Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seniors: Tuesday Homework due Friday

Here is an assignment that is due Friday. It's self explanatory.

Write an interior monologue (1 ½ to 2) pages double-spaced typed.

An interior monologue is narrated by a single character in the first person (“I” point of view) in the present tense. The monologue is a clearly written expression of the character’s thoughts, as in Dorothy Parker’s “But the One on the Right.” It is NOT to be confused with stream of consciousness, another first person present tense point of view in which the character’s thoughts are more random (and probably more realistic) and the punctuation and syntax more irregular.

The best interior monologues clearly delineate their narrators by providing specific references to their interests:  Parker’s narrator is fashionable, well-read and well educated, and sarcastically witty. References to the Bible, St. Nicholas magazine, Louise Boulanger, and the song “Button Up Your Overcoat” reveal these traits. Similarly, you should sketch your characters.

Choose a realistic and interesting situation that best utilizes the interior monologue point of view. The character should either be alone or alone with his or her thoughts without much temptation to talk. Your narrator can react to what others say or do but ONLY in his thoughts.

If you choose to work with a partner or two, each of you should write an interior monologue set in the same time or place. This will take some pre-writing coordination so we readers can see how your narrators “think” about the same scene they are witnessing. Plot out at least five specific things to which each of you will react.

In choosing this group option, select a realistic and interesting scene the best utilizes having more than one character witnessing and thinking about the same event. Maybe the two or three narrators are watching a movie, attending a class, people watching at the mall, or going to a concert. Maybe they’re witnessing an argument. For the best results, try to make your characters different, so that their reactions will be noticeably different.

30 pts.

Be prepared to read your monologues to the class.


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