Friday, January 31, 2014

Sophs: Week of 2-3

Due for Monday's class:  post vocabulary sentence work at Schoolsville. All sections comment at the same post that is directly "below" this one.

Due for Tuesday's class: read p. 1 of the Emily Dickinson handout (found at Studywiz) for some biographical notes on Dickinson. Then look over the rest of the handout to find any TWO poems that you like and understand. Be able to discuss and/or write about these poems (their themes and their poetics) in class on Tuesday.

Due for Friday's class, 2-7: Read and write chapter summaries for the "Famous People" section of The Greatest Generation 


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Caitlin O Green said...

The only way to allay the pain of a headache is to take some medication or rest.
Children often get scared of trees outside of their window at night because of their bestial shadow and shape in the dark.
The convivial mood quickly depleted after it was found out that Grandmother died.
The coterie of popular kids is difficult to get into if they consider you "outside" of their expectations.
Whenever I go somewhere without my best friend, people ask me where my counterpart is.
When people nominate me to do things i normally demur out of embarrassment.
After she insulted me, she must've had a lot of effrontery to ask me to do her a favor.
If you have a tendency to embellish stories often, then you may be prone to lying because you aren't being perfectly truthful.
My time as a starter on the soccer team was ephemeral because I got hurt so often.
Her felicitous attitude toward her grandmother really showed her maturity.

At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Rbert D Blue said...

1. I care little for what history remembers me for, but I would prefer to be remembered by a handful of people for having been able to allay a person’s pain then to be remembered by the many for increasing someone else’s burden.
2. The man’s bestial size and brutality where well known amongst his enemies.
3. It is not my place to judge you, and when I do I value you not by the coterie you keep, but by the choices you yourself have made.
4. I embellish the memory of those gone, and those still here so that I might not forget the honor and friendship they blessed me with.
5. It is said that peace is merely an ephemeral idea, and that no long term harmony can exist between nations, and to that I simply say, “Never say never”.
6. I have heard many seemingly illusory ideas, but I say this to those who have them, “Do not fear to dream the impossible for it is only impossible when we ourselves have deemed it to be so.
7. Hitler’s inordinate belief in his men’s superiority in numbers, and skills would cause him to lose World War 2.
8. After his plane had been shot the pilot was forced to jettison out of his doomed vessel into enemy occupied territory.
9. Hitler is often times pictured as being a misanthrope who could, and would betray any ally if he felt it would further Germany.
10. The world has become so concerned with picayune matters such as money, and power that Nations no longer care to pursue larger dreams of a united and harmonious utopia.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous StephanieP Blue said...

To allay the crying baby, the mom gave him his pacifier.
The wrestler was so aggressive, he had a bestial attitude towards his oppenent.
Christmas at my Grandmothers is always my favorite because it has a convivial feel to it.
Nothing could ever break up their coterie. They were so close and told each other everything.
The twins were perfect counterparts.
If you do not agree with new law, then you can demur by saying "nay".
After she had already been proven wrong, she had the effrontery to keep arguing that she was right.
For her birthday, we embellished her locker with balloons and wrapping paper.
She swore up and down that it would last but we were all right when we said that her diet would be ephemeral.
She was a very felicitous choice for the winner of the award, she is a good student and always friendly.


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