Friday, October 05, 2012

Seniors and Sophs Weekend Homework

Seniors homework

Read A & P (in your text book) and come to class Wednesday, Oct. 10 with at least ten good questions and/or comments. Focus especially (but not only) on the narrator’s language.

Complete the journal #3 Degas or Vermeer: Who has the more lucid eye? before Thursday, Oct. 11.

Sophs homework

Read pp. 81-91 on Jonathan Edwards for Tuesday’s class. 

Complete your vocabulary sentences (and Xtra credit) during class on Friday OR complete before the weekend!

Bring your vocab book to class on Tuesday. Vocabulary quiz on Wednesday. 


At 11:17 AM, Anonymous annW yellow said...

11. In scary movies, it is common to have a scene in a murky swamp usually with a monster.
12. The nefarious criminal was in court for killing an innocent person.
13. Mexican food is known for its piquant taste that makes the food hard to eat for some people.
14. In world history class, we began the year by going back to the very beginning, or primordial times in civilization.
15. The propinquity of my cousin's house and my house is very convenient, so we always carpool.
16. The unwonted loss of the number one football team shocked all of the sports writers.
17. In "Why..Going," the author mentions a city that has a utopian theme.
18. Her paper had some good thoughts and ideas, but mostly it was full of verbiage causing her to lose points.
19. Many of the sophomores in the class had a green or verdant shirt on for pep rally because their class color was green.
20. Sap is very viscous and I it takes me a while to wash it off my hands.


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