Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Seniors-- Thursday (11-18) lab exercise on The Portable Phonograph

Consider today's exercise a curious mixture of themes presented in the somber short story, The Portable Phonograph, and a movie called The Bucket List, a 2009 film in which two older men make a list of things they want to do before they die or "kick the bucket."

I'd like to know what you consider important.

Here's the dream scenario: before you meet your maker, you will be granted all of these last wishes.

Make your choices, and briefly explain in a sentence or two.

Think. Have some fun if you'd like. But remember that things are more humorous when there is at least a hint of truth in the humor.

Post before Saturday if you don't finish in class today.

1. final thing you'd like to read (OK, so even if you don't like to read, this is your final reading of anything, so with that in mind, seriously consider your decision)

2. final song that you'd like to hear

3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time

4. final website you'll visit (, of course!)

5. final meal

6. place you'd like to visit

7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries (try to make this one serious, saving the more clever responses to #8)

8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers (make this humorous, like why do people think The Office is funny?)

9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do

10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life and maybe a "comfortable piece of lead pipe " like Dr. Jenkins in The Portable Phonograph


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous dm red (: said...

1.The final book I would like to read would be “Breaking Dawn” the last book of the Twilight series.
2.The final song/artist I would want to hear is any song from Jason Aldean.
3.The final movie I’d want to watch is The Notebook.
4.The final website I would visit is
5.The final meal I would like to have is chicken and dumplings with apple pie.
6.The final place I’d like to visit is Sydney, Australia.
7.One thing I would like instant knowledge is why good people die young.
8.One thing I would like instant knowledge of is why girls are in love with Robert Pattinson.
9.Last activity I would want to do is go skydiving.
10.My prize possession would be my camera.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous jp red said...

1. The final thing I’d like to read is the last twilight book titled “Breaking Dawn.”
2. The final song that I’d like to hear is On the Way Down by Ryan Cabrera.
3. The tv show that I’d watch one last time is Modern Family.
4. Final website I’d visit is
5. My final meal would be buffalo chicken sandwich.
6. Place I’d like to visit is Italy.
7. The knowledge I’d like to gain about one of life’s serious mysteries is why people are so mean to each other.
8. Why are people obsessed with the show Grey’s Anatomy?
9. One activity I’d like to do is go to a Dave Matthews Band concert and sit in the front row.
10. My prized possession is my cell phone.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous MG Red said...

1.The last book I’d like to read is “The Last Song” by Nicholas Sparks.
2.The final song I’d like to hear is any song by Taylor Swift.
3.The final tv show I’d watch one last time is Modern Family.
4.The final website I’d visit is Facebook.
5.Final meal would be Chinese food.
6.I’d like to visit Italy.
7.I’d want instant knowledge on what is after life on earth.
8.I’d want instant knowledge on why we love texting so much.
9.I would like to go to a super bowl game.
10.I would guard my pictures with my friends and family with my life.

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous AM red said...

1.Return of the King
2.Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger
3.Monty Python in the Holy Grail
4.Facebook (status:LOL DYING LOL)
5.Vizla Sandwich from Purebread Deli with a bag of chips, a pickle, and a Snapple Peach Tea
6.A sunny, warm green field with a hill
7.Was I a good person?
8.Why is Nickelback popular?
9.Write one last story that is special to me
10.A special yet secret (for my own reasons) possession from my childhood

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous MWRed said...

1.Fight Club
2.hide and Seek by Imogen heap
3.Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
5.Coconut shrimp, vegetarian buffalo wings with mashed potatoes, cheesy gordita crunch from taco bell, and pumpkin cheesecake with a cherry limeade sparkler
6.New Zealand
7.existence of a god
8.existence of big foot/ghosts a concert with the yeah yeah yeahs musical instruments

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous LV red said...

1. The final book I would read would be Inkspell because of the breath-taking descriptions of action, adventure, and fantasy. This is the book that greatly influenced my love for everything mystical. If I could only get lost in a book one more time, I would want to get lost in Ombra surrounded by fire-eaters, fairies, and the Wayless Woods.
2. It would be hard to choose the last song I would ever hear because I have such a variety of favorite music. If I had to choose thought, it would probably be “Love is the Weapon” by Nevershoutnever because it’s upbeat. It would also be irionic because one of the lines is “I’d love this world before it implodes,” so it would be a good laugh.
3. It may be cliché, but the last TV show I would watch is most likely family guy. It’s just too funny to not enjoy.
4. The last website I would visit would be FML because I would have the ultimate entry with “I’m going to die. FML”
5. My last meal would definitely have to be my mom’s seafood linguini with a diet coke. It’s absolutely to die for.
6. I would like to visit a giant field of sunflowers on a warm, breezy summer day where I can lay below them and eat their seeds.
7. Is there life on other planets?
8. What genius invented spam (the fake meat in a can)?
9. I would like to participate in the Free Hugs Campaign created by Juan Mann. I would wear a free hugs shirt, have a free hugs sign, and run around sharing one of the best gifts.
10. A possession I would guard with my life would have to be my memory box. This box has all the cards I ever received, poems or songs I was given, flowers, pictures, memories of my childhood, and memories I’ve recently made. I cannot live without my memory box.

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous sd red said...

1. I would like to read the Hunger Games series. I have been meaning to for a long time but I have never had a chance.
2. The last song I would like to hear would be The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New.
3. Movie wise, I would watch the Breakfast Club. For television, I would watch True Blood.
4. I am a facebook creep so I would probably be on facebook.
6. I would love to go to Greece.
7. I would like to know why the most messed up people in this country are the ones leading it. I would like to know why someone would sell their soul for a piece of paper.
8. If a tree falls in the woods and a woman isn’t sound to hear it, is it still wrong?
9. I would like to go to petco and sit in the kitty room and play with the cats all day.
10. I don’t have any prized possessions, really. The only items that I have an attachment to would be my laptop, my cat, and my Michael Kor’s bag.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous AK Red said...

1. The final thing I would like to read is the newspaper. I know that makes me sound like an elderly person, but I like catching up on little local stories and big-time worldwide happenings.
2. The last song that I’d like to hear is International Dreambeat by Adebishi Shank because it’s a very up-beat song and would put me in a great, ecstatic mood!
3. That 70’s Show would definitely be the last TV show that I would watch. The characters of the show are so similar to my group of friends and I. They have the same sense of humor, always hang out in their one friend’s basement, are together all the time, do the most random activities, and are closer than the average group of friends. That is us exactly. This show would remind me of all the great memories I’ve had with my friends.
4. I would visit as the final website.
5. As my final meal I would request my mom’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. And apple cider. My favorite.
6. I’d like to re-visit Grand Caymen island because it had the most beautiful waters and is always sunny and warm.
7. If I could get instant knowledge on one of life’s serious mysteries I would want to know what happens once you die.
8. I’d like to know if dog’s get annoyed when people talk to them in that high-pitched “cutesy” voice.
9. As my last activity, I’d go over Shane’s house, sit on the chaise, watch LIFE, and eat spiced crème cookies with him.
10. There are only two prized possessions that I would guard with my life, my dog, Sedona and my pillow. My dog is my baby, I take her everywhere and she sleeps on my bed. She’s probably the most spoiled dog. Ever. I’ve had my pillow since I was three years old. I consider it a prized possession because it has such sentimental value and so many good memories go along with it.

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous BFG RED said...

1. final thing you'd like to read (OK, so even if you don't like to read, this is your final reading of anything, so with that in mind, seriously consider your decision)
The final thing I would like to read would be the book the Da Vinci Code.

2. final song that you'd like to hear
The final song I would like to hear is the entire “No Ceilings” CD from Lil Wayne.

3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time
The final movie I would like to watch would be Anchorman.

4. final website you'll visit (, of course!)
The final website I would visit would be facebook, to delete that evil thing once in for all.

5. final meal
My final meal would be a Philly Cheese Steak, some waffle fries, and Wawa Iced tea. Then cheesecake for desert.

6. place you'd like to visit
The last place I would like to visit is the beaches of Italy.

7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries (try to make this one serious, saving the more clever responses to #8)
I would love to know if Jesus had sexual experiences with Mary Magdelyn.

8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers (make this humorous, like why do people think The Office is funny?)
Why did that “guy” from 98 degrees ever break up with Jessica Simpson?

9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
I would drive a Lamborghini through Times Square NYC at its top speed.

10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life and maybe a "comfortable piece of lead pipe " like Dr. Jenkins in The Portable Phonograph

Nothing, materialistic items are not important, I would guard people with my life though.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous jbianco said...

1. Calvin and Hobbes has always had a special connection with me. Reading it brings a strong feeling of nostalgia with me taking me back to a time of simplicity.

2. I have always been a great fan of jazz, and if I were to have one last song to engulf me in its beauty, I would have to choose My Favorite Things by John Coltrane.

3. This was surprisingly a difficult choice. Deciding between The Never Ending Story and Eraserhead was quite a challenge, but I would have to go with Eraserhead due to its depth and strong atmospheric feel. Obviously I would have to choose the Simpsons for my last television show to watch due to my long history with Matt Groenings masterpiece.

4. I cant really say that the internet is very important to me; I just use it as a resource. I guess I would find out something interesting on


6. Alaska’s beautiful landscape.

7. If the universe were to implode what would be there, and to follow up that question, what is nothing?

8. Why are people such jerks?

9. I would have to visit the amazons to be guided through an ayahuasca experience by a shaman.

10. I don’t consider myself a very materialistic person, but if I were to choose one item to guard dearly, I would choose my first possession ever, a stuffed kitten my sister gave to me when I first came home. If animals are possessions, I would take my Chihuahua Mia

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous CDred said...

1. final thing you'd like to read (OK, so even if you don't like to read, this is your final reading of anything, so with that in mind, seriously consider your decision)
The Giving Tree

2. final song that you'd like to hear
Hurrricane by Bob Dylan

3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time
Wedding Crashers or Good Will Hunting

4. final website you'll visit (, of course!)
Powerschool just kidding! Youtube

5. final meal
ice tea, filet minion in a vinegarette reduction, platinos, breaded asparagas and for dessert, oatmeal cake from iron hill w the ice cream n vanilla sauce and coffee (of course)

6. place you'd like to visit

7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries (try to make this one serious, saving the more clever responses to #8)
Which religion , if any are correct, if ghosts are real. How the world came to be.

8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers (make this humorous, like why do people think The Office is funny?)
Oprah’s cool but not that cool. Why do people praise her? Other people work hard and they don’t become famous or revered as some type of goddess.

9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
sky dive with friends and family

10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life and maybe a "comfortable piece of lead pipe " like Dr. Jenkins in The Portable Phonograph
my teddy bear, phone, ipod.

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous LFPurple said...

1.Marley and Me
2.Ants Marching – Dave Matthews Band
3.The Modern Family
5.Chicken and Steak Fondue with mashed potatoes
7.What God looks like?
8.Why do people eat mayonnaise?
9.Go in a shark-proof cage and get extremely close to great white sharks.
10.My phone <3

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous blpurple said...

1.Article on Liverpool winning the premier league
2.“You’ll Never Walk Alone”
3.Liverpool tv
5.Lamb chops
6.Anfield, Liverpool
7.Is there any life in other galaxies?
8.How come people don’t believe soccer is the best sport in the world?!
9.Listen to music
10.My Saint Christopher and cross gold necklace

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous cb purple said...

!. The Final book I would like to read would be twilight because it will remind me of my youth and because that book inspired me to be a writer.
2. The final song I would like to hear would be "Thank you for the music"- the amanda seyfried version.
3. The final movie I would like to watch would Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.
4. The final website I would go to would be facebook.
5. The final meal I would like to have would be Chinese food.
6. The final place I would like to visit would be Italy because I have always wanted to go there.
7. I would want to know what happens to you when you die.
8. Why do people think Seinfield is funny?
9. One last activity I would do was to dance.
10. I would keep a lead pipe with me to beat off anyone that tried to steal my ipod.

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous lh purple said...

1. Breaking Dawn
2. Love Like Crazy-Lee Brice
3. Whose Line Is It Anyway?
4. Facebook
5. Pull Cake
6. Australia
7. What is really out past our galaxy in outer space?
8. How do some people gain so much weight?
9. Play the state championship lacrosse game one last time
10. My babci’s rosary

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous sderita purple said...

1. The Gossip Girl series
2. Satellite by Dave Matthews Band
3. Friends
4. (to update dying status)
5. Panera broccoli cheddar soup and a chocolate chip frappacino from Starbucks after and boardwalk fries with vinegar and old bay
6. Atlantis resort in the Bahamas
7. Is there a cure for cancer, or other uncured diseases?
8. Why does the best tasting food make you fat?
9. Go ice skate one last time
10. My blackberry

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous AS Purple said...

1.The last thing I’d like to read would be the collection of birthday cards I’ve collected over the years given to me by my friends and family.
2. The last song I’d like to hear would be “View From Heaven” by Yellow Card
3. I think I’d like to watch “A Night at the Roxbury” because that is my all time favorite movie.
4. I would most definitely visit Facebook.
5. A number 7 from Taco Bell. (Chicken quesadilla with a soft taco and a large drink)
6. I would want to visit Ireland because my Mimi always had a great time on her trips there.
7. Why do people hurt the ones they love most?
8. Why do some girls think being orange actually looks good?
9. I’d like to go on a cruise with all my family and friends.
10. I don’t have any material thing that I would literally guard my life with. I would only put my life on the line for the people that I love.

At 9:41 AM, Anonymous RC Purple said...

1. Book: Harry Potter 1-7
2. Song: Harry Potter theme song
3. Movie: Harry Potter 1-7
4. Website:
5. Meal: String bean soup, green bean casserole, tacos from taco bell, hot buttered rum, mashed potatoes and corn, cook out corn dogs, my brothers chocolate cheesecake
6. Place: Hogwarts
7. Knwledge: why Harry Potter isn't real
8. Funny Kowledge: Why school is so gay
9. Activity: take a nap with Ron, Fred George Weasly, Hermione Granger and my boyfriend.
10. my stuffed dog Coco.

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous SBpurple said...

1. The final thing I would read would probably be "A Wolf at the Table" by Augusten Burroughs, because it's one of my favorites.
2. The final song I would listen to would definitely be "The Bed Intruder Song" by Antoine Dodson, not really though. Probably "Mrs.Ruston" by The Pink Spiders.
3. I would watch "Apocalypto" as my final movie.
4. Wikipedia
5. Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings. yum.
6. Dumfries, Scotland
7. How do so many people end up homeless?
8. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
9. I would want to go hang-gliding.
10. My hairless rat, Melanie, is my most prized possession.

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous jt purple said...

1. The Last Song- Nicholas Sparks
2. Deuces- Chris Brown
3. Pearl Harbor
5. Cinnamon Crunch Bagel With Hazelnut Spread
6. Florence, Italy
7. If God created the world, who created God??????
8. Why does the class never laugh at my projects/jokes/sense of humor in general?
9. Wakeboard in a beautiful scenery
10. My only friend- my phone

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous JL Purple said...

1. Although I have already read The Catcher and Rye I would like to reread this book. This book ruined all other books for me.

2. A final song that I would like to listen to is

3. Good Will Hunting

4. Yahoo . com, so I can send out important emails to those who matter.

5. A home cooked traditional mean by my mother

6. China, although I have been there multiple times, I feel that it’s a new experience every time.

7. How the world really came about, so that those who are believers of the big bang theory and those who are religious may come at peace with each other.

8. Why my friend Shannon is so beautiful ?

9. Pig out, and eat the most exotic foods.

10. I’m the worst kind of sentimentalist but a prized possession that I would guard with my life would be my closet.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous SS Purple said...

1.The final thing I’d like to read would be my favorite book that is a biography by Kendra Wilkinson, Sliding Into Home.
2.The final song I’d like to hear would be Live like You’re Dying by Tim McGraw because it would fit the situation and it’s one of my favorite songs ever.
3.A movie I would last for the last time would be the The Notebook because it’s one of my all time favorites and I’ve always loved it and could watch it a thousand times without getting sick of it.
4.The final website I’d visit would be Facebook that way I could say bye to all my friends and family and catch up and talk to them for one last time.
5.My final meal would be a Surf’n’Turf meal at Hibachi with Salmon, steak, and shrimp. Hibachi is my favorite restaurant and I would eat there everyday if I could, with that exact meal.
6.The final place I’d visit would be Bora Bora island, from pictures it looks likes the greatest and most beautiful place of earth.
7.If I were to get instant knowledge of any great mystery it would be the lifelong question people ask: what happens after death? Sure some people believe in heaven and hell, and others believe in rebirth after death but I’d want to know what really does happen.
8.If I were to get instant knowledge of any one of life’s greatest head-scratchers it would be: why do people care so much what others think?
9.One last activity I’d like to do is scuba dive off a tropical island. Seeing pictures below there, I'd love to experience it for myself.
10. I don't think I'd have a prized possession that I'd guard my life with because no material object would be worth my life, maybe a person like family member or very close friend but all material objects can be replaced in one way or another.

At 9:53 AM, Anonymous jspurple said...

1.I would read poetry to calm myself and think about life.
2.I would listen to some calming inspirational music.
3.Finding Nemo because it has always been my favorite movie and I’ve watched it a million times!
4.Powerschool because that is the only website I really ever go on…
5.A homemade meal made by my mom mom would be ideal for my last meal because she is a great cook and I love the food she makes and I have so many memories of eating Sunday dinners at her house with family.
6.Italy or Ireland.
7.What is life like after death?
8.Do all dogs go to heaven?
9.I would go on a family vacation to an island with a blue ocean and soft sandy beaches.
10.I don’t have any materials that are that important to me so I probably would only guard memories of my life, family, and friends in the forms of pictures because its something I love to look at and remember things I did.

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous scpurple said...

1. The final thing I’d like to read would be the menu at taco bell.
2. The final song that I’d like to hear is Black Betty by RamJam.
3. The final movie or tv show I’d watch is Entourage.
4. The final website I would visit is
5. The final meal I would eat would be good Mexican food, including tacos and nachos.
6. The place I would like to visit most is Costa Rica.
7. Is there life on other planets?
8. What came first the chicken or the egg?
9. The last activity I would do is skydive in a flying suit.
10. One thing I would guard with my life is my family.

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous SG purple said...

1. The final thing I would like to re-read is Dear John. I would love to read Dear John later in my life one more time because it was a complete tearjerker and those books always will have my interest.
Another book I may read is Goodnight, Moon. It was one of my childhood favorites and I feel it would bring back good memories.

2. The final song I would like to hear is one of the hardest choices I would have to make. I love music and all types of it. So my choice would completely depend on the mood I’m in during my last moments of life. To pump me up the song I would have to choose is “I Like It” by Enrique Iglesias. I will never get tired of that song.

3. My favorite movie, Man On Fire.

4. Facebook. Everyone is addicted.

5. SUSHI, of course. It’s my favorite food. I could eat it everyday for the rest of my life.

6. Europe. I have never been out of the country so to experience another continent is something I am hoping to do before I die.

7. Is there other life? Are we really the aliens?

8. If everyone knows UGGS are so ugly, why does EVERYONE wear them?

9. One activity I would completely enjoy for the last time before I die is just a relaxing day at the beach with my family. I love the beach and to get one more day devoted to the beach and family is what I would love.

10. I do not have a prized possession to guard with my life. I have no object that I would run to if my house was on fire, or there was a robber in my house. Everything I would guard with my life are people important to me.

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous ASp Purple said...

1. I would probably read some sort of play. If I couldn’t read a play, I would probably choose to read the book, “When Call the Heart” by Janette Oke.

2. In My Life by The Beatles. This is a perfect song to sum up one’s life.

3. The Sound of Music, my favorite movie/musical.

4. I would probably visit some type of news/email site, such as Yahoo. I could check my email one last time, read the last headlines of news and, for fun, check my horoscope.

5. Any meal that has pasta in it. I’m Italian and can’t live without pasta. And I would have red velvet cake for dessert, my favorite type of cake.

6. Europe; exactly where I still don’t know. Maybe England, Italy, Germany, or France. Europe is a very beautiful place to be.

7. Was God ever a child? If so, who were his parents? If he has no parents, then how did he come into existence? Always has boggled my mind.

8. How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop? (Seriously, has this question ever been answered properly, or even at all?)

9. One final activity would be to spin my flag for colorguard in a marching band. I absolutely love to spin and marching band is a huge part of my life.

10. I would have to say that my prized possession would have to be the various pictures of my friends and family. These are the people that truly mean the most to me and I would want these pictures, and the people themselves, to be watched over and cared for when I pass on to the afterlife.

At 2:54 AM, Anonymous SC RED said...

1. The final thing I would like to read would be the entire Harry Potter series, but if I just had to choose one, I would read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the first book.
2. The final song I would listen to would be The Weight of Lies by The Avett Brothers simply because it is one of m y favorite songs and the meaning of it means a lot to me.
3. The final TV show I would watch would be an episode of Gilmore Girls. The final movie I would watch would be Around The Bend.
4. The final website I would go on would not be facebook, because I would want to die without having been too attached to it. I think I would go onto stumbleupon which is a website that takes you to a random interesting website sometimes about art or travel.
5. The final meal I would want to eat before I die is my mom’s delicious tuna casserole. Its one of those foods that puts me in a good place, it’s the most important comfort food to me.
6. The last place I would like to visit would be Thailand because it’s a place that I’ve always wanted to visit because it looks absolutely beautiful there.
7. I would like to know if there really is such a thing as infinity or eternity.
8. Why does anyone in their right mind like Twilight? Gag…
9. I would like to go up into the mountains somewhere turn my ipod to one of my favorite albums, and just sit there and look out onto the scenery…or maybe go swimming in a giant pool of jello, I’ve always wanted to do that.
10. I can’t think of any materialistic item that is of that much importance, but I would like to have with me a photo of my family, or something that belonged to my mom or dad.

At 11:30 PM, Anonymous SH red said...

1. cosmopolitan magazine
2. Ain’t no mountain high enough- marvin gaye
3. the movie 300
5. suki hana. Honey grilled chicken w/ rice and vegetables
6. mexico
7. I would like to know why people are so desperate that they’re fake to people
8. why when a guy has sex with a girl he’s cool but if a girl randomly has sex with a guy she’s a slut?
9. go skydiving
10. my phone

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous ag purple said...

1. I would like to read “The Deathly Hollows” by J.K. Rowling

2. I would like to listen to “Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift.

3. The movie I would want to watch would be “Up”.

4. The final website I would want to visit would be Facebook.

5. The final meal I would want to eat would be pizza from Lombardi’s in New York City.

6. The final place I would want to visit would be Greece.

7. I would want to know what happens after you die.

8. Why can’t the Trixx rabbit have any trixx?

9. The final thing I would want to do is go to fashion week in Paris.

10. My most prized possession is my dog.

At 2:17 AM, Anonymous azeroka red said...

1. Dear John by Nicholas Sparks or A Catcher in the Rye

2. Love the way you lie- rihanna

3. UP


5. taco bell (two soft tacos and a nacho and cheese) olive garden (breadsticks, salad, fettuccini alfredo) auntie annes (original pretzel sticks and sweet mustard)

6. Ireland

7. Why do bad things always happen to good people?

8. If parents say “never take candy from strangers” then why do we go trick or treating?

9. Go to six flags! Or decorate a Christmas tree

10. my Hannah Montana blanket and my kitttttttty!

At 11:59 AM, Anonymous jd red said...

1. The final book I would like to read before I die is Great Expectations. I want to read this book because I’ve heard it is amazing, and I started reading it in 7th grade and would love to actually understand and finish it.
2. The last song I would like to listen to before I die would be a remix of my whole entire iPod. I would like this to be my last song because picking one song wouldn’t be enough music is my life.
3. The movie I would watch one last time would be Rush Hour 3. I pick this movie because it is my favorite movie, and I could never get tired of it.
4. YouTube would b the final website I would visit. This would be the final website because it will give me access to millions of TV shows, music videos, and movies.
5. My final meal would be Chinese. I pick this because it’s my favorite food.
6. Italy. Italy would be the place of my last visit because it’s a gorgeous, and I have family there.
7. If I could get instant knowledge to one of the world’s great mysteries it would be a cure for cancer.
8. I would like to know why Stewie from family guy has a British accent.
9. One last thing I would like to do before I die is go skydiving. I want to do it just for the experience.
10. A prized possession I would guard with my life would be my camera.

At 12:51 PM, Anonymous NR Purple said...

1. The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere –This book is very sad but also very moving; I read it every holiday season.
2. I honestly couldn’t pick just one song to be the last I listen to. I have way too many favorites and it would probably really depend on my mood at the time.
3. Elf would be the last movie I need to watch because this has always been me and my best friend’s favorite movie that we watch at least once a week throughout the holiday season. We can quote every line and I can’t imagine watching any other movie for the last time.
4. – I’d say this is pretty self explanatory. Do some final creeping and updating of statuses.
5. Chinese food (fried rice, chicken w/broccoli, and bbq chicken with a fortune cookie) –this is one of my absolute favorite meals that I’m always asking my parents to get for me.
6. Ireland –I’m part Irish and everything about the culture has always been something I love, I even used to Irish dance.
7. Why can’t everyone just get along and not fight/be mean to each other?
8. What causes headaches and the hiccups?
9. Go skiing somewhere in Colorado or Vermont/learn to surf in Hawaii –skiing is my favorite activity and makes me the happiest, also I’ve always wanted to learn to surf because the ocean is one of my favorite places to be.
10. My box of saved fortune cookie fortunes/my ipod –I cannot live without music, and I’ve been saving my fortunes for as long as I can remember.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous ACPurple said...

1.the final book i wanna read is the "Tt Girl Notorious". its the last book in the series and i loved all the ones before it.
2. The final song i woul wanna hear is "raise your Glass" by pink because the lyrics are awesome and i love it.
3. the final movie i would like to see, Rob Zombies Halloween! I love that movie, and horror movies are my favorite.
4. The final website i would visit would have to be facebook. its my life and i'd post a status saying "goodbye facebook i'm kicking the bucket."
5. The final meal i would want to eat is homemade shepard's pie. it has always been my childhood favorite.
6.the final place i would like to visit is the bahamas.. I'm leagal to drink there! yay!!!
7. instant knowlege... hmm.. i want instant knowledge on the cure to poverty. i want people to stop starving.
8. one thing i want instant knowledge on is why there is an age limit for when your too old to play with barbies. my mom made me stop in like 5th grade.
9. the last activity would have to be travel the world. i want to see everything and anything.
10. My prize possession would be my HUGE life size teddy bear!

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous em purple said...

1. To be completely honest I do enjoy reading a lot, that’s why I cant decide on just one book. My first would have to be The Catcher in the Rye, it has been the only book I have ever read in school where I got in trouble for reading ahead, and finishing before the rest of the class. I really enjoyed it because you could easily relate with Holden, and it taught me a lot about growing up. The second would have to be the Bible. Being raised Catholic had had a profound impact on who I am, and if I ever got the chance I would like to read the entire Bible, I feel that it is just something I should do before I die.
2. This is probably the hardest decision. I listen to music more than I do anything. If I really had to choose almost anything by Dave Matthews band would suffice.
3. Hocus Pocus hands down, it’s a Halloween movie I used to watch when I was younger. And it never fails that every time I watch it I am instantly taken back to my child hood, and I think right before you die you should at least be able to feel like a kid again one last time.
4. Youtube, where I listen to almost all of my music.
5. Mashed potatoes, broccoli salad, roast beef, and ice cream. My favorites.
6. Hawaii. I want to be able to see my feet in the water just once.
7. Probably if there is anything beyond our solar system, like in the universe iv always wondered what’s out there.
8. I would want to know why anyone in their right mind thinks southpark is funny iv tried watching it multiple times, and its never funny,
9. Skydiving. If I could free fall for at least 20 seconds my life would be complete, I think it has to be the most thrilling thing you can do.
10. My parents wedding album. When I was little I remember seeing how happy everyone looked and how well they were all getting along. I know its just pictures, but it’s the only pictures I’v seen of my entire family together, and that is very important to me.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous EPG RED said...

1.The Twilight series or if just one then Breaking Dawn. I read all the books and a faithful twilight fan and of Edward.
2. Bike by Pink Floyd because that is just a crazy song and it’s the song that I learned to sing first before anything because my dad and I loved it so much!
3.Pink Panther because I know every line from that movie> I want to laugh and be happy before I would die because every time I watch that movie laugh at every scene.
4. Facebook because I would want to put a cute status up as my last one.
5. I would have all the fried foods I could. I would want blooming onion and sesame chicken. I also would want to try a shrimp, I’m deadly allergic to seafood and want to at least try it.
6. I would love to visit the Notre Dame in Paris again. It was the most beautiful building and most amazing place I have ever been too. I never wanted to leave and I was at peace with myself while I was in there. It was like if all my stress just left me.
7. Why do people have to die?
8. Why do girls think they look good in slutty clothes?
9. I need to graduate and get out of this school!
10. I would bring my shoe to the end of the earth and back. Only if you knew my shoe.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous SJ Purple said...

1. City of Heavenly Fire by Casandra Clare. It's the last book that is supposed to cone out in one of my favorite series that isn't currently finished, and it won't be finished for a while too.
2. I'd have to say that I have absolutely no idea what the last song I'd ever want to hear is, I like too much of a variety to pick a single cd let alone, a single song. Maybe "A Very Potter Musical"...
3. Probably all the Harry Potter Movies, and I mean all of them even the one that isn't out yet.
4. the final website I'd visit is because I’d want to read a few stories before I died, by people who are awesome writers just haven’t had a chance to make it into the published world.
5.My final meal would be whatever I considered my favorite food at that time because it seems like I can never have just one favorite meal.
6. Europe I'd like to visit Europe before I die.
7. I'd like to find out why exactly humans seem to continue to alienate each other. Even though the people have been alienated themselves.
8.I'd love to know why 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything.
9. Meet J. K. Rowling.
10. I can say for a fact that I really don’t have a favorite possession.

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous MD red said...

1. The last thing I'd like to read read is the Bible. I would like to read from the Book oF Psalms because many of the psalms are comforting and peaceful.
2. The last artist I would want o hear from is Bob Marly.
3. The last movie I would want to see is The Lion King.
4. The final website I'd like to visit would be
5. My last meal would ave to be a veggie burger with cookies and my grandmother's casserole.
6. The last place I'd like to visit would be Fairbanks, Alaska to see the aurora.
7. I would love to know how to universe came into existence. And which came first--the chickn or the egg?! And also if I would have ever became a doctor.
8. Why can't you divide by ZERO?!
9. Last activity I would do is probably skydive or drive around the country.
10. The one thing that I would guard with my whole person wold be the rose from my grandmothers funeral.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous AC RED said...

1. The book that I would really enjoy reading before I die is “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom. I believe this book would allow me to have greater understanding of heaven.
2. The final song that I would like to hear is Bob Marley. This music is really soothing allows you to feel good about yourself.
3. The Hangover is the movie that I would like to watch before I die because it is hysterically funny.
4. The website that I would visit before I die is Youtube because I would be able to watch all of my favorites shows and movies.
5. The final meal that I would like to have is Chicken Parmesan and for dessert I would eat a couple cannolis.
6. I would like to visit Italy before I die.
7. The knowledge of afterlife would be what I would like to gain knowledge of before I die in order to become prepared for death.
8. A funny mystery that I would like to know is whether the chicken or the egg came first.
9. An activity that I would like to do is snorkel in the Great Barrier Reefs in Australia.
10. I would guard my Ipod touch because it is composed of everything that personalizes my character.

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous RN Red said...

1. The final book that I would read would have to be Of Mice and Men. This book is a great American classic that contains humor and a sense of truth.
2. The final song I would like to hear is Indestructible by Disturbed. This song is great to listen when you want to get ready to do something. It's like an energy drink through song.
3. The final movie that I would choose to watch is Gladiator starring Russell Crowe. This movie demonstrates how a man should act when it comes to honor and commitment.
4. I would visit facebook to express my final thoughts before dying.
5. My final meal would be chicken parmesan with angel hair pasta from La Casa Pasta. They make the best Italian food I have tasted.
6. I would visit Alaska to take in all of the natural beauty and pure air.
7. I would want to gain knowledge from Area 51. I have always wanted to know is it actually existed and what is inside it.
8. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsi pop?
9. I would like to go sky diving. It is something that I always wanted to do
10. The people that I would guard the most would be my friends and family.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous NM RED said...

1. The final thing I would read would be the Harry Potter series. When the first book came out, my mom read it to my brother and I, and as I grew older, I read the remainder of the series on my own.
2.The final song I'd like to hear would be "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer.
3. The final show I'd watch would be Entourage
4. The final website I would visit would be facebook. Yes, I am an addict.
5. Homemade spaghetti and french fires.
6.. The one place I've always wanted to visit is Greece. The romantic landscape, culture, and history has always held intrest to me.
7. Full knowledge and understanding of God, and the creation of the world.
8. Why are words called what they are? Example: why do we call a "fork" a fork? Why isn't it called a cat? etc.
9. One last thing I'd like to do is just sit down and play the piano.
10. My great-great-greandmothers diamond ring that I recieved for my 16th birthday, as all women in my family have recieved when they turned 16.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous courtm red said...

1. final thing you'd like to read
Harry Potter

2. final song that you'd like to hear
My heart will go on- Celine Dion

3. movie or tv show that you'll watch one last time
Back to the Future

4. final website you'll visit
schoolsville duh

5. final meal

6. place you'd like to visit
any place in Europe

7. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great serious mysteries
How the world started

8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers
whats the point in a chiopet

9. other than any of the above, one last activity you'd like to do
Spend time with my family

10. now this isn't a wish, but tell me a prized possession that you would literally guard with your life
The people in my life

At 4:38 PM, Anonymous SBRed said...

1. The Final thing that I would read would be a note from a loved one. It’d be something to cherish before it was time to pass on; one last feeling of the world.
2. The last song I would listen to might be “I Will Follow You into the Dark” by Death Cab for Cutie. It’d be a soft and ironic song that points out that no matter what happens when our souls leave our bodies, that you would follow your loved one wherever they go.
3. I’d have to watch Spongebob one more time. I’m not sure if I could really pick which episode, but it is my favorite cartoon.
4. I would probably sign into facebook one last time. Right on all my friends’ walls and post the status “is dead.” haha
5. My final meal would be a tough one! I’m really big into food. But I think any holiday meal like Christmas or Thanksgiving would be awesome; tons of different foods, and I love them all.
6. The last place I would visit would probably be Hawaii. I’ve always wanted to go there to surf, hike, mountain bike, and just see and experience everything there is there.
7. The instant knowledge I’d have to know is “Why don’t we all just realize the loving spirit that interconnects us and makes us one?”
8. “Why must girls all go to the bathroom at once?!”
9. Somehow write something very influential that people would remember me by.
10. My family and friends. Pretty much no “thing” in my life has that much sentimental value to kill over. Family and friends come first. Without them, I couldn’t find any enjoyment in things.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous ND purple said...

1. I love to read Nicholas Sparks, but before I die I hope to read something important like the Bible.
2. I love music and my favorite song chances almost every day. Basically any good country song would do.
3. She's the man because it is hilarious, and I want a good laugh before I die.
4. it is really funny!
5. Crawl fish boil! Crawl fish cooked with sausage, potatoes, and corn.
6. Some super exotic island like the Galapagos or Bora Bora.
7. Can people truly fall in love more than once?
8. you get instant knowledge on any one of life's great head-scratchers (make this humorous, like why do people think The Office is funny?)
9. Skydiving. I idea so free falling through the sky like that looks amazing.
10. I would guard my family and friends.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous AC RED said...

1. The book that I would really enjoy reading before I die is “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albom. I believe this book would allow me to have greater understanding of heaven.
2. The final song that I would like to hear is Bob Marley. This music is really soothing allows you to feel good about yourself.
3. The Hangover is the movie that I would like to watch before I die because it is hysterically funny.
4. The website that I would visit before I die is Youtube because I would be able to watch all of my favorites shows and movies.
5. The final meal that I would like to have is Chicken Parmesan and for dessert I would eat a couple cannolis.
6. I would like to visit Italy before I die.
7. The knowledge of afterlife would be what I would like to gain knowledge of before I die in order to become prepared for death.
8. A funny mystery that I would like to know is whether the chicken or the egg came first.
9. An activity that I would like to do is snorkel in the Great Barrier Reefs in Australia.
10. I would guard my Ipod touch because it is composed of everything that personalizes my character.


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