Tuesday, October 16, 2012

#5 SOPH journal--Jim Valvano: Laugh, Think, or Cry

Since the first marking period is coming to a close, I won't ask you to respond to this blog online. 
However, your written response will be the fifth and final part of your first quarter Schoolsville journal. Hand in these five journals on Wednesday, Oct. 24, stapled together as one document, in the order in which they were given: #1 Favorite Work of Art, #2 Conceit, #3 God's Providence, #4 The Puritan Legacy, #5 Jim Valvano. Do NOT use an MLA heading, but DO double-space your text. This journal will be worth 50 points, so do your best work. 
Here's the final post and your assignment that follows:

Jim Valvano coached the North Carolina State Wolfpack to an upset victory in the 1983 NCAA men's basketball championship game. Valvano parlayed this victory along with his gift of public speaking to become one of the most likable and recognizable coaches in the land. A year later, I had the pleasure of listening to Valvano speak to a group of Delaware high school basketball coaches at an All Star banquet in Dover. Leaving the banquet hall that night, I thought to myself, "This guy is a natural born world shaker." Or something like that. He was THAT impressive.

Though his future teams were always competitive, North Carolina State would never come close again to matching the success of the fantasy 1983 season.

Then came the tragic news in 1992 that Valvano had developed cancer, his toughest and most insidious foe yet. Only ten years after his national championship, his body ravaged with cancerous tumors, Valvano was fighting the disease hard, not only to win his own battle, but also to get donations for cancer research. ESPN awarded Valvano the Arthur Ashe Courage Award in 1993 at its annual ESPY's award banquet.  Valvano, an inspirational coach, was probably even a better public speaker, and his speech at the ESPYs will make you laugh, think, and cry--three things--according to Valvano, that you should do every day.

Valvano announced the beginning of the Jimmy V Foundation in his ESPY speech. It's still active and important today, annually raising millions of dollars to fight cancer. An early season NCAA men's basketball tournament benefits the cause. 

Your assignment: listen to the speech again (click on this link) and read the words to the speech at this link. Write your journal by responding to one or more of the following prompts:

1. What are the best parts (lines) of the speech? Why? Point out rhetorical devices to support your ideas.

2. Tell me about the best 'pep talk' that you've ever received. Make sure to discuss the speaker, the situation, the audience, and the speaker's technique. Cite lines from the speech if you can.

3. How do you laugh, think, and cry each day?

4. Relate a personal story to any topic discussed in the speech.

5. Analyze the speech according to pathos, ethos, and logos.


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