Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sophomore Extra Credit #1 "Your Song"

Post before Thursday, May 20, to receive 4 points.

These days, when a major league baseball player walks to the plate as his name is announced, the public address system blares a song that either the player or someone in the public relations office has specially selected. It's called his "entrance" or "introduction" song.

You don't have to know baseball to understand that macho guys might choose macho songs like "Bad to the Bone" or "Wild Thing" as their personal theme music.

Now I don't suppose that you have a POEM that you personally respond or relate to, do you? If not, then how about a song?

Let me know what poem or song you'd like to have read or played as your name is announced to thousands of fans at the ballpark.

And of course, explain why.

You might mention the lyrics. You might mention the pounding of the drums or the blaring horns. You might mention some memory that you have of the song that you relate to.

Do so in a minimum of 200 words or 25 blogs lines.

The point is that we should try to relate personally to poetry or music and not worry too much about what the author REALLY meant or intended. I bet these baseball players don't analyze their "introduction songs" too much.

I've selected the song "Keep the Car Running" (by Arcade Fire) to be played when I make it to the big leagues. I think it's a cool title to a song, and it sounds like something someone would say who wants to be sure there's always a way out of trouble. Not that I'm a troublemaker or anything. It's got a pulsating rhythm, vocals that cross Bruce Springsteen with David Byrne (Talking Heads), and some well placed chants that give it the feel of an anthem. It especially sounds good late at night in your car when you're cruising (the speed limit, naturally) on I-95. One thing's for sure--you'll never fall asleep listening to this song.


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