Sophs #2---Life in the Fast Lane

Then comes the inevitable question from the backseat driver, who actually occupies the other seat in the front.
"Are you using cruise control?"
"No," I answer curtly.
"Why not? Doesn't your foot get tired?" the passenger harps.
I then begin my rant on the dangers of cruise control.
Clicking on the cruise control does prevent tired, cramping feet. However, it has its problems. For one, it lulls you into a false sense of security, and the feet usually get further and further away for both the gas AND the brake pedals. At that point, how much control do I really have?
Like my car, my life isn't often in cruise control. I hope I'm the one in charge as much as I can be (and without being a "control freak"). I realize I'm driving on a path that's been traveled on before, but as long as I'm the one making the decisions, I'll take that route, common as it might be.
How are you navigating through life? Do you have the "petal to the metal" or "both hands on the wheel at 10 before 2?" Are you darting in and out of traffic, or do you stay in the right lane, only getting in the left lane to occasionally pass? Do you prefer I-95 or would you rather take the more scenic route? Do you stop completely at stop signs and look in all four directions, or are you a Hollywood Stop guy or gal (you know, a quick pump on the brake and you're gone--NOT recommended by your St. Mark's driving teacher, of course)? Are you easily distracted by the billboards and other advertising signs outside of commercial business, or can you get from point A to point B without making a single stop?
Tell me, in some elaborate, extended metaphor (conceit), what your life is like. I'd prefer that you share your ideas and creativity here in Schoolsville. But if you want remain anonymous, that's OK, too. You can reveal your secret identity later. Hey, maybe your life is like some Superhero's?
Of course, sophs, you don't have to write about your life. Make any far-fetched, comparison (conceit) like the ones I read in class: going to a family reunion is like channel surfing cable television; love is like white water rafting; my father is a toaster.
I've included a couple good examples from last year's sophs as the first two comments. However, you can read many more by going to the September 2007 archives and reading the comments for "The Dangers of Cruise Control."
Anonymous 2006 example #1 said...
I have decided that my personality and actions are most like an air conditioning unit. At the start of the year, it is January and I am notused very often. I do not get much activity and I stay in reserve. I can be found charging my juices (lifting weights) to become ready for this hot summer which will be upon us. My main purpose for this getting ready is to be ready for the upcoming season so I am better and wont break down. I am drooopy and am not an avid cold-weather enthusiathist. When the weather starts to warm-up, however, I get excited and jumpy and cannot wait to be put to use almost everyday. I stay cool during the spring and summer and mostly I am the one to keep my friends and family cool, too. Whenever I breakdown and get into a bad mood, I might have to talk to someone or have somebody come over and fix me up. Once I am fixed I am better than ever and cannot wait to get back in business. Once the summer ends, I am usually happy until the end of Fall with a little use here or there. Once fall is over, I go back into my sluggish and useless state waiting for the first sign of Spring to be turned on and be happy.
9:48 AM
Anonymous 2006 example #2 said...
After thinking about it for a while, I've realised that my life is like a Steam Engine. No, not those things that used to provide power before electricity. I mean the Steam Engines that pull cars along the track over at the Wimington and Western Railroad. Anyway, the engine itself represents me. Because of my personality, I am a rarity just as Steam Engines are becoming. When the engine breaks down and needs to be serviced, it's like any time when I become ill and have to stay home and rest. Starting the engine up in the morning is like when I get out of bed; I take a long time to actually wake up just as a Steam Engine's fire takes a couple of hours to warm up enough to boil the amount of water needed to keep it well supplied with steam. The Steam Engine's whistle is like my singing voice because it is pretty and different than all the other wistles on other engines. The coal and water that supply an engine with steam are like the food and drink I need to stay alive. The Steam Engine's tender is like my bookbag: heavy, but essential. The cars that the engine pulls represent the trials and hardships in my life. No matter how bad things seem, I always manage to pull through, just as a Steam Engine manages to pull a heavy train. The tracks stand for the path my life takes. The crossings represent my triumphs in life, things I can just cruse through without a problem. However odd you think it is, that is how my life is like a steam engine.
I think my life right now is like a fast car (preferably a red Mustang AKA my dream car)driving through the back roads. It's a fast ride, but I still find time to enjoy the scenery. Sophomore year has had a really great start. I have lots of friends and I like most of my classes. This is the scenery. I have to go pretty fast to keep up with it sometimes though. Over the summer I spent some time in California, my dream home. I knew that to be able to get there, and to be what I want to be (a surgeon) that I would have to start working really hard. So far I've been doing pretty well on that front. I have good grades right now, but then again, this is only the beginning of a very long road, a road called high school. As I said before, I'm going pretty fast right now, and I know that eventually I'm going to have to speed up again, but I also want the time to enjoy life, to make the most of high school, and to stop and smell the roses.
My personality and my progress in life are very similar to finding your way while you're driving a car. I will explain what I mean. For example: You know when you are driving down a major highway like I-95. Sometimes off to the right you see the many various exits leading to many different places in the state you are driving through. To me this kind of represents the different paths that you can choose while going down the long highway of life. For instance if you pass an exit, to me that means that you are choosing not to go down that path of life. It simply means you would rather choose another path of life. The reason I picked this to repesent my life is because, my highway of life is just filled with so many different exits that at the moment I just can't seem to decide just yet which exit I wish to take into my future. Soon enough however, I will find the exit that suites me best.
My life is like water tubing in the ocean being dragged by a powerful motorboat. It is exciting and scary at the same time. It can get to the point where it's so intense that you just want to let go. Sometimes the boat pulls me over a huge wave and I fly up in the air and hold on as tight as I can, and other times it's a smooth and easy ride. My life is very similar to this. Sometimes I get so stressed and have so much to do that I never have time to relax. This feels like the part of tubing where I'm holding on as tight as I can so that I don't fly off into the water. However, sometimes my life is very relaxing and unstressful, like in the summertime. The summer makes me so relaxed and calm and this is the part of the tubing ride where there are very little waves and it's just a calm ride. You're supposed to enjoy life and get through the obstacles, just like tubing. The goal in tubing isn't just to make it to the other side, but to hold on and enjoy the ride.
Unfortunatly i cant make any far-fetched comparisons that easily. I usually dont think to much about how i can decribe my life using a metaphor. But, the only way i would ever want to live is "in the fast lane." Living life fast means you are having fun. If you werent having fun then your life would be slow and painful. I need to get over with soething and move on, never look back. Just as an example, if i had a bad test or quiz grade i would ove on and learn from what i did wrong. Next time i just have to plan for the test or quiz more oppropriatly and take it more seriously. If i lived a slower right lane life, then the thought of that bad grade would hang over me like a rain cloud. But, playing it safe is also good too. Considering driving, i dont feel like dying when im a teenager, so im planning to play it safe. For most other things i can just pick up the ball and run with it. I dont think that i should be worried about something that has already happened. Its done and over with and i cant ever go back.
After a lot of thought, i have relized my life is like a clock. No matter what i do, sleep, eat, hangout with friends, go to a sport, there is always a certain time for it. For example, even though there might not be an EXACT time for it, you eat lunch in the afternoon, you sleep at night, and you take a shower in the morning. Sometimes it seems like my day is very schedualed when you have to wake up early and go to school, then go to cheerleading practice, then come home and study and do homework, then take a shower. Some days it never seems like there's enough time and i'm always in such a rush to do what needs to be done. However, despite that some days can be stressful, I actually think it's is a good thing to have your life somewhat schedualed, i feel that it keeps me occupied and active. If i didn't have these activities i wouldn't feel as outgoing, so i'm glad that my lifes like a clock.
I think my life and personality are like a sapling. As of right now, this year I am small. I do not really have anything that makes me noticeable. I am just one person, trying to make a difference and become something remarkable in this world. As a sapling grows, leaves sprout, and the branches reach out. All the while, the trunk is fixed to the ground. As my life progresses I will go to new places, like the branches, and I will learn new things, and have new ideas and opinions, like the leaves sprouting. Yet as this all happens, I will always remember where I come from, who my true friends are, and my family who loves me, like the trunk of the tree, these are the things that keep me grounded. Sometimes though, the winds will come and blow through the sapling, and you think it might break. The winds of change will gust through my life; I may bend when bad things come my way, but will never crack, I will always come right back from whatever happens. Finally, the sapling becomes a glorious tree that rises far above the others. As I grow and mature, I will transcend all of my limits, and become someone amazing. Like the tree, which will change with each passing season, I too will change and become who I was always meant to be.
After alot of thought I have decided that my life is alot like the weather. It is very hard for me to just stay in one place for a while. I don't hang out with only one group all the time and have to stay in that group for all of my high school years. Part of this is because I have really good friends, but they have other friends that I'm not exactly friends with. So instead of staying with one group I kind of wander and hang out with all different kinds of people. Also, my personality and view on life changes alot too. Some days I can be cautious and worrysome and other days I won't have a care in the world which just makes life so interesting. Another reason why I am like the weather is because I don't mind just chilling at home and watching a movie and not being crazy at a party. Life is too short not to be different.
After a long period of contemplation, I decided that my life is most like a jig-saw puzzle. There are many reasons for this. One of them is because every day, things are different. Each time I wake up in the morning, I can either have a good or a bad day. A puzzle can be easy or hard, much like my life. Also, my entire 15 years in this world don't seem to matter much. But as I grow up, some things start to come together. In a puzzle, you seem to be looking at a bunch of random pieces. But over time, as things start to get put into place, a picture begins to emerge. My life is also that of a puzzle because the entire time I am living I am just trying to make something of myself. People can't see what I am. Not even I can see what I am. But I strive and perservere because I cannot wait to see what I will become. A jig-saw puzzle has the same concept. When you first start off you just have a small piece that adds up to nothing. As you keep working, you get curious about what the future holds. Sometimes you feel like giving up. But instead, you keep going because you can't wait to see what the end will bring. It's a long process with a different outcome each time; much like my life.
I think that my life is a lot like a roller coaster. For me, roller coasters are exciting and scary at the same time. Being a teenager, life can be really exciting because of all the new experiences that occur. However, it can also be scary because as you start to truly grow up there are many important decisions you need to make. Roller coasters also have sudden twists and turns. In my life, things take twists and turns and don't always go the way that I plan or want them to. Sometimes it's for the worse but sometimes it's for the best. For example, some rides can make you feel sick. When that happens, you know not to go on it again. If something goes wrong in my life, I learn from that mistake and know not to go down that path again. So just like a roller coaster, my life is thrilling, in good ways and sometimes bad. But no matter what, at the end of the day, I always enjoy the ride.
I’ve thought about this for a while and I would have to say that my personality and my life are a lot like a music player. I can be loud at times, but I can also be quiet. My life could go by fast, just like the song could if you fast forward it. I can break down if someone causes it. Then, just like a music player can be fixed by someone, my friends could fix me and life would play on. In life, all the obstacles can be changed, just like the songs on a CD or I-pod. As new songs come out, there are more new songs to play, more songs to try and learn. I would become wise as I grow older. The songs are like the lessons of life. There are many emotions that can be exposed to a song. The songs could be of anger, or happiness, or craziness, just like my personality. Someone just has to cause the song to play. Sometimes, I would want life to stop, but then I wouldn’t know what was coming ahead. The song will have to play to the end until the next song comes on. There’s a first time for every song to be listened too, and every song can be liked. Life will end in just a few minutes so write the lyrics yourself and be happy with what you have.
When I think about what I'm going through and what I've gone through,they are pretty much alike and so i classified my life to be darting in and out of traffic because I have no choice and no control.My life is as though i have no control like if I'm late for work and on the edge of my job and I need to be there or I'm fired.And when the boss says 'we need you to go to germany with the company because we are relocating', you move no questions asked and no comments said but when time has come for you to take a vacation, you are the last one they are thinking about because suddenly you either work for them or quit(do what they tell you or find out the consequences). so when you get into the fast lane and standup to them about controlling you, they snap at you and make you feel like you don't do anything but complain since you took the job and now you are back in the slow lane just hoping you would get a flat tire and stop or run out of gas and pause to refill your tank(get yourself together, and think about what to do)but nothing happens and you get back on the fast lane because all you do is what you are told and keep all your anger to yourself for they control you are all you have to do is ride in the lanes that take you to that job site without ever questioning its standards and wishing one day the flat tire would happen or you would run out of gas. for life is life and you take benefit of all the relocation by having fun and trying to enjoy yourself, for at a certain point you are making money and you still know they care about you and your well-being and thats what keeps you darting in and out of that traffic everyday.
My life is like a book. A book is made up of many chapters, which are like chapters of my life. Chapter one for me would be my birth and all the following chapters would be a story of my life. A book always has a beginning and an end, just like mine. I was born and someday, hopefully a long time from now, my book will end, meaning I'll die. A book has a cover and as the old saying goes, one should never judge a book by its cover. They should "read on" to discover what the person is really like. One may find I'm full of suprises. Some books have illustrations. My book would have pictures of my favorite things and places I have been. A book is also something you reread and sometimes you discover something new every time you read it, meaning you may learn things about me that you never knew of until you have read(get to know) me. I think some will find my book interesting. I have been many places in my short sixteen years and have done many exciting things. I don't think I'll be a best-seller, but I don't think I'll end up on the paperback sale rack either.
My life is like the Olympics. I always have scheduled activities and certain times I have to be places and play. In the Olympics you can watch a wide variety of sports in that two week period which is like me constantly switching between sports. There are many times in my life where if you were watching from the sideline you'd be standing on the couch screaming and cheering for me like during the Men's Swimming 4x100 Freestyle Relay between the USA and France. My coaches are my friends and family, constantly giving me advice and help. My fans keep me going even when times are tough, and i know they will always be there. There is non-stop action in both my life and the Olympics and I hardly have time to sleep. There are many high-lights and let-downs, some are winning games or getting A's on tests other times its not qualifying for the finals or losing games, either way I keep going and never give up.
I would compare my life and personality to the weather. Like the weather my mood is always changing which immensely affects my life. The weather is constantly changing from stormy, to sunny, to cold, to unbearingly hot. My mood also changes a lot (sometimes even with the weather). One day I could be extremely loud and outgoing when the next day I could be really quiet and to my self. Just like somedays when it could be very sunny and hott and the next rainy and cold. Like the weather you cannot predict what my mood is gonna be like. You can make a prediction that if its going to rain and its below 42 degrees that there is a likely chance of snow. With my mood you can predict that if I fail a test I am not going to be very happy.
After thinking for awhile about how I live my life, one of the most repeated metaphors is, "like a roller coaster." Like a roller coaster, a person has their ups and your downs and your twists and your turns. You could either be that kid that hates roller coasters and end up getting sick at the end, or you could be the person that loves roller coasters so much you just want to do it again and again. Most days I am that kid that is excited to go on their favorite ride. Being a teenager you have your ups and downs. The "up" days are when I am happy, excited and in an all around good mood. Then there are the "downs" when you could be sad, or mad. However like a roller coaster, in the end everything is okay and you can either go again, or forget about it, and for me, I think I want to go again.
After analyzing all my choices to compare my life to, I would compare it to dinner. Its usually a family affair but is also good to have alone. there is always different sections to the meal. The main dish that I either can't wait to enjoy or dread to come in contact with, the vegetables that are served with every meal that I have to eat, the side dish that makes the food , and the cool water that helps the meal go down.
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If I had to decide what my life would be like. I would have to say that my life is like a type writer with an unfinished story (the story being my life) because everything in my life that has happened. It cant be changed so, like a story written on a type writer it cant be deleted. While I do have some ideas as to what I want to happen in my life like my dream of becoming a fornensic scientist. There are still lots of blank pages bacause I will never know what will really happen in the future, but so far the story of my life has been pretty good.
There are many things that describe a person. There are also many things and ways to compare a person. For me, I find myself most like a grand piano. When you get right down to it, I am a lot like a grand piano because like a grand piano, I am unique in my design and build. A grand piano has multiple strings inside of it, and together, they make up notes and sounds. If one of those strings is not tuned correctly the grand piano just does not sound as good. (This is like when I wake up tired in the morning and I am not myself). Individually, a grand piano key makes a sound, but it is when you combine multiple keys that you really get an amazing sound. This is very much like my personalities. I have many good traits and qualities, but it is only when I put them all together do I get who I am today. The hammers that strike the strings are sort of like those that hang out with me. It is when the hammer strikes (I hang out with others) that you get sound (my personality showing). What really makes me a lot like a grand piano is that it takes a talented and unique individual to play it and play it well, just as it takes a unique group of friends to have a good time with.
After a lot of thought, I have come up with the conclusion that falling in love or even getting married is like an artichoke. On an artichoke there are many petals or leaves that must be torn away in order to get to the heart of the vegetable. Each leaf or petal could stand for something different. For instance, the leaves could represent faithfulness, forgiveness, laughter, respect, desire to have children, beauty, maturity, religious beliefs and so on. All of these must be acknowledged or torn away in a serious relationship in order to get to the heart or fall in love. There are many petals needed to be torn away and there can be ones that are difficult to get through, but that's all part of life and if the relationship means a lot to the couple, then they will be willing to take the time to tear it away.
There are many different metaphors and conceits that I could use to show comparison in my life, but I believe my personality and life is most like the structure of an IPod. It is a typical looking device yet it is highly advanced. I am a person of an unusually broad range of thoughts, opinions, and ideas, just as an iPod holds many different genres of songs, artists, albums and playlists. I can bring about many emotions within a person depending on what song I play, whether it’s a slow song to strike a bit of sadness in the heart, or metal to get someone “pumped”. I can bring back some of your fondest memories, and inspire you back on a path that is right. You may listen to me if you chose, dance with me or just set me aside. Remember, I can brake too, only on occasions the damage is repaired. My many lyrics hold different meanings, some pointless while others are deep. Will you listen to the words or just the beat? One thing is sure that maybe some days I will get you down, but I can also cheer you up. I am an IPod
I would compare my life to running. I know it might seem a little far fetched to some people, but to me it makes perfect sense. When you start out on a run you have a ton of energy and want to go fast. Like in life, when you're younger you want to grow up so fast. But then once you get further into the run you start to lose energy and wish you could go back to how you felt at the beginning, just how older people feel in life. While you're running sometimes it can be tough but when you stick it out and keep going it will all get better. Also sometimes there are hills you have to run up and it gets hard but as soon as you get to the top, going down is much easier and more fun. Exactly how it is in life when you overcome a problem; hard then so much easier and better. After I finish a run I may feel tired but I also feel very accomplished. Especially if I beat my previous time. I don't know how it will feel when life is over but I hope I'll go to heaven and feel happy and accomplished with how my life went.
As funny as it might sound, life in general is like Fantasy Football. When you start out, you have a draft, hoping to pick the best of the best players so that you can win every week. This can be compared to life because you(or at least i am) are trying to make the right choices in order to make your future bright. Facing other opponents week in and week out is like facing obstacles in life.You must overcome difficult opponents in order to be succesful, just like many things in life.(peer pressure,actually studying for that big test,ect) You want to win and for your players(choices) to be good, but sometime losing against other opponents shows that not all choices you make are good. You ask yourself: should i have started Terrell Owens over Randy Moss? Just like this: Should i have studied for that chapter test? The outcome of your choices reflect on your knowledge and your self respect, and its like throwing darts on a board. Thats what life can be compared to.
I have found that life a football game. In life you need to really work and practice at something to be good at it. In football you also need to prepare and practice in order to be good in your game. Also, no one leads a perfect life just like no team has a completely perfect game. Everyone faces there own ups and downs just like every team faces ups and downs. In life if someone makes a mistake then they must pay the consequences just like in football only the consequences are giving up a big play or missing a big tackle. In life if you commit a crime then you face a penalty. The same concept works in football if are penalized only you lose yards. In life sometimes you need to prepare for what is coming, or what you are anticipating. In football you need study the other team so you know what is coming when you play them, and you need to find a way to stop it. In life if you don't prepare then you are likely not to accomplish your goals. Just like in football if you do not prepare you will not win the game and you will not be successful. That is how life if just like a football game.
I think my life is like a roller coaster. First of all you never know what to expect from a roller coaster when you get on it. It can either go fast, slow, make sharp turns, have upside down loops, and corkscrews. For one thing, my life is like a roller coaster becaise you never know what to expect in life either. Anything can happen and you have to make decisions on what path you want to choose. Sometimes like roller coasters my life can be going smoothly and i know what i need to do each day and what is planned each day of my life. Other times my life is slow and drawn out. I sometimes don't know what i want to do next or forget something that i have to do during the week. Also like a roller coaster my life has many twists and turns. I might know where i am headed at times, but then in the end i make a quick decision and go in a completely different direction from where i was headed. Even upside down loops have to do with my life. They are the times when im not having a great day or something wrong happens that i have to deal with in my life. These problems then end and go right back on the straight track just like the roller coaster. This is how my life is like a roller coaster.
Life is like a soundtrack. Movie soundtracks have tons of different kinds of songs, by different artists, and totally different genres. But that’s what makes soundtracks so fun and interesting to listen to. I think this represents my life. The songs in a soundtrack range from happy to sad, from romantic to hateful, from bad to ok to wonder and so on. This is just like the days of my life. Like those songs my life I full of different emotions and feelings every day. Some days I’m happy and other days I’m sad. Some days are full of love from family and friends. There are also days when something goes wrong and you blame someone or something for that. Bad days happen every once in a while. They may seems very bad at first but after a while you look bad and realize that it really wasn’t that bad. It’s like a bad song. You my hate it at first but the more you listening to it the better it seems. There are some days that are just ok. Nothing bad happens it’s just kind of mundane and maybe boring. Then there are some days that are wonderful. The day starts out good and everything is just right. Just like when you hear a wonderful song, these days make you feel truly good. They make up for all the bad songs and bad days. They make everything worth it.
I have decided that my friends and I can be compared to shoes. Shoes are made my many different designers and are made out of many different materials, just as my friends come from many different backgrounds. Some shoes are tough and made of leather; however, others are softer and made of suede. When I make new friends, it takes a little while for us to become comfortable with each other. The same thing happens when you buy a new pair of shoes; at first, they are very stiff and may not fit just right, but after walking in them a while, they become more comfortable. Shoes can come in many different styles and colors. You can wear stiletto boots, high heels, flats burkes, sneakers, flip flops, and many others. Like shoes, my friends have different styles or personalities. Some of them are like sneakers because they are very athletic, and others are very relaxed, like flip flops or slippers, while still others are really into fashion, like high heels or stiletto boots. Some people have a more shy persona, so they might be like a closed - toe shoe, an open -toed shoes are for people who are more outgoing. Also like people, shoes can come in many different shapes and sizes. Some of my friends might be a size 8, while others are closer to a size 4. Also, the heels on some shoes are taller than others, just like people are different heights. As people grow and change, their friends will come and go, and some friends might drift apart. In a similar way, as people grow and change, their shoes become too small for them and are cast aside. Although I have many different kinds of shoes, I keep them all in my closet, just like I keep all of my friends in my heart.
Love is like a box of chocolates. At first, when you first discover love you are excited and want to jump right into things. When you first get a box of chocolates, in much the same way, you are very excited and can not wait to open your new treat. Love can sometimes get too sweet and you get sick of it. If you perhaps eat too many chocolates they taste a little too sweet to you. Then you get sick of them and don't really want to continue eating them. Sometimes love is delightful and you enjoy it and can't get enough, which would be the opposite of the analogy I made in my last statement. Chocolates can be delightful as well. Sometimes when life isn't really going the way you had hoped or planned for you can turn to your love to cheer you up or make everything seem not so bad. In this same way, chocolates can always be a way to brighten up your day. These are only a few ways that love is like a box of chocolates.
I've never really given any thought to what my life could be compared to. I suppose that under it all I could be considered like an elephant. Though I am not all that large I'm sure there can be many other comparisons. In one respect, I enjoy just lumbering along at a somewhat slow pace, but I can easily move quickly if I have to. Also, I usually am carefree and not much bothers me. I like to help others, much like how an elephant carries people on its back. I can also, at times, be scared of little things that others would see as trivial. While an elephant fears mice, I sometimes fear being late to class or having someone upset with me. Though the consequences may only be a comment like "please come to class on time" or a sigh from a friend that I have let down, the fear still existed about something that would rarely have gotten me into any trouble. Another thing I may have in common with an elephant is the saying that "the elephant never forgets." I don’t necessarily remember everything; in fact, I usually forget the more important things. But I do remember what people say during conversations. I sometimes bring up things that were said weeks ago that not even the person who said them remembers until I bring it up.
I have thought this through and I would have to say, that my whole life and me is a lot like the ocean. The ocean is so big and when you look at it from the outside it can look like a large boring surface with nothing really on it. But if you go deep into it, you find it very complex with a lot going on inside. This I think represents me, because people may judge me and think that there isn’t a whole lot going on inside my head, but if you take the time to really talk to me and see how I feel, you see that there really is more to me than appears. In order to know what’s under the ocean waters you have to take the time to study it, scuba dive, snorkel, and ect. In order to know me you have to take the time to talk to me and really get to know what’s going on inside me. The ocean also represents the ups and downs in my life. The downs would be the times when there are storms and hurricanes, and rough waters. I think that this is the perfect example of the downs in my life, because the downs, as bad as they may get, will always pass. A storm never lasts forever, and neither do the bad times in life. The storms in the oceans are necessary also, just as the downs are in my life. If the ocean were always calm, perfect, and sunny we would think nothing of it. You need the storms in order to appreciate the good days. Without the downs in my life, I wouldn’t know a good day when it came. The ups are the cheerful sunny days, where there isn’t a cloud in the sky, and there’s a light breeze. The breeze is what creates the waves, and the waves represent the excitements in my day. With no waves it would be peaceful, but boring. Just like in my life, if there were no surprises or excitements, things would be extremely boring.
My life can be pretty hectic sometimes, but at the same time it can also be a nice smooth ride. That is why I am choosing to compare my life to a mountain bike trail. It is not always an easy go, but it doesn’t take an expert to make it through the day. My friends and family are definitely a big influence in my life and they keep on track with everything going on. Sort of like the trees that mark the outer layer of the trail. If you leave these boundaries it could hurt really bad, and sometimes you can recover easily and get back onto the trail. No matter who you are life will always throw unexpected obstacles at you. This would resemble the twists, turns, jumps, hills, and because you won’t be able to overcome some of these obstacles instantly, some occasional wrecks. Eventually, you get up from that fall, get back on your bike, and continue on. Now the next time you come across that obstacle you’ll know what to expect and how to overcome it. There are some rest stops along the way where you can take a break, but you can’t stay too long because you could fall behind and possibly miss out on something good.
I think that love is like a garden. I’m not limiting love to romantic love; I'm talking about all the types of love you experience. Such as the love of parents, those are the trees in the garden; they are bigger than all the other plants, just as the love of a parent is more intense than any other type. The trees stand tall and shade you when its almost too hot to handle, if you forget to water them and weed around them they still live and grow and protect you from the sun, just as a parent will love you and protect you no matter what. Even when a tree is cut down, like a parent dieing, a stump remains to remind you of its constant presence in your life like a deceased parents love.
The love of a friend is like an annual flower, you say “oh my gosh I love you” when they lend you the textbook you forgot, but by the next season and the friendship might be over. The love of a best friend is like a perennial flower, it survives more than just one season, once the flower is planted it will be there for a long time you just have to weed around it and water it, like how you have to keep in contact with best friends.
The love of grandparents and aunts and uncles are like bushes, they are more than likely always there, but they can blend into all the other plants and they don’t stand out like a tree does, just like with the love of extended family members, you might not keep in contact or see them often but they still love you.
Siblings are cactuses, some people don’t have cactuses in their gardens but the people who do know that they survive with little watering or care but they are spiky and not very inviting, like how a sibling will always love you even if you ignore them but they don’t give you much motivation to show affection due to there spiky exterior. Romantic love is like a rose bush, it takes work to plant, it takes some tending, but its arguably one of the most beautiful plants in any garden.
After pondering for an extended time, I decided to compare my life to a long bus ride. On this lengthy trip I am the sole driver, the only one who is steering the bus. During this drive, I decide in which direction I want to go and the speed I will travel. Also, I choose where I will finish and how far I am willing to travel to reach my final destination. During this road trip, I will pick up some friends and family, the ones I know who will be there for me during my entire journey. In addition, I will pick up other people who will ride the bus for a short distance; this would describe friends who I meet along my trip. Some days I will feel like I need to speed up; these would be the days where I realize I am not trying my best and need to try harder. Other days, I will want to operate the bus on cruise control; these would be the days I feel as if my life could not be any better. Other times, I will come across some detours when my life is feeling unsteady, such as when having a fight with a very close friend or a parent. Also, there will be episodes during my drive where I will experience a pothole, which would signify an unexpected death or significant loss. In addition, I might need to travel up a steep hill; this would represent an obstacle in life that I must overcome. During the ride, I might see warning signs for a dead end; I will never desire to head in that direction. A dead end would symbolize making a terrible choice that would ruin my life forever. Where I end is a combination of my choices; I am hoping it will be at a beautiful beach, meaning I have lived my life to my fullest potential.
I feel as though a digital camera best represents my life. It can be confusing at times and hard to understand because of its many buttons. I myself can also be confusing at times and hard to understand because I have emotions just like everyone else and I sometimes don’t get along well with others. I hold many memories, just like a camera. Some memories are good and some are bad but there all apart of me. My life is also like a digital camera because the more I evolve into a young woman, it seems like the less the older generations can relate to me. Think of it as an elderly person using a camera, always asking where the button is and how to turn the darn thing on and off. I sometimes make mistakes too, just like when your carrying a camera in your pocket and it accidentally goes off or when you take a picture only to realize later that you put your finger right in front of the lens. I always try to cheer my friends up and remind them of good times just like a digital camera holds pictures that you can always look back at and cheer yourself up with. I know a camera may sound like a silly thing to compare my life to but to me its picture perfect.
I have decided that school is like a golf game. For school I must wake up early and when I play golf I usually have to wake up early too. As school goes on I get more and more tired. If I carry my bag I get tired after each hole too. In golf average is par birdie is excellent and bogey is bad. These three things correspond to grades in school, if I get a b on a test it would be like getting a par or average score. If I get an f it will be like getting a bogey and if it is really bad a double bogey. In school you travel from one class to the next in order, and in golf you go from one hole to the next in order. After so many classes lunch comes around and it is a break from school, in golf when the ninth hole comes around it usually gives you the opportunity to get a drink or take a short break. Then after a little more school last bell rings and you are done with the school day and can go rest, after a tiring 18 holes the 19th hole comes around and you can rest and eat there. Both school and golf require concentration and that is why school is like a game of golf.
(This is the final copy)
I think my life right now is like a fast car (preferably a red Mustang which is my dream car) driving through the back roads. It's a fast ride, but I still try to find the time to enjoy the scenery. Sophomore year has had a really great start. I like most of my classes in school and they seem just challenging enough to still be interesting. This is the main part of the road. I have to go pretty fast to keep up with it sometimes though. Over the summer I spent a week and a half in California, where I hope to live someday. I knew that to be able to get there and to be what I want to be (a surgeon) that I would have to start working really hard. So far I've been doing pretty well on that front. I seem to have found a good balance between school, sports, friends and family, but then again, this is only the beginning of a very long road. I think right now I’m going around 70 mph, and I know that eventually I'm going to have to speed up. I also know that I don’t want to go to fast right now, because I want to save some fuel for later… maybe for when I get that fast car and the great job as surgeon at some fancy hospital in California because that’s when I’m really going to need it.
The more that I think about it, my life is like a volleyball game. Some people may think that volleyball is just bumping and hitting the ball and has no meaning at all, but each component of the game acts as a different part in my life. For example, serving is a big part of volleyball it is how you start off every play. You want to keep the serve in the court and not have it go out of bounds or else we lose a point. That shows that I need to stay in boundaries with my parents and if I leave those boundaries I will be in a lot of trouble. My team members are the biggest part of volleyball. Without them I wouldn’t be able to do anything. They represent my family. My team is always there for me and has my back no matter what. If I mess up a ball I know they have my back to clean up after my mistakes. Whenever I am feeling down my team cheers me up and helps me succeed with the next ball that comes my way. Just as my family does they are always there for and are always supporting me in everything that I do. Spiking the volleyball would represent my drive in life, to accomplish my goals. When I go up to hit the ball all I want to do is hit it as hard as I can and get the point. If I mess up then at practice I will practice until I can get it right. That shows that how I want to succeed in my life. Whatever my goal is I will give all I got to accomplish that goal and if I can’t get it the first time I will keep trying. That is how my life is like a volleyball game.
Falling in love is like a forest fire. Both can start in many ways. Something small: A spark, or a smile. They can start suddenly and unexpectedly; A bolt of lightning, or a blind date. Sometimes they both start off as an accident; A bonfire gone out of control, or accidently bumping into someone. At first its just a flame, but in seconds it’s a blaze. Both true forest fires and love are uncontrollable, unquenchable, and dangerous. Like animals and people fleeing from the fire, love purges our life off our impurities. When we are in love, the love consumes our lives just as the fire consumes the forest. The smoke that billows up shows that a fire is raging, just as the glow of happiness around us shows when we are devoured by love. Forest fires are dangerous. Falling in love is even more dangerous. After a forest fire, from the ashes new life is born, and if we survive falling in love, the new life that grows up from the ashes is the love itself.
My life is like a video game. When you begin to play a game, you first have to get accustomed to the controls. This is similar to getting used to your surroundings in life, such as a new school. Throughout the course of a game’s storyline, you have to make difficult choices that have varying consequences. This is just like making decisions in real life. The choice you make today will have consequences, whether they are good or bad. Also in a game there are several times throughout the storyline where important events take place, such as discovering an important item or accomplishing a seemingly impossible task. Things like those happen all the time in life. Graduating high school, getting a degree, getting married, and having children are just a few examples of important moments in life. Most games have something called a climax, which is generally the part of the game where the main goal is achieved. A real life example of something like is the moment in your life where everything is just perfect. It’s inevitable, all games have them. It’s called an ending, and just like in life, there are endings as well. They may not be permanent, as they sometimes just signify the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another, but endings come.
I thought about it for a while, but I think that my life reminds me most of a car for many reasons. One reason is that when I am in a car I feel like I can choose to go anywhere, just like I can in my life. I can be what I want to be when I get older, I can pick which sports to do, and I can also choose who I want my friends to be. There are also many parts to a car that I can relate to my life. One being the steering wheel, which to me is like my conscience which controls the decisions I make. Another part is the brake, which to me is like a stop in my life, for instance failing a test would be like pushing the brake. Something else that compares to my life is the gas pedal which is like all the good times in life. Just like in a car, no one wants to have to keep stopping everyone wants push the gas where they have to be. The last thing that is in the car is the gas, and the gas is like what keeps me going in life like my friends, family, and also sports, because without those things I think I would run out of gas just like a car.
This may sound far-fetched, but life is like an overall ski trip. When you get there, you gear up and get ready for the slopes. This can be compared to getting ready for each day in life.Next,the ski lift carries you up the snow capped mountain and drops you off. From here, you decide what slop you are going to take. Is it going to be the most difficult one on the trail, or is it going to be the easy going begginers trail? This is like making the choices that life includes, whether they are hard or easy choices. As you progress down the hill, you accelerate, and this is like the good times in life. You have the wind whipping your face and you are flying past your fellow skiiers with no worries. The flip slide is when you stumble and roll halfway down the mountain. This is like the bad times, like the time you failed that test, or a family member died. But no matter what, you end up at the bottom of the mountain each time. Thats how life is, because you live one day at a time, and you always start over the next day.
There are many different paths that your can take in life. That is why I am comparing life to a tall mountain. At the bottom of a mountain you can choose which path you wish to take. These paths differ in that, usually, one of the paths takes you in as direct a path to the summit as you can. This path is usually very physically demanding. Another usually includes a very long gradual path that can take you all day and night to reach the peak. This is true also in life you can decide to either be a very direct person and work very hard to get something done. The more work you put into something the faster you get it done. However, you can also choose to approach things in a slower way and take your time to enjoy them. Either way the trip to the top could always cause some problems such as: a steep climb, a twisted ankle, or just fatigue. All of these things in my life would be a time where I would need to slow down and take care of something. One mountain that I visited, Mt. Washington, had a train that took you to the summit in about fifteen minutes. This could be o convenience for some people, but for me I would see it as missing a lot. This ties into me life because I see it as cheating. I don’t see any point in cheating. If you cheat you completely miss the experience you are supposed to be getting and skip right to the end. The reward at the end would look much better if you actually worked for it. Once at the top of the mountain you cant stay very long because it takes awhile to return to the foot. Just like in life you aren’t young for very long, so you enjoy it while you can because eventually you are going to have to come down.
My life is like the weather, unpredictible and some what uncontrolable. It is unpredictible because when I wake up every day i have no idea what will happen or how my day will go. It could go great and I would compare it to sunny weather, I could have a bad day which I would compare to a rainy day. Maybe even fog could be compared as being confused. Either way I just have to go with whatever happens and make the best of things because its out of my control and live my life one day at a time. Since life is unpredictible I could also compare it to the weather because if I hear that it is going to pour that day I might bring an umbrella. This would be called being prepared, which helps a lot in life. It might be studying for a test or planning ahead. Rain or shine, its my life and I can only hope for good weather.
God is the zookeeper and my friends and I are His animals. Of course we are all different because who would want to come to a zoo that only had parrots or pandas. I am the hyena with the cackling laugh who attempts to and can find humor in most things. Like a hyena however I can be dangerous when annoyed. One of my friends is the peacemaking seal who would balance a ball on her nose to keep everyone happy. (Sometimes, though a seal is only tempted by that delicious-looking sardine). Another is a dramatic lioness who is at the same a fierce hunter and a caring friend to all. Yet another inhabits the duckpond, meek until she finds her way, but loyal for life. I wouldn't trade my zoo of for anything.
My conceit is a comparison between my life and my personalities and a piano. As you can tell there are many keys on the piano, and for each key it represents the many skills and abilities that I have. Each and every one of those skills is as important as they are on the piano. Without one of those keys it just wouldn’t be a piano anymore. Without one of those skills it wouldn’t be me anymore. When the piano gets out of tune, that’s when I will feel frustrated or going over an obstacle in my life. But when the piano is getting a tune-up that is when I am getting my education. You tune a piano so it is useful and you are able to play it, so I go to school so I will also be useful and have meaning. When playing the piano you follow a sheet of music and that is like me going through my life with a plan. If I you don’t play with a music sheet that is me just going through life without a purpose and taking life what it throws at me and just going with it. I keep a piano in my house for a reason and I hope that my life will turn into something purposeful.
Life is like a cross country meet. The sound of the gun is the first noise in the race, just as crying is the first sound in a baby's life. At the beginning of the race you're feeling fresh, energetic, and ready to start the journey. Cross country courses differ. Some are hilly, some are flat, and some are downhill. This is just as the way you feel in your life differs. Sometimes things are hard, and you do not feel you can overcome them. You experience a lot and have to work up the "hill" in your life. The flat part of the course is the boring and ordinary parts of life like school and homework. The down hills are when things are going well, and you’re enjoying breezing through life. As you are running through the race, you can hear the screaming and cheering of your team, coaches, and fans. These people are your support in the race or your "family" in life. As you get into the third and final mile of the race, your body has experienced most of the race. You are getting very tired. This is the time in life when you are almost done school and you have experienced a lot of life and are ready to get out. As you cross the finish line, you feel terrible at first. You cannot immediately calm down and you are trying to catch your breath. This is like graduating from college. You are happy to be done, but now you know it is time for the real world and you may freak out a little. After the race had been over for a little, you calm down and realize how accomplished you feel.
In many ways, I can say that my life can be compared to a song. In a song, there are various different parts, such as the verses, chorus, a bridge. Like a song, my life is full of different parts. The different verses can describe the new and exciting things in life. The verses are like new doors opened in life. They can also be described as new emotions through the different stages in life. The chorus is the same throughout the whole song and is like the stability in life. It is the unique things about me that no one else has. The chorus is the qualities about me that will stick with me throughout my life. No matter how much change over the years, there are always qualities that will stay the same. Not only does the chorus remain the same, but also it comes back many times in the song. Therefore, it could compare to the people who are in my life who I know will be there for me throughout my life, the people like my family and good friends. These people, like the chorus is there through all the changes in the song, will be there for me no matter how much I change through the years. The bridge is the part of the song that is different from the rest. The bridge could compare to the tough times in my life. It could compare to the rough changes in my life, but in the end, I always find myself again. No matter what, after the bridge, there is always a chorus.
Best friends are like a beautiful flower garden. When you first meet a friend, they are more like an acquaintance; just as when a flower is grown it starts out small and trivial. As you get to know and like the person more, your friendship gets stronger; just as when a flower starts to grow and thrive. When you start to put time, love, and effort into a friendship it will start to improve and you will find yourself hanging out with them more often; just as when you start to water and fertilize a flower, it will start bud and blossom and you will find yourself glancing at it whenever it is in sight. There is a point were a friend goes from friend to very good or best friend , this happens when you can rely on them , they make you happy , and you know that you two will be able to endure even the toughest of times ; just as when a garden starts to flower and become lovely. You can just go outside to look at it when you need a "pick me up" and be proud of what you have accomplished. Sometimes, a friendship can go bad if you don’t care for it anymore. If your mean to your best friend and start to break their trust, this relationship may spoil; just as if you were to stop watering and nurturing for your garden. All your time and effort would be ruined and the weeds would take over. My best friends deserved to be cared for, and so does my garden. If you think about it a lot, they do share a lot of the same qualities.
[Final Draft]
To me, people are a lot like guitars. There are so many different colors, sounds, and brands in the world. Extravagant electric guitars, modest acoustics, hard wood, soft wood, or even plastic, but, despite the differences, they all play the same notes. They play a new song everyday, though the songs maybe be similar from day to day, one is never quite the same as the last. A sour note will find it's way into your song every once in a while, but it is unavoidable. You learn what combination of notes do not go together and discover what sounds better. Throughout life we try out different ways to tune our strings. We strive to find our particular sound and style. Much like people, guitars are easier to break then one may think. One wrong strum and you have broken a string. One second of an absent mind and you have dropped the guitar, breaking it beyond repair. We are all just trying to play that one song that people will want to listen to. That song we will be remembered for.
Many people compare their life or a situation they are going through to something familiar or an object. Some might say their life is like a rollarcoaster, there are many ups and downs along as turns. The metaphor is that rollarcoasters take you on an adventure and ride you up and down and makes many turns and flips. In your life you are going to be happy (up), you are going to be sad (down), your situation can turn around, or you can be upside down and confused. Everyone’s life is different and represented in various ways. To me, my life is like a maze. I am constantly finding new ways to succeed and get to where I want. But along the way I might turn the wrong way and find my way to the next place I’m headed. Just like in a maze, my life consists and will have some obstacles. Many of these obstacles will either change my life for the good or help me learn more about my life and what I should do next. Some obstacles might have a fork in the road to decide which way to go and what decisions to make. A maze has many different turns and directions to choice from until you find your way to the finish line, which represents what you want most in life. The many right and wrong turns in a maze helps to describe some of my decisions and how I want to live my life.
Life is a wave. For the thrill, people will bodysurf, bodyboard, windsurf, kayak, and surf this wave. The bigger the wave you surf the more risk there is involved. Some of us were made to surf the 60 foot wave of life while others of us were made to surf 1 foot shin slappers. Through experience u gain skill and get more comfortable as u move up in wave size. The same occurs in life. As u go along in life you learn from things you do wrong and things you do right. In surfing you also learn courtesy. You learn to not drop in on someone’s wave and also to share a wave with a beginner occasionally to help them out. The same occurs in life. You won’t purposely try to mess up someone else’s life, and you will try to help others along. You never know what a wave or life will throw at you since they are both ever-changing environments. You adapt through gut feelings and knowledge from past experiences. Even the best will get knocked around and pounded a couple times, but it’s also the best that get back right afterwards and try again. The best don’t just let life or waves beat them down the fight back with a 15 second dream shacking. So don’t live life or surf with the motto “If at first you don’t succeed you should probably give up.”
My little brother is like a bag of starbursts. Sometimes I like him and sometimes I cannot stand him. This is similar to a bag of starbursts because there are some flavors that I like and then there are some flavors that I find disgusting. When I think about this conceit, I realize that every flavor of starbursts reminds me of something my little brother does or a feeling that my little brother gives me. Red symbolizes when my brother gets on my nerves because when I think of the color red, I think of anger. My brother is a red starburst most of the time I am with him! When I think of a yellow starburst of think of when my brother is not as annoying and when I enjoy hanging out with him or playing a game with him. He rarely reminds me of a yellow starburst. When I think of a pink starburst, I think of the times when my little brother hangs out with my sister and she tries to make him into a girl. When this happens I usually try to picture him as a yellow starburst so I can teach him how to be a man and like manly things. I said that a pink starburst reminded me of this time because I dislike that flavor starburst the most just like I dislike when he acts like a girl the most. The only other flavor of starburst left is orange. The orange starburst reminds me of all the times I have taken him outside to play a sport of some sort. The orange starburst reminds me of these times because it is the same color of a basketball which is my brother’s favorite sport to play with me.
Life has many ways to be described; I see my life as a meandering stream flowing down a mountain. The mountain is life and the river is my personality. As I start my journey I am pure and have no experience. As I head down the mountain I collect knowledge and smarts. When I come to a bend or a turn in the river this is a decision that I have to make, and like water I tend to choose the path of least resistance. As I go on I run into people along my banks, these people are connections and friends I have made over the years. My roots back at the top of the snow-covered mountain are my parents, the people who have given me the tools I need to go through life. On my path down I run through a small town this resembles my convection's and morals. Once past the town I drift under a bridge this can be seen as getting a passing grade in school or a special moment in my life. When I approach a dam in the stream this is a bad time in my life like a loved one dying or a moment that you wont remember.
I am going to compare the people of the world to a crayon box. No not the regular 8 crayon box but the 64 crayon box. I think that every person is different just like every crayon. Certain people have some of the same qualities and like the same things. Some of the colors are crayons are similar but never the same. Every person was made completly different and there is noone or there will never be another person that is the same. All of the differents colors also represent the different groups of people that we have. There are certain groups that people are in. Even with all the different groups we still live together. All of the crayons are in one box together despite being different colors. Despite everyones differences we still live, work, play and learn together. All of the different people in the world work together to do great things. Just as all of the different colors in the crayon box work together to make something great. Being different or liking different things then another person doesn't mean that you can't interact with them or work with them. No matter what differences people can still be good friends and co-workers.
After a lot of thought, I have realized that my life is most like a 2-mile race in track & field. My life is most like a 2-mile race for many different reasons. First, I know that a lot of people don't like to pace themselves through life but i do. I like to pace myself as i go through life because if i go through life rushing and going really fast i will miss all of the good in life and wonder where all the time went to. Another reason why my life is like a 2-mile race is because there are always people cheering me on because they want me to succeed in life just like the people cheering me on at a race to get a good time. Some of these people that cheer me on through life are friends, family, parents, and teachers. Finally my life is most like a 2-mile race because you have to have a strong kick at the end of the race in order to catch people in front of you or to make sure no one passes you. Having a strong kick at the end of the race pertains to my life because i am always striving to be better than those ahead of me. All of these reasons are why my life is most like a 2-mile race in track & field.
For some reason, after thinking for a while, I am comparing my life to a softball. A softball can be extremely hard. It’s very hard to break open the seams. The cover represents my personality. It takes a while to break through my shell. So it will take a while to pry open the seams of the ball, and see what is on the inside. When a softball is pitched, that is my life when it’s going by really fast, and everything is going good, the breeze whizzing by. When I am bunted, I think it represents the times in my life when I help others (a sacrifice bunt) and put other people before myself. When I get hit really far, I know that I am working hard, and doing well. When I am hit not so well, I think that means that I know I could have done better, and I need to work harder. When I am pitched and not hit, but caught in the catcher’s mitt, it represents my family and friends always being there to catch me when I fall (not getting hit) , or pick me up when I am down. Most importantly to my life as a softball, I think that God is the players. God has plans that everything happens for a reason, and whatever happens to the ball (my life) is what was supposed to happen.
In comparing my life it can best compared to swimming. Swimming is my favorite sport that I enjoy the most. As always practice is very important. Practice in my life is going to school learning new things to help me later in the future. In swimming the more you practice the better you will be and your timings will continue to improve. On the other hand missing practice is like missing school when you miss school you have a lot of work to make up. By doing so you are hurting chances of improving. In practice you have coaches there to help you improve your time and quality of your strokes. They are the ones that motivate you to go faster and faster at swim meets. In life coaches are my parents and teachers who give me advice about life to help me be a better person. They also motivate me to give it all I have! After practice all week there is always that big competing awaiting. This is where you show how well you have become since the last meet and how hard you practiced. Competitions relate very closely to taking tests and quizzes in school. Tests and quizzes determine if you paid attention in class and how well you understood the material. Lastly, swimming has four strokes-backstrokes, breaststroke, freestyle, and butterfly. Each of these strokes relate to a part of my life. Backstroke is where you lay on your back and swim; it’s hard yet also easy if you practice. In life backstroke is like school, it can be hard but also easy if do everything that I am supposed to do. Breaststroke is more relaxed type of swimming. This relates to my home life which is very relaxing and comfortable. Butterfly is a complex and complicated stroke. It takes a long time to develop the proper techniques. Butterfly relates to my personal life. As a teenager there is a lot of problems and drama so you can say my personal life is very complicated. Lastly, freestyle is fast swift stroke. I like to play sports and very competitive and always try to get more faster, so freestyle is closely related to my athletic life.
I have decided that life is like cross country practice. In cross country the point is to run in different terrains to get a better time and improve your running. Trying to get the best time to me is like a dream or goal you want to accomplish. When you start you do a warm up run so your muscle are not as tense. Warn up to is like, just learning about something knew or something you don’t know that much about, but after a while you get used to learning new things so warm up is always a good thing. After warm up you have to stretch, stretching is relaxing and always a good time to catch up your friends. Its like the free time you have during the week because you are not yet done. Now that you have warmed up and stretched it is time for the real run. In cross country there are different types of practices. Distance runs, hill workouts, speed workouts, and recovery runs which come after a workout run. The distance runs are like an easy going moment in life not to hard and complicated you just keep on going. While a workout is a difficult moment in life and you may get small breaks in between, but its just as hard till the very end, though its only hard until you have accomplished the event in time and when you are done the next run is a recovery run. Which is when you get to look back at what you have accomplished and be happy that you haves succeeded. While running the different trails you run are like the different paths of life you can take. When everyone is out running you always see different kinds of runners. The ones who take practice seriously and follow the given paths, even the ones who are not serious an give up and start walking. In life you have people who are straight forward and follow the paths others have made and even people who give up in life, they don’t care because they think it is to hard. Then you have the runners that make their own course in life you have people that follow their own path not what other people have told them to do, inventing and discovering new things. Cross country is a sport that can be very difficult, but teaches you an important lesson about life. The belief to never give up when things get hard, keep on running.
If I had to describe my personality I would say I am a mixture of a careful driver and a show off driver, of course not in a bad way. Sometimes i just sit and watch things go by, or sometimes I am the one everyone is watching. It kind of just depends on my mood. How ever sometimes I do feel like I am in cruise control. Sometimes my life is so planned. I will wake up go to school go to practice or the gym, come home and do homework, then go to bed, then do it all again the next day. This can get old sometimes. But it has to be done even if it is not always fun. I am pretty good at not paying attention to the build boards, but every once in a while I will find a really good one and it's hard to not pay attention to them. Most of the times I will end up taking the quicker route instead of the longer scenic route. Just because it is quicker, and I do not have a lot of time most of the time. But if I get a chance every once in a while I will try and take the scenic route, even though it is longer. I think this is the best way you can live life, however I am positive there are people out there that would strongly disagree with me.
To me, personally, life is a game of chess. Tactics, sportsmanship, manipulation, generosity, patience, thought, and planning are all found on the chessboard, some things that I know I need every day.
Opening: You start with your ranks, you open and try to make the best move you can. You set yourself up for protection, but you take risks. After all, you have the whole game to go, don’t you? One wrong move won’t kill you. You begin your plan, move by move and try to stay ahead of your opponent.
Middlegame: Eventually you evolve yourself, begin to see in more that one or two moves. You think ahead not in seven moves, but seventy. You’re protecting yourself more, and you’re transforming your strategy, taking your current enemy’s pieces and building yourself up.
Endgame: Your king is moving up and your last reserves are exhausted, but you keep going, thinking less in moves, and more in ends. Every move you made leads up to these final moments, because the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, but middlegame and the opening are all in the relation to the endgame.
“ Life is not a box of chocolates,” said the titular character in the 1986 novel Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. The film made many changes, most notably the fact that Gump is an idiot savant, a mathematical genius with an IQ of 70. Hence his part in the NASA program as a human back-up to the space capsule's back-up computer, and his ability as an advanced chess player. You may win some, you may lose some, but anyone can play the game.
After sitting down and really contemplating what I can compare my life to, I think I have really come up with a good one. I am comparing my life to a closet and the clothes that it holds. Actually the more and more I think about it the similar they both become. The closet itself would be my actual life and when you open it you can see all the components that make it up. There are many types of clothes: shirts, dresses, pants, jeans, skirts, etc. I’d say that the fun, comfortable, and sort of childish pieces are definitely my friends. They allow me to act somewhat like child again, laughing at silly things that make no sense. But most important they are the people and moments I will cherish the most, just like your favorite pair of jeans that you wore on a fun night out with your friends, or a favorite t-shirt from a concert. Next would be those more mature pieces that you only wear on special occasions. Those are definitely my parents and the adults in my life. Forcing me to grow up at certain times, and act like an adult. Not because they don’t want me to have fun and laugh at silly things anymore, but because it’s a crucial part of life, and they want to make life easier for us. Unfortunately you can’t be a kid forever, and to prosper in life you must become an adult, that’s the reality. And finally the way the clothes fit also ties into my life a little bit. When things in my life are going great, and I’m as happy as can be, that’s like when everything in your closet fits you perfectly and you look great. But when they don’t, that’s when I get stuck. The hard times in life when you feel like you won’t come out alive. Sometimes life is tough, and sometimes life is easy but you have to persevere and it’ll get better.
After some deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that my life is like an ipod. Day after day, song after song, my life changes. Everything is always there when I need it, I just have to choose when I want to. Every song in my library is always there, I can choose when to listen to it. One song might come on, and it could be a really fast paced fun song. This could symbolize when I'm having fun with my friends out somewhere. Next, a really slow and dull song might come on. This of course symbolizes a slow day when I'm stuck home with nothing interesting to do except watch a movie or read a book. Also on ipods, there is a playlists category. This shows that I have many different lifestyles to choose from. The top 25 most played could stand for the way I choose to live most frequently, and it shows what I enjoy the most. If you put an ipod on shuffle, you never know what's going to come next. I always find myself doing this, and now I've come to realize that it symbolizes the way I live my life. I choose the first song, the first action, and I just let it go from there. Only when something bad happens, or a bad song comes on, do I stop.
My life is like calculus; it’s impossible to explain. You never know in what direction life is going to go. There are things that keep you back and things that help you get by. Sometimes in life, you have times where things happen that you just can’t explain or even understand yourself. In my case, a lot of things like that have happen. Things that I wish wouldn’t have happened, and things that I think have had a great impact. But, in most cases, I couldn’t even start to understand why the things happened this way. Calculus is such a complicated subject; it’s very hard to explain unless you’ve mastered it yourself. In my case, I haven’t even begun to understand myself. It’s like that with most teenagers though. You’re still trying to figure yourself out because you are stuck in between two places, child and adult. Then, things happen that change you forever and you are stuck in between these two paths. You have to decide which one to go down to make decisions. You have to choose which one is better for you, and what will eventually come out with the best outcome. So, therefore my life is like calculus. These are the years where you take the steps to try and come out with the right answer. But really, when do you find out if you got the answer right?
After sitting at my computer, staring at a blank screen, I have come to the realization that my life resembles the Olympics, especially the 2008 Summer Beijing Olympics. Like the Olympic athletes I always have scheduled activities and certain times I have to be places and play, like school and sports. In the Olympics you can watch a wide variety of sports in that two-week period which is like me constantly switching between sports year-round, its like I’m training for a triathlon. There are many times in my life where if you were watching from the sideline you'd be standing on the couch screaming and cheering for me like during the Men's Swimming 4x100 Freestyle Relay between the USA and France. My coaches are my friends and family, constantly giving me advice and help. My fans keep me going even when times are tough, and I know they will always be there. There is non-stop action in both my life and the Olympics and I hardly have time to sleep, just like the anchor, Bob Costas. There are many high-lights and let-downs, some are winning games or getting A's on tests other times its not qualifying for the finals or losing games, either way I keep going and never give up.
The people in my life are like purses. There’s that one purse that is my favorite, and I knew from the start that I liked it; that would be my best friend. Then, there are the couple of purses that I absolutely love, but I never want anyone to see me with them because they’re a little bit embarrassing. These purses are like my parents. I love them to death, but I don’t want my friends to see me with them because their embarrassing. Also, I have one or two really expensive purses, that I want everyone to see me with. In my life, those purses symbolize the people in my life who probably aren’t my real friends, but I still want people to see me with them for my own fame. Finally, there are the dozens and dozens of purses that I have stashed in the back of my closet that I might not ever use again. Sadly, these purses represent the people in my life who I no longer talk to. They were my favorite at one time in the past, but no longer have a daily recurrence in my life. Maybe, I’ll clean out the back of my closet one day though, and find them again. This represents how people may leave your life for a certain time period, but they may just come back into my life at one point.
I would say that my personality and life are most like a very steep mountain at the moment. Actually my life is more like climbing a very steep mountain. There are times when I feel like I am the happiest I have ever been, and that nothing can bring me down. This is where I feel like I have made my journey to the very top of the mountain. But, for almost everyone, there will be times where you feel you have completely hit rock bottom. Whether it may be the loss of a loved one, fired from a job, or you just got out of a bad relationship, it's life, and there are times where I certainly feel like I have hit "rock bottom." And then just when I feel like I am almost at the top of the mountain, I'll slip and fall a few stories. That is when I feel most alone and have to keep reminding and pushing myself to keep going on and to keep striving for what I want and need in my life. Even though sometimes I may feel like I am alone, and I just want to give up climbing that steep mountain, I remember that my family and friends will always be there to keep me going all the way to climbing the top of the mountain that I call my life.
I would have to say that the best thing to describe my life would be an iPod; better yet, an iPod on shuffle. Shuffle is when it plays all my songs in random order. That’s how my life is, its not very predictable. Every day is different. There can be more than one song describing my day, it changes a lot. I wasn’t saying I’m moody, just that even if a day starts bad, it can end well. When a bad song comes up on shuffle, I click the next button until a better song comes on; that’s how my life is, if I’m having a bad day ill try to change it and make it a good day. Like the songs, a day could be really upbeat or boring. There are many genres on my iPod, and each genre is a different part of my life. The fast, upbeat songs are when I’m having a good time. The slower, more somber songs are when something bad happens in life, like an obstacle. The songs with angry lyrics are just those bad days that everyone has, you’re just in a bad mood and the little things get to you. The light, happy songs stand for the good days, the days when I wake up and I’m just in the best mood. The R&B songs always have something to do with love, or breaking up. The oldies, to me, is being with the whole family and having a good time. Everyone always knows the words to the oldies and they all sing along. I believe music is a great thing, and so is life. :)
I found that that my mom and an iron are very similar in many ways. An iron can be cold or hot, and so can my mom. If an iron is cold and just sitting around doing nothing my mom can be cold because she is not speaking and moping around. When the iron is hot and pressing out wrinkles out of clothes, my mom is trying to smooth out day to day problems. When the iron is using its steam feature to press out stubborn wrinkles my mom is the same because when I am stubborn she is usually steaming as well. Another way that my mom is similar to the iron is when the iron sprays out water, my mother sprays out water as well on her many house plants. Another comparison is that most of the time the iron is just sitting around all day, which is mostly the same as my mom, because she is retired and sits around a lot at home all day as well. Overall the iron is something used to help out people, which is the same as my mom because she is always helping people. These are the many comparisons between my mom and an iron.
My homework is like a football game. When I come home from school it is like playing again after a I have had only a week of rest. Although I am tired I still have a big game to play. When I open my book bag it is like flipping a coin to see who kicks and who receives. Once I decide what to do first I open up the book like the first drive of the game. I usually get the first thing done quick. This is like scoring an easy touchdown on the first drive. But as my homework progresses it gets harder. This like the defense of the other team getting better. When I do not understand a question that is like a loss of yards on a drive or the other team sacking the quarerback. When I am taking a long time on one subject that is like fumbling and recovering the ball on every or just kicking field goals and not scoring touchdowns. When I get easily distracted that is like throwing an interception. But once I get a hang on my homework it is like scoring a touchdown on a punt return. When I have my snack break it is like half time. When I come back I am able to tackle my homework one subject at a time and eventually win the game against my homework.
My homework is like a football game. When I come home from school it is like playing again after a I have had only a week of rest. Although I am tired I still have a big game to play. When I open my book bag it is like flipping a coin to see who kicks and who receives. Once I decide what to do first I open up the book like the first drive of the game. I usually get the first thing done quick. This is like scoring an easy touchdown on the first drive. But as my homework progresses it gets harder. This like the defense of the other team getting better. When I do not understand a question that is like a loss of yards on a drive or the other team sacking the quarerback. When I am taking a long time on one subject that is like fumbling and recovering the ball on every or just kicking field goals and not scoring touchdowns. When I get easily distracted that is like throwing an interception. But once I get a hang on my homework it is like scoring a touchdown on a punt return. When I have my snack break it is like half time. When I come back I am able to tackle my homework one subject at a time and eventually win the game against my homework.
The best way to describe myself is to compare me with a house. There are many different styles of homes on this planet. There are tall homes, big homes, small homes, and shacks. Now the last example "shacks" should not be taken humorously. People who I compare to a shack are people who are having trouble in life. They are people who find it hard to get by and live a happy life. When I look at the run-down row homes in Baltimore, the first thing I think of is chaos and disorganization. Some of you may know how violent the city is. That is one life I would not want to aim towards. I think of myself as one of those medium sized comfortable homes with bright colored paint and lots of windows. I like to be happy with a warm friendly feeling. Light paint reminds me of comfort and protection. Who wants to live a dull black and white kind of life? I sure hope I can keep up with school because I want to live in my own house and not something I can barely afford.
Since many people used food as a conceit, it got me thinking about mine. I needed some time to think about what I was going to write. I was watching some football highlights, and then it hit me. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows what Rice Krispies are. I'm not talking about the chocolate flavor or the treats, but the original flavored cereal. The cereal is most famous for its SNAP, CRACKLE, and POP. As football being my favorite sport, I see Rice Krispies as a football game. Your bowl, whether it be big or small, is the stadium or the football field. Just as many people eat their cereal out of a bowl, football games are played on a field. The Rice Krispies are two things: the players and the crowd. The milk is the actual playing of the game. When added to the Krispies, the cereal starts to make noises. The Rice Krispies that crackle are the football players delivering bone-crushing hits and blocks. The snap represents the tackles and cuts football players perform and execute on a regular basis. And of course, the pop is the crowd cheering for the astonishing things accomplished on the field. If you listen closely, not all Rice Krispies snap,crackle, or pop. These are the people who don't appreciate what the sport of football does. It brings out the best in players; they work as a team to accomplish a common goal, and are willing to sacrifice whatever they have to in order for their team to come up on top. The game is also entertaining and exciting to the crowd. Just as football brings out the best in people; the milk brings out the SNAP, CRACKLE, and POP out of the Krispie.
After considering the selection of things I could compare my life to, I found the best to be the one that brings people together every night, dinner. It is thought of as a family affair, but it is also enjoyed when alone many of the time. The dishes are inconsistent and unpredictable to what is going to be served next. There are many different sections to the meal. The main dish can either be highly anticipated or dreaded. Some dishes are filling leaving me full, some induce sickness, and some are just shoved down my throat. With kids from almost every generation, the part of the meal that is unwanted and dismayed is the vegetables. They are the part of the meal that is forced to be had every day and is the part of the meal that I have come to accept that will always be a part of dinner, but some vegetables can turn out to not be as bad as anticipated. The small but important part of dinner, the side dish is smaller in quantity but can impact the decision on whether the meal was good or not. If the dishes are kept varying consistently, it would be hard to grow tired of dinner.
I think my life style is like a recital dance. All of the practices for a dance and rehearsals are like school; school prepares you for the future just like the practices prepare you for the recital. Like a dance, every time you preform it, it goes by so quickly you do not have time to really stop and have fun with it. This is just like each day of your life. They go by so quickly, it is over before you even noticed it began. In each dance you learn, it is easy to forget parts of it and make mistakes like in any part of your life. Transitions in dances are when plans change in your life and take you by surprise. Also, each time you preform the dance, (even though it is repetative)it never gets old and it is more fun and rewarding each time you do it. Just like each day, the more times you go through a dance, the more chances you have to fix your mistakes and learn from them. A dance is my life style because even though each day I go through the same routine, every day is a new chance for better possibilities and even though it goes by fast, I will try to take in every second and dance to my own beat.
Personally right now, I think of people as a box of crayons. This conceit means that some are could be brighter and stand out more, and then there are others are duller and keep to themselves. The world could be viewed as the box itself, its colorful and can easily be noticeable in the universe, kind of like how the crayon box is noticeable in the school supply aisle. It also holds everyone in and keeps everyone orderly like the continents. The more colorful crayons are the friends who are more outgoing and have a vivid personality. Naturally, your eye wants to pick them out of the box, and when your picking friends your more likely to pick the ones who are notable. Some people can be in the middle, like a pastel whose more laid back and easy going. Furthermore, you have others who are dull, like gray, and don’t seem to stick out of a crowd. Sometimes though, you’ll be lucky and pick out a random crayon, not even knowing the color, and like it without even expecting to. This could be compared to how you could spontaneously see a person you don’t think you would ever like, and end up being good friends. A box of crayons and people could both be summed up in one easy line, “Don’t judge a book (or crayon) by its cover.”
A basketball game and a car ride are similar in the following aspects. As soon as the ball is tipped, the car is started and it is on its way. On the offensive end, the car is moving forward smoothly, but on defense, the car is stuck in traffic. Scoring on the court feels like driving on an open road, where no cars can get in your way. The referees are making sure that the game is played fair. Likewise, there are police out on the road, making sure that people are obeying the law. A foul in the basketball game relates to a car accident, and an injury of one of the people in the car. A technical foul, on the other hand, is like having to take the car to the mechanic so he can fix it. However, the pause in the game for foul shooting, will let the car continue down the road after it is fixed. To take a break from playing, there are four quarters in the game to allow the players to get a drink and to prepare for the rest of the game. Same as in the game, red lights allow the car to take a break before running again when the light turns green. The noise and cheers of the fans are the same as the many different, noise-making cars on the road. Overtime rarely ever happens in a basketball game and is like taking a detour before reaching the destination. At the final buzzer, the destination is complete!
Our life is like the pieces of chess board in many ways. Every piece has its own meaning in our lives. The pawn for example, the slow and steady workhorse that everyone overlooks. This piece represents the little steps that leads to big accomplishments. These little steps could hard work, dedication, and passion. Pawns, the most numerous piece on the board, could also represent all the people who believe in us and try to help us succeed. The next piece is the Castle, large and sturdy, this piece can always be relied on. The Castle moves in a straight line, north to south or east to west. The way the Castle moves causes it to resemble my family. They’re large and sturdy and are always moving ahead, pushing me to be the best I can be. The bishop, the tall skinny piece that moves diagonally across the board. The bishop reminds me a lot like our friends they’re weird and funny like the way the bishop moves diagonally, but they always come through for us when we need them the most. Another piece most people would recognize is the horse. Out of all the pieces on the board the horse definitely is the oddest. It moves three spaces up and two across or two spaces up and three across. To me this piece seems the hardest to relate to my life but if I would have to chose I’d say its our natural talents or skills. The way the horse moves is so different and so unique that’s what makes it so great, like our talents. Your talents are what make you, you. They are different then everyone else’s, because no two people are the same. Some people may be able to do the same thing well, but I can guaranty you do it differently then that other person. With only two pieces left the most versatile is the Queen. With the ability to move up, down, side to side, and diagonal as far as she wants she’s basically unstoppable, and possibly annoying for the other player. Who else does this sound like? Yeah that’s right, your MOM. With the power to do whatever she wants that makes your mom the big boss. She can ground you, make you do chores, and even babysit when you would rather be with friends, but she’s your mom and without her we would never win and seeing her smile is what makes your victories all worth while. The last and most important piece is the King. This piece is you. You have the power to choose what you want to do, you have the power to accept the help of the other pieces, and with all these other pieces behind you, you have the power to win the game.
After a lot of thought ( and use of backspace) I have come to decision that my life is most like a ups man. I know it may sound odd but in many ways my life and personality relates to a package delivery worker! Everyday of my life is a surprise! Somedays can be awesome and full of excitement and big adventures,others seem boring and small. Everyday when a postman goes to work he never knows what he is gonna get. He can have a lot of cumbersome packages or small easy ones. Some packages are interesting and excting. LIke the ones that say this side up or fragile , or even the ones that make funny rattles when dropped or pushed around. My personality relates to the mail men through thier duty. Although many people may not realize it but one of the most loved people in this world is a postage man. Everytime you hear that wonderful brown trucks engine purring in your driveway you get a rush of excitement. I am the same way, i love making people happy and i love surprising them. With me you never know what I could do next. You could say that I am spontaneous or unexpected or even unexplainably random. I love doing nice things for people and I love every day (boring or exciting) of my life.
Love is blackhole. It sucks in everything. Everythinggood and happy and bright. It is cold and unfeeling. It takes away what makes us feel. It leaves us empty and hurt. Nothing can escape it and nothing can fix what it does, what it takes away. It consumes us and everything we do. We are helpless. We cannot control what it does or what it affects. Those who try, perish. It is strong and unyeilding. It always prevails and never backs down. It fights untill it wins. It changes people. Makes them monsters with souls so black. Who else will fall from this unadulterated hell? This poison of the mind and body? Only those who are not blind to the dangers will not fall into its grasp. For it tears and claws at everything. Ripping apart strand by strand untill there is nothing left. Only empty nothingness. An emptiness that ecos with the mocking laughter of the one who caused it. The ringing never goes away. It stays. It haunts you for as long as it can. It doesn't let you move on untill you are on the brink of insanity. Even then it might not stop. There is no escaping it. There is nowhere to hide. There is no hope.
Life is built upon many different experiences and adventures. There are always hardships, fun times, and emotion filled incidents. Whether it’s a marriage or divorce, or a death or birth, life is truly a journey and no matter how hard you try, it is unexpected and unpredictable. After careful thought and consideration, I’ve come to the conclusion that my life is best compared to a library. The commanding chief of any library is of course the librarian. She is the first to greet you when you walk through the doors and the last one to say good-bye when you leave. The librarian is always criticizing you about the noise level, but she is also always there when you have a problem or need help. In comparison, the head of my household is my mom. As much as she complains about things, I know that she is always there whenever I have a problem or am seeking guidance. Within the library, there are many different genres of books, representing the different stages and parts of life. There is always the section for young children, consisting of colorful picture books and easy learning books. As I grew up, I began to read the books intended for pre-teens. These books covered everyday topics and problems of friendships, family, and the start of relationships. There is the fiction section which gives us the ability to dig deep into our imaginations and retrieve our wildest dreams. It tells us that no matter what, anything is possible and never to give up on something you believe in. The section of the library with all the encyclopedias represents our countless years that are spent in classrooms, learning everything from basic math to advanced statistics. The historical and biography section is connected to our past and the root of our ancestors. It tells us where we’ve originated from and shows us our family culture and traditions. The romance section represents the act of falling in love and finding that one someone to share your life with. The computers in our library represent our lives as a whole. They are built of all the knowledge and information that we have put together over a duration of time. It is a storage unit for all of our life experiences, and even though there are many things that go into making the computer work as a whole, each piece of information is crucial to the altogether working process. Just like in life where is it important to live and laugh, to learn and love, to forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but understand that it is okay to make them. Each and every day of life is a learning process. Life is one big journey, with many adventures along the way. Each adventure, not matter how big or small, is just as important as the next.
My dreams are like a mailbox. The box is my sleeping mind, and the mail is my oncoming dreams. My eyes must be closed for the mailbox to open. You know mail will come everyday, but you never know what is going to be in your mailbox until you open it. Some is just junk mail that you throw away and forget about, such as the dreams you do not remember when you wakeup. Other mail is exciting because it might be from a distant relative or along lost friend. Some mail is unwanted, like bills; which are the opposite of a paycheck in the mail, which would be extremely valued. Sometimes you get fabulous travel brochures, or just catalogs of random unwanted knickknacks. Dreams can be emotional and can be printed in your memory; maybe as letters from a great great uncle that has since passed away. Some dreams are short and confusing; some mail is written sloppily and hard to comprehend. Mail comes in black and white and in color. Some things we all want to avoid such as blackmail and nightmares. But the mail will keep coming. “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
I have decided that my school life is most like a ride in the car. At the start of a car ride I am always apprehensive to plan and get to my destination, this is kind of like starting a new year of school and making all new goals. Looking around you can see many different passengers whether they are a sibling or friends, groaning when you realize that you are partially encircled by annoying sisters with only one relief being your close friend to your right; this signifies when I first enter school and I find my close friends but I still somehow end up surrounded by annoying drones (aka the athletes and “populars. “) Once you get comfortable you decide to tune out the buzz of your surroundings with the radio (all the conversations going on around you) some of the more outstanding channels seem to be a local spots casting (the latest sports news), and the “Ask Ruth” channel (the latest gossip and problems; oh no Jane got pregnant again “darn. “) Giving up with the radio, you decide to turn on a video and try to zone out while not actually even watching the movie, when life gets to loud/hectic the best thing for some is to just go on autopilot and think the rest of the day away. Getting closer to your destination, you realize the car is going way to fast, like when you have the same routine daily it starts to seem as if time blurs and is moving at awkward paces. Not saying anything about the speed, the car continues to accelerate while the inevitable crash quickly approaches. The crash representing ignorance to my own health until I end up sick or in a hospital bed. Getting back on the road, you arrive at your destination, kind of like achieving goals that you work hard to reach.
Everyone is like items in a store. People walk in and out of stores. Some stay longer and some leave quicker. That happens to people all the time. People just come into people’s lives and then leave at some point. While in the store, items get looked at, judged and sometimes if they aren't judged for the better, they get laughed at or just put back like its nothing. That happens to people too. You may not be cool enough or good enough to some people. In the store, items get picked up and the person is about to get you and then all of a sudden you’re put back down. In life, people basically get teased, maybe you think oh I am going to go do this, but then you get grounded and can't. The worse part about the store is being bought, then returned. In real life, the word for that action is "used". People could pretend to be your friend to get homework or something else and as soon as you’re nice and give them whatever they want, they never talk to you again. Another bad thing in a store is when you are bought, and then you just sit on a shelf next to all the other bought and just sitting items. In life, this is like living in the shadow of someone else, you just are sitting there doing whatever they tell you to do and you don’t think or speak with your own mind or in your own words. Good things in a store are like when the buyer really likes the item and buys it and make it it’s best friend forever. In real life, that’s finding your closest friend and that is always a great thing. Everyone is like items in a store.
In my life, I have realized that my life resembles a roller coaster. My life has times when I am waiting for something that is important to me and that I want to come sooner. This resembles the long lines that the best roller coasters always have. When what I want finally comes there might be a let down or it might be not as good as a made it out to be and at a roller coaster you might be waiting in line and then when you are finally there it breaks down and you feel like the long wait was for nothing. Another thing that compares my life and a roller coaster is the beginning of the ride when you are slowly going up to the very top and eventually will get to the part when you go downhill. In my life this resembles when you are working hard for a long time and you finally are done your project or essay and you get to do what you want and life feels easier like going downhill. Another resemblance is when you are going on bumps and loops and in my life there are bumps when you have something holding you back in life; for example when you get a failing grade on a test and you need to try harder next time and work harder to get a good grade. Finally, my life is like a roller coaster when it stops and you wish it was longer but it was fun while it lasted like when you look back on your life and realize how fast it went by, but it was great while it lasted.
this kinda made me laugh. i'm not gonna get credit for this but i just wanted to extend the dirving metaphor. i'm more like a "fast and the furious" engine capable of going faster then most normal engines driving a less than average car going 120 in the slow lane through a dark tunnel. I have no clue where i'm going but i'm just going as fast as i can in the slowest possible lane hoping ill reach the end of the tunnel. Just imagine if a normal car, headlights and all had my "engine".
After deep consideration I would have to say that my life is best described as a trampoline. A trampoline is very flexible on the surface, but the foundation remains strong by the springs that hold it together. Just like a trampoline I have my ups and downs, but everything always seems to go back to normal in the long run. I am able to entertain and bring some enjoyment to peoples lives as a trampoline can do with little kids. Like many people bouncing on a trampoline at the same time, my life can be hectic and crazy. My springs never seem to rust and I keep on bouncing back, just like in real life where you have to rebound back. My life may be fun and outrageous at times, but it’s mine. I chose to jump my own path in life.
Life is a lot like a chapter book. The introduction is like the beginning of your life, and you’re first introduced to everyone in the new world. Each chapter of the book is like a new grade, a new school, a new job, a new house, or any large changes in your life. The next page in a book is always a mystery, anything can happen and you can never predict it. In life you never know what is going to happen next, you can never know what to expect. In a book, anything goes, you can’t always do something about it. In life there is many things that happen that are out of your control, and you just have to sit back and let it happen. There is always a lot of drama in books, as there is in life. Something, whether it be good or bad, is always going on and you’re never really bored for too long. In the end of the book there is always a dramatic ending, commonly being death. Life always ends with death, and many people believe that to be the true end of life. Life is like a book in many ways, nothing can ever be predicted, and there’s always new stages in your life.
I know that this is kind of an easy comparison to make, but I believe that life is like and ipod. There are so many different things to it. I have lived life for a good 15 years so far, and i have never really found it easy to predict. You can never be sure as to what's coming up next. If you put your iPod on shuffle, (random song list) it will play all of your different songs in a random order. You could think of different artists as being different parts of your day.(School, Work, Homework, Play) This can be exciting and scary at the same time. I like the fact that life is full of variety. My life has changed in a big way this past year, i transferred from glasgow to St. Marks's. It is a lot different. I've had to learn how to adjust to an entirely different group of people. This is like when you pass by a song that skips. It was pretty hard at first, but eventually i got through the rough patches and started making friends. My life has been really busy lately, having to adjust from barely having homework to having it every night, and having to deal with an after-school sport at the same time. Life is funny in the way that it can go from having everything in control, to total chaos. Hopefully i can get it back into control sometime soon. I will make it happen.
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