more 

15. She thought just because her mom was the owner of the store she had prerogative to get the job

16. Some people think conservatives has unbudging provincial veiws

17. Many people think the Beatles transcends generations becuase everyone can appreciate their talent

18. Many video games stimulate realistic battle scenes 

19. On the hot day I sat under the umbrage castes by the tree 

20. After being accused of stealing the man acted too unctuous by apologizing about one hundred times 

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Dominic G Yellow said...

As the slaves were transported across the country, many became JADED and died of pure exhaustion.
At the movies end scene was quite LURID, due to the best friend killing the main character.
Jason became very upset believing that his high grades were MERITORIOUS, yet he got into to no college.
Some adults can be very PETULANT when it comes to dealing with loud kids.
The student believe that he should have done better on his paper and that what his professor took off for was not fact, but the instructors PEROGATIVE.
The PROVINCIAL always seemed to make the excuse they got lost in the school when they didn't get to class on time.
The boy SIMULATED sadness at the fact he failed his test, hoping his parents wouldn't be as mad, but in truth he could have couldn't have cared less.
The girl always was thought to be great lacrosse player but went she joined the national team, she TRANSCENED past everyone's expectations.
On hot days, a cold drink and resting in UMBRAGE under a willow tree is one of my favorite things about summer.
The UNCTUOUS manner of the villain made it obvious he had a secret weapon to assure him victory.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous John Z Yellow said...

11.  The high school senior was jaded after a long day of test taking.
12.  The lurid dream left the child terrified and unable to sleep for the rest of the night.
13.  The meritorious soldier deserved praise for his heroic actions.
14.  The teacher was petulant after everything little such as the movement of the desks would irritate her.
15.  The student took the prerogative to give her speech first.
16.  After living in the south for so long, his life seemed provincial, doing everything backwards.
17.  The boy simulated his first attempt at the home-made volcano.
18.  The girl transcended among all other students to become president of her class.
19.  He sat in the umbrage under the trees for hours reading his book.
20.  The criminal tried to be unctuous after many attempts of explaining an awful alibi.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Michael R Yellow said...

11. After many years of laborous work, the brick layer was jaded and retired at a young age due to back injuries.
12. After the attacks on September 11th, 2001 the news showed the lurid images caught on tape that horrible day.
13. For his meritorious effort, he was given an award at the assembly.
14. Students on mondays are petulant because they are tired and don't want to be at school.
15. Seniors have the prerogative to the senior lounge, a place where seniors can have lunch and relax in peace. 
16. A provincial person has rotten views on certain things.
17.  Computers simulate games that replicate real life.
18. If you study hard, you can transcend above your classmates.
19. Hitler was an umbrage over smaller countries.
20. My friend is untuous when it comes to talking to girls.

At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Evan G - yellow said...

1 the teacher gave me a signal of approbation after answering a question correctly
2 the man tried to assuage me into buying his product
3 the coalition of the countries was confirmed by the peace treaty
4 his addiction is a decadence that needs to end
5 the terrorists tried to elicit the information they needed from their enemies
6 the criminal tried to expostulate me from becoming a witness in his trial
7 the student was hackneyed and lacked originality
8 the show had a long hiatus after the death of the main character
9 He got very upset after having received a letter with many innuendoes about his life
10 the teacher interceded in the fight between the two students
11 after working all day on the farm, my pants became jaded
12 i had to look away from the screen because of the lurid scene in the movie
13 after saving three people in war, his fellow soldiers felt it meritorious
14 my homeroom teacher is petulant when kids chew gum in her class
15 i thought i would take prerogative and turn my essay in early
16 He became provincial and wouldn't listen to my reasoning
17 we simulated a mass casualty emergence to help train the emts
18 the work he was doing transcended above everyone else's in his class
19 after a hard days work i took a short nap in the umbrage of a large oak tree
20 her consideration for her friends seemed all too unctuous to be real

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Shane L yellow said...

The whole crowd was in APPROBATION of what the speaker said the applause was almost endless.
The Gatorade ASSAUGED my thirst I was already ready to get back in the game.
The Soviet Union was a COALITION of multiple countries.
The man DECADANCE for candy bars was so strong he had 4 a day.
The Steelers ELICITED Malcolm butler from his assignment and allowed for an easy touchdown.
The man that was holding 2 hostages was being EXPOSTULATED, and was asked by the phycologist of he really wanted to do it.
  The expression the man used was HACKNEYED and used so much the originality was lost.
When you are in the eye of the hurricane there is a HIATUS or break from the surrounding storm. 
When the kid had no idea what the answer was the teacher gave an INNUENDO and he knew the answer a moment later.
When two are in a fight the right thing to do is to INTERCEDE and break it up. 

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Peter c yellow said...

11. After a long day at school and practice, my body was so JADED that on the way home I found myself falling into a deep sleep.
12. On September 11, 2001, people were glued to the TV with a look of LURID on their faces after seeing what had happened in New York City.
13. Many firefighters on 9/11 gave the most MERITORIOUS service of all to help people stuck in the burning buildings, they gave their life.
14. There is always that PETULANT child who is never happy with what his parents can give him.
15. The dentist gets to sleep in on the weekends because it's the PREROGATIVE of being someone who spent 8 years in college.
16. With the presidentially was coming to a serious point, many PROVINCIAL candidates are dropping out because they don't have enough support.
17. Most iguanas can SIMULATE the color of their surroundings.
18. My Uncle's soul TRANSCENDED into heaven.
19. Cheerleaders take UMBRAGE when someone says that cheerleading isn't a sport.
20. An up UNCTUOUS car salesmen could make a potential car buyer not want the car.


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