Your Favorite Work of Art--Sophs journal #1

For your first journal response, I want you write about your favorite work of art here at Schoolsville.
Complete this blog/journal response before Wednesday, September 10.
Just be briefer than you will be in your essay--here write a minimum of 25 blog comment lines or 200 words (your essay should be 3-4 pages).
Consider this a pre-writing exercise in which you can informally map out where you might go in your essay.
You probably want deal with these three points:
What IS your favorite work of art?
Tell me about it. Give a brief description.
Why is it your favorite work? Does it make you "think" or "feel"? Briefly explain how.
HERE are the instructions for the final essay, if this helps you.
What story do you never tire of reading (for me, it's The Gift of the Magi)? . . . Movie that you could watch over and over again? . . . poem that you have memorized and sometimes still recite just for the fun of it (I like Jabberwocky, for the fun times—I'll read Ulysses in more thoughtful moments)? . . . painting that blows your mind (we've already discussed Starry Night)? . . . song melody that always brightens your face (it's Springsteen's
Art can come in many forms. Some of these include actual art like sculptures, paintings, and drawings. Others include movies, books, and music. One of my favorite works of art is the popular movie "The Dark Knight". The reason I picked this as my favorite work of art is because, I believe it conveys a very deep message to it's viewers. The bad guy of the story a.k.a. "The Joker", believes that everybody in the world has what many would call a dark side where they commit evil deeds, in an ultimate goal to destroy the world. This turned out to be true in the case of one of Gotham's greatest law enforcers Harvey Dent. After he is captured by the Joker and got his face blown half-off in an explosion which also kills his girlfriend, he is out to seek revenge in the joker, who convinces Harvey that it was society's fault for losing his girlfriend. So turns into one of those evildoers. However, in the end of the movie as the city's citizens try to escape the Joker's threat's on two boats, one with citizens the other with prisoners. Each boat turns out to have a bomb inside of them with the detonator to each bomb on the opposite boat. The Joker would let one boat get away as long as one made the other explode. If neither did it then the Joker would destroy them both. Even though the one boat had the bad guys in it neither actually destroy the other. This disproved the Joker's theory of saying that eventually everyone turns evil. It's a deep message that really makes you think and that is what a work of art is supposed to do. The movie also had a very good plot and was visually stunning.
Art is a form of expression to people, because if you can write or draw or paint but you can rap or come up with some sounding rhythms then that is your own form of expression.My favorite form of art is music because it helps me calm down and organizes my brain to think straight.Nickelback is my favorite artist and he has played so many songs but my very favorite is 'If anyone cared'.'If anyone cared' is about many countries that suffered from apathied, slavery and how people worked together to put an end to it.some of the lyrics from the song goes as follows,"if anyone cared and nobody cried, if everyone loved and nobody lied, if everyone shared and swallowed their pride then we'd see the day when nobody died".Those lines mean something to me because what's seperating the world apart is our attitude toward each other and how we treat each other and I believe that's what makes up the world.
Art is a form of expression to people, because if you can't write or draw or paint but you can rap or come up with some sounding rhythms then thats your own form of expression.My favorite form of art is music because it helps me calm down and organizes my brain to think straight.Nickelback is my favorite artist and he has played so many songs but my very favorite is 'If anyone cared'.'If anyone cared' is about many countries that suffered from apathied,world hunger, slavery and how people worked together to put to an end to it all.Some of those people include Bob Geldof a music journalist in 1984 who was inspired by a news report about Africa's famine epidemic and began his fight against world hunger by organizing the world's first global charity concert.Another inspirer was Betty Williams a receptionist in 1976 who witnessed three children killed during the political turmoil in nothern Ireland obtained 6000 signatures and marched about 10,000 people to the graves of those children, because it was disrupted by protesters, she came back again with 35,000 people the second time. Some of the lyrics from the song goes as follows,"if anyone cared and nobody cried, if everyone loved and nobody lied, if everyone shared and swallowed their pride then we'd see the day when nobody died".Those lines mean something to me because what's seperating the world apart is our attitude toward each other and how we treat each other because i believe that's what makes up the world. someone's creation that you end up loving or even making an experience out of is someone else's kind of art.
My favorite work of art is a series of books by Stephenie Meyer most commonly know as the Twilight series. This series consists of four books; Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. This book series is one of my favorite works of art because of how powerful the emotions in the books are. The main characters in the story are a mixed cast of vampires, humans and sometimes werewolves. Basically a human girl, Bella, falls in love with a vampire, Edward, who in turn, loves her just as much, if not more than she loves him. Because of their... differences (human, vampire, you know...)it was a very hard path for them to follow, but because of their deep and unconditional love for one another, follow it they did. These stories make me laugh and cry, make me angry and happy, and sad and afraid. The books were so powerfully and wonderfully written that I could not help but feel connected to the characters in a way that does not just happen with any book. They are the only books I have read more than once, and in my case three times. Each time I pick them up I know I will feel the same emotions as the last time I read them, but what I did not expect was to feel those emotions on an even deeper and more meaningful level. The more I read them the more I discover. Each time I find what was not meant to be just read, but was meant to be felt and heard in the lives and stories of the characters that were so amazingly portrayed by Stephenie Meyer.
For me art is a way to express what your feeling through forms such as painting, sculpting, writting, dancing, or singing. It tell of if your are heartbroken, infuriated, hyper, or exstatic. My favorite work of art would be Phantom of the Opera, the on-stage preduction and the screen play, By Andrew Lloyd Webber. I absolutely love this work of art because of the strong connection that I can make to it. The connection is through the music and the meaning behind the story. To me the story shows how the cruelty of society towards anything different can affect the very delicate psyche of a person. The verbal and physical abuse on a young child with a deformed face drove the child to a sort of brilliant insanity. Named the "Devil Child" he found peace within music living the sancutuary of the Paris Opera House. As a man he became obessed with and created the music of the young Christine Daae. This obessesion caused him to anything to obtain her. He hesitate to kill which made people believe he was the devil incarnate but Christine saw him as her "Angel of Music". I have felt and seen society's opossition towards change. It makes me think about humanity itself. Everytime i watch this play I can't help to feel like hipocrite and makes me rethink how I want to lead my life. Also passion behind the music in the Phantom of the Opera moves me too no end. Music can reveal our inner most thoughts and feelings. There is no limit to the power of the music of the "angel in hell" as shown in this masterpiece. What mysteries are discovered through the music of the night? Let it overshadow everything else.
Art isn't just limited to paintings, drawings, anad sculptures. It could also be movies, poems, books, and music.My favorite work of art would have to be the movie "Remember the Titans".It was directed by Boaz Yakin and starred Denzel Washington as Coach Boone. T.C. Williams was your average all white high school, until it was forced to be integrated under federal mandate. This caused a major comotion among the students and their families. Then, the caucasian head coach is replaced by an african american coach, which caused even more of an uproar. The football team, which was also integrated, needed to learn how to tolerate and respect each other. They thought it would never happen, but after training camp they came back new people. They no longer saw what seperated whites and blacks. Their parents and friends not on the team couldn"t understand. They came together when their classmates and loved ones wouldn't, and they utilized this on the football field to win states with an undefeated record. This my favorite film because it shows how we have evolved as people. Even though it took a really long time< we became more tolerant and respectful of other races, and this film shows how quickly someone can be subjected to change and adapt to that change.
In my opinion, "Eragon" by Christopher Paolini is my favorite piece of art. I checked it out of library one day to take on my trip to Scotland and I was captivated in the first chapter and I couldn't put it down. After reading it, it inspired me to start writing my own book, which I am currently in process of completing. One of the reasons that truly inspired me was that Paolini stared to write Eragon at the age of 15, around the age I was when I read it. After reading Eragon, I was patiently awaiting the next installment to the series, Eldest, which I have also read. The third book is coming out this month. Fantasy is most certainly my favorite genre and is also the genre of the book I am writing. Fantasy, in my opinion, is better than a reality story, while it may seem to be farfetched, you can relate to it yourself and its much more enjoyable to read. The story line of Eragon is amazing and truly awesome. It begins when a young boy discovers an egg, which hatches into a dragon. He becomes a Dragon Rider and begins a journey to defeat the evil emperor and bring a downfall to his empire. I could reread this book over and over again and would recommend it to anyone of all ages. This book has definately inspired me to write and has shown me that people like me or you can publish a book.
The weather at Schoolsville is sunny and cool and it looks like many sophs are stopping by.
Good job.
Mr. Fiorelli
In my opinion, film is the best form of art. The way directors and actors can take situations and ideas that may never happen in real life and portray them on screen is magical. When you see a movie about transforming robots invading Earth that actually makes you scared, or an animated movie about a rat with excellent culinary skills that makes your stomach growl amazes me. But my "favorite work of art" has no flashy animation, robots, or rats; only a woman dazzled by Tiffany & Co., a discouraged author, and an angry landlord. This movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's, based on a book of the same name by Truman Capote, starring Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, and Mickey Rooney. I wont lie and say that I never thought old movies like this were somewhat boring, but as soon as I saw this movie that opinion changed. Considering the fact that I saw this movie during the release of Blu-Ray DVD, and at the height of HD television, I was amazed that something so old could be so wonderful. The simple elegance Ms. Hepburn shows in this movie is truly stunning, and has made her one of my favorite actresses and heroes. This movie really opened my eyes to a whole other era of movies, such as Charade, Roman Holiday, To KIll A Mockingbird, Sixteen Candles, and The Breakfast Club. I've come to appreciate some of the movies that inspired some the current top movies of my time. Art is supposed to broaden your interests and make you see things in a different light, and this is exactly what this movie did for me.
People can express themselves in many different ways. Some express themselves through paintings and books, while others write music or movies. My favorite piece of art is a song by Rascal Flatts. It’s called “Stand.” This song is about not giving up on your dreams, that of course, there will be obstacles. It tells that you just have to shake it off and stand strong. The last few words in the chorus are, “You get mad you get strong. Wipe your hands, shake it off. Then you stand.” It just shows that you can’t give up just because the road ahead is tough. You figure out yourself when you fall down. This song means that you should get up when “push comes to shove,” not be defeated. Whether its sports, instruments, or even your own piece of art, it tells that everyone has determination, courage, and desire to do the things that they want to achieve. Everyone can reach their goal if they just keep pushing a little further. Whenever something goes wrong, I listen to this song to remind myself that I can’t give up. The song has good lyrics and has a strong point made behind the words.
Art is what makes the many things we do in life interesting. Art to me is very meaningful. I chose to talk about the song Piano Man by the ever famous Billy Joel. Joel was born William Martin Joel on May 9, 1949 in Bronx, New York. Since then he has recoreded over twenty albums and has had numerous top ten's. The inspiration for the song Piano Man came from Joel's early years when he was playing in piano bars. The song itself is sort of like a biography of his early performing years. This song is in my mind a great work of art because of the simplicity of the musical notes. They are nothing over the top, but they have a sound that, when played on the piano, is breathtaking. I relate to this song alot because when I had first started to play piano, my friends and family would call me "Mr Piano Man", and I have since then always felt that I relate to this song. I can sit and play it for hours at a time and I never get board of that amazing mealody. The song Piano Man can never be played at a bad time. It is a song that most people know and love to sing and you can't put a price on friends and family having a good time sitting around the piano and singing. The lyrics of the song talk about and portray the lives of many adverage people, expecially the last verse and courus. Here are the lyrics to Piano Man. Go ahead and take a look.
It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin
He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet
And I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes"
Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright
Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me"
As a smile ran away from his face
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"
Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life
And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone
Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright
It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see
To forget about life for a while
And the piano sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say "Man what are you doing here?"
Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright
When Mr. Fiorelli gave this assignment I really wasn't sure what I should write. Then he put on the tape of the 9/11 concert which was incredibly moving to me. When I saw Hillary Swank it reminded me of “Freedom Writers” one of my absolute top five movies. The reason I love it so much, is because of the powerful message it presents: A lot of the time we discount a person based completely on stereotype, which is often wrong not to mention damaging to that person self-worth. All this can be assumed without even getting to know the person we are stereotyping. Also the movie taught me that everyone has something to tell the world. Many of the kids came from tough situations—when one of the girls was young the police wrongfully jailed her father. With the help of their teacher (Hillary Swank) the students who nobody knew would succeed published a book called The Freedom Writers Dairy.
My favorite work of art is "A Walk To Rememeber". This is a truely amazing love story that takes place with a boy and girl at a high school. The boy, Landon, unlike the girl, Jamie, is very popular and cares about what everyone else thinks of him. When Landon gets in trouble at school for making a bad choice with his friends, he's forced to help tutor and be in the school play. With Jamie doing the same the two begin to spend more and more time together and Landon starts falling for Jamie. All of Landon's friends dislike Jamie and after a big blow out Landon is caught in the middle of his friends, he chose Jamie. After that point the two are inseperable, they fall inlove. Unfortuantley, not long after that, Jamie reveals to Landon that she is sick with cancer. After a long fight to help her and refusing to let her go, Landon is by her side every step of the way. He helps her fulfill all of her dreams, even some that were so hard to accomplish. Eventually, they get married. A few months later Jamie passed away, but forever she stays in Landons heart. To me this movie shows true love for someone and i think it's a great inspiration to show that your dreams really can come true.
Art is expressed in many different ways. For example, photography, music, movies, books, and so on. Art can come in all different shapes and sizes and is found all throughout the world. People create art to express their feelings or thoughts about someone or something. One of my favorite works of art is the song “No Matter What” by T.I. The song is about him facing obstacles in his life and he is able to find the strength to remain in the music industry and continue to write and rap music. In the song he tells us that no matter where you come from or how you live that whatever your dream is you should go after it. One of the lines in the song is, “Make the impossible possible.” He also apologizes for all the mistakes he made in his life and takes ownership for them. After listening to this song it makes me believe that whatever my dreams are, to go after them. Whatever I want to accomplish in my life is possible with hard work. It also makes me appreciate the life that I have because many other people in the world struggle a lot more than I do. What I worry about would be the least of concerns to some people. This song gives me the strength and courage to go out in the world and achieve whatever I set my mind to
My favorite piece of art would have to be the television show “Pushing Daisies.” The show is all about Ned, (Lee Pace), a man who found out as a child that he had a very special gift. He had the power to bring someone back from the dead with his touch, however if the person lived for more than a minute someone else died in their place, or if Ned touched the person for a second time they would die again, this time permanently. Ned along with his friend Emerson, (Chi McBride), a private investigator, uses his power to question murder victims to figure out who killed them and collect the reward. In the very first episode of the series things become very difficult when Ned brings his childhood sweetheart a girl by the name of Chuck, (Anna Friel), back to life after she was murdered on a cruise ship but keeps her alive making it so he can never touch her without fear of killing her forever. Then of course, there is one of my favorite characters Olive, (played by the amazing Kristen Chenowerth), the woman who used to be in love with Ned, but is now looking for love with a traveling salesman. “Pushing Daisies” is not your typical show, it is a romantic- comedy, dramatic series, and a crime show all in one. I love everything about this show, from the narration, (done by Jim Dale, who is a theater actor along with the voice of the Harry Potter books on tape), to the characters and finally, the plots which vary from a man who specialized in car safety and died in a car accident to a “ghost” who was killing jockeys at an arena where Olive used to race. “Pushing Daisies” will be entering its second season in October, and I can not wait.
Art is around us everyday and is unavoidable. It has impacted civilization since it has sprouted, from cave paintings to Harold and Kumar. It has come in many different forms as it has evolved, and my personal favorite form of art is music. It can alter any mood good or bad with its powerful melodies and lyrics. After looking through my music library to find an album that is an interesting piece of art, one particular album stood out; the EP I by the Swedish band Meshuggah. It intrigues me with its complexity, uniqueness, and it only having one 22 minute song on the entire album. I purchased the album right away and as I was listening to this album I was amazed with the record being so powerful, complex, and unique. I later found out that the song can be split into three parts each being a different style of their career. The style of the album is experimental complex metal. Meshuggah has a unique sound by playing 8 string and 7 string guitars, having strange time signatures, including jazz elements, and experimenting in a different way in each album. "I" is deffinatly the album that intrigued me the most.
Art is everywhere you look. It doesn't just come in the form of painting. The wonderful thing about art is that so open. There's not one answer about it, it can be taken anyway you'd like to interpret it. My favorite art is a poem called "As You Travel Through Life." The author is anonymous. It's basically about how life can get hard, things can go wrong, and you come across roadblocks that you never thought you'd imagine. But, you have to move on and keep going forward. Life goes day by day and at any given moment things can change. There's something new around every corner and there's new possibilities with every door you open. You just have to believe in yourself, keep positive, and keep going. Live for today, the past is the past. It's a very motivational poem. If you just read it, it will give you hope and help you to keep going on. Sometimes you don't always understand why things happen. By reading this poem, it helps you to just learn to keep going and live life to the fullest, live for the future and always keep going. It just has very inspiring words. Anyone can read it and get something out of it. I know I did.
As my mom always says, art is everywhere: on billboards, in everyday objects, et cetera. I believe an artist expresses not only feeling and opinions (as other people have said) but also function and style. Andy Wharhol designed his art to express both the vapidity and emotion in everyday objects and iconic figures. Dadaists created art through anti-art cultural works. They believed that most art was conformist in nature, both culturally and intellectually. A newly popular Japanese art movement, called wabi sabi, is about finding artistic meaning in objects that are imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. Many wabi sabi collectors find their wabi sabi pieces on the side of the road, washed up on the beach, almost anywhere. Art isn't something that you can define. You can't point at something and say " That's art," or " That isn't art."
One piece of art that I admire, which illustrates my view of art as being present everywhere, is a painting by Wayne Thiebaud called Pies, Pies, Pies (1961). Thiebaud's works predated the pop movement, but depicted of production line objects found in cafeterias, shops and diners. He also painted landscapes, streetscapes, popular culture icons, and realistic portrayals of pedestrian scenes. In Pies, Pies, Pies Thiebaud utilized bright colours and bold shadows that suggested the typical irony and detachment that was the watermark of later pop artists, like Andy Warhol. His works are reflective of the concept of art as in everything, even the mundane.
My favorite work of art without a doubt it music. Music is a way of expressing feelings, and every song has a very powerful message. My favorite artists are Sugarland and Kellie Pickler. I cannot just choose one of them as my favorite because they definitely both inspire me. I love every single song from both of them. One of my favorite songs from Sugarland is "It Happens." This is song just makes so much sense. It's about how in life we try to so hard to get everything done each day and there's no reason to do so. The song states, "Ain't no rhyme or reaon No complicated meaning Ain't no need to over think it Let go, laughing. Life don't go quite like you planned it, We try so hard to understand it. The irrefutable, indisputable fact is, It happens." This song makes me think a lot about my life. It helps me realize that sometimes in life things aren't going to go my way and i need to just let it go and put it in the past, not worrying about it. My other favorite artist Kellie Pickler has a lot of moving songs. One of my favorite songs from her is "Don't You Know Your Beautiful." This song makes a lot of sense also. It says how you dont need expensive things, and you don't have to look like people on magazines to be beautiful. It says, "Your beautiful just the way you are." This songs tells me that I shouldn't be like everyone else. I should be me, and that's what will get me far in life. This song makes me think that I don't need to have exspensive things to fit it, everything that I'm worth comes from within, and that is one of the messages that comes from the song. These are my favorite artists from my favorite work of art, music.
When thinking of art the first thing that comes to your mind is something like a famous painting by Michelangelo, or a famous song from Mozart. However art is really something that brings emotion to its viewer. It can bring many different emotions. Like happiness, sadness, love, and many more. It can be in the shape of a picture, song , movie, painting, or something else. The work of art that bring the most emotion to me is the picture of Donovan McNabb holding the 2004 NFC Championship Trophy. The reason I like this picture so much is because I am a huge fan of the Philadelphia Eagles and whenever I see that picture it reminds me of that great day and it brings me happiness. In the picture Donovan McNabb’s face says a million words. It show how happy he was that they finally won. Another reason I like the picture is because it made so many people come together and celebrate the win. There are not too many thing that can make many people happy, but the Eagles winning is one of those things, and this is a picture of it happening. Overall every time I see this picture I get happy because it reminds me of good times and it also tells me that this is the year the Eagles will win it all!
When I was asked to write an essay on my favorite work of art, I had no idea what to write about. There are so many great works of art in the world, whether they are songs, paintings, poems or sculptures, that it was hard to pick just one. I decided to write about an abstract piece by a fairly unknown artist. The piece is called 'Inflammable Matter' and the artist's name is Karin Kuhlmann. The first thing about this picture that caught my eye was the vivid color. Karin kuhlmann used the different colors to give the piece depth and texture. She designed the picture to make it look as though these waves of color were flowing right off the page. The picture is bright and vibrant and I really liked the movement in it. I also liked the technique that Karin kuhlmann used to create the picture. Instead of using paint or sketching the image, she digitally layered the colors with her computer. She used several transparent FraxFlame layers and reworked them with photoshop. i thought that was interesting because it was an unusual way to create such an interesting work of art.
Art is a word with many meanings and over the years has evolved. Hundreds of years ago the word “art” applied to more lofty endeavors like paintings, plays or poems, present day art can include movies and TV shows. To make a TV show it takes a certain kind of art almost chemistry between the actors and the audience. One of my favorite pieces of art is the TV show “Home Improvement”. Tim Allen the star of the show not only used slap stick comedy to make you laugh, he also exaggerated the difference between men and women in a humorous way. Tim Allen is famous for his grunting and going around adding, “MORE POWER” to all household appliances. In the series he plays a man named Tim Taylor, along with his wife Jill and sons Brad, Randy, and Mark make up the Taylor Family. These characters together form a television show that conveys life’s little problems in a humorous way. An example of this is when a pesky woodpecker takes a liking to Tim’s house. Throughout the night Tim hears the thudding and tapping. The next day Tim takes one of the boy’s remote control helicopters and adds a small motor to it giving it “MORE POWER”. He calls it, “The Heat Seeking, Beak Tweaking, Pecker Wrecker”. Tim expected to use the helicopter to scare the bird away, instead the motor he put on was too strong and the copter flew out of control and ended up hitting him. Sending him once again to the emergency room. Tim’s impulse to add more power to anything is one of the many reasons why I like this show.
Everyone has a favorite art or artwork. One of my favorite types of art is music which can express many feelings including happiness,joy,and general happy to be alive stuff. While a darker side also exists with feelings of frustration and anger. I personally like a mix of both all tied together if possible which is rare. In one of my favorite cd's "Pressure the Hinges" by Haste the Day the darker side is portrayed throughout while leaving rays of hope in the end to shine on this darkness. This cd is mostly about what is wrong with the sorld and how frustrating it can be when you realize how wrong it is and no one else around you does. It's about breaking down the walls and busting through doors by "pressuring the hinges". Through it's hard metal ege it gets across the point but draws in other people (maybe not particular fans of metal)through it's catchy choruses. All while not having to sacrafice their style, they point out things that can speak to anyone. An art that can speak to many is always a keeper. It makes you think, just like art should.
Many different things can be classified as a work of art. To me, a work of art is something that changes your perspective and way of thinking when you see it. It changes you as a person. I believe art helps people's character develop. My favorite work of art is a film called P.S. I Love You. In this movie, a young woman named Holly's husband dies. When the illness takes her husband, Gerry, the life gets taken out of her. She starts to become depressed but then is surprised. Holly soon finds out that her husband planned ahead. Gerry wrote Holly a set of letters that helps her through her grief and helps her start a new life. It takes her on journeys across the world metting up with Gerry's friends and family along the way. One letter even takes her to Ireland, where Gerry used to live. At the end of each of these letters, Gerry signs with "P.S. I love you." While this is probably the most wonderful thing to ever happen to Holly, other people disagree. Holly's family worries that these letters are keeping her stuck in the past, when in reality, they are helping her move toward the future. This heart-warming movie teaches about true love. It also teaches how to be strong in tough situations. I think it's one of the most inspirational works of art.
I personally think art has the ability to change lives. There are so many different forms of it, and so many different feelings expressed in it, that it can really make an impact on ones existence. One of my many favorite works of art, would have to be the movie Saving Private Ryan. This movie really changed the way i saw the american army. Prior to seeing this movie, i really didn't know what had gone on during World War 2. Like many other teens, I thought of it as a boring history lesson. After seeing this movie that changed. The way the soldiers in this movie were portrayed was amazing. Each and every one of the soldiers had their own story to tell, and their own opinions about the journey they were partaking in. The movie revolves around Captain Miller and 8 select members of the 2nd Rangers attempting to find, save, and bring home Private Ryan. The reason they are bringing him home is because he is one of 4 brothers. His 3 brothers were all killed throughout the war, and their mother, Ms.Ryan, is going to all three of the telegrams in the same day. The US Army Chief of Staff, George C. Marshall, learns there is a fourth brother, and decided he wants to bring him home to alleviate the stress and grief of Ms. Ryan. These soldiers are all out to save one man, and during this journey there is betrayal, bloody fights, grief, pain, sorrow, and laugher. After watching this movie I cried, and it seemed like i had known all of the characters in this movie. You really got to see how this journey for one mans life made such an impact.
Art can come in many different forms. Not only can art be a painting, sculpture or drawing, but it can also be a movie, television show, CD, or something that has a special meaning to you. One of my favorite works of art is a song called "A Little Bit Longer" by the Jonas Brothers. This song holds a special meaning to me. It was written by the 15-year-old member of the band, Nick, about his diabetes. It not only portrays how hard life can be with the diabetes, but it also shows that the disease won't slow Nick down. The ending lines: "So I'll wait 'til kingdom come, all the highs and lows are gone. A little bit longer, and I'll be fine.. I'll be fine," makes the listener think about life and how hard it can be. Whenever Nick sings this song at concerts, there is not one person in the audience without a tear in their eye. He not only sings the song with passion, but he talks about being let down and having lost dreams. It hard not to take his words to heart. There will always be highs and lows and you can't let the low points in your life slow you down.
"I want all the broken hearts and all the lost dreams and every person who's ever been let down to sing this song at the top of their lungs. Cause something happens when 6,000 people come together to sing a song, right?"
-Nick Jonas
"Why so serious?" This line is well known to fans and viewers of the box office smash hit, The Dark Knight. To many thats all this film is, simply a box office hit that will go down in history as one of the highest grossing movies of all time. But for me, The Dark Knight is my favorite work of art. First off, the main reason why this movie is my favorite work of art is because of a man that is deceased and might one day even win an Oscar for his performance. Heath ledger's sinister performance as the Joker is one of a kind. His very dark and psychopathic ways are very real, you can almost believe this guy is out on the streets. As this movie starts out, the Joker wants to be known as Gotham's best criminal. In order to reach these heights, for those who've seen the movie, he very simply plays games. He works the magic,"pencil trick," on a mobster, and pretends to be dead in order to wipe out a gang leader. From there, he progresses on to murder indiviuals untill Batman decides to reveal his true identity. Heath Ledger humors the character of the Joker throughout the movie. In one instance, in order to disguise himself in a hospital, he dresses up as a nurse in order to get to Harvey Dent, which is very clever.The whole movie, the Joker's cackling laugh sends chills up your spine, and at the same makes you laugh. heath ledger really makes you believe this guy is a state of the art psycho menace who is out to prove to the world that everyone has a portion of evil in them. Overall, in the grand scheme of things, every actor portrayed their character as they were meant to be, and to me, thats a formula for a work of art.
Art is a form of expression. It is a way we can show our soul and express who we truly are whether it is through writing, painting, dancing, or singing. I think a great way to show how your feeling is through singing. Thats why my favorite work of art is the song "Kite Song" by Patty Griffin. This is my favorite work of art because it exemplifies the true meaning of freedom and reaching for your dreams. The song has a beautiful melody that takes you on a journey soaring through the clouds like a kite. Patty creates a dreamland of kites that convey saftey, fun, fantasy, and a carefree nature. It is the exact opposite of reality where dreaming seems pointless when there is real terrors and promblems going on in the world. Patty creates this dreamland to show that no matter what your going through in life, your dreams and hopes are what get you through the day. Without fun or believing in the impossible, we would not move forward. The main moral of the song is if you believe in your dreams and keep reaching for the stars, one day they may come true.
When you think of art the usual thought is of paintings or drawings, but art is more than that it can be movies, plays, music, and even poems. To me art is expressing how your feeling in a creative way. One of my favorite works of art is a movie called "Freedom Writers." At first I was skeptical and thought it would just be another one of those inspirational movies that that always seem predictible. This movie was different. It is about a remedial english class in which all of the kids were going nowhere in their lives, and the teacher that tried to help and connect with them. At first they didnt respond to her, but later when she made them write in a journal every day about whats going on in their lives or whats happened to them they all expressed interest in the journals. The teacher, played by Hilary Swank, said that if they wanted her to read the journals to leave them on the shelf in the closet. All of the students left their journals and she read them all. After reading them she felt as if she understood where they were comin from and tried to get them to connect with eachother. At first it was difficult because all of the cliques hated each other, but in time they all became friends and they forgot about all of the racial tension between them. I liked this movie a lot because it made me think about how good I have it and how bad things could be. It also made me feel that I shouldn't judge people because I have no clue what their going through.
My favorite work of art is a film directed by Micheal Bay titled Transformers. Before it was even a movie it was a work of art as a hit 1980's cartoon television series. Bay takes the action off the pages and onto the big screen. The film begins with Optimus Prime, an alien entity with the ability to transform into machines and leader of the good-hearted Autobots, telling the tale of the Allspark, a cube shaped object with the power to create worlds. The evil Decepticons have traced it to Earth, where Sam Witwicky, a nerdy unpopular high school student, unknowingly purchases a member of the Autobots disguised as a beat up Dodge Camaero. After Sam discovers what's going on, he and his friend Mikela are taken away by a group called Sector 7, a secret military organization dedicated to keeping the secret of the Transformers from getting out. Meanwhile in Qatar in the Middle East a military base is attacked by the Decepitcons, a small task force manages to escape and are rescued and brought to the Hoover Dam. They, along with everyone else exposed to the Transformers, meet up at the dam and are shown Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, who crash landed on Earth millions of years prior. It is revealed as well that the US government has had the Allspark in thier possession since President Hoover. The Allspark's location is revealed the Decepticons and after an attack on the dam, Megatron is released and wreaks havoc. Sam, the cube, the Autobots, and the military set up an attack in Mission City. A climactic battle ensues. Trapped in the middle of a fight between Megatron and Optimus, Sam pushes the cube into Megatron's chest, killing him with it's raw power. The planet was saved and the Autobots took up Earth as thier new home, hiding in plain sight, but watching over in secret. This movie is not only visually stunning but it's storyline is fast paced and action packed. The special effects used in this film are spectacular. Not only that but the score composed by Steve Jablonsky gives the film an epic feel to it, with high tempo music playing in all the right spots.
There are many different forms of art in the world, but I would have to say my favorite form is music. I enjoy punk, ska, psychobilly, rockabilly, and hardcore. One of my favorite musical pieces of art would have to be the CD, Songs The Lord Taught Us, by the band, The Cramps. Despite the CD's name the band's songs are mostly about zombies, UFO's, horror, and Rock N Roll. There music would be categorized as psychobilly, which is basically punk and rockabilly mixed together. The tracks include TV Set, Rock On The Moon, Garbageman, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, Sunglasses after Dark, The Mad Daddy, Mystery Plane, Zombie Dance, Whats Behind The Mask, Strychnine, Im Cramped, Tear It Up, Fever, and a 5 bonus tracks. The Band is made up of a lead singer, Lux Interior, a guitarist, Poison Ivy, a second guitarist, Bryan Gregory, and a drummer, Nick Knox. This work of art interested me the most because I myself am very into horror movies and zombies so the first time I heard this CD I fell in love with it. Lux’s hypnotic vocals and the fun lyrics make this a great CD for anyone who has never listened to this type of music before.
My favorite work of art is not a painting behind a velvet rope in some museum. It's not a movie or a song that everyone knows. My favorite work of art is a folded up piece of paper, torn around the edges and faded from age. It is a letter from my best friend, from December 21st, 2006. It is not amazingly written, but that is one of the things I love most about it. The bad grammar and messy hand writing makes it beautiful. She describes how much she appreciated our years of friendship, how they were the best of her life. Every time I read it, it makes me feel better then any song or movie ever could because it was written just for me.
"And thanks for all those times you stood up for me when I needed it and I want you to know I'd do the same for you. 'Cause you don't deserve to be messed with 'cause a lot of people, I guess, can't see what a great person you are."
They are simple words but she had never said that sort of thing to me before. She was never one to get into any meaningful thank yous so it meant so much to me that she would share her feelings. It goes on to say how I was the one person who never turned their back on her, no matter what she did. How she knew I would always be there for her. It ends saying "But I just wanted to let you know that I hope you have the best Christmas ever 'cause you know you deserve it. You deserve the best one ever. Thanks for being my best friend." This old piece of loose leaf paper covered in clumsy writing is something I will always treasure. The most elegant poem could never compare.
Art can be consisted of many forms. Music,poetry,paintings,and sculptures are just a few different ways art can be expressed. Out of the many forms of art out there, my favorite would have to be music. Music incorporates poetry and inspirational words into the song, which can give the song a meaning or a beautiful message. Music is my favorite type of art work because it is filled with different ideas and sounds. My favorite piece of art work is the song," One Step At A Time", by Jordan Sparks. This song is filled with a wonderful message of how we should live our lifes and live in the moment. The chorus of this song says,"We live and we learn to take one step at a time, theres no need to rush, it's like learning to fly, or falling in love, it's goina happen and it's supposed to happen, that we find the reasons why, one step at a time." This message says that we should work hard for what we want and in time it will be yours. I like this song and chose this as my favorite piece of art work because it has a great beat to the song and reminds me of times where I thought I wasn't going to get something I worked for. But in time I got what I worked for, and this song is a great reminder. Jordan Sparks has a beautiful voice to add to the songs wonderful lyrics. Music is a great way to express feelings and emotions. Jordan Sparks', "One Step At A Time," defiently stood out to me and is a great piece of art work.
In our own eyes Art means something different to all of us. To some it may be someone's experiences, someone's way of expressing themselves, it may be a message, or it may just be a pretty picture. Either way you look at art their will always be more to it then meets the eye. My favorite piece of art would have too be Batman: The Dark Knight. I would call it my favorite because their is so much in this movie it's hard to comprehend everything that is going on. Their is the classic struggle of good vs. evil. Then their is the behind the scenes struggle of Batman vs. himself. Batman doesn't want to be the BAtman forever because what if he's just making Gotham worse. He needs someone that can take the burden of Gotham from him. Someone with a face that Gotham can believe in. This person comes in the form of Harvey Dent. He fights Gotham's crime and does more then anyone in Gotham has ever done before (with the exception of Batman). The part of the movie that inspired me the most was when Batman gave up his own reputation to let Harvey Dent keep his. And with Dent's reputation, Gotham still has hope.
Art refers to a variety of human activities, creations, and expressions that are appealing to the senses or emotions of an individual. The word "art" may be used to cover all or any of the arts, including forms such as literature and music. My favorite form of art is music. The song that I enjoy the most is “Our Song” by Taylor Swift. It is about what Taylor and her boyfriend’s song would be if there was one which fit them. She writes down the “song” at the end, and they conclude with the perfect lyrics to describe their relationship. To me, it is not so much the words of the song, rather the melody and what it symbolizes. “Our Song” represents the friendship between my best friend, Sarah, and me. It is literally our song. Sarah and I have been friends for five years. She lives in the same neighborhood, across the street from me. We spend so much time together and resemble sisters. One day two summers ago, Sarah and I listened to each others’ ring tones on our cell phones. I played “Our Song”; she stated that she liked it. Ever since then, we considered it to be our song. This emotional response reminds me of our wonderful friendship.
When I first got this assignment, I had no idea what my favorite work of art was. However, after taking time to think about what my favorite work of art was, I found it remarkable that it was not a painting, a sculpture, or even a poem, it was a movie. “Ten Things I Hate About You”, directed by Gil Junger was created in the late 1990’s, as a remake of the Shakespeare play, “Taming of The Shrew”. This is my favorite movie, not only because Heath Ledger is amazing but it has authentic life situations that anyone can relate too. In the movie, one of the characters, Joey, dares an outcast named Patrick to ask out Kat, who is also an outcast. Kat eventually discovered feelings for Patrick until she finds out that she was only asked out for a dare. This is the reason she wrote a poem called “10 Things I Hate About You.” After everything they had gone through, the good times over powered the bad and she learns to forgive. I enjoy this movie because the themes of acceptance: accepting yourself, accepting your love ones, and accepting your peers for who they are and not trying to change them. One final example of acceptance, is how Bianca tries to change her sister Kat into being more like her, and by the end of the movie they learn to accept each other for who they are.
When I think of art I limit myself to visual creations such as paintings and sculptures. Film, music, and literature are also considered art. One of my favorite works of art is the inspiring movie "Pay it Forward." The movie tells the story of a 12 year old student,Trevor McKinney, who takes a social studies assignment to the next level. Trevors assignment was a simple one, think of something to change the world and put it into action. Many 12 year olds would resort to typical things such as Recycling or Planting more trees to help the environment. But Trevor puts much thought into his idea. His idea is a brilliant and simple one to pay it forward. Trevor believes instead of paying back to pay forward. By this he does three good deeds to three different people and when they ask what he wants in return he explains to them to do three good things for other people. His idea makes a huge web effect and changes many people lives for the better. I chose this movie because it shows how one person can truely make a difference in the world. If everyone were to follow this idea of paying forward instead of back the world may be a completely different place. The message of the movie is that no matter how horrible someones life is there is always hope for change.
Most people would agree that art is a way to express yourself. For me, music is the perfect way to get away from all the distractions of daily life. It also helps me relate to how i'm feeling at the time, whether i may be happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion that is within me. One of my favorite works of art is a song called "A Place in this World" by Taylor Swift, one of today's very popular female country artists. Taylor Swift wrote this song when she was just thirteen years old. She just moved to Nashville, and she knew that she wanted to be a famous singer, but she didn't know how to get there. It may not be one of her hit songs yet, but the lyrics can really put a better perspective on how most teenagers or young adults feel when they are undecided about who or what they want to be in life. "I'm alone, On my own, and that's all I know. I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on. Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world." This is a phrase from part of the song, and I think it has a great meaning behind it. I think it means that sometimes you can feel out of place and lost, but if you are determined enough, eventually you'll find what you've been looking for. You may make mistakes , such as choosing the right people to hangout with or finding the right career for you, but sooner or later you'll get your life back on track to where you need to be. Through this song, I think that if you are doing what you love, you will fully be able to find yourself and be exactly the person who you want to be.
Art isn't just something simple such as a painting, movie, or piece of pottery. Art can express emotion, passion, and dedication to a person or thing. It can be inspired by a certain person or have a special meaning to a group of people. One of my favorite songs is "If You're Reading This" by Tim McGraw. The storyline for the song is: a young soldier went off to war and ended up dying. This song is a note that he/she wrote to his/her parents while over in war. I feel like it is my job as an American citizen to support our troops. They put their life on the line for me, and everyone else, every day.
"I'm laying down my gun, I'm hanging up boots. I'm up here with God and we're both watching over you. So lay me down, in that open field out on the edge of town. And know my soul is where my momma always prayed that it would go. And if you're reading this, i'm already home."
When I hear this song, it makes me think about people special to me that are fighting in Iraq right now.
Art has many different forms. It can be displayed as littoral art, such as paintings or pictures, and even come down to sports and music. I have always enjoyed art in the image of books. Books display pictures in your mind far better than a movie ever could. My favorite series has to be "The Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket. I began reading this series two summers ago, and so far I have read the books three times over. I just can't get tired of reading them. The series is based around three orphans: Sunny, Violet and Claus. These three children were left orphaned because of an unusually "unfortunate" series of events. The series displays awesome detective work. I love books that make you think, and this series definitely does that. The author, Lemony Snicket ( I think that's a pen name) uses a unique style that I could recognize anywhere. Unfortunately for me, the author has completed his writing career. (As far as I know.) I haven't seen a book out from him in a long time. Hopefully he'll get a new idea.
There are many different forms that are can be in, such as paintings, drawings, books, and movies. The type of art that appeals to me most is a movie, specifically "The Dark Knight". The reason this movie appeals to me so much is because I like all the very well filmed special effects and the the good acting especially the joker. Another reason this movie appeals to me is because I like the super hero vs. villian movies. In "The Dark Knight", the joker is constantly trying to lure more and more people into becoming a villian, which makes the plot more interesting. As everyone knew the joker would not lure batman to becoming a bad guy, but the joker did lure Harvey Dent into his villian life by talkin to him at the hospital. So that definetly made the movie that much more interesting. What also made me like this movie was that at the end, batman left the joker hanging from the building to live instead of killing him. This movie made me appreciate art a lot becuase of how well the story was written and how well the actors played in the movie.
My favorite work of art is the Godfather. The Godfather is an older movie about the Mafia in New York City. It is set in the 1940's and 1950's. This was around the time when crime started getting bad in New York City. The movie focuses on the Corleones, a mob family which teaches respect, discipline, and honor. They aren't the most powerful crime family in New York, but they are probably the most respected. The Corleones start out as a weak family. As the movie progresses they grow stronger. They start to grow confidence in each other, they learn to trust more people and most importantly, their kindness ends up helping them in the end. The Godfather is my favorite work of art because it teaches about respect, discipline and honor. It teaches us that you do not always have to be negative to people to get what you want. The Godfather taught me that a little respect goes a long way.
One of my favorite pieces of art is "Samson" by Regina Spektor. The song is about how the bible and history in general only remembers all the evil and bad things that Delila did. "And the history books forgot about us, and the bible didn't mention us not even once" this is referring to the fact that the bible never talks about the love between Delila and Samson; it only tells of the betrayal and its a very one sided story. When you only have one side of a story, how can you be sure that's it true? you can't. How do we know that Delila wasn't framed, or tricked, or threatened? The answer is we can't. So the song is trying to tell people that we shouldn't judge Delila for what the Bible says she did. Delila and Samson could have been in love. We don't know; maybe she did betray him and the Bible is right, but the point is we can't be sure with only one side of the story.
Another work of art that I greatly love is Lilith by John Collier. It is a beautiful painting and there is something evil, yet mesmerizing about the mythical first wife of adam.
When "work of art" is brought up, many people think of a famous painting by Vincent van Gogh or Picasso, but art can be expressed in many forms such as music, books, and even movies. Though I enjoy all the forms of art, I most enjoy music because it can be expressed in many different genres, and it varies depending on the artist. I have many favorite songs, but the one I chose is called "The Heart Never Lies" by a band called McFly. I picked this song because there is so much emotion in it. The song was written by two of the members, Tom Fletcher and Danny Jones. "The Heart Never Lies" is about two people who are in love.
"Some people live, some people die
Some people run, right into the fire
Some people hide their every desire
But we are the lovers
If you don't believe me
Then just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
Some people fight, some people fall
Others pretend they don't care at all
If you wanna fight I'll stand right beside you
The day that you fall I'll be right behind you
To pick up the pieces
If you don't believe me
Just look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
Another year over, and we're still together
It's not always easy, but I'm here forever
We are the lovers
I know you believe me
When you look into my eyes
'cause the heart never lies
'cause the heart never lies
Because the heart never lies"
The song describes how the love between the two people is very strong and is able to withstand the worst of things. The two people may fight and disagree, but in the end they will still be together because in the end, they would do anything for each other. When the song says "just look into my eyes because the heart never lies", it describes the trust between the two people. This song is one of my favorite works of art not only because of the meaningful lyrics, but also because of the way they sing it. You can hear the emotion in their voices. Therefore, this song is very affective and gets the listeners to listen to the song and get a certain message about love out of the song. This song touched me the first time I listened to it and it still touches me every time i listen to it. This song is full of meaning and emotion and that is what makes it one of my favorite works of art.
When you think of works of art, what are the first things that come to mind? Is it the "Starry Night", or The Mona Lisa? Maybe. But the truth is, art comes in many different forms. Singers and writers and producers are all artists. They are all contributing passion and love and drama to our society through personal expression. My favorite work of art is the movie "A Walk to Remember", starring Mandy Moore and Shane West. "A Walk to Remember" tells the tale of two teenagers who attend the same high school, but whom are in completely different social classes. Jamie Sullivan (played by Moore) is an extremely shy and quiet girl. She gets picked on a lot and is known as a nerd around campus. Her favorite hobbies include star gazing and participating in her school play. Landon Carter could not be more different than Miss Sullivan. He is part of the popular crowd in school, and he tends to have a "bad boy" reputation. When Landon gets himself into trouble with the law, he is given the choice to join the schools spring play, or be expelled. Landon decides to take part in the theater production, and upon needing help with his lines, meets Jamie. Jamie agrees to help Landon with his lines for the play, forcing him to make on promise "you cannot fall in love with me." Snickering, Landon assures her the slim chance of that. Yet, after weeks of rehearsing and hanging out together Landon realizes that he has fallen for Jamie. One night, while the two were out to dinner, Jamie tells Landon a secret that she has been keeping from him. She has cancer. Landon reacts with anger and surprise, but in the end they end up staying together and eventually getting married. At the end of the movie, Jamie dies from her disease. This movie is such a great work of art because it brings together two strangers, from completely different worlds and allows them to help each other find there selves and their true calling. This movie presents such a great sense of passion and undying love to its viewers. It truly is an amazing work of art.
The first time I heard the song A Place in This World I immediately fell in love with it. I feel like I can relate to a ton of Taylor Swift's music. She's so down to earth and all her songs are real. I especially relate to this one. This song talks about how she doesn't know what she wants or where she's going, which a lot of times I feel the same way. I just go with the flow of life and whatever happens happens. Everything happens for a reason, and God has a specific plan for everyone. None of us know this plan until we live out the future and that's why it's best to just live for the now, just like Taylor says in the second part of her song. She also says something about being happy with her blue jeans, the radio, and sunshine, which is how I am too. I don't need anything big to make me happy. It's the small things in life that I live for. And just like the song says, I wear my heart on my sleeve and believe everyone is good until they prove me wrong. The chorus of this song is the best part because it talks about how even though you're wrong sometimes, life goes on and you just have to be strong. You'll eventually find your place in the world.
For me, the definition of art is simply anything you value. Artwork can be anything; a painting, a movie, a novel. Music is my most valued kind of art, and the album Axis: Bold as Love by the Jimi Hendrix Experience is my favorite. It is produced by Chas Chandler and recorded at Olypmic Studios in London. This is the second album to debut by the drug-induced group. It was released in 1967, and soon hit the top of the charts in the UK. The album is both experimental in the sense of using new technology and the development of original lyrics. The album is comprised of songs such as Little Wing, my favorite, Bold as Love, and Spanish Castle Magic. In Little Wing, Jimi says "Well, she's walking through the clouds with a circus mind that's running wild." These lyrics are creative yet beautiful. As for technology, the group used many new effects such as the Leslie Speaker and the Univibe. Even though Jimi was known to be on some of the most dangerous psychedelic drugs in even more dangerous amounts, he still lets his talent shine through. I truly appreciate this great work of art.
My favorite work of art is the movie titled "Remember the Titans." This movie is about an integrated football team and how they put aside their differences and come together as one to have a successful football season. I chose this movie as my favorite work of art because I love the game of football. I play it, watch it and teach it to my little brother. Football is a big part of my life. This movie shows how football can bring different people together and unite them as one. The players on the Titans overcome their differences and at the end of the movie they are treat each other like one giant family. This is a very emotional movie in my opinion. It made me laugh at times and it also made me sad. I watch this movie or "Rudy" before every one of my football games. This movie touches me greatly. When the main character gets into a car accident and is paralyzed from his waist down, it makes me think of how I take life and my legs for grantid. If I were to become paralyzed, it would mean that I could never play football or any other sport ever again. Seeing how the main character in "Remember the Titans" handled the situation when it happened to him reminded me that everything happens for a reason and to look at the bright side of things. This is one of the greatest sports movies of all time in my opinion.
Whether it be paintings, music, movies, or poems; they are all part of art. Using art you can find out a lot about a persons' personality and what are most important in their life. One of my favorite works of art is a painting called "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting recreates the scene from the final days of Jesus where he announces that one of his twelve apostles would betray him. Whenever I hear "The Last Supper" i think about Jesus giving up his life for me. That night he gave his apostles a new commandment to love one another. "A new command i give you: Love one another. As i have loved you, so you must love one another." When i think about this passage it reminds me that since Jesus loved me so much, he sacrificed himself for the better of mankind. Thinking about "The Last Supper" makes me reflect on my life. Would i put myself in agony for someone who doesn't deserve it? Probably not, but Jesus did it for me and for everyone else so we could be saved and forgiven. I owe my life to Jesus and to live as Jesus loved me.
My favorite work of art is the “Flowering Garden at Sainte-Adresse”. You may be wondering what this is. It is a famous painting done by the French Impressionist Claude Monet. Monet is a famous painter who is known for his quality strokes in his paintings. The scenes that he has done are one of the most recognizable paintings in the world. As for the painting, this is Monet’s fourth painting and it is done on an oil based canvas. This painting was done in 1866 in Paris, France. Monet’s goal was to capture the effects of time and day and color and light. It took him numerous times to finally capture the true essence of this painting. This painting hangs in a famous museum in Paris, France called Musee D'Orsay. This is my favorite because it reminds me of my home back in India. I was born in India and whenever I used to visit my grandparents they would take me to this beautiful garden called the Chashme Shahi Garden. I remember as a little kid running around and smelling all the flowers. I had wonderful time there and I never wanted to leave. The day before I left to come to America I went there and I just sat there looking at the beautiful scene right in front of my eyes. It brought a tear to my eye. After a few years my family and I went to New York and there was exhibition on Monet. The first painting I saw was the “Flowering Garden at Sainte-Adresse”. At that instance all the memories of my childhood came rushing into my head. This painting is special to me because I feel a special connection to it. Whenever I see it, it takes me back to the wonderful memories that grandparents gave me!
This essay's topic is "Your favorite work of art" , but when Mr.Fiorelli started talking about how "Starry Night" really affected him , it reminded me of a movie I saw when I was a young girl of the age 8 or 9. This movie "Artificial Intelligence" is now one of my favorite’s .I do not remember the details perfectly, but I do remember how it affected me very well.
In my younger days, I always wanted to be able to watch pg-13 movies like my older cousins and be all "cool". One night my dad decided to let me watch my first pg-13 movie, and that movie was “Artificial Intelligence”. Little did I know this movie was about to traumatize me! This movie was about a family in the future that had a child in a coma. During his coma, the family invested in a new invention, robot children. This child (Haley Joel Osment) became part of the family and he loved both the mom and dad. The dad was very skeptical about it. Eventually there real child came out of a coma, and he came back and did not really get along with this new robot child. The father finally expressed his thoughts about how this robot child was strange and not normal to a family, and he eventually convinced the mother to drop him off in the forest alone with nothing but his teddy bear! I remember at that point in the movie, I started balling; and I was not the kind of little girl who cried a lot. But despite the fact that I started to think this movie was cruel, I wanted to keep watching because at that point I had to know what happened. At the end the robot child goes through many journeys to get to his mother and he finally gets to spend one last day with her before she dies.
After I watched this I cried for about an hour and kept asking what kind of a mom would abandon its child. Last year I watched this movie again, and I first noticed a lot of it went right over my head, except the child and family abandonment part. The second thing I realized was that I did like this movie a lot, and I loved that the plot was so different from most movies. And even as a teenager watching this movie, I still cried.
When many people hear the word "art", they assume art is limited to only a few things. Really art has many forms. A person's favorite movie or photo is considers art. Plays on broadway are considered art. My favorite peice of art is the movie "Mama Mia". It was a play, but i have never seen it on broadway. The Movie however, has not left my mind since i walked out of that movie theatre. It was an emotional rollercoaster. First i was smiling at the beginning because i was totally blown away with how it started with the three girls greeting eachother and then they just burst out singing this song. I loved the song. actually all the songs from "Mama Mia" are on my ipod. They all touched me in a way. i know all the words by heart and i can easily just burst out singing them where ever i am. mall, school, class, it doesnt matter. The middle of the movie was phenomenal. There was never a time that my eyes weren't glued to the screen. everything was unperdictable. The middle of the movie made me laugh because of the men irritating the mom,Donna, and i cried when Donna didnt want her daughter, sophie to leave, i smiled when the mom flirted with the men, it was just so cute. The movie was just so perfect. i could relate to every character in a certain way.I think that is why i loved the movie so much. I was also freaking out in a good way of course in the end because it was so unpredictable and clever. i was like "OH MY GOD!". Every five seconds, no lie. This movie made such an impression on me, and it taught me alot, like Life lessons and i do consider this a real peice of art. It can help people express themselves, especially when they can relate to the movie, or work of art. And art is a way to express yourself.
My favorite work of art is a song by country singer Shania Twain. The song is called “From This Moment On.” The song is a love song about how a couple is about to start their lives together. The beginning of the song talks about how blessed the woman is that she found someone who she can spend her life with. The woman speaks of how she lives everyday of her life just to make him happy. The woman in the song is so excited to start her life with her new husband. Her dreams are fulfilled because of him. This man is the whole reason that she believes in love. Because their love is so deep and passionate, there is nothing she would not do for him. This song touches me every time I hear it because it has so much meaning for me. My cousin Katie used to live with my family in the room right next to mine. A woman from her church sang this song at her wedding. The song reminded me that I would no longer be her best friend or roommate. She was moving out and starting her life with someone new. During the song both us had our eyes glued on each other and could not hold back the tears. There are pictures in her wedding album of her and her new husband and she had tears in her eyes. Every time I hear that song, it reminds me of that emotional day that my cousin started her new life.
One of my favorite works of art is the movie Ocean's Eleven. In this movie a man named Ocean has assembled a team of criminals to help him rob a very wealthy casino owner named Terri Benedict. The first time I heard of it I thought it was some stupid movie that I would not like at all. Then one day as I was flipping through the channels I started to watch Oceans Eleven, and imediatly was hooked. The almost constant action was addictive for me. They run into many problems along the way and yet they still manage to solve them with relative ease. The way in which the different charecters handle these problems amazed me also. The clash of characters such as between terri benedict (the casino owner) and ocean added a kind of humor to the movie. But by far the most astounding part is that for a change you are rooting for the bad guys to win and in the end they do. this is a very hard thing to pull off but they did it well. I watch this movie every time it is on and it never gets old, therefore this is one of my favorite works of art.
My favorite work of are would have to be the movie, "The Notebook". "The Notebook" is a love story about two young adults who fall in love with each other but are torn apart when Aly's parents make her move away. After many years the reunite when Aly makes a trip to her old town to see Noah, after seeing him in a newspaper clipping. They fall back in love and eventually get married. Even though Aly develops altzimer disease, Noah stays with her and reads their story to her everyday. Eventually Aly does come back, but only for a short time, then her disease acts up again. Finally, at the end of the movie she comes back a last time and Noah and she die peacefully side by side in their sleep. This is my favorite work of art because its an original example of true love and romance. It demonstrates that if you want something bad enough and are willing to work at it everyday, you will eventually achieve it. It makes me feel like there is true love out there and some people do really have soul mates which is pure art, in a sense, to me.
Some works of art have many layers of meaning and tell many more things that it seems at first glance. The movie The Breakfast Club shows this in a funny and entertaining way, while never losing its message. It showcases every major high school stereotype - a goth, a jock, a nerd, a delinquent, and a popular girl. They were all brought together because they did something hat earned them a day in detention. They start out being quiet, but when they begin talking, they start to argue and become enemies with each other. However, over time hey begin to see what each of the other people have gone through and they begin too see eye to eye. They eventually become good friends, all because they did something wrong. This emphasizes that something good can come from something that you dread.
One of my favorite types of art is the movie Invincible. This is only one of my many favorite movies. Invincible is based on a true story about a guy named Vince Papale. Vince is an everyday kind of guy . He is a bartender and lost his job as a part-time teacher. The Philadelphia Eagles head coach decided to have open tryouts for anyone who wanted a chance. At first Vince wasnt going to go out, but all of his friends conviced him into. He ends up making the team and playing for the Philadelphia Eagles. The reason I love this movie is because it inspires people to try something that they have always wanted to do but never thought they were good enough to do it. Football is my favorite sport and seeing Vince tryout to play the sport that he loves inspires me to never say that you can't do something. I think that was the message that they were trying to send. That you can do anything you set your mind to. That is why this is one of my favorite works of art
One of my favorite types of art is the movie Invincible. This is only one of my many favorite movies. Invincible is based on a true story about a guy named Vince Papale. Vince is an everyday kind of guy . He is a bartender and lost his job as a part-time teacher. The Philadelphia Eagles head coach decided to have open tryouts for anyone who wanted a chance. At first Vince wasnt going to go out, but all of his friends conviced him into. He ends up making the team and playing for the Philadelphia Eagles. The reason I love this movie is because it inspires people to try something that they have always wanted to do but never thought they were good enough to do it. Vince has acouple of problems in the movie. First he loses his part-time teaching job. Then his wife leaves him and takes all of the furniture. Next while he is trying out one of his best friends gets mad at him because he isnt spending alot of time with his friends. Even though all of these things happened to Vince he still stayed focused and made the team. After all of that everything came together and things were great for Vince. Football is my favorite sport and seeing Vince tryout to play the sport that he loves inspires me to never say that you can't do something. I think that was the message that they were trying to send. That you can do anything you set your mind to. That is why this is one of my favorite works of art
The song “Change” by Taylor Swift is my favorite work of art. This inspiring song is about how things will not always work out the way you planned. Whether it is somebody else getting what you wanted, or just having to overcome an unexpected challenge in life. In this song Taylor Swift first relates to the listener by talking about how she knows it’s hard to fight when the fight isn’t fair and it is difficult to keep your head up when it feels like nothing is going your way. But then she also motivates her audience by telling them to believe that things can change, and that they will. If you keep working hard, even when you feel outnumbered or cornered, things will get better. In the last lines of the song she sings about how she never gave up and things really did change for her. “Can you see it now? The walls that they put up to hold us back fell down. It's a revolution. Throw your hands up 'cause we never gave in.” It is important not to give up and to stay true to your self, no matter what. “Change” helps reminds me of that importance, which is why it is my favorite work of art.
There are many forms of art which include movies, paintings, drawings, sculptures, and books. A very good peice of art is the movie "The Sixth Sense". "The Sixth sense" is about a young boy named Cole who is troubled in his life by a secret he will not tell. Dr. Malcome helps people try and get past difficulties in there life. Dr. Malcome comes into the movie trying to help this little boy named Cole. As the two begin to get to know eachother Cole is willingly going to tell Doctor Malcome his secret. Cole then tells him that he can see dead people. Doctor Malcome of course doesnt beleive him at first but the more and more he learns he begins to believe. Doctor Malcome then figures out what the dead people want from cole. They want help. Doctor Malcome then helps Cole help a dead person who is trying to tell her father that she was murdered. The dead person shows Cole a vidoe that she wants him to give to the father. Cole gives the tape to him and everything is solved. Cole no loger needs the doctor anymore because he understands what he needs to do. At the very end of the movie you find out that Doctor Malcome has been dead throught the whole movie and the only peson who has talked to him has been Cole. I thought the whole movie was great and the ending made it even better. Its a movie you need to watch twice to realy understand.
My favorite work of art would be the movie Pearl Harbor directed by Michael Bay. It is a moving film that consists of friendship, romance, history and bravery. The classic story of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is told through the eyes of two boyhood friends, now serving as officers in the Army Air Corps. Rafe is a young pilot who is selected to fly with the British in Europe while America is still not at war. After Rafe is shot down in his plane and presumed killed, his best friend Danny comforts Rafe’s lover Evelyn, and the two draw closer. When Rafe turns up alive, the two former friends become enemies, and it is through the turmoil of Pearl Harbor that the two reconcile their differences before the death of Danny. This movie is my favorite work of art because of the critical message of forgiveness within the plot. When Rafe comes “back from the dead” and finds that his best friend and lover are in a relationship, he is not understanding towards the situation. He finally forgives his friend when Danny dies in his arms, showing that if Rafe had forgiven him earlier, he could have spent his time happily with his best friend than in anger. The movie is a sad one but very meaningful.
My favorite work of art would have to be the film, "Gladiator". This movie was first released in 2000 and was beautifully directed by Ridley Scott. This movie stars Russell Crowe as the protagonist, Maximus Meridius; and stars Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus. I remember the first time I saw this film. The movie takes place during the time when the great Roman Empire was at its peak. A dying emperor names his loyal army general to be his heir. Commodus, the emperor's power-hungry son murders his father and sentences Maximus and his family to be executed. Maximus espcapes his execution only to be picked up by slave drivers and is bought as a gladiator. Maximus then uses his skills to finally square off with the emperor for his well-deserved revenge. This is my favorite movie because of its brilliant and intense action sequences. It has a great plot and shows that true courage can overcome a tyrant's wrath. It shows that a leader can still have great influence, and that a gladiator can defy an emperor. The one line in the film that I'll never forget takes place when Maximus confronts the Emperor. He looks at Commodus right in the eyes and says, "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North. Loyal servant to the true Emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I shall have my vengeance in this life or the next."
Art to me can be in many shapes and forms, but also it can leave an underlying emotional and physical affect on us that can last a lifetime. My favorite artwork is the movie "Simon Birch". I watched this movie was I was around 10 years old. It has shaped the way that I see things and treat people. The movie Simon Birch involves two boys, Simon(He has a genetic disorder known as dwarfism) and Joe (a regular 12 year old all American boy) who are best friends. Simon was thrown to the wind by his own family and Joe's mom basically took him under her wing. Simon was treated differently because of his size, but had a charming wit to him that made him overcome and move past childish behavior. Seeing his behavior made a mental picture on me to not sweat the small stuff. At the end of the movie little Simon Birch becomes a big hero. Personalities are sometimes formed based on movies and other artwork that express a very powerful meaning to the viewer. Art in the form of a movie can convey a deeper message by the actual characters or the plot of the movie. Simon Birch truly utters perseverance in everyday humans.
Some people limit art to just being paintings, statues, and other classic arts. When in truth the definition of art extends beyond the boundaries of any single person. Art can’t really be defined as one medium. My favorite work of art is the song talk hard by the pink spiders. I love this song because whenever I hear it I get really happy for no particular reason besides the song. Talk Hard is a really upbeat and catchy song, which is definitely why I loved it at first. I’ve always loved The Pink Spiders as a band because of their style of music and the fact that they’re really different from a lot of the music I hear on the radio. Talk hard showcases their unique sound and witty lyrics perfectly. I love this song because of its combination of great lyrics and fast paced and upbeat tempo. I’ve heard it a million times and I never get tired of it, When I can listen to a song that much and still love it that to me means its a great work of art. When ever I’m in a bad mood or I don’t feel well I listen to talk hard and its kind of like a little pick me up. I consider this song my favorite work of art because I never get sick of hearing it, it always improves my mood, and I have yet to find any song that rivals it.
I think most people my age would agree with me that movies are the favorite when it comes to art. When i think of art i think of a visual picture. Books can only give you an imaginary picture you can just make up in your head. But movies are not just visual picture but a visual "motion" picture.
In my opinion, out of all the movies ive watched, i have to say war movies are the best. In war movies you get so many diferent moods and feelings. Sometimes its suspensful, scary, sad, or lonely. But there are times when the actors or "soldiers" put aside their reality and just have fun with their friends. For me war movies give me a slight understanding of what war is really like. although, movies are still nowhere close to reality, but the movies give me real enjoyment.
My favorite war movie has to be "Band of Brothers." I like it because rather than shorter movies that always leave you sayin i wanted more, this movie is actually a mini series. There are ten episodes with one feature length disk with inteviews with the real soldiers who had fought in that company. What really got me was when one person said in the interview,"there was something wrong with you if you werent in the service in those days, it was just something you had to do." i think those men thought protecting their country was more important rather than protecting themselves. In my opinion nothing speaks more to me than their tremendous character.
When people think of a work of art, they think of a painting, poem, or a sculpture, but I think a work of art can be a novel, song, and a movie. My favorite work of art is the movie "The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend". Pete Maravich wanted to become a great basketball player like his father. Even though he was a small boy, his father showed him how to succeed, and believed confidence was the key. At school he was a social outcast with big dreams. Pete Maravich carried a basketball everywhere he went and found time to practice every day. His hard work would eventually give him the chance of playing with the varsity high school team as an eighth grader. He sat the bench most of the season, but when his time finally came to go in the game, he took it. This was his time to shine, but he made a mistake and cost his team the game. He kept his head up and when his chance came again it took full advantage of it, making sure he did not make a mistake and they won! As games progressed, he was starting on the varsity team. Reporters said he fired the basketball from his hip like a gun fighter, giving him the nickname "Pistol" Pete. His success was becoming the only college player to score 44.2 points a game in a season. This is, by far, my favorite work of art because it shows that a small boy pursued his dreams no matter how hard. His father encouraged him to keep a positive attitude even though he made mistakes. The movie convinces me not to give up on my dreams and teaches me that with confidence and determination, anything is possible.
There are so many beatiful and different ways art can be portrayed. If I had to pick a favorite form of art it would probably be music. Music has a special way of letting your emotions and thoughts out. An absolutely amazing song that shows this is "Perfect World" by Simple Plan. This song is about a young person that gets killed in a car accident. When this person dies it affects everyone that had ever known her. In a perfect world nothing like this would ever happen and everything would be alot easier. Without this person her family and friends don't know what to do without her there. It changes their whole perspective on life and that they shouldn't take things for granted. These family and friends still just don't understand why this could have happened to them. They don't know how they're going to make it through this hard time because they didn't see it coming and it seems like the whole world around them is falling down.
Art is one of the many forms of self-expression. There’s all kinds of art forms like movies, paintings, pictures, music, etc. My favorite form of art would have to be movies. Movies have so many great aspects. They portray scenes so vividly. Movies can take you on a trip down memory lane. Movies also are the most entertaining. Starting with that, I would say my favorite piece of art would be a movie called ‘Fool’s Gold’ starring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson. I can watch it over and over again, that’s how much I like it. They play a divorced couple (Tess and Finn) who go treasure hunting. The movie takes place in the Bahamas, which appealed to me right away. I love the tropics. It reminds me of a place I want to be. ‘Fool’s Gold’ has the best of both worlds in it, it’s an adventure, and a love story. They go where they aren’t supposed to be and they find something they’ve been looking for for a very long time. Finn had burnt a lot of bridges with the locals so that just makes their situation harder. There are many times when both their lives are in danger but they always get out of it. It has all the adventure aspects because it has the danger and bad guys. It’s a love story because Tess and Finn realize they miss and need each other and they reconnect. The end is my favorite part, the “good guys” finish first.
One of my favorite works of art is the song "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. It has so much meaning and sends a beautiful message to the special person in your life who helped you make it through good and bad times. For me, this was my Aunt Rita. She recently died, at the age of 56, a very painful death from a terminal and uncurable disease. My Aunt Rita and I have always been very close since I was a little girl. She could just look at me and tell if something was bothering me or if I was upset. She always made me feel very special and she always made me laugh and feel happy. She encouraged me to continue dancing when I wanted to quit and told me to not let the little things stop me from doing something I love. My Aunt Rita always believed in me. When i hear this song I think of her, and how she fought so hard to live. I think about how much she loved me and how strong she made me. Even when she was dying and I walked into the hospital room to see her she whispered to me "I love you baby" while she had a tube down her throat. She always had a smile on her face even on the day she died. I don't think I'll ever be as strong as her. My Aunt Rita believed in me, loved me, and cared about me so much. I am the person I am today because she loved me and she will always be my true hero.
Have you ever wondered if you had done that one thing a second later or earlier it would have changed your whole day or even your life? This is the basic theme of the movie Run Lola Run. Run Lola Run is a complex action movie, or really three movies, each twenty minutes long. All three movies start exactly the same but because of one small seemingly meaningless decision the endings are extremely different. This movie has made me think and see the world in a different way, this is one of the most important things art can do. One piece of art can have radically different effects on different people; it all depends on who they are and on their personal views. The songs in Run Lola Run express the emotion Lola is feeling; there is usually upbeat techno music when she is running to symbolize her adrenaline pumping. Another interesting aspect of this movie is that it was originally in German. I always watch this movie in the original German, with English subtitles. The dubbed version is not as exiting to watch; I believe the original actor's voices and attitudes are as important as the meaning of the words. What would you have been doing if you had not been reading my blog response, and how has not doing that changed your life?
Art is one of the most common forms of self-expression, whether it be through paint, film, music, or literature. The art can be tranquil, busy, angry, or any other way a human could feel. It doesn't have to be well-known or well thought out, as long as it gets your point across or your story told it could still express your feelings. My favorite art piece is a painting done by Claude Monet, titled "Water Lilies." Mr. Monet painted it using oil on canvas in 1916 and it portrays several colorful lilies floating above water glistening in the sunlight. It gives me a feeling of tranquility and serenity, and makes it seem like all is well in the world. By just staring at it, you can forget everything that’s happening and just want to be in the Giverny garden where the painting was created. The image gives off such a serene energy and I think that was what Monet was going for. In the top right corner, he placed several cloud reflections in the water and the lilies being so colorful though also brings a feeling of energy and liveliness into the picture. I hope that whenever someone sees it, that they get the same feeling I do and just feel very peaceful and quiet.
Art is a way to express yourself and your true feeling. For some people that its paintings, poems, or music, but for me its fashion. To most people that sounds kind of stupid and materialist, but its so much more than that. Fashion is away to express yourself but also its an appreciation of what someone not only designed but produced and brought to life. One of my favorite designers is Christian Louboutin. He is a famous shoe designer, known particularly for the stunning bright red soles of his shoes. These shoes are very expensive, and can rang in price anywhere from six hundred dollars to over two thousand dollars. For that much money has to be something special. These handcrafted shoes have meticulous detail. There is everything from snakeskin to ones totally covered in stones to bows to leather and studs. These shoes are literally pieces of art. The neatest part about fashion is that you don't have to go to a museum for it. You use fashion everyday. It's something practical (ok not all the time!) that looks cute and makes you feel good and expresses your individuality.
The Arts has been a way for people to express their creativity into creation for many years. Creation can be in the form of illustration, song, dance, writing, fashion, film, etc. Peoples since the early Sumerians have used art as an outlet of passion and expression, as well as a reference to history.
Since I was a young a girl, music was always a great influential part of my life. I have always believed that music was very powerful to them mind, body, and soul. In a song, lyrics and music together have and beautiful ability to make ones self feel the artist’s emotions and create images in your head as the song plays along. Although words might be said in different languages, music has proven to be the universal language as it is able to make ones self feel the artist’s emotion.
One of the most important beliefs I have in music is that one extracts different feelings and emotions from one song, whereas someone else might have different feelings that relate them to the music. Even-though a song might be specified as a love song from the artist, one might find that they relate to the song for different reasons.
I began to express myself through guitar and song writing at the age of 11, and have since developed a hobby for collecting vinyl records. Among my records of the most talented and well known artists on the planet is, the talented Bob Marley. Many have known him for his faith in Rastafari (commonly found in Africa) which has the beliefs of smoking the herb of weed for enlightenment, eradicates the consumption of meat, and hair worn as dreadlocks is symbol of purity; all of which are to bring them closer to the allah Jah and their uniter Haile Selassie. In Marley’s music people are drawn to the cool reggae beats that blend together with his lyrical voice. Marley’s lyrics had (and still does today) a great meaning to his homeland, Africa. His songs gave hope to the Africans that were suffering from oppression and segregation. Songs like “Africa Unite,” and “Three Little Birds,” and “Buffalo Soldier,” and “Exodus” etc.
Marley has drawn me to his simple but very powerful lyrics that were sung with hope in every note. One of my favorites, is his song “Get Up, Stand Up.” As you might have guessed by the title it is about standing up for your freedom. As he says:
“Preacherman, dont tell me,
Heaven is under the earth.
I know you dont know
What life is really worth.
Its not all that glitters is gold;
All of the story has never been told:
So now you see the light, eh!
Stand up for your rights. come on!
Get up, stand up: dont give up the fight!”
I too believe that these lyrics will forever be true, as it is very important to stand up for what you believe in. As a child, I used to not speak my mind (as most children do), but as I dealt with more and more situations that I felt were unjust, Marley’s song fell more into place and evident to me. As they still do today, his songs uplift my spirits and make me “Get Up, Stand Up” for what I believe in.
Art is the universal language for all people. It brings us all together whether it is paintings, music, or sculptures. My personal favorite piece of art is the album How the West Was Won by Led Zeppelin. My dad was the first person to turn me on to this music. This album was released on May 27, 2003 and it is a collection of their greatest songs. These songs speak to me, not only with their lyrics, but also with the melody. The first time I heard the guitar in the song Black Dog I knew I wanted to try it. This album is my favorite work of art because it inspired me to try something new. Listening to this music makes me strive to permit me to sound as good as Jimmy Page, the guitarist. The guitar is not the only thing that speaks to me. In the song Stairway to Heaven there is a verse that goes, ‘Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there’s still time to change the road your on.” This makes me think that although you choose something you always have a choice on the matter. Led Zeppelin is my favorite band and it is a shame they had to split up, but they still live through their music.
There are many different forms of art that appeal to different people. Also all people have an idea of what art means to them and they all have a favorite type of art whether it be paintings, movies, books, sculptures, and photography. One work of art that really appeals to me is the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight". I picked this movie as my favorite work of art for many different reasons. The first reason is i am not a real movie person but after seeing this movie i became one. I also enjoyed the over all picture of the film it was real dark but colorful at the same time. The setting of the movie ,Gotham City, also set the tone of the movie because it seemed like a place out of this world although really it is not much different from an everyday city such as New York. The characters of course were my favorite part of the movie. The evil and dark Joker believes everyone has a darkside from which they commit evil things. Harvey Dent is a law enforcer for the city of gotham and he is also running for mayor. After getting his face half blown of he becomes the evil villian two face. Finally, my favorite The Batman. In this new movie he is new and improved and ready to save Gotham from all of the Joker's evil plans and games. This movie also has a great plot. These are just some of the reasons i enjoy this great work of art.
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