Sound Your Barbaric Yawp! (extra credit)

For EXTRA CREDIT, write a "song of yourself" in the style of Walt Whitman.
That's right! You get EXTRA CREDIT for bragging about yourself.
It's just this easy.
Write in first person.
Write in free verse.
Use eclectic (choosing the best from a variety of sources) words and phrases (slang, common language, foreign expressions if you dare).
Use parallel structure and repetition.
Make lists.
These are all distinctive elements of a Whitman poem.
Why limit yourself? I could go on forever about myself!
The first four posts are pretty good examples from last year's sophomores.
I am the great advisor
You always ask for my advice
Whether its on fashion, relationships, or education
And I never fail to tell you what I think is best
I am the great listener
When no one is listening, I am there
I will always lend you my ear
And cry or make rude marks with you
I am the great athlete
I have the ability to make a horse fly
A boat cut through waters at breakneck pace
My feet carry me miles upon miles
I am the perfect portrait of beauty
People are jealous of my creamy skin that never burns in the sun
My luscious locks are often mistaken for thread gold
It is said that I can stop any man on the street just by making eye contact
I am the great dancer
My feet don’t touch the ground as I float across the floor
I can kick higher than any person
And I am as flexible as a rubber band
I am the great believer
When everyone has shot you down
When you can no longer lift your chin
I kneel down and whisper ‘I believe in you’
Then you lift your chin and I give you that final push
And off you go
I am me
I am unique
I am cannot be understood
I am unstoppable
I am the goddess of words
They are morphed by my hands
Fingers quick over keys
To be perfectly placed
I am the siren of song
All shed tears when I sing
Though I may not be famous
Not one is left unmoved
I am the queen of the court
The ball flies at my whim
The net is only a boundary for my might
As I lead the way to victory
I am the princess of the pencil
Dragons and dreams lay tame on my paper
When an image comes to mind
It is quickly frozen in time
I am the countess of the camera
Sunsets become mine when the button is pressed
Castles and caves are mine to be taken
The creatures of the world stay still for my shot
I am the empress of happiness
I am the beacon in the fog of life
When someone is down I lift them up
When their day is dark I help them see the light
I am me
I am unchangable
Should you dare to try
You would lose something special
I am a laugh,
I thrive for jokes,
For someone to laugh and have a good time,
The ball with the laces is what I perfect,
Everyday, day in and day out,
Precise throws,
framing the ball,
catching is my profession,
yes behind the plate it is for me,
The puck is another that I play well,
a shot as precise as Crosby,
atleast i wish to compare myself to a mere god,
but anyway, hockey is what i strive for perfection,
my thoughts wonder all day in class,
so you may say that my schoolwork is nothing to brag about,
but school is what i will persue in order to play ball,
anywhere anytime, just give me a bat,
i can take you, there's not a question,
just be prepared, I am an athlete,
another aspect is smiling,
i would like to say that i have a great smile,
when i smile the receiver smiles back,
it's a gift i assume but you can't stay mad at me,
it's just not possible,
i don't think that my thoughts can be captured,
i dream too big and strive too great,
only i can achieve what i dream,
my goals may seem unreachable,
but my arms are longer than yours are,
i can reach my goals i just need a boost,
i just need to jump to reach those high goals,
no big deal i can get 10ft. rim,
not that i play basketball,
but i would start if i did,
it is just being athletic,
i was born with this gift,
i'm not cocky, just confident,
i am the unachievable,
i am the wanted,
i am sports.
I am a warrior.
I never give up without a fight.
I never die trying.
My heart explodes with the passion for success.
My ridiculous roar rolls the halls.
My intimidating flair shows my sense of personal awareness.
My world is spinning is a peticular fashion
It goes round and round but never stops
I spin left right and diagnal, yet I always know where I stop
I have control of my direction
but sometimes I drop the raines
I love my life of oblivion
I am sensitive yet strong
I can love but I have the passion of dislike
I let myself in, but sometimes stand out in the rain
I need to defend my people but sometimes let down my guard
Hate is a strong word, I never let it touch my lips.
I leap from ocean to ocean freely without a care
I walk through traffic and come out with out a scare
I could drop my clothes and not be disappointed
although they would quickly be up to person again
My overconfidence in myself is the best I’ve seen
I do what I want and I say what I please
This doesn’t mean I have to break the rules
I have a good time and have the best friends
They are an every-fruit tree growing in my yard
I can choose a different apple every week
but I still see the same kids every weekend
My sense of self is amazing
The door of my life is never left open
and only a few people get to see me being me
I am not an act if thats what you think
I am simple a closed man whose actions reflect my words and words reflect my acitons
My sense of humor is astounding
I can tell the same joke ten times and make it funny everytime
I can easily spit out something humourus about many situations
All my friends laugh and so do I
Don’t worry I’m not laughing at you, just near you
I am "the man"
I am the best
the greatest
the magnificence
I am the brilliant
I embrace myself
I am the exaggeration of life
I am extension of every molecule
I stretch the good
not the bad
the fun
not the sorrow
I embrace the expansion of pleasure
I am exhilarating
I embrace the excitement
I am restoration
on bad days
days of blue
days of mourning
I am the light in the darkness
I embrace the light
I am the most cheerful
I have the lightest heart
everyday is a festival
a smorgasbord
the wildest party imaginable
I embrace the craziness
I work hard
I wreak the benefits
the money
the praise
I take all that in and I enjoy
I embrace the rewards
When opportunities knock on my door
and they often do
I tell them to wipe their feet
and come in
From their I use them
to the farthest extent
I embrace the occasion
That is why I am where I am
why I feel like I feel
why I do the things I do
I enjoy life
Because I embrace
I am the greatest of the greatest
Anything you can do I can do better
You can’t bring me down no matter how hard you try
I am the king of all kings
The best of the best
Take me on in any sport and you shall go down
I am the athlete
Lacrosse is my sport
My shots are like arrows whizzing through the air
My hits are life trains ramming into cars
I am resilient
I shall never be put down
I am the genius
Any question that comes my way
You will receive an answer
I am witty
Tough circumstances are easy for me
I am the sun
I brighten everyone’s day
Through the good and the bad
I am the motivator
I encourage all to be their best
I am the worker
My work ethic is perfection
I never give up, even if the going gets tough
I am the wind on a scorching hot day
I am the light when it is dark
I am the heat when it is frigid
I am the optimist
Everything is for a reason
I am the greatest
I am fun
I am goofy
I am 'down to earth'
I am independent
I am a good friend
When you are down; I am there for You, picking you up and putting
That smile back on your face
When you need help; I'll give you advice
If you need someone's shoulder to cry on
Or someone to hear you 'vent'
I am there, crying and 'venting' with you
I am an athelete.
100% braun
With my hits, you'll get the nightmare facial that you never wanted
I can make a horse behave
And have it soar into the sky,
To 'run like the wind!'
I am a dancer
I may not take classes
But I am just as creative
And my lines are just as beautiful
I am a goddess
I have an awesome body
And eyes as green as emeralds
My skin is flawless
The Romans would mistake it for ivory,
And my hair for beautiful, thick golden threads
I am a Spartan
I never give up
"No surrender, No retreat"
And you should be scared if you are ever in my way
I am an artist
My beautiful and creative drawings
are admired by many people
And they wish they could create like me
I am crazy, yet down to earth
I like to have a good time
But if you need me
I am always there
I am many things
I am fun, crazy, wild, free,
A friend, down to earth
And many more
But most importantly,
I am me
I have the ability of flexibility
I can bend like a pretzel
I can bend in almost any shape and form
And half the time I don't even try
I have the ability to dance like a pro
I've been doing it my whole life
Ballet, tap, jazz, pointe, and teams are what I do
And I give 100% all the time
I have the ability to sing
In the car, in my room, in chorus, whereever
If the song is enjoyable, the more I'll put into it
Which only makes me sound better
I have the abiltiy to be trusted
Tell me any secret, and I'll keep it
If it's people, personal, or family problems
Just for someone to tak to, I'm always there
I have the ability to be smart
My grades can prove my point
People always ask me for help
But it's not just classroom stuff
I have the ability to be beautiful
On the inside, I'm outgoing, generous, nice, energetic, and so much more
But on the outside there's a total cutie
A look that only I have
I have the ability to have tons of friends
Some I've had, others I made
But I'm always making new ones
And I'm always open for more
I am a strong woman
When face with a ocean of problems
I build a bridge.
I am a strong woman
When all doors close
I find a window.
I am a strong woman
When I feel alone
I find company in myself.
I am strong woman
When I feel lost
I create a new path.
I am strong woman
When I feel broken
I recreate myself.
I am a strong woman
When I am shattered
I take joy knowing that I’m not broken.
I am a strong woman
When I’m surrounded by darkness
I start a fire.
I am a strong woman
When I feel ostracized
I embrace my individuality.
I am a strong woman
When I fall
I learn and lift myself up again.
I am a strong woman
It comes from my heart, body,
And soul.
I am a strong woman
It comes from my family, friends,
And enemies.
I am a strong woman
It comes from my Jesus, my Lord,
And my Savior.
I have great advice up my sleeve
Along with icy comebacks
to those who dare challenge me.
I rise to a challenge,
being as tough as I am,
and I always win,
with people asking me
to describe my incredible victory.
I am a comedian,
I love a good laugh,
and I am always up to date
with jokes that are actually funny.
I am an artist,
creating drawings from life,
that people can see
more similar than a photograph
and they envy me.
I am an athlete,
riding horses into the sunset,
and I like to say
"I can push around a 1200 pound horse,
and make it go my way."
I am a person of culture,
I speak three languages,
I go to Europe every summer,
and people envy me so,
they want to hide in my luggage.
When it comes to my talents,
I am the best of the best,
I light up a room,
and people look up to me.
This is my song
And I shall sing it strong
I am me
I am free
There is more to me then meets the eye
I let my mind fly to the past the sky
My heart reaches worldwide
I’m always filled with pride
I hold the world in my hand
And though I might be hard to understand
I will stay the same way
Until my dieing day
Arms like wrecking balls
Strong enough to crumble walls
Legs like think trees
With metal knees
My will has risen about all
No mere human can make me fall
Creativity of a god
Able to withstand a firing squad
I am an artist
Also considered smartest
I write poems, stories, and tales
My mind constantly sails
I am athletic
I am poetic
I am strong
I rise out amongst the throng
I have strength and pride
I have both a dark and light side
Don’t mess with me
Or I’ll let you see
This is my song
I’ll keep singing it strong
I am me
And I’ll always be free
I am the artistic soul
I can paint the ideas of the mind
I can say what needs to be said on paper
I can create colors that inspire you, that ables you to look into yourself
This is Me
I am an optimist
I look at the fortunate side of things
I sly a smile here and then
I usually am not filled with anger or hatred
I give the benefit of the doubt
This is Me
I am a challenger
I challenge myself through anything
Through my weaknesses and disadvantages I don't give up
I traverse through any situation
This is Me
I am a good friend
I tell you the truth and what's the best for you
I don't fill you with frustration or make you angry
I try to make you smile as a good friend I should be
And so, This is Me
I am the ultimate jokester.
What I say, makes you laugh.
No matter how funny you think you are.
I am funnier.
I will always be funnier.
I am the hardest worker
I never give up
I run everywhere I go at practice
Just because I want to be remembered as something more
I am the spirit lifter
I love to make people laugh
Even when I am in the worst mood I can make others laugh
And I am not afraid to laugh at myself
I am an athlete
I have talent
I play to be better
And won't stop until I am the best I can be
I am confusing
I don't make sense
I know what I like and what I don't like
I don't change for other people
I am outgoing
Not the "fake" outgoing, not the "look I can be loud and pretend to be crazy"
I am the kind that doesn't care what those people think
I am who I want to be.
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