Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life is Beautiful at Saint Mark's

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at Saint Mark's

10. Hey, if you students are dressing down, I probably am, too. No tie, no problem

9. So how much do you pay for an A line lunch? Teacher A line costs $2.50

8. Excellent birding and wildlife viewing out of the window in 367

7. Low teacher salary teaches me humility, one of the four pillars of a St. Mark’s education

6. I get a chance to keep my writing skills sharp drafting senior letters of recommendation

5. I really do feel safe with medics Johnston & Johnston and former cops Cocco & Maegerle walking the halls

4. I like comparing my current students to their parents who were my former students

3. In what other job could I teach Thoreau and take golf practice swings simultaneously?

2. I'm really digging the Dueling Cellists who play at Mass

1. If I don’t get into heaven with all of the blessings from Sr. Redempta and Sr. Sandy, then no one will


At 7:03 PM, Anonymous C.A. Green said...

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark’s

1. I can wake up in the morning, reach into my drawer and pick out my outfit with out thinking one bit; it’s as easy at that.
2. There are so many chances to see some competitive sports games that your best friends are playing in.
3. Who knew you could become close and friendly with your own teachers?
4. For lunch, I can go to the cafeteria and purchase basically whatever I’m in the mood for that day because they’ll have it.
5. It’s great knowing that the ladies in the cafeteria, bookstore and front office will do anything for you and they’re probably some of the nicest women I know.
6. I always feel clean with the hand sanitizers all around school at my convenience.
7. I love being able to take a nice ice bath in the whirlpool after a hard practice.
8. Where else can I attend mass with my entire school all coming together in the convenience of our own gymnasium?
9. It feels good to be assigned an English paper that you can just write freely.
10. Who else gets to have the very entertaining Julie Hynson in their English class?

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Jessica P Purple said...

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark's
10. Teacher meetings = 1:41 dismissal
9. The cafeteria has a wide variety of food.
8. The education has helped me excel, which I know will help me in college.
7. My mornings are so easy because I always know what I am going to wear, plaid skirt with a polo.
6. Homeroom is the perfect amount of time to get all of my work done that I didn't do the night before.
5. I love being at fan at all the different types of sporting events.
4. Entertainment is provided every morning with Spartan Morning News.
3. Being a part of the Blue-Gold organization has helped me embody humility.
2. Seeing the smile of Sister Sandy can brighten the worst of any kind of day.
1. I get my day's worth of exercise running to get to homeroom on time and at the end of the day running to the parking lot right at 2:41.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Erica T. Green said...

Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at Saint Mark’s

10.The beauty of waking up in the morning and not having to think about what I am going to wear.
9.Being able to enjoy some quiet time in free periods.
8.Automatically knowing that I have a detention after three latenesses, and getting the slip hand delivered in homeroom.
7.The pleasure of watching Spartan morning news everyday.
6.Having fantastic sports teams to be involved with.
5.Being able to break a sweat on those stairs, regardless if I am trying to or not.
4.Enjoying fun filled pep rallies, regardless of who wins.
3.Having great teachers who want to prepare me for college and sculpt me for the future.
2.Having Sister Sandy smile at me and brighten my day.
1. Having the opportunity to be apart of Mr. Fiorelli’s english class!


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