Sunday, December 09, 2012

Seniors Journal #2: Your Good Place


I'm not always up to date on the most novel vernacular, teen or otherwise. By the time I start using some "new" expression, it's bottomed out to the level of drab cliche. So if you get a "you go, girl" or an "atta boy" from me, try not to gawk in amazement at me as if I'm some ancient mariner.

Within the last year, people my age and in my small circle of very cool friends have begun to use the phrase "in a good place," as in "his boss gave him a raise today, so he's in a good place" or he was able to watch football all Sunday afternoon, so he was "in his good place." Getting a raise might put you in a "figurative good place," but watching football all Sunday afternoon and evening on your couch in your Mancave is a "real good place."

Which leads me to this blog's question: Where's your "good place?"

You SHOULD answer VERY literally and specifically, sparing no expense of travel. The place must exist.

Maybe take me to some sunny exotic island in the Bahamas, send me schussing down the Rockies, or lead me to traverse your favorite hiking spot on the Appalachian Trail.

Or perhaps you're the more "stay at home" type, who like Henry David Thoreau, could make a full day out of bird watching, sitting in his cabin doorway. Then stay at home. Describe what it's like to be playing the guitar, getting big in the weight room, or just "chewing the fat" with your friends. Take me on an easy five mile jog in White Clay Creek Park with your Ipod at full blast and with your eyes (and other senses) wide open.

This journal will be somewhat similar to your next creative writing assignment. If you like, you can use this assignment to stretch your writing muscles before running the real race.

However, one requirement of your post at Schoolsville is that your "good place" MUST be a "good place." Please, for this assignment I want no glimpses into any personal mansions of doom and gloom. As I might have said once or twice in the 70s, "Don't be such a downer, man."

For Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption, listening to the music of the "two Italian ladies" took his soul to heights that not even two weeks of prison lockup could destroy.

Can our "good places" do the same?


At 10:35 AM, Anonymous ANNAM PURPLE said...

My “good place” is not extravagant or private it’s not a plane ride away or going to cost my entire savings to get to. My “good place” is a mere three hour drive to the small little island off of New Jersey. Beach Haven in Long Beach Island New Jersey is only about four maybe five miles long, but it’s perfect. The beach is never overly crowded, when I go to sit on the beach I never worry someone is going to come put a blanket right next to me. The place buzzes with activity, in the morning you might mistake the main street for a gym. Almost everyone is awake by 9am running, biking, or walking along the road. There really is no need for a car once you're down there unless you’re towing the boat to the dock. I ride a bike or walk wherever I want to go, breakfast, the beach, and even the grocery store. There is no board walk, no “Jungle Jim’s”, no “fun land”, and no outlets at LBI. All we have are the restaurants, random retail stores, the mini golf, small water park, the bay and the beach; the way it should be. I go there to be calm, listen to the waves, fish in the bay, and late at night sit on the roof. When you sit on the roof you can see every star in the sky because there is no extreme lights from the boardwalk blocking the stars. LBI is very tiny but when I’m there I don’t worry about seeing anyone I know or being bored, I just am there with my family, and doing nothing but laying on the beach with a book is perfectly fine with me. As for a song,I think a song can take you back to a happy place. When I listen to John Meyer, or any type of country music I suddenly think of the drive there, or laying on the beach listening to those songs.

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CJV Purple
If you walk through the front doors of my house you will immediately encounter stairs to go to the second floor of my house. Once at the top if you make a right and walk down the petite hall you will find yourself at the door to my bedroom. My bedroom is considered my “good room” because I feel this is the only place in the world that I can escape all of my problems and “kick it back.” After entering my room I retreat on my bed where I notice the cartoonish self-portrait of myself directly over the head of my bed. The champagne hair and azure shirt are the most appealing attributes to me. The cardinal shutters radiates the nautical day into my perspiring room. The cinnamon weald of my dresser contains empty cavities with my snuggly clothes in it. The ceiling holds a fan that gusts a sensational current of fresh air. Under the fan is the bed which has a comforter as cottony as fur. This keeps me warm during the gelid season such as winter. The carpet has a beryl tint to it with the smell of a dozen roses. The smell comes from the air fresheners for the carpet. Near the wall is a desk with my raggedy homework assignments and atrocious school books. Although, in my sound sleep room I can concentrate easier and finish my homework in a flash. The last addition to my “good room” is my complacent, warm heated, and feather feeling bed. The bed gives me a “snug as a bug in a rug” feeling. The reason I can sleep at night in a flash is because of the untroubled bed.

At 5:00 PM, Anonymous ABanaszak Red said...

I could describe many different places as my “good place” such as Rehoboth beach or the relaxing waters of the Chesapeake. Instead, my good place is at Imaginations Early Childhood Learning Center located at Christiana Hospital. I have volunteered there every summer for almost five years and it is my favorite place to be. The beach is the happiest place for most people but for me, Imaginations is the happiest place. I love kids and being around them is relaxing to me. Many people may find kids stressful and irritating, but I find them cheerful and innocent. A small brick day care with a multicolored playground located behind it. Mothers marching with strollers and chattery children walking beside them. The walls splashed with vibrant pinks, blues, and greens. The pungent aroma of diapers and baby powder fills my nose. The sound of toys and children’s laughter brings a smile to my face. Babies curled up into little balls in their cribs and nurturing nurses caring for them like they are their own. Colorful clings on the windows shine bright for everyone to see. Tiny tots trotting across the playground like a dog playing fetch with a new toy. Little ones bringing me books to read about bugs, bunnies, and ballerinas. Teaching little boys how to throw and catch a ball. Impassively inspecting all the little girls dressing up as princesses and Barbie’s. The tiny giggles from each room as the teachers put on plays and puppet shows. Making mats with many blankets for kids to dream on during nap time. Peaceful music playing as each child places their head on their pillow. A humongous hug and a small kiss from each child to symbolize the love they have for you taking care of them. Being at the daycare leaves my body stress free and my brain jam packed of cute, little memories I can share with my kids one day.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Jon C. Purple said...

My “Good Place” is actually multiple places. I don’t know if I’m allowed to have multiple places but I will for this journal because there was a 3 way tie for 1st. My first “good place” is the Scottish Highlands, it is by far the most beautiful place I have been too. It is so relaxing and peaceful. It is easy to collect your thoughts and the air is pure. You will not see many other people there and if you are on the roads that run through the highlands you are just as likely to see an animal as you are to see another human. The reason it did not run away with first is that I have only been there one time. In the new James Bond movie Skyfall the final scene was in the highlands and there is a shot where James Bond and M stand next to each other in front of James’ Aston Martin on a road. I have been on that road so it was really exciting to see that place again. Here it is:
The second place is in my neighborhood on summer nights. When we have nothing else to do on a summer night and don’t feel like going out my best friend Devin and I will go for walks around my neighborhood. We go at 8:30 or 9 so it has cooled down and won’t break a sweat. We just walk and talk about what’s happening in our lives, things we want to happen in our lives, girls, sports, school, and any upcoming events. We joke around and listen to music and it is just a nice way to end summer days that are normally filled with sports workouts and work. Now it may seem like something two old ladies would do but for me it is one of my “Good Places”
My last “Good Place” is being in my car going over 50, with the windows down, by myself, with a full tank of gas, and blasting my preferred music of that day. I prefer a warm night or the highway so I can just drive without having to worry about a lot of traffic or stops. Having nowhere to go and no place to be and just driving is a great feeling. When you just sit back, drive, and let the car take you it can be fun. You get to collect your thoughts and think about things away from other people. It just feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, it is a feeling of freedom for me. I don’t know if it will last as I get older and drive more. But for now driving with no cause and just for fun on a summer night on a highway is a “Good Place” for me.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Ktruitt Green said...

A good place for me is sitting in a orange Tommy Bahama beach chair with my toes in the sand. The drive on beach is my favorite place to go during the summer. The whole family loads up the car with all the necessities and away we go to my peaceful place. Many people think the beach is a very stressful trip due to the endless amounts of sand or the swarming flies, but I am in love with it. I could sit in my chair all day and not move, yet still be the happiest girl in the world. Friends and Family join here and there, which makes it even better. Cornhole and KanJam being constantly played, has to be the funniest part due to some family member’s lack of athleticism. We arrive on the beach around 10 after getting my obsession, Dunkin Donut’s iced coffee. Around three the appetizers break out. Tables fill with dips and grills start to fill with burgers and dogs. My family is not your normal beach family. We go all out to say the least, but the best part is we don’t have to drag through the sand. Air flows out of the tires and we can enter the sand. The worst part is packing up and leaving, but there is always the next day. All the belongings take a rest overnight and are unpacked onto the sand the very next morning just like routine.

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Amanda W Purple said...

My "good place" would have to be sitting on the beach with a bunch of my girlfriends. Since I was little I have always loved the beach. You can feel the grains between your toes, as the sand conforms to your foot while you walk. You find yourself having to leap across the beach because of the scorching hot sand that pierces your skin. By the time you get to your "spot" where you are going to place your beach chairs, the soles of your feet feel as if you just walked on hot coals. You set your beach chair down and face it towards the ocean so that you can watch the waves crash against the shore. The sun's rays reflect off of the ocean's waves and create a glistening affect. You can see dolphin fin’s in the distance as they come up for air. Their rubbery skin shines like a newly pressed silver coin. Seagulls can be seen diving into the water to retrieve a fish. Some are even seen on the shore scouring for left over crumbs that people have dropped while nibbling on their lunches. I love watching the little kids build sand castles by the water. Hearing them laugh and seeing their smiles stretch from cheek to cheek, reminds me of my childhood. It puts me in a “good place.”

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous MorganG purple said...

When I think of my “good place” I think of Greece. Right away my mind is taken back to the Greek islands. I have a vivid memory of the boat ride to the island of Hydra riding past so many other gorgeous islands. The thing about my good place is that there are no cars. The only source of transportation is your feet, a boat, or some sort of animal. This makes my good place even more special because a good place to me is somewhere that I can be alone. A good place is a place that my thoughts can roam free and I can look into the distance and see the pure beauty of nature. My good place, my “me” place, is a concrete beach with stones and slabs of concrete. The concrete beach is in its own little nook tucked away on the island. The beach is off the side of a cliff like hill. The view is crisp clear blue water all around. You don’t hear the sound of cars buzzing by or horns honking. The only thing you hear is the sound of the water and the occasional boat cruising on by. You can look up the cliff and see beautiful flowers and bright green brush. If you look even farther up you can see the cobblestone road with donkeys tied to trees along it. The best part about it is that there isn't sand to get stuck between your toes. It is just pebbles and rocks and the clear blue sea. If I could I would go back to this place each and every day just to be alone and think. I loved sitting there and just taking in everything around me. I loved taking in the breathtaking sight right before me where the presence of humans is almost unnoticeable. I loved the picture perfect sight where everyone dreams of going to. It is such a beautiful place that you would imagine it to be an unreal calendar picture but it is a real place. This concrete beach on the island of Hydra in Greece is my good place.

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous GiannaV Green said...

I would have to ay that the beaches of the Jersey Shore are my favorite places to be. Ocean City however is my good place. Literally smelling the bay the second the car crosses over the bridge excites me in many ways. The small community of houses and streets has a very warm, homey feeling to them. The dunes crash and blend into the boardwalk in almost the exact same manor as the ocean crashes onto the shore. This place takes all my stress away and leaves me with nothing but sweet serenity. The ocean breeze warms my soul as I feel the rays of the sum bronzing my skin. At night, the boardwalk comes alive and people of all ages gather to have fun. Teens from all over the states come to snuggle by bonfires and tell of past stories while meeting new people. I love the beach so much. It honestly is the one and only place that can take all my worries away.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous RGAGNON Green said...

My “happy place” is a park adjacent to my neighborhood. Whenever I am feeling upset or down, I walk across the railroad tracks that connect to a street in my neighborhood. I walk on the tracks thinking about my day until I get to the park. The park is a wide open space with a fenced off area for dogs to frolic and play. The park also has a baseball field where a Little League team often plays. Lastly, the park has a playground and swing set that I usually sit on. The swing set has five swings and a variety of colors. I almost always sit in the blue swing, the middle one. The park is large and open and perfect for lying in the grass and staring up at the sky in summer. The park has been here for as long as I can remember, but I remember never coming here because the train tracks were “too dangerous”. The park is often silent and deserted, that may be why I love it so much. It’s an escape from everyday life and from, most of all, people. It is a chance to relax and unwind after a long day. The sunset is beautiful from atop the slide, and I wish I could it every night.

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Jon M said...

As I fly down the mountain, feeling the ice cold wind bite at my face, I realize just how fast I’m going. It doesn’t scare me though, it’s too exhilarating. I lean forward and urge my board to go faster and faster, leaving all my troubles in a cloud of snow behind me. This is my absolute favorite feeling in the world, and there is no place I would rather be than on the ski slopes. Carving through the pillows of powder in Colorado, that’s my good place. To me, nothing compares to the feeling you get when you are carving in the glistening white snow down the slope. Even the bitter cold is worth those hours spent skiing down the mountain. My favorite time to ski, is right when the lifts open; being the first people up the mountain, but more importantly the first people down. Creating those tracks in the snow, as if you were the first person to come across the terrain. On the mountain you feel like you are alone with your thoughts, gliding through beautiful snow covered trees, just appreciating your surroundings. It is a time of great reflection for me, and one place where I can say I am truly happy. No matter what mood I am in, or how early I had to get up, as soon as I hit the snow, a smile comes across my face. Another reason why I love this so much is that it is an activity that my dad and I share. We go across the country to Colorado every year, and never stop laughing the whole time. It is something that we both have a passion for, and with teenagers and parents - that’s uncommon. It is one of rare only times where I can honestly say, I would rather be with my family then with my friends. The camaraderie that my father and I experience during these times, are memories that I will cherish all my life. Even those difficult trails, where you just want to give up and slide down on your butt, I have to enjoy. I love the challenge of figuring out where to go next, and how to make it happen. Snowboarding to me is as natural as breathing, it just feels right. Nothing can touch me when I’m there. Cell phone left behind, Facebook pushed to the back of my mind, I truly focus on the moment. I can think of nothing but what I am surrounded by and how much I enjoy what I am doing. Skiing down a mountain? Yeah, that’s my happy place.

At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Carissa K Red said...

As much as I love going to the beach or the gym, my good place is walking the streets in an urban area of West Chester. My favorite time to be there is in the fall or spring in the evening, feeling the cool breeze across my face, and wandering about as the street lamps begin to illuminate the way. The buildings are mostly brick while the sidewalks are constructed of cobblestone. As I walk, I pass old style row houses until the colorful signs of shops tell me I am in the heart of the area. I am familiar with the place, yet not so familiar that I am constantly bumping into people I know or grow bored with my surroundings. I guess this is something that makes it a bit more sacred to me. The atmosphere always seems to leave me feeling refreshed, while walking these streets clears my mind and relaxes me.There is something about this place that is simply calming and utterly peaceful to me.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous KWILLIAMS-RED said...

The July sun pounded its rays against the bare skin of my arms and legs. Enough heat to make you sweat but the right amount of breeze to whisk it away as the droplets formed. The icy blue sky was as clear as a new diamond ring. The poverty stricken streets felt less depressed as the sun shone down on them. The hustle and bustle of the workers felt merry as if they were elves preparing for Christmas. The place felt like a warm hug from a lover on a winter morning; welcoming, inviting, loving. As the crowd passed from vender to vender, the accented voices spoke of the snowy sand and water that was as clear as the air. They spoke of it dreamily as if they had only been once, but I could only see it in my imagination. I longed to be there. Soon, as I passed under an archway, I passed into paradise. A paradise from the rags and beggars. Hammocks hung from the swaying trees that had sprouted from the blanket of white. The gorgeous water allowed the beauty of the inhabitants to be seen without any aid. Where these two met was purely heaven on earth. I absorbed the beauty of the day almost as much as my fire engine red skin did.

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous SamanthaB green said...

My “good place” is probably much different than other kids my age. My favorite place in the whole world is in the family room, sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, with my mom, dad, and sister all there. When we’re together all we do is laugh and pick on each other and have a great time. I love the time we spend together and wish it would never end. Anytime, anywhere I am laughing is considered a good place to me. I believe that laughing is the way to get through every way. The funniest people I have in my life are my parents, and my sister. I laugh until I cry. Another good place of mine, is sitting in a big circle with all of my friends. I have the best friends in the whole world. I trust them with everything, and they make me feel comfortable, and loved no matter what. Just spending time in my home with the people I love, trust, and laugh with is a good place to me. I’m definitely a homebody. Being in the presence of those who accept gives me a good feeling. I love my life. My life is my “good place”.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous lcrawford red said...

It smells like chlorine mixed in with a sprinkle of mildew, but I wouldn’t trade my “good place” for the world. Persimmon Creek Swim Club is a hole in the ground in the middle of the woods at the bottom of a winding neighborhood. Surrounded by trees, the sun still finds its way to brown all of our skin. The corners of the premises are cool and shadowy, covered by oak trees. Lawn chairs lay on the deck. Our “vintage” entrance way is a hallway that has carpet from the dinosaur ages, but the regulars who ride their bike there every day don’t mind. Opening the pool in the morning when guests aren’t allowed in yet and no one is there is the most relaxing shift for me. The sun is blinding when I duck under an unopened umbrella and start to crank it up to provide some shade for the guests in the middle of the pool deck. Walking down into the pump house, or as we call it the “dungeon”, spiders crawl and the chlorine odor is overwhelming. I have to shoo away some cob webs to flip the off switch on and wait for the water to start churning, but I don’t mind. Birds chirp and the few wind gusts give me a relief from the beating sun. Hopping into the pool right before noon and galloping around, skimmer in hand, to try to capture all the evil leaves is the highlight of my morning. The water is cold, crisp, and refreshing after the morning chores of sweeping, vacuuming, and scrubbing. The glistening pool sparkles as I happily stare at my hard work.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous J Wolff Purple said...

My “good place” is definitely Cancun, Mexico. One of my best experiences was when I laid in the sand with my feet in the water and actually got a chance to relax. Mexico is my “good place” because it very relaxing and takes everything off of my mind. I feel like I am in a dream when I am there because everything is so perfect, there is nothing to complain about. The sand is as soft as a baby’s bottom. As I lay there with my feet in the water, I can see my feet because the water is as clear as glass. The water glistens and sparkles as the sun reflects off of it. The sky is cloudless and it looks like a baby blue cloth is overhead. Unlike the beaches of Delaware and New Jersey, it is a welcome change because it is not crowded, so there is barely any noise. All I can hear is the ocean waves crashing on the shore and the “whooshing” sound of the soft wind blowing the palm tree’s branches. As I lay there with my hair in the warm, purified water and my sunglasses on, I have nothing to worry about. I realize that this is my favorite place to be on earth because I am care free and with my family.

At 5:30 PM, Anonymous HeatherS Green said...

The cheerleading floor is where I spend the majority of my time. A blue, fuzzy mat, it’s basic. It hogs up all the space in the gym. It doesn’t have much meaning to tons of people but it is the world to my teammates and me. When we step on that blue mat we might not have had a good day, we might be sore, or we might not be feeling good but that all goes away. It lifts away all our troubles as if it’s a magic carpet. Everything is left off the mat. It brings you concentration like A.D.D. medication. Each and every person focuses on what to do best. We work long and hard for hours. There is always the thought of giving up but somehow if you are on that mat you never do. The mat gives you energy, as if you’re being revived from a stroke. No matter how tired you are you never run out of energy, you just keep going. It brings us together like a family gathering around the dinner table. We bring our talents and qualities to the mat and the mat works it’s magic to put all of them to work. The mat is filled with our blood, sweat, and tears that come with the hard work. It’s filled with memories and accomplishments. This blue, fuzzy mat is my good place.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous JMouserRed said...

Hawaii is a place of luxury. Everything is open. There are no doors to shut you off from the outside beauty, there are never four walls to keep the fresh air from entering your nostrils. The skies never fade from blue and the sun is never too hot. The soles of your feet laugh at the warmness of the sand. It only comforts your feet. The water is transparent. You double check before you jump in just to make sure that the water is actually there. The ocean goes on for miles and miles like the infinite skyline. There are many palm trees, and they dress the shore line. They keep your head cool while you eat the fresh fruit. The fruit looks fake but tastes like God hand picked it, just for you. The juice slithers down your chin as you wait for the bugs to bombard you. You could wait for days but the bugs would never come. The people are as bright as the sun. There smiling faces shine bright like diamonds. Even at night, their smiles could pass for moonlight. The hula shows at night fill the island with excitement. There are so many wonderful things about Hawaii and no words could really describe the true beauty of the special place.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous BKolle said...

The clouds hung low, removing the mountain peaks from view. From one mountain a thin stream of blue fell, becoming a white fog the closer it comes to the earth. A meandering valley rolled down from the mountain slopes, covered in long grass. Forests covered the mountain slope, and stopped at the base, except for the occasional sprinkling of trees. At the bottom of one hill, sat a cabin with smoke gently floating out of the chimney.

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Alison S Green said...

My good place is the beach and being out on the boat with my family. I’m sure many other people will say that the beach is there good place too, but the beach truly is a calming and good place. Being in the warm sun and hearing the waves crash on the shore is an instant stress reliever. Laying on the hot sand with the sun beating down on my body instantly changes my mood. The sound of the seagulls and the large waves crashing instantly brings me to peace. It seems to be that when I am at the beach I never seem to have a care in the world. When I am out on the boat I loose contact with the world, even though it may only be for a few hours. Getting in the boat and speeding by everyone else on the water gives me a feeling of power. The wind blowing through my hair and the summer sun on my face is truly calming. When I am in the middle of the bay fishing everything around me is very quiet. It gives me time to relax and get away from the real world and all the stresses that come with it. It’s like I find time to reconnect with myself. The beach can also make me laugh when I go people watching on the boardwalk. This may sound rude, but when I need a laugh I will sit on the boardwalk and people watch. Some people’s outfits are just so crazy that I can’t help but laugh. The beach just has that special feel to it that can make me happy and relaxed and that’s why it’s my good place.

At 6:12 PM, Anonymous PatrickC-Red said...

My good place is in my backyard, enjoying a summer day by the pool. On those hot and sunny days, it’s the first place I go to relax. My pool is my good place because it is a place that can fit any of my moods. If I want to relax and be calm, I can lie down on a chaise and stare at the white clouds as they float across the blue sky. If I want to have fun, I can turn on my favorite music, invite some friends over and swim for the whole afternoon. If I need to calm down, I can grab a tube and float around aimlessly in the cool water. Ever since I was little I have loved the water, and to this day, I still do. When in the pool or sitting by it, I feel good. It’s a way for me to relax, have fun, or calm down. I have had many good times in my backyard. Whether it was lying back reading a book and listening to cars drive by, or it was playing around with friends in the pool and listening to our favorite music, it was always good, and just what I needed. Being out at the pool gives me the ability to forget about what is going on, and just enjoy the summer and the warm rays of the sun while they last. My good place is a pick-me-up. It helps me be care-free, and just lets me be me.

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous DDavisGreen said...

There are a few places that I could name as my “good place.” It could my grandparents beach house in Cape May, New Jersey to being home sitting in my room all day playing video games. The gridiron, or also known as the football field is my “good place.” Playing football is my favorite thing in the world to do and I would do anything, and I mean anything to be able to go week in and week out just playing nonstop football. When I’m on the field I feel freer then a runaway slave that just escaped. No matter what the situation is, I feel as though football brings out the best of me at all times. I like to think I have a high football IQ, and when I’m out there with my teammates nothing can stop me from helping them or giving a piece of my mind on what I think they could do better themselves and to make them a better player. I’m not a big church person, but I like to think being on the football field is my sanctuary. All my problems or everything that wasn’t going right in my life just didn’t matter when I was on the field until I stepped off. Even when I ride past a field I smile and just get that urge of being out there with my teammates and having fun. Football is just what I love.

At 6:27 PM, Anonymous ThomasT Red said...

Of all the places I have been, there is one that stands out as my “good place.” Unfortunately, I do not get to this place as often as I would like to. My “good place” is at Rittenhouse Park in Newark, Delaware. I go fishing here with my dad and sometimes with my uncle and cousins. No matter what time of year it is or what I am doing I can always think about this place. This place is so strong in my memory that I can remember everything, including every sight, sound, and even smell. I can visualize the water steadily streaming. I can hear the sparrow’s songs. I can also imagine the smell of the fresh fragrances of summer and fall. Whenever I go to Rittenhouse Park I sit and relax by the riverbank, fishing rod nearby, waiting to “get a bite.” Fishing is a hobby where you need to have patience because it could take hours before you have a chance to catch a fish. With all that time of having nothing to do one has nothing better to do than just open their senses to all of the sights, sounds, and smells around them. Rittenhouse Park is my “good place” because it is a place that I can go to without actually traveling there.

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous RandyH Green said...

Being in my family’s beach house is my “good place”. It’s a home away from home. Everything from its large secluded lot and quiet neighbors make it a great place to relax and enjoy every day in the summer. When you open the door, your eyes gaze at the stunning hardwood floors. As you walk into the heart of the house you begin to see all the family personal touches that give the house a warm feeling. Everything from old family photos to items brought in from the outdoors make it a great place to entertain. The earth tone colors of blue and cream give the house a modern vacation feel. The shag carpet in the middle of the family room is so comfortable that it makes it easy to fall asleep (especially in the winter with the fireplace going) if you lay down on it. Whether it’s the surfboard or the sea shell collection, there is always something that catches your eye in this home. The part of the house that I am partial to is the screened-in porch. The porch’s openness makes it a perfect place to view the gleaming pond on a hot summer day. The sound of the birds chirping and the bull frogs croaking as the sun goes down create a peaceful atmosphere. When the sky becomes black as coal, that’s when you can really appreciate the outdoor deck. When you look up into the sky, it is amazing how lucid the stars are. The stars are dazzling above us and the location is voiceless. It makes the night a perfect getaway spot where nobody in the world can reach you.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Hayley M Green said...

The leaves glide off the trees as if they're being pulled by the strings of a kite. Slowly flowing to the ground and nestling among each other forming cliques on the pavement. The small trink of the rejects bathing in the lakelet remain virtually unnoticed. Only the crunches are noted. These crunches warn the birds of passersby. This reservoir hosts a variety of creatures, the most abundant being the tourist. Snapping pictures of the landscape as if their minds would never recall this scene again. The leaves do not even startle the ducks that are taking refuge in the large cavity in the ground. Rays are casting down on their bills making them shine to a canary gold. The water acts as a mirror repelling the light towards the miniscule hut hovering over the water. The shack is faultless and unstained. Fit for a queen other than the magnitude being fairly disappointing. Silver seats line the large stretch of asphalt. The coarse and rough road is being trampled by jocks, sprinting as if the fowl are attempting to spread rabies to all their company. No one is in harm. No one could possibly be harmed here. This is the land of the alive, the home of the majority of Newark’s free-range creatures.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Adam B Green said...

I would have to say that my good place would be the beach house near Rehoboth. Almost once every year we visit this beach house, which is located in a wooded area that smells of nothing but clean air with a slight pinch of salt, that particular flavor coming from the marina close by. The house's the main color scheme is white, the same kind of white as a brand new Whiteboard. The inside of the beach house is silent except for the relaxing hum of the refrigerator. The sofa is made of a material that is the normally cool to the touch. This makes the beach house the perfect place to curl up on a hot summer's day with a good book and sit for hours with white noise of the fridge gently lulling one into a restful state of complete bliss while the sofa keeps you and nice and cool.
As for the furniture with in the beach house, it a dark wood and while I do not know what type it is, it adds a nice pattern to the whole house, and it accents the pristine clean walls all the more. I absolutely love the Beach house, and I imagine it to be a white island in the sea of green trees that surround it, my own paradise.

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Garrett M Green said...

My “good place” is my family’s beach house in Lewes, Delaware. The house is one block from the beach. Having the beach as your backyard, and the friendly town of Lewes as your front yard is great. I have been going to Lewes every summer for the whole summer since I was born. I know Lewes like the back of my hand, everything new and old about it. The comfort that I have developed there is 17 years in the making, and cannot be found anywhere else. My family flocks there in waves and it’s great how everyone gets along, and how we all have so much fun. The best days are when the sun is hot, and the water is the most inviting. The waves are not big in the Delaware Bay, but the ocean is accessible from Cape Henlopen, which is a 5 min drive. During the summer everything is relaxing, and when I’m in Lewes I’m extra relaxed. I feel more at home in Lewes then I do here in Hockessin. Being on the beach private beach of Lewes is the best, with the constant sound of waves not letting you think and forcing you to relax. It is my sanctuary and forever will be.

At 8:12 PM, Anonymous KathrynsRed said...

It’s hard to find a relaxing or quiet place when living in a house of six. One place where I can really escape from all the madness of my family members is in my room. If I’ve had a long day, when I feel sick, when I’m upset or stressed, or when I’m trying to do homework, I can just shut my bedroom doors and block myself out from everyone. My favorite part about my room is my bed, which is big enough for me to lay across it and stretch out while doing my homework and sleep comfortably under my warm, fleece sheets. Across from my bed hanging on the wall is a flat screen TV, so I can lay down in my bed and directly watch my favorite shows or movies. On my bedside table are pictures of my family and boyfriend and special Christmas decorations. Behind one of the double doors leading to my room is a colorful, shining Christmas tree that lights up the entire room at night. The glowing light from a lit candle on my dresser puts me at ease as I gradually begin to smell the sweet smell of winter in Yankee Candle’s “North Pole.” Happiness and warmth overcomes me as I hear and smell the heat kick on and blow out of the vent in my room. The walls in my room are the color of caramel and the color of my bedspread of dark chocolate. A big stereo plays music quiet enough to relax me after a long day or loud enough to tune out everything in my house. My room is my utmost comfort zone and is where I love to spend my time when I get home from school. I’m happy I have such a “good place,” especially during such stressful and busy times in my life.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous MadelineD Green said...

When discussing my "good place" it is hard to specify just one place. I have many different places that make me feel happy and comfortable. However, the one I will talk about here is Carousel Park. I live right behind the back entrance and take my dog for walks there often. I love to blast my iPod and take in the surroundings. It is also the place where I can think peacefully, and imagine fully. I come up with a lot of different story lines and imaginary happenings there. Now, you might think I am delusional for coming up with these things but it is how I clear my mind and relax. I also love to walk there with my friends where we can talk freely about everything and anything we want. Carousel has many beautiful seasonal changes. It’s almost unbelievable that the park is beautiful in every season. Whether it is the lush greenery in spring, or the icy bareness of winter, it always has that artistic elegance. Carousel has always been a creative refuge for me. It has been an outlet for frustration and anger, as well as place of calm solace. Carousel is a place where I find comfort with myself, as well as others. To me, that makes all the difference. Plus, I don’t think my dog minds the exercise.

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous KelseyStave Red said...

My good place is Recife, Brazil. When I am here I am with my best friend and sister Julinha. We live with her family on the 6th floor of a skyscraper along the beach. When we wake up in the morning the maids have breakfast ready and we go sit on the luxurious front balcony, looking out onto the gorgeous private beach in front of us. When we are done we go inside and get ready for the day. The nail lady comes at about eleven and she soaks our feet and hands in warm, bubbling water. When she is done we head to the beach to meet our friends. On the way we stop at the food hut to get a thirst quenching coconut that we aren't charged for because Pablo works for Julinha's Pappia. We walk further down the beach and find that our friends have already ordered us chairs and umbrellas. There are about 20 of us and we all just sit in the glowing sun, laughing and enjoy each other's company. They all give me my Portuguese lessons for the day, making fun of my poor pronunciations and accent. This part of Brazil is always perfect. On days that it is extremely hot, there is a breeze that makes it just right for a day on the beach. On days when it rains, we will go to Marilla's house and swim in her pool on the top floor of her skyscraper. The pool looks like it's made of diamonds and is so warm you never wanna get out. Her maid brings us all a warm, melting chocolate cake and we sit around the pool area eating and laughing. When we are done our driver picks us up and we meet Julinha's family for sushi. No matter what, I always feel at home in Brazil. Take a run along the beach or watching the tight rope performers doing their tricks I am always fascinated by the wonderful events and people I find in Brazil. This is my home away from home. I know that no matter what I have people that will love me and welcome me with open arms. Recife is my good place.

At 8:24 PM, Anonymous RS purple said...

As soon as I read this assignment I immediately pictured myself sitting reclined in my beach chair, arms spread out, and feet in the sand. I am at the tropical island of Saint Thomas. The crystal clear water gives me vision of my feet kicking around, making waves. The refreshingly cold water cools me off as I splash my arms and walk back to my seat in the beach chair. I put my hair on top of my head to get a better tan. I then put on an extra layer of tanning oil before lying back down and shutting my eyes, listening to the water as it almost touches my feet and gets sucked back into the ocean. I lay, feeling the sun dry the water on my skin. There is no other place better than this. This is my good place. Calm, warm, and quiet.

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous LT Green said...

Ring! It’s 2:41 and everyone races to their cars from the building. I am embarrassed to say that yes, I am one of these people. But unlike many others I race off to my car for a very important reason. Once I reach my car I’m out of the Saint Mark’s parking within a blink. I turn right at the stop sign and begin my journey through back roads, past pike creek WaWa, turning at Goldey Beacom and gliding up and down the hills on the path to sanctuary. I turn the radio up as I turn onto Concord Pike, getting my adrenaline pumping. Finally, I turn right into a small white building with a mint green sign. I shut the roar of my engine of and travel inside. “How are we doing today?” My trainer greets me with a smile. I always laugh and say the same ole thing, “Good now!” After a minute of analyzing the white board I instantly walk over and plug in my Ipod and turn it up a little too loud; we both like it that way. Boom Boom! That’s the only thing you can hear. Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s my heart or the music. This is where I feel at home; in the weight room, five days a week, doing the weight lifting program that Delaware gave me.

At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Devan L green said...

Silence. Everything seems so at ease, your mind does blank, but then like a car accident everything beings to collide. The last place on earth you would ever expect to hear words like these describing a football game. But what I’m talking about is that moment before a football game. That moment before the first crash. For some reason there is no feeling in the world like it. The long walk from the school to your side of the field. The chilled brisk autumn wind brushing by your face as you walk by. The loud cheers of the crowd slowly turning to a white noise. Not literality, but the mind seems to focus in on nothing but what is about to happen. The radiant glow of the lights lighting up the 120X53.3 rectangle of nothing. The lines systematically painted to identifying every yard. The smell of the freshly cut grass kissing your nose. Then, BOOM. The sound of the announcer breaking your focus. The butterfly’s ram into your stomach and your body feels helpless. You trod out to your designated position. That eerie silence of everything around you as look down field and see who you are lining up against. Then the mind goes blank again until the moment of that first collision. The ear crippling sound of the whistles breaks your concentration. The wind starts to blow around you, but then in a flash the whistle is blown and the ball is booted down field. This feeling is unlike anything your will ever feel usually you have experienced it. Your mind is at ease and don’t focus on much. That feeling is hard to describe, but anyone who has played under those luminous lights knows that feeling.

At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Abigail Henry said...

My “good place” is my grandmother’s beach house in Bethany Beach. Waking up early and walking on her porch overlooking the bay to see the summer days starting. I can smell the coffee brewing from the kitchen and the voices of my brothers watching their cartoons. Looking out at the bay I see the stillness of the water, with only a few fishermen getting an early start to their day. I can hear the water gently lapping up against the dock in its rhythmic pace that never seems to falter. Peter the local blue heron, as my brothers named him, silently walks through the bay grass looking for fish to eat. I can feel the remnants of the early morning dew on the old railing I’m leaning on and my bare feet are damp from the wooden deck. Crying seagulls in the distance catch my attention and I can’t help but think of how much they add to the scenery. A cool, early morning summer breeze hits my face and I can’t help but feel relaxed. It brings with it the unique smell of salt water and sun. MY grandfather’s boat bobs back and forth and I smile at the memories I’ve had on it with him. I can’t help but feel sorry for those who will never get to experience such an amazingly simple place.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous PaulMo red said...

My good place is my own room. I think the good place for someone is the most comfortable place for her or him. So, my room makes me relaxed and comfortable. There is my queen size bed, one desk, and drawers. There is also my only friend in my house, my laptop. I mostly use my laptop to do my homework and to enjoy myself. I download many movies, TV shows, and soccer games to watch. In my house, I have to read my aunt’s countenance, but in my room I can do whatever I want to do.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Niki L Green said...

Finding your “good place” can be difficult for a person who has not found what type of person they truly are. Knowing what you love, what makes you a happy, relaxed, and what makes you feel like a better person is key in finding your “good place”. My good place has always been outside, on the soccer field or going for a run through the woods around my house. Playing soccer is my favorite way to get in my “good place”. The soccer field has always been my place to get away from everything around me. I spend my time training or practicing on becoming perfect for upcoming games. I could be outside all day just playing a sport I love and working on becoming the best I can be. Being able to make myself better at something always a good feeling, which puts me in a good place. It also helps get my anger and energy out if I had a rough day. Another one of my good places is going on a run through the woods around my house. Going through the worn out path that has been walked down thousands of times by people before me, lets me clear my head. Running by the stream, seeing the different animal tracks, and constantly getting lost is quite peaceful. Just being outside in the open clean air is relaxing enough to make you forget about all your troubles. No matter how hard of a day it has been for me, I can always rely on going outside on the soccer field or going for a run to clear my head and to find my “good place”.

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous SteveD purple said...

My good place is in the reefs of Florida. Not the part that can be seen from a boat, but rather, what's below the surface of the water. The rippling biome that awaits below the clear waters. On the left, a school of fish swim around with conviction, knowing where they need to go. Next to them, a turtle lazily swims by taking its time and enjoying the sights. The coral gleams with a multitude of colors, from aquamarine to velvet. The plant life moves up and down with the ebb and flow of the ocean, as though it is not just plant life, but a part of the ocean. Below you, sand is shot upward in a mist to revel a sleeping stingray being awoken by a school of clownfish swimming around it playfully. The stingray takes off like a plane on an airstrip and it glides off into the distance. A little further down, I see a cluster of starfish littering the walls of coral, as though they intended to mimic the star filled night sky. And as I swim by, with my flippers and air tank, I couldn't feel more at one with the environment. It melded to me and I to it, as though I was actually part of the underwater utopia that lived just below the surface of the water.

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rmitchell green

A good place to me is somewhere where a person can get away from all the chaos in the world and just relax and not worry about anything. For me, my good place is outside on the soccer field. This is a place where even when I'm really stressed out about school or whatever it might be, I can relax and forget about it all because I become completely focused on the game. I love stepping out on the field on a clear sunny day and seeing all the open space to play on. I also love representing my team. The soccer field is where I can enjoy myself and express who I am. I love the competition in the games but I also like practicing. That's where I can enjoy the most laughs with my friends on the team. Overall my good place is somewhere where I can express myself without feeling pressured and enjoy being surrounded by my friends.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous KaetlinZ Red said...

The place where I find myself most “at home” would be bathing under the scorching sun on the tan sands of Rehoboth beach. Ever since I was a young girl, my favorite part of summer was always spending either one or two weeks down the beach with my family. Naturally, I have always been someone who gets cold very easily, making winter the most dreadful season of them all. My skin gets dry and pale, and I feel less energized compared to the dead of summer, where I obtain much vitamin C from laying out in the sun. In the summer, I feel so much more relaxed by simply just laying out on the beach. I feel as though all of my worries gradually wash away with each new wave that washes up along the shore. The bellowing sound of the waves crashing on the sand, quite oppositely, puts me in a serene state of mind. It reminds me that bits of nature, as well as humans, have loud cries that yearn to be heard as well. The effect of the “crying waves” allows me to feel more comfortable expressing my deep feelings, knowing that nature can have an even louder cry. If they sound of the waves were gone, I would not feel as comfortable opening up and allowing my emotions to be released; the waves, which overpower my cries, help me feel more at home knowing that I am not alone. They are inviting. Also, I have realized that the beach is the only place where I can remain tranquil for hours on end without becoming restless. I appreciate the simple, yet intricate parts of nature I ordinarily wouldn’t take the time to gaze at. I collect shells of all kinds of different shapes and colors, and gaze at hermit crabs or other sea creatures that might happen to cross my vision. Activities like reading and listening to music, which I do not do frequently, are my favorite things to do. The beach takes me to another place; one that is stress-free, timeless, and simply enjoyable.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous EHCGREEN said...

The gym is my “good place”. To some people it may not seem like a “good place” because it’s not necessarily relaxing or whatever people think a “good place” should be. The gym is my home away from home; I spend the majority of my time there when I’m not at home or at school. Working out at the gym is what keeps me sane, I feel like. No matter how awful my day is, as soon as I walk into the gym I feel calm and worry-free. I completely just forget about everything that is going on in my life when I’m running on the treadmill with my headphones in, music blasting in my ears. That feeling after a long run is like no other. When I am stressed out or angry about something I head to the weight room and take out all of my anger on the weights. Many people dread hard work outs at the gym, but I on the other hand live for them. To me working out is relaxing and rejuvenating. Walking out of the gym feeling like I just got such a great work out makes me so happy. I can’t think of any other place that I would consider to be my “good place”.

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Matt E Purple said...

Everyone in this journal is going to write about some exotic beach and be extremely cliché. I, on the other hand, will take a much simpler route. I may have won most outgoing and class clown for senior superlatives, but don’t let those fool you, I strongly crave for my alone time. I love being alone. I believe there is nothing greater than the silence of the walls leaving me to my thoughts. My “good place” would be playing Call of Duty in my basement. In order for me to completely enjoy this activity, there is a certain process I have to do before I start. First, I must close the door completely. I need it so closed that not even the breath of an ant can squeeze through. Secondly, only the second light switch is allowed to be on. This allows the middle row of lights to be illuminated which is the perfect distance so that it will neither cause a glare on my screen of war nor will it blind me, affecting my game play in such drastic matters. Thirdly, I need both the workout room and laundry room doors closed. I always have those feelings that someone is watching me and well, I just can’t have that. Lastly, I need to sit on second cushion to the left of my 90° couch. This is directly under the air vent so that I’ll have a nice frost hit me when I start sweating from screaming at the television as if the other players can hear me. Also, this cushion is worn in perfectly for my behind. This has taken many years of sitting and doing nothing to get it just right. Now that my strenuous process is done flawlessly, I am able to enter my calm, “happy place” of shooting and blowing up other characters and releasing built up anger from the week.

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Mario M Red said...

There's a place I go to every year that I would consider my "good place." This is Wildwood, New Jersey, and while many people may consider this place the opposite of relaxing, I would not know what to do without it. I have been to Wildwood at least once a year every year of my life. The tradition and joy of the vacations help keep my family close throughout the years. Wildwood has not changed a whole lot during my lifetime but it still keeps me entertained and surprisingly relaxed each summer. It is a very loud place with many amusement rides and little kids running all over the boardwalk. The sounds of the boardwalk games and tram cars passing by dominate the atmosphere. The stress created by the seagulls diving at your food every other second keeps me entertained and on edge. The warmth of the sun and the frigid ocean are a great contrast for any day. And the mile long, desert-like beach gives a sense of separation from the wild boardwalk, which allows me to relax even during the peak of the parties. Wildwood is a wonderful place that leaves me with a feeling of euphoria every time I go there. All my worries disappear and I feel right at home each visit I make.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous srexgreen said...

I think my happy place is probably day-dreaming of being on stage. It’s something that I used to live for when I did ballet up until last year. The part I miss the most is being on stage. Sometimes if I can’t fall asleep I put on my iPod and listen to some kind of song with a lot of emotion like something by The Fray or Sia. Then I start to imagine myself on stage. Just me by myself, dancing in the bright lights with blaring music. I’m usually wearing a really pretty costume with a sparkling jeweled crown. I can jump higher than ever before, and stretch farther than humanly possible. I’m ten times better than I am in real life. I feel confident and beautiful. Out in the audience is just shadows and wide eyes. At the end everyone claps until I perform another piece. I believe this is my “happy place” because I’m powerful and super human-like. The person in my imagination is something like my alter ego, and I imagine what I wish I looked like on stage. There is no one there to point out what I’m doing wrong or out shine me. It’s a place that’s all my own. It puts me at ease and it makes me happy.

At 10:35 PM, Anonymous GregB Purple said...

If anyone knows me well enough, they know that from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend, I’m not in upstate Delaware too often- I’m at my “good place”. My good place is my favorite place in the world, Ashwood Street at Bethany Beach, Delaware. During the school year, I’m pretty dedicated to my studies and work pretty hard to succeed in school and feel the effects of stress and anxiety all fall, winter, and spring long- but during summer, it’s different. When I’m at the beach, life is just different: everyone’s relaxed, you can do as you please, and the weather’s impeccable. I’ve been going to the same beach for my entire 17 years of life, and it feels like a second home to me. I’ve made a “beach friends” who I see in Bethany all the time and I’ve had a job the past five summers at a local ice cream shop in the center of town. The perfect day is when I can sit in my beach chair and feel nothing but the warm sun on my skin, ocean breeze, and the sand between my toes. That’s what I love most about the beach, it’s honestly like a free therapist to me- I can let go of all my troubles and act like I don’t have any for the five or six hours that I’m there. The Zac Brown Band’s song, “Knee Deep” perfectly describes my mind set and attitude while I’m at the beach, “Knee deep in the water somewhere, Got the blue sky breeze blowing wind through my hair, Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair, Sunrise there's a fire in the sky, Never been so happy, Never felt so high, And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise.” Needless to say, the beach isn’t so much my good place; it’s my best place.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous maddiem red said...

Anyone who really knows me well, or knows me at all, knows that between the months of June and August, you can find me at my “good place”. My “good place” is the sandy drive on beaches of the Delaware shore. During the summer days I like to spend my time relaxing with my family there as much as possible. I consider these drive on beaches my “good place” because whenever I am there I am having a blast and it makes me feel like I’m in my own little world of nothing but peace and tranquility. A usual day for me at the beach is taking long naps while listening to my favorite music on the warm sand, surfing, body boarding, and playing in the rough white waters as the waves crash on my cousins and I, and having a huge cookout with my family. There’s something about being at my “good place” that gives me that “I don’t have a care in the world” feeling. I honestly can say that any day I am at the beach is a good day. However, I would have to say that my favorite days spent there are the days where it’s not to hot, but not too chilly. It’s about 87 degrees with a slight ocean breeze and I have a nice cold soda and my favorite beach snack, some pretzels, in hand. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, thinking about my “good place” can always put a smile on my face.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous JackK Green said...

Breathe in, breathe out. Feel the crisp, clean air press against your face. Smell the aroma of nature that is ever so perfect. Listen to nature sing its beautiful song. I look to my right and to my left and see the environment blending into a collage of existence. As the sweat beads down my face, I open my mind to the universe. I contemplate meaningful topics. I contemplate useless topics. I emerge myself like a newborn at baptism. The trail bends left, I adjust my pace accordingly. Turn the corner and there lies a seemingly endless straightaway. I pass a noble oak, a tree with veins that stretch for miles. This is his home, and I am just a visitor. A creek follows me along this path. I look at the smooth water and reminisce on my past visits here. I now stop, and walk to my normal spot. I sit down on the trunk of a thunderstorm victim. I remember the tradition my team and I created here: to drink the flowing life of the forest, just like our ancestors did. So, I now stand up and walk towards the creek. I climb onto the rocks and start to cross. Halfway across, I lie down and put my face in the water. Gulp, gulp, gulp, ahhh. No factory can make water quite like that. I return back to land and depart for my journey home. Don’t worry; I’ll be back next week.

At 10:49 PM, Anonymous sdebussy said...

My “good place” is sitting on the beach in Dewey with friends having a good time. Over this past summer I had many good times at Dewey beach with friends, and even people I didn’t know. Dewey beach is my “good place” because it is a perfect place to relax and not have anything to worry about. Everything you can need is in walking distance since Dewey beach is such a small strip of land. Dewey beach is my most favorite place to be in the world. I have had some of my best memories there and just being there puts me in a good mood. From the moment I drive into Dewey until the moment I leave I am a happy person. From seeing Musky on his 4 wheeler to sitting on the beach all day and doing nothing else I have a good time knowing that I have nothing to have to do or worry about except sitting around doing nothing but relaxing. I meet new people every time I go back to Dewey and it always makes me more excited to come back.

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous kristen Hyland red said...

My good place is on a tropical island such as the Bahamas. I went to the Bahamas when I was a freshman and I can just remember the relaxed feeling of laying on the beach with the sand between my toes and the hot sun beating down on me. The view of the crystal blue water crashing on the shore was so pretty. Nothing seemed to matter. Time was not a problem as I was just enjoying myself on vacation. I could lay on the beach every day of my life if it was possible. Its so pretty and calming. When laying on the beach, I have no worries. No school, no homework, no SATs, no college applications to prepare for. Nothing but rays from the sun beating down on my body and adding to my tan. Listening to the sounds of the waves, my mind wanders and sometimes I’ll be so relaxed that I fall asleep. No worries about the future. The future is now in my good place at the beach.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Aubrey b purple said...

My "good place" is my bedroom. For me, my bedroom is more than just a place to sleep. Its my sanctuary. Its a place i can escape to for any reason at all. We all need alone time and the best alone time is often within the comfort of one's own room. Most things important to me are in my room; books, computer, pictures, and a phone. If i need to get away from my family or just need a break from the chaos of life everything i would need for comfort would be at my fingertips. Music, most of all, helps me restore any imbalances in my emotional equilibrium. Some people go running, some people have massages; people do all sorts of crazy things to relieve stress. I relieve stress by sticking head phones in my ears to block out the world and lay in bed. Without my "good place" i would feel trapped. Theres just something about being alone that diminishes any previous worries. Without my "good place"... Id be in a bad place

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous issy C purple said...

My happy place is my beach house in the summer. To others it may just seem like a normal beach house in Bethany, but to me it is like my own miniature heaven. Every day of the summer living at my beach house is perfectly simple. The sun wakes me up slipping its soft rays through the blinds of my fresh white bedroom. As I get up I can feel the scratchiness of the sand on my cold pillow that had fallen out of my salty hair from the day before. I grab a bowl of Lucky Charms and sit on the back deck over looking the canal. Kayakers pass by and neighbors on their boats heading out for a day on the bay. Living there for a whole summer may not be extremely exciting everyday, but to me it never gets old. My favorite part of living at the beach for the summer is going to the beach all day everyday, even when it’s raining and no one else is on the beach. I go to the beach every day and one of my other favorite things about it is my transportation. I ride my cherry red bike with a furry cheetah seat and cheetah handlebars. The bike to the beach is short enough to get arrive at the beach without breaking too much of a sweat, but long enough to enjoy the combination of the warm sun and the salty breeze as you approach the ocean. Arriving at the beach I plant my towel in one spot that will be my home until the sun begins to fade and the people begin to scatter. I begin to feel ad when it’s finally that time to depart from my cozy spot in the sand, but then I realize its okay because I can do the exact same thing tomorrow.

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Victoria B Purple said...

The kitchen is the heart of the home. In my heart it’s my personal “good place.” I love the kitchen because I love to cook and share in a meal with my family. The kitchen is the home of sweet smells, savory eats and lots of dirty dishes. In my kitchen I am the chef, not only because my mother isn’t the greatest cook but because I love to make a wonderful meal. The kitchen is never a quiet place, sizzling sauté pans, bubbling broths, and the sound of the oven beep, when the food is alerting me that it has had enough heat. Although I enjoy these sounds my favorite noise in the kitchen is conversation. The food I create is meant to be shared and enjoyed. In enjoying these foods, there is always conversation, hopefully other than “What did you do at school today,” because we all know how that ends. My love of cooking began in my kitchen which is why I adore this place so much. Not only is the kitchen my “good place” but also, my “creative place.” I may not be the next Van Gogh and definitely not the next Martha Stewart but I enjoy my time in the kitchen and the meals I create there. I could cook for hours on end, and when my parents see what I have made for Sunday dinner they always ask “How many people are you cooking for here, an army?” Although I may cook way more than we need, I am fortunate to have food any time I enter our kitchen. My kitchen is my personal “good place” because I always know this is where my heart, family and future career is.

At 11:09 PM, Anonymous MC Purple said...

The air wraps around my body keeping me warm. The stars dance in the midnight sky. There’s a peaceful feel in the space around me. Nothing bad can happen at this time of night. I can lie on the street, reenacting the scene from The Notebook. I can go for run without worrying who’s watching me. I’m invincible during this time.
Summer nights are my ‘happy place.’ I love going outside when everyone else is sleeping and wondering around. I love the moon. I can just stare at the sky all night. My favorite thing is when the moon shines through my bedroom window lighting up the whole room. I love the warmness of the night. It sort of protects me in some strange way. I know there might be things creeping in the night but it doesn’t bother me much. I love being able to see a group of deer doing their ‘deer thing.’ It’s really beautiful. I mean I can be so close to them and they don’t mind. Whenever my neighbors are away I go on their trampoline. I like being able to sleep there. I like being able to be outside and just take everything in.
I always try to go outside during the night when my friends sleepover. It’s nice getting away from everything and get lost. I think there are so much things going on in the day that at night I can really start to live. The night always seems endless to me. There’s so much opportunity in the night that no one else seems to understand. So that’s why the night is my ‘happy place.’ People might be dead during the night but I come alive.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous kgiles green said...

“...She’s a natural disaster. She’ll tear the land in two. She’s running to be running. Cause that’s all she knows to do…” The lyrics to Natural Disaster by Zac Brown Band are blasting through my headphones pushing to keep trekking forward. They remind me of why I love to run and why I can’t stop now. I can feel myself singing along with the song as I try to correct my breathing. I have my IPod on full volume yet I can still hear the squawks of pesky seagulls and the waves crashing along the shore begging to stay only to be pulled back out to the deep blue. Even through my running shoes I can feel the hardening sand with every step I take. I look towards the ocean as the sun breaks through the hovering clouds and begins to rise from behind the never ending ocean. Pinks and blues and yellows light up the sky instantly filling me with a certain type of joy that can only be captured through a sunrise as glorious as this. The chorus of Knee Deep continues to play. “…Sunrise there’s a fire in the sky. Never been so happy. Never felt so high. And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise…” Once again, it is as though Zac Brown is right beside me putting all my jumbled thoughts into words. The combination of salty ocean and sweet sand create a smell that can transport anyone to their “good place.” Wait, something is wrong. I slow down. I look back to where the boardwalk should be. But I see no boardwalk. I’ve done it again. I’ve ran way past the city limits of Rehoboth Beach and have beat my former running distance by nearly a half of a mile! It’s amazing how much better my run is when I’m in my “good place.” If only I could bring the beach back up to Wilmington with me….

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous kgiles green said...

“...She’s a natural disaster. She’ll tear the land in two. She’s running to be running. Cause that’s all she knows to do…” The lyrics to Natural Disaster by Zac Brown Band are blasting through my headphones pushing to keep trekking forward. They remind me of why I love to run and why I can’t stop now. I can feel myself singing along with the song as I try to correct my breathing. I have my IPod on full volume yet I can still hear the squawks of pesky seagulls and the waves crashing along the shore begging to stay only to be pulled back out to the deep blue. Even through my running shoes I can feel the hardening sand with every step I take. I look towards the ocean as the sun breaks through the hovering clouds and begins to rise from behind the never ending ocean. Pinks and blues and yellows light up the sky instantly filling me with a certain type of joy that can only be captured through a sunrise as glorious as this. The chorus of Knee Deep continues to play. “…Sunrise there’s a fire in the sky. Never been so happy. Never felt so high. And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise…” Once again, it is as though Zac Brown is right beside me putting all my jumbled thoughts into words. The combination of salty ocean and sweet sand create a smell that can transport anyone to their “good place.” Wait, something is wrong. I slow down. I look back to where the boardwalk should be. But I see no boardwalk. I’ve done it again. I’ve ran way past the city limits of Rehoboth Beach and have beat my former running distance by nearly a half of a mile! It’s amazing how much better my run is when I’m in my “good place.” If only I could bring the beach back up to Wilmington with me….

At 11:28 PM, Anonymous StephenH Green said...

To me, a "good place" is anywhere in which you can be free. You are not bound by limits of society, by the views of others, or by the hypocrisy of others for doing completely human things. My "place" is anywhere private enough-often my living room-where I can put music on blast and just dance or sing to it. Dancing and singing are two very free and independent forms of art that anyone can do-whether you're good at it or not. It can also be a very cathartic process; I find that belting out a part of a song that I feel very emotionally connected to, to be extremely helpful in purging negative emotions. When I feel like I just need to get up and dance to the music, I'll do that, as well. I know I look like a fool, but in my own home, it doesn't really matter. I believe that if you don't escape to foolishness every now and again, you're far too uptight to enjoy life.

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous M. Goode Purple said...

My so called "good place" may seem a shocker because I am a teenager and usually home is the last place they would like to be. Instead you would think I would rather be out with my friends and socializing but nothing is better then coming home. Don't get me wrong I do love going out and hanging out with friends but I also love to relax. I am a very busy student and worker. I work two different jobs and if I'm lucky I may have a day off once a week. Because of all the lack of free time I have, sitting home and doing nothing is very rare. When I get my chances to do this I take full advantage. Nothing is better then coming home and kicking off my shoes and laying in bed. Usually I'll relax and click on the TV and tune out my obnoxious family. That is a very hard task to accomplish since there is so many of us. Right now my nephew and best friend live with me. My house is often described as a hotel, everyone has lived here. My house wouldn't be the same without all the chaos. That is also why it is my "good place." There is very a dull moment in the Goode residence.

At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Andrew Prettyman Red said...

If there's any place I could describe and prove as being my "happy or good place", it would have to be running in cross country meets. The exquisite yelling of the fans, the clambering of the competition's feet colliding with the root infested earth, the thrill of wanting to prove to people what you are truly capable of doing. All of these are the sounds and emotions that circulate around running in Cross Country meets. The fans' encouragement acts as an invisible hand that pushes you forward, motivating you to run faster and harder than if you were running by yourself. Plus, running in the meet itself fills you with pride and joy since you know that most other people would not dare even step into the battlegrounds that running becomes when you actually compete. Running in cross country meets, has, and always will be, my happiest and best place. I just love the thrill that it gives you, knowing that running is not just about being physically strong. It is more about having the mentality to take on the challenge and embrace the pain you are about to feel every time you race. I know that since I am very adept at coping with and handling pain, I can accomplish many things in running, since these skills are all it takes to become a great, if not legendary, runner. I will never get sick of the scenery that pervades each meet and will always be eager for the next moment I can enter that scenery.

At 12:40 AM, Anonymous VSanchez green said...

Almost in an upright fetal position, the cool wind brushes upon my bare shoulders sending chills down my spine. I walk towards the edge of the step and place my big toe into the water for merely half a second and pull it back to dry ground. I then dip my entire foot into the water. First my right then my left. Standing on the first step, I wait. The cold water sends chills back up my spine. I take another step and tighten my goggles comfortably over my eyes and submerge my entire body under the water and swim over towards the waterfall where warm water is brought in. I tread to stay afloat, to stay warm. After a couple minutes, my body is warm again. The pool now feels like it should as I make my way to the edge and begin swimming laps. Right foot, left foot, right arm, left arm, breathe. The sounds above water are muffled but I can catch glimpses of conversation as I come up for air. While under water, I blow out through my nose to prevent the water from coming in. Flipping over I lie on my back, feeling weightless. Simply floating with no direction, no destination. My only intention is to count the stars. But water starts to fill my ears and soon I reach the edge and I bring my feet down to touch the floor. My toes and fingers are shriveled like prunes which is a sign to get out. Outside of the water, water drips everywhere but it doesn’t smell like chlorine. All I smell is Tide as I bundle it over my shoulders once again protecting it from the cool winds.

At 6:39 AM, Anonymous KL (red) said...

My good place is aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise line. In my 7 cruises this is by far my favorite. The energy and warm welcomes that you come in makes you feel like you're home. The staff and cruise line directors treat you like royalty. The ship itself is beyond what words can describe. The plaza is filled with bells and the dinging of slot machines coming from the casino, the smell of freshly cooked italian pizza, which is also unlimited and free, and severaal boutique shops with beautiful jewelry and clothes and some souveniers to bring home to remind you of your fabolous journey on the sea. My favorite place on the cruise line is standing at the bow holding onto the railing and feeling the wind and the speed of the boat all working in sync. An undying calmness just comes across you and you feel nothing but oneness with the nature. This place is so serene and so beautiful and looking out into the big, endless ocean you see the true beauty of nature.

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous PCardenio Red said...

My good place would be a room full of music. A place where expression can be created is a place that would make me feel safe. It is a place where stress can just fall out of reach and where contentment is in grasp. A Grand Baldwin sitting in the corner of the room next to a classic Gibson guitar. There is sheet music and books flowing out of the basket next to it. The range of the music varies with classical music such as Schubert and Back to more contemporary artists such as Adele and Alicia Keys. I pressed the keys and the sound of a low E vibrates through the air with a heavy quality that hits your core. Once I hit a high A on the piano the sound pings and resonates through my head and consumes the room. This old grand still had the power to create a melody and harmony with just a few motions of the hand. The music that could be played filled the room and the sound moves around you and talks to you. It could either whisper in your ear or yell at you at full force. The music being played could also express emotions. A song can make you happy, sad, scared and even angry. It all depends on how you just play it.

At 7:48 AM, Anonymous Anh N. Green said...

My "good place" is the most comfortable place I could think of and that's my bed. I can't recall any other place in the world more comfortable than my bed except the clouds. Speaking of clouds, my pillows are fluff and pearly white with so many feathers stuffed inside that it can define gravity. Not only is my bed comfortable, but it makes me feel secure. My blanket is so huge that when it covers me up snug, I feel the most secure as if it's God's hands covering me up with his warmth. Laying there with both hands behind my back, staring straight at a pale ceiling, that's when my inner most thoughts come forth. Thoughts that could sometimes anger me, but at the same time it could cool me down. Life lessons and life mistakes are often thought about while I lay motionless on my bed. If thought come across as threatful to my happiness, I just rotate into another position and let my bed absorb me. No music. No lights. No distractions. The only powered thing in my room is my fan. The fan blowing a cool breeze on my head at a mild medium speed. The cold sensation upon my head allows my thoughts to expand to their potential. Its just me and my inner thoughts spilled out across a queen sized bed. I've often dozed off into deep sleep with a dream of what I was pondering on before bed. Dreams that are pleasant for the most part.

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous KHafner Purple said...

My dream place is out in the mountainous areas living on a lake. I have a lake house in Maine and it is my favorite vacation spot. I want to live in a very large log mansion out on one of the lakes in Maine. The landscape here is extremely cool with all of the mountain lines and pined forests. I love Lakes and mountains so this would be the perfect spot for me. I also love log cabins. I would want my house to be in a tight knit community of people where most people know each other, but I would also like to live within reasonable driving distance of big city like Boston so that I could go there when I wanted to. I love to do water sports like wakeboarding and waterskiing so the lake would be perfect for me and I also love the woods. I think out in a mountainous area on a lake would be a lot of fun to live on and it would be vary spacious and open. I think nature is really cool and living out there would put you in the thick of it. These are the reasons why I would want to live out there.

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous AnnaN purple said...

My good place is a place that I have only visited once, but I can’t wait to go back in the future. I went to Saint Thomas on a cruz about six years ago. My family and I got off the boat, and road in a white van to a beach called Magens Bay. When we stepped onto the sand it was warm, not too hot where it hurt your feet, but warm enough to know you are in paradise. I have a strange fear of the ocean, I hate the waves, and I hate being near any of the ocean life that could be around your feet while you try to get in the water. None of that fear existed, though, in Saint Thomas, the water was so clear, and the waves were almost nonexistent. You could see so clearly in the water, and there was no fish, no seaweed, and especially no trash in the water like you would see in Delaware’s beaches. The beach was set up to that music played from the trees, and there was a tiki bar behind us serving my sister and I Shirley Temples all day. The weather was perfect, no rain, only the warm sun and a cool breeze coming off of the water. As you look out onto the horizon you see people in boats, people parasailing, and even people snorkeling. But even with all the people around it was still quiet and peaceful, because you could tell that everyone had finally reached their good place, and nothing was going to ruin that.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous JohnS Red said...

I am at my happiest at the beach. On a warm sunny day, there is nothing that I enjoy more than a long stroll on the boardwalk. The seagulls are cawing, and the sound of laughing teenagers resonates across the warm summer air. The temperature is hot, but the heat is not scorching. There is a slight breeze blowing, causing the waves to crash down onto the shore. It is a crowded day at the beach, with beachgoers basking in the sunlight. On the boardwalk, business is booming. T-shirt vendors wait for prospective buyers. The line at the Boardwalk Fries stand stretches around the back of the premises. You can almost taste the salty fried potatoes in your mouth. A smile lights up my face, and everything seems so perfect. For awhile, all of the troubles in the world seem so distant and so far away.

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous DaltonD Red said...

My good place would for sure be a show. Being at a concert give me the best and most indescribable feeling of inner peace that is equaled nowhere else in the world. Life is stressful, for us kids as well. There is school, works, friends, relationships, hobbies; the list goes on and on. There is so much that we have to do every day. Being at a show lets me ignore all of that stress and allows me to sink into the music. Singing along to a band that is playing a song of which you know all the words is the epitome of that indescribable feeling. It makes me feel as if I am one with all of the sounds of the symphony that is being played. For me, there is no better place than a show. Being one with the music gives me an inner peace that is euphoric and amazing.

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Karlie W. Purple said...

My good place in my life is at the beach. More specifically, the beach at Wildwood, New Jersey. I have gone there every summer with my family and I absolutely love it there. To me, there is nothing more refreshing than the relaxing sound of the waves routinely crashing against the shore, hijacking the dry sand and dragging it back into the endless sea. When I’m at the beach, all of my troubles melt away. I lay on my blanket and let my feet hang over, burying my toes in the sand so I can feel its comforting temperature. In my head, it’s just me and the sun. Nothing else exists except for the sound of the waves, seagulls in the distance, and the smell of home. The smell is a mixture of sunblock, salt, and sand. I once read that smell can trigger the most memories than any other of the five senses, and I totally believe this because the smell of the beach takes me back to being a kid again. Laughing, running around, jumping in the waves with no care in the world. I love to just run my fingers through the sand, grating it, as the texture starts to soften my fingertips and I feel at ease. The sun and its radiant power shine down on me, welcoming me to stay all day long if I please. I hear a lifeguard whistle in the distance but it doesn’t bother my composure because right at this very moment, nothing can. This is my good place. This is where I’m at peace.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Tyler T. Purple said...

My favorite special place is the Grand Canyon in Arizona. My family and I went on vacation to Arizona in 2009 and visited Phoenix, Sedona, and finally the Grand Canyon. On our way north, there was a drastic and noticeable temperature drop as the altitude increased. We finally arrived at the South rim just before sunset, and it was incredible. The first sight of the red rocks left my jaw agape. To see this in person as opposed to in textbooks and online was a great feeling. As the sun began to fall, so did the shades of bright red, orange, and brown. It seemed as though everyone standing and watching beside us was completely still, just holding his or her breath, watching, waiting. The next day we returned to the south rim, and the sight was just as awe-inspiring. Thirty miles away on the north rim we could see a lightning storm roll across the barren landscape, providing relief for the habitat. The birds were yelling at each other, but not detracting from the peaceful scene at all. I will never forget visiting this famous landmark.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous WBrunner Red said...

My "good place" would have to be the gym. It's the only place where I can ease all of the stresses in my life.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Sean R Red said...

My good place would be a long run at White Clay Creek. It would be just before sundown, in the middle of fall, when the sky turns to a beautiful shade of orange. The temperature is a cool fifty degrees, so that you can dress in a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. I will start my run on the Dave English trail, because I think that it is the most beautiful in this type of weather. I also like this trail because I tend to not see a lot of people, and being alone on a run like this is key. As I am running along I really try to not focus on thinking about any one subject. All I want to do is relax and and take in the beauty all around me. It’s on days/runs like this that I feel like/want to run forever. I just get into a good groove, and let the trail take me where ever. This is what I truly love about doing long runs like this. You get to throw all of your problems aways for an hour, and you just get to relax, and clear your head. That is why my good place would be on a long run at White Clay Creek.

At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tdennis purple. My "good place" would be my basement. This is a place that I can watch tv or a movie and just relax. I think it is important that your "good place" is somewhere in which you can get away from the every day strenuous activities and endless repetition. I could be with a few friends or just by myself and it would not matter. All that matters is that my basement is a place where I can take a chance to slow down the hectic life of being a student and having a job. My basement allows me to feel at ease and take time to catch up on sleep or watch my favorite sports games on Saturdays or Sundays.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Kristina B Purple said...

I have never really been one for nature or the outdoors. However, my good place would have to be in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. Especially when I was younger, I would spend many a day eating lunch in between rehearsals or just taking a break in between being cooped up inside after a long day of being on the stage. I originally thought that the stage was my good place and while it is one of my favorites, it has had its faults of stress, competition, and failure. However, when I would step out of whatever theater I was performing in, I have great memories of just being able to let loose and be a kid even for just an hour, when for the rest of the day I had to be an adult. I don’t go there as often anymore but whenever I do, I have great memories of playing and enjoying life.


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