Monday, August 31, 2015

Phase 5 soph (red/blue sections) unit 1 vocabulary sentence homework

Post  at Schoolsville BEFORE CLASS ON Wednesday ten (10) sentences using ten different vocabulary words correctly, giving a context clue to the meaning of the word within your sentence. You will be graded on the quality of your sentences. 

Door Rows should work with words 1-10; Window Rows should work with words 11-20.

A context clue should use restatement, contrast, or inference (see p.7  of your vocab book if you need help with these).

Of course, identify yourself according to your first name, last initial, and CORRECT section color. 

e.g. Usually slightly nervous and uncertain, most ninth graders entering St. Mark's are somewhat taciturn during their initial days in school. By the way, this sentence uses "restatement."


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Nicholas K blue said...

11. Visiting the Delaware Art Museum's newest exhibit was germane to our Art History class.
12. Teenage boys are known to have an insatiable hunger throughout their growing years.
13. Even though I was well-prepared for the upcoming exams,my parents intransigent attitude made it clear that I still could not attend the party.
14. An invidious comment towards people of different races will not be tolerated.
15. The boss's largesse at Christmas was appreciated by his employees.
16. Before dropping troops into hostile territory, the advance team must make a thorough reconnaissance of the area.
17. I'm glad that I kept the receipt for my computer so I could substantiate that the warranty would cover the damage.
18. The guidance counselor's taciturn attitude made it difficult for the students to want to confide in him.
19. The longer a person temporizes in a serious accident, the more likely they are to die.
20. Columbus assumed that he landed in India; however, later discoveries proved that his claim was not tenable.

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Liz D Green said...

You should get approbation before proposing to anyone.
Advil assuages my headaches.
The coalition helps homeless people find jobs.
I could see the decadence of the cadaver because bones were sticking out.
The teacher elicited a response after she talked very racially.
I expostulated my friend by telling her that the plan was stupid.
Movie quotes are often hackneyed.
She was going on hiatus from alcohol and drugs while in rehab.
He innuendoed when he didn't tell the teacher what he did.
I interceded when my friend forgot her homework.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous emily g red said...

1. In my opinion, people shouldn't be too acquisitive; they should be more concerned with finding happiness out of things other than gaining money and prosperity.
2. The police officer arrogated his gun even though the man had a permit to have it.
3. The movie was so banal that I fell asleep halfway through it.
4. She belabored her serve so much that eventually she was missing simply because she was tired and needed a break.
5. Being late to class because you were talking to one of your friends is a carp excuse.
6. I thought I'd never be able to build a birdhouse, but the kit came with very coherent instructions.
7. You should clean up the milkshake you just dropped or else it will congeal.
8. I made the perfect cake, but when I tried to emulate it, I just couldn't make one quite like the first one.
9. When the fire fighters who saved her came back out of the burning building for the final time, she greeted them with an encomium and thanked them profusely for saving her life.
10. You should eschew people who would try to hurt you or bring you down.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Meaghan K, Green said...

Meaghan Kane
Honors American Literature
#11-20 Vocabulary Sentences

By the end of the year, most students act quite jaded in all of their classes.
Most of the horror movies of our time are way too lurid for most people to see.
The girls work was so meritorious, her professor gave her an award.
When I am tired, I become overly petulant.
Seniors have the prerogative of sitting in the front at every school event.
The provincials of Haiti are extremely poor.
Actors must simulate emotions and actions they may not usually do.
Many students at Saint Mark's transcend the expectations of everyone around them.
The other team took umbrage to the fact that we continued to have good sportsmanship toward them even after they beat us and were very disrespectful while doing so.
Some guys try to act unctuous all of the time, but that is really not who they are.

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Nicole K Blue said...

1. The acquisitive businessman's only goal was to make his company more profitable.
2. The young girl arrogated her big sister's phone without permission to play games on it.
3. Everybody was tired of receiving the same banal homework every night.
4. That student will usually belabor his difficult math homework and not work as hard on his less challenging classes.
5. The editor's carping remarks of the author's work sounded more like rude nit-picking than constructive criticism.
6. For an important essay it is best to keep the main topics coherent so that they flow in an organized way.
7. If you leave milk out of a refrigerator it will congeal and harden into semi-solid goop.
8. The new employee emulated the working habits of his boss in hopes of being promoted by the company.
9. When Whitney Houston died before the Grammys, the ceremony transformed into a encomium in her memory.
10. A group of fearful gazelles tried their best to eschew the hungry lions.

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Katie H Red said...

1. Helen's acquisitive mind enables her to ace her vocabulary tests by simply reading over the words once.
2. In the film, The Emperor's New Groove, Yzma attempts to arrogate Kuzco's throne as emperor so she may rule, but mistakenly turns him into a llama instead of poisoning him.
3. I find most love stories simply boring and cliche because of the banal plot in which the boy and girl fall in love and get married.
4. Frank was so afraid to receive a poor grade that he belabored his project night and day until it was complete.
5. The waiter had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes after hearing the customer's carping complaint that her chocolate chip muffin did not have exactly twenty chocolate chips.
6. After hearing the news that she is failing Chemistry, Taylor's mind jumbled up and she unable to form a coherent thought.
7. If you put water into an ice tray and place it in the freezer, hours later the water will have congealed and you will have ice cubes instead of water.
8. George's lack of creativity makes it difficult for him to draw freestyle. However, he is able to emulate other artists' work beautifully.
9. At my grandmother's funeral, her best friend stood at the podium and delivered an encomium about how wonderful my grandmother was and how she impacted lives.
10. I have been taught to eschew from both drugs and alcohol because of how harmful they are to my mental as well as physical health.

At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Nicholas K blue said...

11. Visiting the Delaware Art Museum's newest exhibit was germane to our Art History class.
12. Teenage boys are known to have an insatiable hunger throughout their growing years.
13. Even though I was well-prepared for the upcoming exams,my parents intransigent attitude made it clear that I still could not attend the party.
14. An invidious comment towards people of different races will not be tolerated.
15. The boss's largesse at Christmas was appreciated by his employees.
16. Before dropping troops into hostile territory, the advance team must make a thorough reconnaissance of the area.
17. I'm glad that I kept the receipt for my computer so I could substantiate that the warranty would cover the damage.
18. The guidance counselor's taciturn attitude made it difficult for the students to want to confide in him.
19. The longer a person temporizes in a serious accident, the more likely they are to die.
20. Columbus assumed that he landed in India; however, later discoveries proved that his claim was not tenable.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous natalie c blue said...

11. The terse way she spoke to me was not germane considering I just bought her lunch.
12. He had an insatiable goal in life considering he wasn't willing to put in the work to reach it.
13. The intransigent toddler would not share her toy with the other children.
14. Bullies usually make invidious comments, especially online.
15. The elderly man gave a large largesse to his former high school.
16. The troops waited for the reconnaissance to end so they could head out.
17. The detectives substantiated evidence to win the murder trial.
18. The recluse acted in a taciturn manner when I visited her.
19. The look out temporized the authorities as long as he could before they caught his accomplice.
20. Her case was tenable, until they looked into it.

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Natale A red said...

1.At an acquisitive college, many students are greedy with all the luxurious items they own.
2.The boys arrogate ways contrasted of his sisters outstanding manners.
3.The banal play had many cliché phrases that are used in many other works of art.
4.The carpenter belabored over houses and always overworked himself.
5.The carping teacher kept calling out students on their mistakes on their essays.
6.The coherent teacher yelled at the students for not being able to understand what they were saying.
7.The chef congealed the mushy dough into solid dough for the homemade pizza.
8.Most beginning actors try to emulate an amazing actor and later develop their own style of acting.
9.The heartfelt encomium given by our principle on Catholic Schools week reminded me of the eulogy at a funeral.
10.The little boy eschewed his parents so that he would not be able to get punished.

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Lauren A red said...

Vocab unit 1

The man works at an inquisitive company so he has quite a lot of money, but he is always so tired because he works 24/7.
2. Arrogate
When she went to band camp, Julia arrogated the top bunk without asking her roommates if they were okay with her taking it.
3. Banal
The new movie's banal script made it seem just like the movie Inception, which was already made a couple of years ago.
I had to belabor my last few projects in chemistry so that I could get my grade up before the end of the quarter.
5. Carping
No matter how hard I try to please my mother with my cooking, she always seems to make carping complaints about how I could have put more sauce or seasoning into the food.
6. Coherent
I thought that the new teacher would give the class a coherent presentation but she just ended up muddling all of her words.
7. Congeal
When Janice completed her science experiment, she expected it to congeal from water to ice but it just stayed as water.
8. Emulate
We emulated the same play as the opposing team which allowed us to score a goal because they were blindsided by it.
9. Encomium
At his mother's funeral, the eighteen year old boy delivered an encomium that made everybody in the room cry.
10. Eschew
All of the girls on the cross-country team eschewed our coach because we knew that he was mad at us for walking on our run.

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous N Leski blue said...

1.When it comes to school, the smartest kid in class is usually very acquisitive.
2.The child arrogated the cookies in the cookie jar and got in trouble.
3.walking to work is very banal in New York City.
4.When you get a hard task to do it is better to belabor than to quit.
5.A carping person usually irritates many people with his comments.
6.My shoe has gotten stuck on a coherent piece of gum.
7.If you put water in the freezer it congeals to ice.
8.If you emulate off of someones test you can get in great trouble.
9.One of our teachers, Deacon Bill says a encomium for all people in the parish who have died.
10After she broke up with her boyfriend, she was eschewed by him and his friends.

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Ben K Red said...

1. The ACQUISITIVE villain was a genius who would sneak into database and memorize secret information.

2. There were many instances where kings and conquerors would be ARROGATED of their right to rule by their assistants by greed for glory and gold.

3. Jeff's essay on Shakespeare had so many BANAL and trite phrases that the teacher forced him to rewrite parts of the essay.

4. In the early-mid 1900's, children were forced to be BELABORED for very small amounts of wages only to be able to feed their families.

5. Tanya always seems to have some CARPING to do when something is not how she thinks is perfectly in order.

6. When one is under the influence of alcohol, it is very obvious because they reek of alcohol and their speech is not COHERENT, like gibberish.

7. When you put a glass of water inside a freezer, the water will CONGEAL into hard, solid ice.

8. Our latest assignment in chemistry is to EMULATE Robert Hooke's first encounter with cells by looking at cork cells through a microscope.

9. On one's birthday, a person can expect an ENCOMIUM of happy birthdays and celebrations from their family and close friends.

10. Runners of long distance try to ESCHEW bad habits of eating too much junk food and drinking soda.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Rachel S - red said...

11. In our class, you can avoid digressing by making sure your comments are germane to the topic the teacher discusses with us.

12. Insatiable passion can be a dangerous thing because it can drive you to ultimate success, or it can lead you through an unsatisfying life of searching for something that you may never find.

13. How can you expect this project to be completed if you refuse to cooperate with me and instead keep your intransigent views and ideas?

14. The captain of the pirate sloop should avoid invidious actions and statements if he wants to prevent his crew from committing a mutiny.

15. The suffering organization quickly became one of the most successful due to the the unexpected largesse of a wealthy philanthropist.

16. In order to prevent weakness or carelessness from infiltrating the army, a thorough reconnaissance is held every week to assess the ability, vigilance, and gear of the soldiers.

17. Good lawyers can use evidence to substantiate their clients' cases in the courtroom and win the vote of the jury.

18. Unlike the others, the taciturn student sat in the back of the classroom and was never inclined to participate.

19. Refusing to accept the truth and act upon it, the girl would simply temporize and prevent herself from moving forward.

20. Despite the tenable points brought forward by the defendant's lawyer, the judge was still skeptical of the defensive explanation that was offered.

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Clare E Blue said...

1.) Despite my laborious effort, my long essay was marked down because it was germane to the topic being asked.

2.) The insatiable athlete was never satisfied with her game performance; she thought very highly of herself.

3.) It's frustrating to work in a group with intransigent members because they never think of the good of the whole group.

4.) Her invidious comment to Mark offended not only him, but all of his coworkers.

5.) Susan's largesse in contributing money to the local charity was greatly appreciated by the founders and their families.

6.) Before the big day of military training, the drill sergeant performed a reconnaissance by walking up and down the line of training soldiers, inspecting every inch of their uniforms for flaws.

7.) Hearing my friend's tales of backpacking through Europe substantiated my wish to travel the world.

8.) When the new student was asked where he was from in front of the class, he replied in a quiet, taciturn manner.

9.) Trying to temporize the situation, Joe asked his mom lots of pointless questions to distract her from seeing what happened to the car.

10.) Although I thought my idea for the presentation was tenable, my partners pointed out the flaws right away.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Clare E Blue said...

11.) Despite my laborious effort, my long essay was marked down because it was germane to the topic being asked.

12.) The insatiable athlete was never satisfied with her game performance; she thought very highly of herself.

13.) It's frustrating to work in a group with intransigent members because they never think of the good of the whole group.

14.) Her invidious comment to Mark offended not only him, but all of his coworkers.

15.) Susan's largesse in contributing money to the local charity was greatly appreciated by the founders and their families.

16.) Before the big day of military training, the drill sergeant performed a reconnaissance by walking up and down the line of training soldiers, inspecting every inch of their uniforms for flaws.

17.) Hearing my friend's tales of backpacking through Europe substantiated my wish to travel the world.

18.) When the new student was asked where he was from in front of the class, he replied in a quiet, taciturn manner.

19.) Trying to temporize the situation, Joe asked his mom lots of pointless questions to distract her from seeing what happened to the car.

20.) Although I thought my idea for the presentation was tenable, my partners pointed out the flaws right away.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Melody O said...

11. Bringing up a story about your dog in Spanish class isn't germane to the discussion.
12. People with an insatiable thirst for knowledge are often successful.
13. She wants to paint the house pink and with her intransigent attitude, she'll probably get her way.
14. It was quite invidious of you to pit me against my sister.
15. She donated largess amounts to have her name on a plaque.
16. By law, there needs to be a thorough reconnaissance before adding on to your house.
17. If there's no one to substantiate where you were last night, we won't be able to believe your alibi.
18. He decided it was better to be taciturn than waste his breath on the argumentative women.
19. I always try to temporize in order to gain more time before making a big decision.
20. I stated a tenable theory, but no one will listen to me!

At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Drew Koense Red said...

Drew Koense Red
1. Talking about Chemistry is not germane to the discussion during English class.
2. The needs of some people are so insatiable that no matter what or how much you do for them, it feels like you are never doing enough.
3. Democrats and Republicans can be rather intransigent when it comes to certain matters such as the environment.
4. Certain leaders throughout the course of history have show to be invidious towards a certain group of people based on who they are.
5. Rich people have been known to give out largesse to causes that they believe in such as a university.
6. The general sent out two scouts to do reconnaissance before he made a major decision for the battle.
7. The overwhelming amount of evidence that was discovered was enough to substantiate the fact the the suspect had committed the crime.
8. It came as a surprise to everyone when the usually taciturn student answered the question in such a lengthy way out loud in class today.
9. When confronted with big decisions, people tend to temporize so that they can gain more time to think about what they want to do.
10. Many theories in the scientific field are tenable so that it makes it easy for other scientists to test and prove their theory.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Maire W Red said...

11) Mentioning a previous romantic relationship to someone who just broke up with their significant other is not a germane way to calm them down.

12) Apple cannot produce enough products to quell the insatiable need of the public's need of their newest piece of technology.

13) For a person to be considered "stubborn as a mule" they would have to be intransigent with most of their opinions and views.

14) In my opinion, most prejudices are formed by a well known, invidious and hurtful stereotype.

15) There are few celebrities who do not have any largess and never donate any of their money to charity.

16) The scouts preformed a reconnaissance mission to affirm that enemy troops were not occupying the land.

17) If the prosecutor does not use substantiate argument with the appropriate evidence, the defendant will most likely be considered not guilty by the jury.

18) Introverted people are usually taciturn in public but very exuberant when with people they trust.

19) When caught in the halls after the bell, the student temporized his way out of a demerit by talking to the teacher until they realized where they needed to be.

20) All sides of an argument must be tenable or else the viewpoint is invalid.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Maire W Red said...

11) Mentioning a previous romantic relationship to someone who just broke up with their significant other is not a germane way to calm them down.

12) Apple cannot produce enough products to quell the insatiable need of the public's need of their newest piece of technology.

13) For a person to be considered "stubborn as a mule" they would have to be intransigent with most of their opinions and views.

14) In my opinion, most prejudices are formed by a well known, invidious and hurtful stereotype.

15) There are few celebrities who do not have any largess and never donate any of their money to charity.

16) The scouts preformed a reconnaissance mission to affirm that enemy troops were not occupying the land.

17) If the prosecutor does not use substantiate argument with the appropriate evidence, the defendant will most likely be considered not guilty by the jury.

18) Introverted people are usually taciturn in public but very exuberant when with people they trust.

19) When caught in the halls after the bell, the student temporized his way out of a demerit by talking to the teacher until they realized where they needed to be.

20) All sides of an argument must be tenable or else the viewpoint is invalid.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Tim r blue said...

11. Although football may be intriguing, it is not a germane topic in our literature class. 
12. After a tiresome run I yearned for an endless flow of water so that I could attempt to quench my seemingly insatiable thirst. 
13. This war will never cease with two, relentless, and intransigent countries.
14. The invidious bully tormented his victims daily rather then treating them in a flattering way.
15. Bill and Melinda Gates often make a largesse by donating a gargantuan amount of money to charities.
16. The captain of the military academy ordered a strict reconnaissance before the cadets were dismissed.
17. Without the deed the rightful owner of the peach farm can not substantiate that he owns the land.
18. It was queer when the most taciturn girl we knew seemed to be extremely extraverted the next day. 
19. The boy temporized his mother in the driveway so she would not see the mess being cleaned up inside.
20. His actions were so uncalled for that calling them tenable would be a preposterous statement.

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Jessica L Blue said...

1. My ACQUISITIVE neighbor has amassed herself quite a fortune.
2. We all found his attempt to ARROGATE the team trophy for himself rather rude.
3. The critic's BANAL comments on the new movie did not give me a clear image of the plot.
4. He tends to BELABOR the small details of his essays while the introduction and closing paragraphs fall short.
5. I found my editor's CARPING remarks downright rude.
6. I really appreciated her COHERENT explanation of the situation.
7. The food remnants left on the counter began to CONGEAL.
8. Sarah's attempt to EMULATE Lady Gaga's wild costumes was hilarious.
9. The man's moving ENCOMIUM to his late grandmother brought us all to tears.
10. I do not understand the Amish practice of ESCHEWING rule-breakers.

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Nicole R blue said...

1. You must have an ACQUISITIVE brain to understand how stock goes up and down in the market to be able to make money off of trading stocks.
2. It is barbaric to ARROGATE a person's things without asking permission to borrow or use them.
3. Some of the songs on the radio become BANAL after being played very often on various stations.
4. When people tend to BELABOR their political views , they often alienate friends and family.
5. The CARPING boy nagged the other students for leaving the books out of order due to his obsessive compulsive disorder.
6. Due to his drunkenness, the driver was not COHERENT to drive between the lines, causing him to swerve into a tree.
7. To redo a sidewalk, you need to mix up cement with water and allow it to CONGEAL into a solid.
8. Many people who get their ideas of do-it-yourself home decorating from Pinterest have the idea of EMULATING the picture they saw and think they can do it better.
9. One of the strongest forms of ENCOMIUM is a eulogy funeral; it gives tribute to the person who once lived.
10. If a person who was raised Amish decides they want to leave and discover more technology, they are ESCHEWED from their village for life.

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Elizabeth S red said...

1) In order to stall the teacher from collecting the homework, the students started to bring up topics that were not germane hoping that their teacher would forget about collecting the assignment.

2) The puppy's appetite seemed insatiable; no matter how much I fed him he just kept coming back to his bowl and begging for more.

3) If you don't listen to what I have to say and keep up with that intransigent attitude we won't be able to solve this problem.

4) The bully often made invidious comments to his victims which caused them to be even more afraid of him then before.

5) My uncle is very largesse when it comes to charity and gives as much money as he can to those in need.

6) The spy was sent on a reconnaissance mission to scope out the area before the assassin to make sure the area had no hidden alarms.

7) I can substantiate that she wasn't there at the time of the crime because I was with her when it took place.

8) Freshmen are often very taciturn the first few weeks of school because they aren't used to the new people or surroundings.

9) Because I decided to temporize and put off the project till the night before it was due, I wasn't surprised to find I got a D on it.

10) After more research was done, the theory started to become less and less tenable than when it was first proposed.

At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Callie F Red said...

1.The intelligent businessman was ACQUISITIVE in making decisions that would benefit the company financially.

2. The mother argued that she didn't ARROGATE her child's phone because she had paid for it.

3. In today's society, new words and phrases quickly become BANAL due to overuse on social media.

4. The scholarly student BELABORED on every assignment and missed out on the fun in the class.

5.Halfway through the season, half the team quit due to the constant CARPING from the assistant coach.

6. In order to finish the puzzle, the group members had to be COHERENT and cooperative.

7. We cooked the eggs on the stove to CONGEAL them into solid hard boiled eggs.

8. The new scientists retested the experiments and hoped to EMULATE the results of the original scientists.

9. To congratulate the graduating class, the emotional principal gave a very verbose ENCOMIUM on the accomplishment's and positivity they brought to the school.

10. My parents always make sure I ESCHEW from anything that could have negative consequences in my life.

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Maggie m blue said...

1. The acquisitive businessman underpaid and mistreated many of his workers, because he wanted more money for himself.
2. Tom arrogated his neighbor's hose to water his plants, and as a result the neighbor became angry at him.
3. The banal book was rejected from five publishers for being too boring and pedestrian.
4. She belabored on the details and look of the presentation instead of working on her main points, and it cost her a good grade.
5. My mother spent the entire day carping about my sister's grades, even though she was a straight-A student.
6. Instead of being coherent and calm during the oral presentation, Billy panicked and forgot what he was going to say.
7. The ice congealed on the car windshield, and it was so thick that it took two days to melt off.
8. The young soccer player looked up to the team captain and tried to emulate her.
9. When the respected civil rights activist died, many people dedicated long and glowing encomiums to him.
10. Coach wanted his runners to eschew junk food and instead eat healthily, but many girls on the team ignored the request.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Laura B. Blue said...

11.) The man kept bringing up stories that were not germane to the conversation.
12.) The manager was so insatiable that he was never pleased by the work done by the employees.
13.) If you have an intransigent attitude then you will never be able to solve your problem.
14.) When he heard the invidious rumor about him, he was very upset.
15.) The charity received several donations due to the largesse of the guests at the banquet.
16.) Each officer went through a reconnaissance for their uniforms before the work day started.
17.) The criminal is guilty until evidence substantiates his innocence
18.) In the taciturn homeroom you could hear a pin drop.
19.) People tend to temporize when they know that they have something difficult to do.
20.) You must have tenable evidence to prove you are right.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Mollie R. Red said...

11. "The only way to successfully further discussions in this class is to ask germane questions," instructed the teacher, "so, please, don't ask anything silly or unrelated to the course."
12. Servants could never appease their queen, as her longing for more and more treasures was insatiable.
13. The citizens were intransigent on the matter, determined to have their way.
14. Invidious comments are not tolerated in the online community, helping to keep it a polite and safe place for everyone.
15. The town community center has been able to stay open and operative over the past decades due to largesses from a group of anonymous donors.
16. A reconnaissance of the foreign land was issued to help the military units become familiar with the land and the location of the enemy troops.
17. Any good politician knows to first substantiate his or her claims before putting out a statement to avoid saying anything false or unsupported.
18. The taciturn student preferred written assignments to oral presentations due to his shy demeanor.
19. Due to Mrs. Lee temporizing, she missed the due date of the important decision.
20. Our science textbooks only include tenable theories, making our textbooks very reliable and accurate.

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Karma T blue said...

1. The acquisitive little girl tried to hog all of her classmates cookies for herself.
2. You could say the boy arrogated the answers to the test when he looked off of his neighbor's paper.
3. I found myself fading in and out of my banal friend's story, as I had heard it at least a dozen times before.
4. I belabored on my sister's handmade birthday present for several months before I gave it to her.
5. There is no need to belittle my confidence with carping remarks about my artwork.
6. Although I thought I would be utterly confused on how to play the game, after a coherent explanation I was surprised at how much fun it was.
7. The now-congealed wax that had leaked out of the candle holder was a lot easier to clean up than if it were still in a liquid state.
8. The driving simulator was very accurate in emulating the act of driving a car.
9. The highest ranking student in the class received a sincere encomium from the teacher for doing such a good job.
10. Even though the boy did something terrible, we should not eschew him, or turn him away completely.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Tim M red said...

11) I understand that you think it is important, but please remain to more germane topics.
12) Because he had not eaten breakfast, the student was insatiably hungry.
13) As much as I begged to go to the game, my mother was intransigent with her response.
14) You really must be more careful, your comments turn out more invidious than you expect.
15) The largesse of the millionaire was recognized with the installation of a statue in her honor.
16) Many countries are using drones for military reconnaissance rather than humans.
17) The law student's assignment was to find proper evidence to substantiate his claim.
18) Due to their generally taciturn nature, many freshmen find it difficult to make new friends.
19) Do not temporize your decision, we need to know as soon as possible.
20) Such a tenable prison should keep inmates from escaping.

At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Kaleigh D blue said...

1.) My father was an acquisitive workaholic who earned great wealth but was never happy.
2.) Riley's brother likes to arrogate the TV whenever she leaves the room.
3.) The college heavily criticized the student's banal essay, as it was filled with overused cliches and lacked any originality.
4.) If you’re just going to continue to belabor the point, I’m going home.
5.) His carping mother was constantly nagging at Asher to get his shaggy hair cropped.
6.) If you can’t summarize this movie in a more coherent way, I will never be able to understand what it was about.
7.) After the pudding still hadn't congealed after four hours, Marcus began to wonder what he had managed to do wrong this time.
8.) The boy would emulate his father's morning everyday because he wanted to be just like his dad.
9.) The president gave an encomium to thank all the people who voted for him.
10.) the mother tried to get her children to eschew the habit of procrastination.

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous ZackW blue said...

1.He was so acquisitive he went as far as buying a gold mine.
2. The colonist were very arrogate when they made the Native Americans leave their land.
3. The speaker was so banal that even the principal fell asleep.
4. I belabored over the small grammatical errors that I forgot to check spelling.
5. The carping man nagged the waitress until she finally got her manager.
6. The best textbooks are ones that have coherent and easy to read sentences.
7. Ice is the congenial version of water
8. When the comedian imitated the reporter by repeating her questions.
9. The police officer was given an encomium after arresting the criminal.
10. After getting in trouble the child eschewed to the treehouse.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Will H Red said...

11)What John said did not relate to the lecture unlike Rick's germane addition to it.
12)Joey is so insatiable at lunch that it seems as if he never gets fed at home.
13)Matt was very intransigent when he refused to accept the deal.
14)His mom commented invidious things to him that eventually left him in tears.
15)Many rich alumni donate a largesse of money to their university, while more middle class people donate little.
16)The classroom went on a reconnaissance to search for the lost class pet.
17)The inspector had zero evidence to his theory, therefore he did not have a substantiate theory.
18)The back of the class is normally very loud unlike the taciturn nature of the front of the class.
19)The war was temporized in order to get time negotiate a new treaty.
20)The teams defense was very weak unlike the tenable defense of the state champions.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Brianna c blue said...

11. Try to keep the topics in your essay germane so you do not stray away from your theme.
12. I try to control my insatiable cravings for ice cream by not buying any.
13. By continuing to be intransigent we will never be able to compromise.
14. The invidious boy, caused many people to become uncomfortable with his offensive remarks.
15. The hospital received a generous largesse and was able to make many needed improvements.
16. The general ordered an extensive reconnaissance before the troops were deployed.
17. In order to prove my innocence I had to substantiate my alibi.
18. The taciturn girl had trouble making friends because she did not speak often.
19. I had to temporize my mom as my brother hurried to finish his chores.
20. I tried to find a lawyer to defend me who would see me as tenable.

At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Cate C red said...

1) The acquisitive young man monitored his stocks every day because his goal was to make as much money as possible.
2) A mutiny erupted as the sailors arrogated the captain's position and turned the ship around.
3) The usual knock-knock jokes that people tell are repeated so much that the jokes have become quite banal.
4) She belabored the intricate designs on her painting that she didn't have enough time to finish for the final deadline.
5) The carping food critics pointed out every possible fault with his dish and eliminated him from the competition.
6) The lecture the professor gave was confusing,but once I read my notes and did the homework, the information was coherent and I aced the quiz.
7) The raspberry Jell-O must cool down and congeal before I can serve it at the party.
8) In the second grade, I tried to emulate my friend's form on the monkey bars but failed when I fell on my face.
9) At his grandfather's funeral, his father gave a long encomium that made his simple life seem spectacular.
10) It is a fundamental rule at St. Mark's Highschool to eschew chewing gum during class.

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Josh V Blue said...

11. Talking about how the Eagles won a few days ago is not germane in a conversation about baseball.

12. The toddler was so insatiable to a point where she would whale and scream if she did not get what she wanted.

13. Nothing was resolved at the town meeting because the two intransigent leaders did not agree about anything.

14. The batter got ejected for his invidious comments towards the umpire.

15. The park was renovated because of the generous largesses by the wealthy couple.

16. The advisors had to go through a reconnaissance before allowing people to leave the dorms.

17. The attorney was able to substantiate his client and prove that he was not guilty.

18. The new student was very taciturn on his first day of school, but now he is very outgoing.

19. Many high school students temporize rather than actually doing their homework.

20. The principal had a dream tenable idea about how to work the new schedule.

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Cameron j red said...

The comment that Billy made was germane to the topic of the lecture and the conversation immediately went off topic.
12. Insatiable
The Roman's insatiable thirst for power gave them the edge they needed to create their empire.
13. Intransigent
My brother's intransigent attitude towards which museum we would go to in Washington DC kept us from even entering the art museum.
14. Invidious
The man's invidious comments to the opposing team got him escorted out of the stadium by security guards.
15. Largesse
The hospital was completely dependent on largesse millionaires to give bountiful donations to keep the research on blood vessels going.
16. Reconnaissance
The police officer had to go through a rigorous reconnaissance of his past before being able to chase after criminals.
17. Substantiate
No one was able to substantiate the criminal's alibi so he was declared "guilty".
18. Taciturn
The girl had a very taciturn personality, so when she spoke up in class it was a surprise to everyone.
19. Temporize
Debbie asked many off-topic questions to try and temporize so we wouldn't have to take the test.
20. Tenable
The army base was now tenable thanks to the barbed wire fences placed around it.

At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Abbie B Red said...

1. My cousin is very acquisitive and is always asking me if I would like to buy his products which are very poorly made.
2. The police arrogated the man's car after he crashed it while drunk driving.
3. The movie had a very banal plot; the princess was in trouble and a prince charming came to her rescue.
4. My father belabors on his old car in the garage all night long.
5. My mother was carping me all week to clean my room when hers was just as dirty.
6. Since our team was very coherent, we won many games with our team work.
7. We waited 3 hours for the runny Jell-O to congeal in the refrigerator.
8. When the coach demonstrated the drill, the try-hard on our team tried to emulate him but she was not as good as him.
9. Melissa's encomium to her brother who had recently passed touched all of our hearts when she read it in front of her closest friends and family.
10.For Advent, Billy eschewed from eating his favorite candy and was craving it the whole time.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Jack D. Blue said...

Jack Dubecq - Blue
Unit 1 Vocabulary sentences

People who are greatly acquisitive will tend to be misguided and often distracted by money and fortunes.
The government official went to the house and kicked the family out, arrogating the entire property.
The child's banal excuses made it very hard to believe his story as to why he was late to school.
Since he belabored over the slightest mistakes, he failed to finish the project in time.
After hours of the coach carping at the team for uncontrollable mishaps, they became frustrated and refused to play.
My class works well together because we are coherent and we all work well together.
Not stretching after a grueling workout will most likely result in the congealing of your muscles.
Becoming the best student in the class might include emulating the people ahead of you to match their success.
After the death of the student, there were many heartfelt speeches and encomiums told at the school hearing.
Ever since the fight broke out, the two who were once best friends were suddenly eschewing each other.
The kids ideas were so brilliant and every single one was germane and pertained to the topic.
Spoiled kids often have an insatiable need for what they want, even when they have plenty.
I could not understand why the girl was being so intransigent and difficult to work with while we were supposed to be collaborating as a group.
Rivalries between the schools led to invidious acts that led to suspension of many students.
People with kind hearts and lots of money often show acts of largesse by donating to those who are less fortunate.
Each student was required to complete a physical reconnaissance in order to be enrolled in the Military courses.
The police did not need that much evidence to substantiate who did the crime, considering there was fingerprints laced everywhere.
People who appear to be taciturn and shy may often be outgoing when getting to know them.
My brother and I had to temporize and stall my mother outside the house while my friend cleaned up the broken vase.
The lawyer decided that he would take the case after realizing the money reward and the fact that the case was quite believable and tenable.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous David S Red said...

1)Forget everything else, it was his acquisitive personality that caused him to spend his money so soon.
2)It was not right for the English to arrogate the land that belonged to the Indians to use for their own purpose.
3)I was bored to the point of falling asleep after listening to the same banal speech you hear at every assembly.
4)When someone feels strongly about something they tend to belabor the topic when it comes up in conversation.
5)It is not my friends job to start carping about the way I do things and tell me every little thing I do wrong.
6)As a teacher it is important to give coherent lectures so that you do not confuse your students by going off track.
7)It is important when making jello to put it in the refrigerator so it can congeal, instead of being a gooey liquid.
8)Trying to emulate someone you look up to can help you to set goals and reach them and in turn end up like them someday.
9)After the events of 9/11 president George Bush gave his encomium to comfort the nation and inform them of the events of that day.
10)It is always sad to see a group of people eschew someone and not invite him or her to sit with them.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Josh V Blue said...

11. Talking about how the Eagles won a few days ago is not germane in a conversation about baseball.

12. The toddler was so insatiable to a point where she would scream if she did not get what she wanted.

13. Nothing was resolved at the town meeting because the two intransigent leaders did not agree about anything.

14. The batter got ejected for his invidious comments towards the umpire.

15. The park was renovated because of the generous largesses by the wealthy couple.

16. The advisors had to go through a reconnaissance before allowing people to leave the dorms.

17. The attorney was able to substantiate his client and prove that he was not guilty.

18. The new student was very taciturn on his first day of school, but now he is very outgoing.

19. Many high school students temporize rather than actually doing their homework.

20. The principal had a very tenable idea about how to work the new schedule.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Robert V Blue said...

11. While we were arguing, the fcat she used didn't help her point because it was completely germane.
12. My appetite for success will always be insatiable.
13. My parents say im hard headed because in arguements im intansigent.
14.These days it seems people are so invidious towards law enforcement officers.
15. People say I can't hold onto money because I have a largesse.
16. When I was in the military, the bravest guys were always the ones who went ahead and did reconnaissance.
17. In a court of law the best cases are always the ones that substantiate the defendant's claim.
18. After we took the test we later learned the highest score had come from the taciturn girl in the back.
19. In the Senate, they seem to be able to temporize anything they don't like.
20. The spot for capture the flag enable the flag to be very tenable to our team.

At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Claire C GREEN said...

Claire C. Green

1. Approbation
     When I walked out in my ankle length skirt, the nuns smiled with approbation.

2. Assuage
     The teacher realised that the vocab was to hard so he decided to assuage, and chage the test.

3. Coalition
     The students formed a coalition against the school to make eating a class.

4. Decadence
     The family was proud of the boy for his addiction as decadence because he was only smoked a pack a day.

5. Elicit
     His attempt to elicit information from the prisoner was failing because of the prisoners pride.

6. Expostulate 
     The teachers hated when the kids expostulate their homework.

7. Hackneyed
     The teacher new the kid cheated because of his hackneyed work.

8. Haitus
     There was a haitus between the sounds of gunshots, complete silence from fear was present.

9. Innuendo
     She offereed him a piece of gum as an innuendo for his bad breath.

10. Intercede
       He will intercede in the fight between her, and her parents.


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