Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Preparation for Cuckoo's Nest Essay Test

TOMORROW (Wednesday)

Purple and Green classes report to the TECH LAB on Wednesday. Red class report to the LIBRARY LAB

When you come to class tomorrow, go immediately to Schoolsville to get your questions, and then to Word to compose your answer. You may use notes and a copy of the book, or the electronic copy of the novel posted on StudyWiz (that is “searchable”).

When you are completed writing, save your file and name it with your first initial and last name. Send it to me via e-mail (fiorellienglish@gmail.com) or drop it in my StudyWiz e-locker folder.

Here is a list of possible writing topics for tomorrow’s second part of the test.

From this list, you will be given only THREE (3) writing options that MIGHT change from section to section. You should write your answer in the form of a five-paragraph essay with an introductory-thesis paragraph, three body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, and a brief concluding paragraph. The most important part of your paper will be your body paragraphs, but I do want you to introduce your central idea and thesis and then wrap up your paper with some concluding thoughts.

a.       McMurphy is a Christ figure in the way that he preaches a gospel to the men. Write about three of his gospel messages, providing specific examples from the book of him “preaching” AND the men “learning” these three specific lessons. Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 

b.      One of the themes of Cuckoo’s Nest discusses the blurred lines between who is sane and who is insane. Discuss how three of the characters in the novel are possibly “mislabeled” by 1960s Society as to their sanity and need to be institutionalized. Use specific references from the text (for full credit) to show why they need hospitalization but why they are not insane.

c.       Though Cuckoo’s Nest seems to be misogynistic, the negative depiction of women has a purpose in the overall context of the novel. Discuss this idea as it relates to three different female characters. Or write about the somewhat misogynistic portrayal of the Big Nurse, focusing on three of her traits that seem particularly misogynistic.Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 

d.      Cuckoo’s Nest uncovered some of the poor practices, mistreatment, and abuses of the mental health system. Discuss three separate parts of that system that are criticized in the novel. Be specific.Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 

e.      The stereotyping of blacks, Indians, and the brawling Irishman are at first offensive, but each characterization serves a greater purpose in understanding Cuckoo’s Nest. Write a paragraph on each stereotype that includes the negative depiction of each stereotype (as found in the book) as well as the “greater purpose” served by that stereotyping. Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 

f.        The paranoid schizophrenic character of the Chief suffers through many instances/scenes where he cannot distinguish between what’s real and what is not. Examine three of those instances, briefly describing each, and then, most importantly, telling how each one is “the truth, even if it didn’t really happen.”Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 

g.       With McMurphy’s help, the Chief progresses through three stages of confidence or “bigness” within the book. At first, he is content to hide in the fog, to maintain his cagey “deaf and dumb” routine, so that he can protect himself from further harm and embarrassment. Later he gradually becomes more aware of and involved in everyday activity, only occasionally hiding in the fog. Finally, he speaks, grows to his correct size, actively takes part in his life, and plays a huge role in the final scenes of the novel. Make sure you cite specific lines from the novel for full credit. 


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