Seniors Yellow #1 journal--From a Different Point of View

In the movie, The Dead Poets Society, English teacher John Keating (played by Robin Williams) stands on his desk, and invites his students to do the same, in order to see the world from a different point of view. Looking down at things sure does wonders for those with inferiority complexes, doesn't it?
When Keating is fired at the end of film, his students stand on their desks in tribute to their "captain." You'll just have to watch the film to understand ALL of this, but you don't need to in order to complete this journal assignment.
For this first exercise of the third marking period, you'll learn how point of view effects a story.
Here's the scene that you will write about:
It's lunchtime on a Monday afternoon at a large diocesan Catholic school in Delaware with these three characters: Joe, Tom, and Susan. Tom and Susan are high school seniors and have been dating for a while. Joe is Tom's best friend, but he and Susan have never gotten along too well. Tomorrow all three have a big Calculus test, but tonight, the football team is playing in the state finals (OK, it's a Monday night football game--it "could" happen). Win or lose, a big victory party is planned afterwards, and "everyone" is invited.
Tom is torn—to study or not to study, that is the question.
Susan is very certain of where she stands. Knowing that Tom needs a good Calc grade this semester to get into Virginia Tech (the school to which she has already been accepted), Susan feels the need to get together with him to study; to her, the football game is not an option.
Joe, on the other hand, will definitely attend the game and the party, and hopefully with his friend, Tom. Whether Susan joins them is up to her.
The three are eating lunch. After this thirty-minute period, each person wants to be sure to have his or her fate for the night decided. So, using one of the three first person points of view below, tell the story.
FOR EXTRA CREDIT---Working with a partner in your class, tell the same story from TWO different points of view. Post together at Schoolsville.
Choose from the following points of view to tell your story of what takes place:
Interior monologue or stream of consciousness—the reader gets to tune in to somebody's train of thought or stream of consciousness. Choose either Tom,
Dramatic monologue--another first person point of view. The reader gets to overhear someone speaking aloud to and interacting with another person. The "other person" does not respond. See "Straight Pool" in Points of View for an example. This point of view could work if ONE of the characters is a "big talker." Have him or her dominate the conversation, reacting perhaps to "unheard" dialogue by the others.
Alright, now that Susan or whatever her name is, is going to get lunch, we need to talk Tom. Are you really even considering not going to this party with me? We’ve basically been talking about going since we’ve been freshman. This is our senior year and are you really going to just skip a once in a lifetime experience to study for Calc. of all things? I mean you’ve been talking that you don’t even want to go to Virginia Tech and that getting rejected from there would be a good and easy way for you to have to break up with Susan anyway. You might as well end it now, look how controlling she is, she won’t even let you go to a party and have a good time because she wants you to study for something that doesn’t really matter. And plus even if you don’t study for this test you won’t fail it. You have like a 91 in that class, do you really think spending an extra hour studying will outweigh the benefits of going to this party? Alright, she’s on her way back. So what’s it going to be Tom? Be a man and go to this party? Or be whipped and just do whatever she tells you to do. What? Are you serious? Fine, I’ll just ask James to go with me you’d be no fun there anyway.
I worked with mm yellow.
Joe's interior monologue:
He is the definition of whipped. I know for a fact that if she wasn’t in the equation, there would be no question about Tom going with me to the game and after party tonight. How can he blow off the biggest game of the year for his dumb girlfriend and some dumb Calculus test? There’s gonna be mad hot girls at the party tonight and he’s gonna leave me without my wingman? Ever since she came along, its been “Susan this, Susan that.” It’s like he forgot our ‘Bros over Hoes’ pact. He didn’t even want to go to Virginia Tech until Susan came into the picture. I kinda hope he fails that Calc test and has to go to Del Tech next year with me. There’s no way their long-distance relationship would last….No, don’t think that. That’s screwed up. I’m just so sick of hearing him bitch and complain about her. Just break up with her. There she goes again, trying to brainwash my boy into studying for Calculus. Stop talking Susan and eat your salad.
Susan's interior monologue:
I don't get why he would even think about picking going to the game over studying! He's such a typical boy. Like we have plans to go to college together, but apparently I'm the only one who cares about that. If he really wanted to be with me and go to college with me than he would actually try to do well in school so he can get into Virginia Tech. He doesn't ever look at the bigger picture. He thinks that this one test won't make a difference in his acceptance to college, but in reality every grade is crucial. Why is this so much more important to him than it is to me? I don't get it. I'm so frustrated with him and this whole situation. All we've talked about this whole year is going to college together and now he's about to throw it all away just to go to a silly football game with Joe. Joe is such a horrible influence. I wish he wasn't even friends with that asshole.
What the hell Tom, I can’t believe that you would seriously even think about blowing off studying with me to go see some stupid football game with Joe. There are going to be like ten million more football games, especially if you get into college, which you might not if you fail this test tomorrow. I don’t understand why you would put your future, our future on the line just some stupid game that you won’t even remember two days from now. Honestly I think that you and Joe are even more of a couple than we are. All you do is follow him around and try to be just like him. He might as well get a leash for you because that would make it easier for you to follow him around. Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you!! I need you to listen to me. I think that Joe is a failure and I can’t see any reason that you would even want to hangout with him. But if you absolutely know that he is more important to you than I am maybe you should go to that game tonight. Than maybe I can find someone who actually cares about their future with me, and who wants a good education so they can support me. Maybe this next guy would care more about me than you because he wouldn’t have dumb friends who drag him off to football games when he should be studying for one of the most important tests of his life so he can go to college for his boyfriend. Walk me to class. If your going to ditch me tonight you could at least care about me enough to walk me ten feet to class. At least you should care that much about me. You better talk to me after this class. I’ll see you later. But only if your not too busy with Joe.
worked with NC yellow
Worked with BP
Why would Mr. Jones make a Calculus test the day after one of the biggest football games ever? This sucks. I need a good grade but I also really want to go to the game with Joe but Susan won’t approve of that because she and I both know that I need a good grade on this test to get into Virginia Tech. None if this would be happening if the test could just be Wednesday. If I do decide to go then Susan probably won’t talk to me for a couple days but I would have fun at the party. But the next day I would regret going because Susan would be flipping out on me and I really don’t want to have the deal with that. I love her and I don’t want something stupid like this to get in the way of our relationship but Joe and I have been friends since fifth grade and I don’t want this to make him hate me. Susan and I have only been going out for three years so that gives Joe priority over her right? I hate this, I have no clue what to do because either way somebody’s gonna get mad at me.
Worked with TM
Dude this kid is so freakin’ whipped. Does he know how sweet this party will be? Of course he knows he has to know, I told him ten times. There will be mad fine girls, lots of other cool people and I’m sure fun stuff and trouble to get into. Man I need him to come with me. I NEED A WINGMAN! He’s so good at helping me get the conversations rolling with a group at girls. We’ve been doing this forever. We’ve been friends since fifth grade. I hate Susan. She’s such a buzz kill! Tom was never like this until she came around. Just because she wants to sit home and be anti-social and be a nerd doesn’t mean he has to! She’s so worried about his grades. They’re his grades. He doesn’t even seem to care about this calc test. But of course he has to act like he does when she’s around because if he doesn’t, she’ll be off the wall, nagging, and yelling and doing all the dumb girlfriend stuff girls do. Whatever, I got to just talk to him when she’s not around. I’ll be able to get my point across and convince him then.
Really Tom? Come on, how whipped can you get? Just look at him sitting there with googly eyes at her. He needs to pick his tongue off the floor because he’s drooling over her ugly face. Yeah-UGLY face. She looks like she ate Tom’s ex girlfriend, Emily. Damn I miss Emily. Now he’s moved on to that thing over there. Pretty sure he can’t be on a tighter leash. Wpsshh. Eww they need to stop touching each other, I don’t want to barf up this delicious burger. I wonder where they get these burgers at our school? I wanna found out. Oh God what are they doing now? They need to get a room. Wait what is she saying? Oh hell no he’s coming to the game tonight. Tom, Tom don’t listen to her, she’s CRAZY. Its one calc test you loser, you’ll be fine. Stop; do not agree to study tonight with her. We’re going to the game! We already told Mike we’d go to the party afterwards too! Stop Tom; don’t listen to that control freak. Great she’s now talking about that stupid plan they have. We’re going to go to V-tech together, get married, have the cutest kids and be happily ever after! You…are…so…whipped… Face it kid, you’re not smart enough to get into any college, let alone Virginia Tech; and you guys are going to break up as soon as high school is over, unless you WANT to have ugly kids with her. Alright see you later guys, way to say bye to me. Whatever, its time to start looking for a new best friend.
“okay, I really don’t know what to do about all of this. I wish I didn’t have to choose between you guys…”-Tom
Seriously though, Joe has been my best friend for years and we have been waiting for this opportunity since we can remember. Plus all of our other friends will be there, so Susan will be the only one lame enough to stay home and study. Besides, even though Susan and I have been together for almost two years, I honestly don’t really want to go to Virginia Tech. Plus, I am to young to be worried about being together for the rest of my life with the same girl! I have the rest of my life ahead of me! Joe is my best friend, but his priorities are definitely not in check. Maybe I do wanna be with Susan for the rest of my life though? She’s always pushes me to be my best and to strive for me. But at the same time Joe has the most fun with his life, but at some point since he is a slacker will run out and reality will set in…Do I want to take the chance of having no life? Or do I want to succeed with what I do? God why does this have to be so hard to pick! I wish this stupid football game never even was an option! This is driving me nuts…
"Okay, I REALLY don't know what to do about all of this. I wish I didn't have to choose between you guys..." -Tom
I can NOT believe he's even thinking about jeopardizing the next four years of our life together. We've been counting on this to keep us together and the only thing he needs to make it happen is that stupid Calc grade. Maybe if he knew what he was doing in that class he wouldn't need to stay in and study tonight. I want him to study tonight. I want to see him tonight. I hate Joe. He's such a bad influence on Tom. SHUT UP JOE! He always has been a bad influence on him he hasn't studied for a test in years. He's not even going to college and I don't want Tom to follow suit. Tom looks good in a suit. I love Tom. I can't wait to go to Virginia Tech I've worked so hard for it. I'm so hungry. All this drama and I don't even have a chance to eat my lunch. I hate football. Why do kids even play football? Maybe if there was a victory party for getting good Calc grades then Tom would study with me. All this time arguing and we haven't even come to a conclusion...
I don’t understand why Susan controls Tom’s decisions, its not like he is 5 years old. I want Tom to go to the game cause I don’t want to go alone. Susan just needs to grow up and let Tom make his own decisions. Who cares if we have a calculus test tomorrow? I know I’m not going to fail. I’m passing calculus with flying colors, so even if I fail I can still pass this class. Why don’t they just study before they game if he needs the good grade to get into Virginia Tech? That way we can all go to the game together, even though I hate that bitch. Just look at her eating that tuna sandwich, the tuna is all over her face. Eww gross, what a fatty, she just engulfed that whole sandwich in a matter of seconds. I don’t know what Tom sees in her, she is the most repulsive person I have ever met in my entire life.
Look at Tom cramming right now for that stupid test tomorrow. We have 2 hours before we have to leave for the game, he has plenty of time to study with that test with Susan. Ugh I can’t believe he is listening to her! She just needs to leave Tom alone so we can go to the game, and later at the party Tom can find a better girl that wont annoy me and make Tom’s decisions for him.
I can’t believe Tom is seriously considering going to the game tonight. His acceptance could be riding on this one test tomorrow. Basically, his whole future is riding on this grade, and our relationship. Virginia Tech is sending out their last batch of letters soon and if he doesn’t get one this time, he’s getting declined. He is clearly mistaken if he thinks I will stay with him if he doesn’t get in. I’m not going to waste my time with someone that unmotivated. Joe is one of those people. He’s all about going to parties, and having a good time. He probably won’t even get into a decent school, and the only thing he’ll be doing is asking customers, “You want fries with that?” or “ Do you want a drink with that burger?” Is he really going to sacrifice our relationship with a lowlife, who works the drive thru at a fast food restaurant? This is the last straw. If Tom doesn’t come home tonight and study for this calc test, it’s over.
Ugh, I feel so torn. The football game? My grades? And the party. That makes it even harder to decide. Suz will kill me if I don’t study with her, but I’ll never hear the end of it from Joe if I don’t at least go to the after party. Everyone will be there. This is the last big party of the year, and if I don’t go then I’ll be nobody. Everyone, EVERYONE will be there, so what does that make me if I don’t show? A NO BODY. I refuse to be the one person who doesn’t go.
My grades… I need a good grade on this test. This one test will make or break my chance of getting into Tech. I couldn’t bear seeing Suz off to college without me. The thought of it makes me sick. I need to study. I’ll worry too much about her.
Wow, I guess what it comes down to is ruining my rep by missing the biggest party of the year, or ruining my relationship with Susan. This is ridiculous. This shouldn’t be so hard of a decision, should it? Well, which outcome is worse? Maybe there is some sort of compromise I can make? That’s it! I’m sure Joe wouldn’t mind if I missed the game to study with Susan, and I’m sure Suz wouldn’t mind if I study with her and then went to the party afterwards. Maybe she could even come? Well, there we have it, that’s what I’ll do. Sounds like a win-win to me!
“Suz, I’ll study with you so I can pass that test tomorrow. Afterwards, I’ll hit up that banger with you, Joe!”
OMG! I can’t believe you’re even considering going to that stupid football game! You know how much this grade will affect your future. You want to go to college with me don’t you? We’ve had this all planned out since like freshman year, and you’re just going to blow it by going to some stupid game?! Like you need this grade for calculus. I want to go to college with you, just stay with me tonight and study for the test. It’s the better thing to do, there will always be another football game, I mean come on now who’s more worth it? Me and college or Joe, a football game, and party like seriously . . . Joe isn’t even worth it like I hate him you have no idea he’s such a bad influence, he’s gonnna be a nobody who goes to community college, works at dairy queen, and lives with his mother till he’s forty! He never does any of his homework and he always just relies on others, why are you friends with him seriously . . . can you say D-R-O-P-O-U-T? You know what, if you don’t drop him, I’m just going to have to drop you! We’re over!
Yo dude, let’s go to the game and after we can go to that banger, it’s gonna be poppin off! Forget Susan, this party’s gonna have all the fine girls you could want! And the game’s gonna be wild, we’re playing our rivals and everyone’s gonna be so pumped. We gotta support our boys! Who needs calculus anyways? Its so pointless, why do we need to know the limit as delta x approaches zero? Eww, I sound so weird even saying that! Dude, come on, I’ve been your boy since we were little and you’re just gonna ditch me for her? Bros before hoes dude! So basically we’re not gonna study for this dumb test, we can always cheat. I mean, who’s gonna find out? You can get a great grade and go to the game! Even if you do bad, one grade isn’t gonna keep you out of V-Tech. Even if it did, that would’t really be a bad thing, you wouldn’t have to go to school with Susan. She’s so controlling and she never lets you have any fun. You should just go to a party school with me! There she is now, you can go tell her you’re not gonna study with her and you’re going to the game.
worked with mp red
Susan's interior monologue
Oh, my god. This is getting to be a bit rediculous. I really can't even believe that I'm sitting here, having this argument with my boyfriend. His friend, or me? His friend, or me? Is the decision really that hard? I'm so pissed off. It's really not my fault that Joe likes to do meaningless things with his free time. He is going nowhere in life. Seriously, stop. Its senior year and its time to start thinking about the future. It's not just fun and games anymore. This calc test is the end all or be all! If Tom goes to the game with him tonight, it really shows alot about his character. Oh, yes it does. Liar. Slacker. Bad boyfriend. Idiot. I can't even enjoy my yogurt, damnit. Joe, shut up. Just shut up. You really think he's going to choose you? HA! You? Deadbeat. Honestly, just go to the game by yourself. I really don't think anyone would care much.
Interior Monologue
Everybody is gonna be at the game tonight. I don't know what im going to do. This sucks. Joe's my boy and he really wants me to go to the game. But I don't need Sue mad at me. I probably should study cause calc is so hard. I hate that teacher. He kicked me out of class just for asking a question. How am I suppose to learn like that? But Sue wants me to go to Virginia Tech with her so bad. I don't even know if I wanna to go there. I mean what if we break up. That would make it so awkward. But I mean if I don't want to see her then I don't have to see her. I got alot of time to think about that. But the game is tonight. I can just cheat in Calc. Then I could go to the game with Joe and have fun tonight. Im sick of hanging with Sue all the time. She gets annoying after hanging with her for awhile. Tonight is time to hang out with the boys. Susan will be pissed but I don't care. She'll get over it...I hope. She knows that I do what I want. Oh crap, here she comes. Time to break the news.
Dramatic Monologue
Dude, she's gone now. You can't seriously be considering blowing off the biggest game of the year for some stupid girl. I hate how dumb your being about Susan. Were in high school, we should be out having fun. Not sitting at home studying with some stupid girl. Do you seriously think your going to stay together in college? Its COLLEGE. That means drinking, partying, random dudes trying to get with her. And more importantly, hot girls trying to get with you. Do yourself a favor and get out of that relationship. Your in high school, its high school puppy love. I guarantee you'll end up hating her by the end of the summer. Then your stuck going to the same school with her that you don't really even want to go to. Dude, just come to the game with me. I'm your bestfriend, I've never given you advice that was wrong. You know I'm right. Its senior year, have your fun. Break up with her now so you can get the real experience of being a senior. And you can make your own decisions about where you want to go to college. Your so whipped and its getting annoying. She says jump and you say how high. Its ridiculous, what happened to the Tom that did whatever he wanted and if a girl didn't like it you would say who cares? I want the old Tom back. Going to the game is the first step to becoming the old you. Here she comes, remember what I said.
What to do, what to do. This is just awful planning. Why would the biggest Calc test of the year be the day after the state finals. It’s just stupid. Of course I wanna go to the game. But I don’t want to make Susan mad. She expects me to stay home and study so I can get a good grade on this test and go to Virginia Tech with her. Then there’s Joe. We’ve been best friends forever. And he really wants me to go to the game and the party with him. Not to mention, I hardly make time for him anymore.
“Tom, focus. Don’t you want to get an A on this test and go to Virginia Tech with me?”
“Yes, of course, but…”
No, actually I don’t care about the Calc test. And maybe I don’t care about Virginia Tech. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. I could never tell that to Susan, though. She would be crushed if she knew I had second thoughts.
“Come on, Tom. This is the STATE FINALS! Everyone is going to be there and you should be too. Who cares about this stupid Calc test, well besides Susan over here. I know you don’t wanna stay home and study. You wanna go to the game with me. You’re just too scared to tell that to your girlfriend.”
“Shut up, Joe. Tom can speak for himself and he does care about this test. Right, Tom?”
“I care about both…”
I was lying to my girlfriend. I want to go to this game more than anything. Joe is right. This Calc test is stupid. I just don’t want to upset Susan.
“Just let me get back to you guys…”
Joe's Interior Monologue:
He’s always doing this. Whenever I ask if he’s going to the party, he makes up some lame excuse about studying with that girl he’s always with. What’s her name again? Sandra? Yeah, that sounds about right! I absolutely despise her... No, really, I don't understand how a girl with such low self-esteem got his attention in the first place. How in the world does she have so much control over him? How is it that she’s always holding him back from these awesome parties we throw after the game? You’d think for once he’d just ignore her and do what’s best for him. He’d have so much fun if he went! We could hang out with some very, very hot girls from the opposing school. You’d think a guy like him would want something like that! But no, instead he chooses to hang around this one desperate, annoying girl who can only think about herself. One day, he’s going to drop her. Then, who is she going to depend on? She probably has no friends. He's probably the only one that pays attention to her. I wonder why exactly he pays so much attention to her. Maybe he believes he’s in love with her...That may be true for now, but he’ll move on soon, I know it. Everyone goes through this phase. It's just a phase. He’ll come around. He'll realize just how much time he’s missed out with his friends and he’ll see that he needs us more than her! We look out for him! We're always there for him! We're only in high school for crying out loud! No one’s in love when they’re in high school! It just doesn’t exist then, does it? Huh, maybe I’ve been missing out on something…Naw! It's just a phase! He'll be at the game and the party, there's no doubt about it!
Joe:Interior Monologue
Look at Tom over there acting like a fool. He's going to miss the big game for this chick? Who does she think she is? Damn, she's trying to change him into a little church boy ain't she? Always ruining things for him. She's been nothing but trouble ever since the day they hooked up. She ain't even worth it. All brains, no body. Man, when is he gonna realize how stupid he is for being with her. She drags him around by a damn leash. This has got to end. I can't put up with this crap any longer. If he decides to go along with her, then I'm done. Ill find a new wing man, he's whipped. Who studies for a calc test anyway? Such a waste of time. Man, she makes me so sick. Holding his hand and trying to persuade him out of the game. Not to mention the party where they'll be hot girls and cold beer. I have to find him a new chick that's actually hott. She aint got nothing cept a big mouth. I don't know where he found her at. She's a mad loonatic if you ask me.
He always does this to me! I mean come on I already got into V- Tech, I already have an A in Calculus, I’m just trying to help him. But as soon as Joe interferes Tom goes running to his side. I am going to study, before the game! Come on we are seniors this is it! Don’t give me that look. I will study! I just wish he knew how big this test is! Does he not want to get into a great school? I just wish he cares for his grades as I do mine. But as long as “Joe” gets involved he completely doesn’t care! UGHHH! I mean come on Joe is going to a community college and end up working in who knows, probably some fast food joint. While Tom has such great potential and could work any where!
I will get my studying done I promise! Tom can sooo be full of it sometimes, he thinks he can do everything. Maybe if he could do everything we wouldn’t be in this stupid argument. And if Joe wasn’t his friend well our relationship would be so much easier. God, I swear if given the opportunity Joe would so date Tom. He is just that obsessed!
Come on, just let me go for a little. This is like the LAST opportunity for a states win. All the other sports suck! I swear if he have this much passion for his grades that boy would be going to Harvard. Well I’m going, I promise I will pass the test tomorrow! Well at least I know I will get an A. He is sooo not going to study.
Interior Monologue of Joe
I don’t know what Susan is thinking, but Tom is definitely without a doubt going to the game with me. It’s his senior year and he’s never going to be able to see his team when a championship football game again. So what if he needs to get a good Calc grade to get into Virginia Tech? It’s not like they’re going to get married or something and he should be able to do what he wants to do. Even if he fails the test tomorrow there are still going to be atleast five more tests he can do good on to bring his grade back up, and either way it’s going to get massively curved because our teacher knows everyone’s going to be at the game and no one is going to study. Susan just needs to take a chill pill and let Tom go. She should just come to the game with us and then to the party after her and not worry about grades like a normal senior does.
Interior Monologue of Tom:
What the hell am I supposed to do here? Make my girl happy or go out with my friends? I can't believe Susan and Joe are arguing about this. I gotta get out of here. I need some water. Its my senior year, right? So what if it's one test. This party is gonna be huge. Everyone will be there and I'm gonna get so much crap about being wipped. If I study with her, I'll be the DEFINITION of wipped. A relationship is supposed to have balance right? So I'll balance it out and go to the game...that'll work. She'll have to get over it. Who care's about Virginia Tech when I can go to another good school. If we're meant to be together then things will still work out. But hey, I'm young and trying to have fun. There are plenty of chicks out there. But I do love Susan.... No, don't wimp out. This game's gonna be insane. Senior year, a.k.a. my time to live it up. I'm sick of doing everything she wants to do. What about something I want to do? Thats it, I'm going to the game and the party to have fun with my friends. Bros before hoe's right?
Is he seriously considering going to the game and party? Look at his face, he really is thinking about it! Unbelievable, I’m just trying to help him! Don’t look at me with that puppy dog face. No I am not going to change my mind! Oh u know what I’m thinking, don’t look at me like that! Your stupid friend is distracting you, can’t you see that, look at his smirk! Joe already has a full-ride to college he doesn’t need to worry about grades anymore. Well at least he doesn’t think he has to! I know Tom knows I’m right, he just doesn’t have the guts to say no to his friend! He’ll have other chances to party and go to football games he only has one shot to get into VT! This Calculus test could make or break his grade, he’s so close to an A! If he wants to ruin his future its fine by me, go ahead… Ok, so it’s not fine! He needs to go to VT with me. We have had this planned for a long time. We both really want to go there. Well at least I think Tom wants to go. I mean he said he did several times, but what if he’s just saying that? Maybe Joe is convincing him otherwise. Or worse he’s lying because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings! Nah, what am I saying of course he wants to go! Alright the only way to find out is to ask him. Go ahead now’s your chance Joe’s gone. Tom are you kidding me? Stop listening to what Joe says and make your own decisions. Whatever, Joe obliviously doesn’t care about you like I do! Go to that game and party, see what happens. Don’t be mad at me when you don’t get into VT!
Worked with LM:
Tom's Interior Monologue:
“You need to study. Your grade and your future depend on it. If you don’t get into Virginia Tech, you can’t go to college with me…”
Why is she lecturing me again? Again and again and again. Again with the future, and the studying and the Virginia Tech. Look, babe, I love you, but let it go. I’ll get into college. I know I need a good grade, and I know it’s important to you, but I know the stuff. I don’t really need to study. It’s called the morning; I’ll study tomorrow if I have to. I can take care of myself. I’m a big boy. I study with you all the time. Can’t I have one night? Wait. Maybe she would—no, no, she wouldn’t come. She won’t think of doing anything with a test tomorrow. God, it would be great if she were there.
“…I mean, what would you do if you didn’t get in...”
Why wouldn’t I get in? I got this all under control.
Shut up, Joe! I get it. You don’t like Sue, but at least act like you like her. She just cares about my grades and wants me to have a good future and not waste my life away. I know, I know, you want me to go to the game. I know! But it’s a Monday night, and it’s a pretty big test. I should study. But I know it all. I haven’t gone to a party in awhile. How late would I be out? It’s been so long since me and Joe partied. Is there anyway to go to the game and not the party? But that’s just not right. Plus, but I’m riding with Joe, like he would take me home and skip the party. It’d be the best night of my life if Sue could go. She should go. Can I convince her to go? I shouldn’t try. It’s tomorrow morning. I’ll study tomorrow morning.
Joe's Interior Monologue:
“Um, hello, is she dumb? She is being absolutely ridiculous right now. Does she really think Tom will not get into Virginia Tech? They have already practically accepted him, so why is she throwing a fit? And the championship game? How could she let him miss that?! Not to mention the party afterward is going to be awesome! Geez man, lately Tom is always doing something with school. Homework after school, reading at night, studying on weekends. Cut the guy some slack for once! I have an idea! If she is really so set on him getting into college and acing this test, like he will anyway, then he can do a study session after school. Doesn’t that make the most sense anyway? He can have his cake and eat it too. Now everyone can be happy! Besides, one test isn’t going to drastically bring a 97 percent down to a failing grade. Wait, why is she still rambling on about how school is more important? It is like she doesn’t want him to have any fun anymore! Be a man, Tom! Stand up for yourself; I coached you better than that! Tell her that you want to go out tonight and that if she wants to go than she is more than welcome to, otherwise, he is flying solo with me as his wingman. What! Tom, stop. Why are you telling her that? Do not let her win! You are letting the enemy win! You are letting your girlfriend control you! You cannot NOT go to this party. That is so ridiculous. You have officially lost all of your common sense, bro. She has a leash around you now. You are so going to regret giving into…wait, change of heart? Now you want to go? Great! Yeah, tell her that this is the only opportunity to party with your friends! Jesus, Tom! What am I going to do with you? Always so indecisive…
This bites. I have my best friend staring me down from across the table. I can't even enjoy my cheeseburger and fries. He is so pissed at me. Lately, all he ever does is complain and tell me how to run my life. He doesn't understand the kind of pressure I'm under. My parents are riding me about college, Susan can't stop talking about going to college and our future together as a couple, and now I have to deal with Joe giving me sass about my social obligations? I just can't deal with all of this. I mean, I love Susan and all that. She's really smart, funny, and has a sweet bod. But sometimes she acts like my mother, always nagging me about dumb stuff like how I eat, what I wear, and what I say. It gets kinda annoying. Like right now she's picking at some sort of leafy salad while looking at my plate with disgust. So I'm a messy eater? What's the big deal? And she never lets me go out with the guys without making me feel guilty about leaving her. But I love her and Joe doesn't know the first thing about being in a committed relationship. All he wants is to get with girls and ditch them before they get too clingy. That's probably why he wants me to go to the game&party so badly. He just needs a wing man. This is lame. I can't hang out with my girlfriend without my best friend giving me crap and I can't hang out with my best friend without feeling guilty about Susan. She's only trying to help. And Joe can find another lacky to follow him around.
I worked with RC PURPLE
“So Tom what are you doing tonight?”, asked Joe with slight sarcasm.
“You and your sarcasm. I have no idea what I’m doing. I want to go to the party and the game but she wants me to study Calculus with her.”
“ Speaking of the devil”, Susan with her fluffy golden locks casually caressed herself in the lunchroom table. She sat down in a petite manner and opened her brown bag lunch.
“ Hey Tom!” “Hey uhm, Joe.” Joe gave a lazy and annoying high-tone, “Whatsup girlfriend!”
Oh wow. They’re going to get in a fight again. I bet Susan is going be like, “Wow, can you stop being so annoyingly sarcastic?” Then Joe’s going to respond, “At least I’m not annoying every single second of every single day.” And then, bam! Their going to fight and I’m just going to have to pull out my Ipod. I swear they’re like a married couple of Susan wasn’t so in love with me.
“Wow, can you stop being so annoyingly sarcastic?”, Susan asked Joe. And here the fighting goes; I’m going to brace myself.
“Can you stop harassing me for being so funny?” Joe responded.
“Ugh, I don’t want to pay attention to you. So Tom, what are you doing tonight?”, Susan asked me. She smiled so sweetly as she twirled her fingers in her nice golden locks. Wait, I thought they were going to fight? That was quick, and why is she paying attention to me? Dang. They should’ve just fought so I don’t have to answer that stupid question.
“Well, see girl, I have no idea what I’m doing. I might go to that party?” She gave that evil eye look. “Or! I can study with you?”
“Pansy **cough cough** Pansy”, Joe coughed.
Susan looked at Joe and I can see it in her eyes she’s going to explode. But to vent that anger she’s trying to convince me to study with her. She used the words, Calculus, Virginia Tech, ‘me and you’, ‘I love you’, a bunch of times in her awesome girl rant. And crap, she’s trying to use the guilt trip on me too. And if she cries, she got me hooked. Meaning I have to study with her. I hate when girl’s use crying to get their guy to do whatever they want. Anyway, she’s using the guilt trip on me and sweet-talking me to study Calculus instead of going to the game and party. I can see Joe just being so annoyed by her. His face looks so funny right now I just want to laugh, but I can’t because then Susan’s going to get mad at me and punch me in the shoulder because she knows I’m not paying attention to her. Well I am paying attention to her, but sometimes it’s hard to focus when your best friend’s face look so funny because he’s so annoyed by his best friend’s girlfriend. But Susan has some very good points and I don’t want to make her mad. Plus, I do love her. But then Joe, I haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with him either and he my best bud. Oh great, Joe is leaving probably because he’s annoyed with the both of us. I guess I have to study with Susan then, I hope she’s really happy with what I’m giving up for her.
Dude come on, like are you serious man? Let think about this, you have option number one which is the big state final football game and party afterward or you could go study with susan. Not a tough choice. I heard Jim saying he got a keg for the after party and lisa said all the cheerleaders are going, which no offence, are much hotter than susan. She's not even supportive she dosent get that you're a senior and you want to have fun. You're dating the biggest wet blanket of the school. If you're annoyed with this just wait until next year. You're both going to be at Virginia Tech, the school you dont even want to go to, and there's going to be all these party and susan will be nagging in your hear, "No dont go, just stay here and study". Dude, your totally whipped. Like so whipped. You cant even go to the state champs football game with your best friend, she's a total buzz kill and you're losing all your friends. Who knows, if you ditch me to hang out with her maybe you're not the guy i thought you were
Absent for assignment on Friday.
Ugh. Those boys can never understand anything. Do you really think I want to spend my night tutoring that pee-brain instead of going to the game and party? NO! I like parties too, but I'll sacrifice because I know how much Tom wants to go to college with me, regardless of what kind of "BS" he dishes to Joe. Maybe if Tom would of studied he wouldn't have to choose between me and Joe. Typical case of senioritous, just in time to apply for college, real smart Tom. I'm not the one who needs a passing grade on this Calc test, even if I bomb it I'm in. It's not like Joe cares what he gets either way he's not getting into college. So now I'm pushing Tom to study, which he should have done in the first place and I end up looking like the "bad guy". I just know that idiot Joe will go around saying I'm the reason why Tom can't go and how controlling I am and blah blah blah. Maybe Joe cares so much about the football game because he's just jealous that while we're all in college going to those games, he'll be sitting on facebook. There both so dumb, shoulda studied in the first place Tom, way to go.
Oh my god, not again! This girl never shuts up. All she does is nag and nag and nag. It’s only one night and she’s treating it like the end of the world! She needs to stop worrying about me. I’m 18 years old for crying out loud! I can handle one measly test. She’s just overreacting like always. The after party is going to be the biggest one of the year! I really can’t miss it. Plus we’re not married so I will worry about my own future. And maybe she needs to find friends and hang out with them instead of nagging me every night. Honestly girls always think their boyfriends are ditching them just because they want to see their friends. Man they’re jealous even when it’s another guy! Maybe I’ll just slowly walk away… Ah more yelling! I guess I’ll stay put for now. Great. Now she’s going to talk about finding someone else when we both now she’d never leave. Dumb friends? Again with the insults. This girl is the reason girlfriends get labeled with crazy. Walk me to class? More demands. She really doesn’t know when to quit. Talk to you after class? HA I’m going to Burger King with Joe.
worked with JH yellow
Sometimes I feel like I’m loosing my best friend, Tom. I’m loosing him to a girl, a girl I don’t like very much! You would think he would be considerate of my feelings about her before he decided to actually date “Hitler”. She’s always telling him what he can and can’t do. I’m beginning to question his manhood. She’s even dragging him to go shopping, a man’s worst nightmare! Sometimes, I’m embarrassed for him especially right now. I’m sitting at lunch, feeling like a third wheel, watching “Hitler” stroke her evil hands through Tom’s hair as if she were trying to show off in front of me. I’m zoning out, everything around me is silent while I’m focusing on the constant movement of Susan’s manipulative mouth. It just keeps going and going, rambling about some useless information that frankly, no one cares about! Here she goes again. I’m tuning back into the conversation listening to her attempt to convince Tom to come over her house after the most important game of the season so he can study for the Calc test tomorrow when he could be going to the after party with me and actually have fun! Everyone who’s anyone is going to be there, but Susan just doesn’t understand that. She wants him to do good on this Calc test tomorrow so he will be able to get into Virginia Tech with her. Did it ever occur to her that maybe he doesn’t want to go there? Maybe he was just saying he wanted to go there with her to make her happy. Well, I don’t know I can’t speak for him. We should come up with some sort of compromise. I mean I don’t see why he just can’t study before the game or after the party. If we were keeping count, it would be my turn to hang out with him because Susan hogs him for herself every day. It’s my turn, god damnit! Doesn’t Tom know the saying “Pals before gals”? In my opinion, he should really take that into consideration. I know as Tom’s best friend I should make an effort to get along with Susan, but I just can’t! She makes it impossible. I often daydream about the bad things I’d do to Susan for belittling Tom. Of course I would never actually act on these daydreams, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think about it to myself, right? She’s still babbling. I swear she won’t shut up until she gets her way. Her way or the highway is what I always say, and Tom certainly goes along with it. I’m so tempted to say something, but being the good friend that I am, I’ll keep my mouth shut for Tom’s sake. I want to talk to Tom about her and tell him how I really feel, but I’m afraid that if I gave him an ultimatum he’d choose her over me. How good could our friendship be if I’m questioning it? I know it must be a tough situation for Tom to be in, but I just want things to go back to normal, like in the old days driving around town and picking up chicks. The guys and I call it B.S. (Before Susan). This might sound metro, but I miss my best friend. I’m not going to loose him to a girl, hell no. He’s coming to the game and party with me. I made the decision for him, just like Susan does.
Sometimes I feel like I’m loosing my best friend, Tom. I’m loosing him to a girl, a girl I don’t like very much! You would think he would be considerate of my feelings about her before he decided to actually date “Hitler”. She’s always telling him what he can and can’t do. I’m beginning to question his manhood. She’s even dragging him to go shopping, a man’s worst nightmare! Sometimes, I’m embarrassed for him especially right now. I’m sitting at lunch, feeling like a third wheel, watching “Hitler” stroke her evil hands through Tom’s hair as if she were trying to show off in front of me. I’m zoning out, everything around me is silent while I’m focusing on the constant movement of Susan’s manipulative mouth. It just keeps going and going, rambling about some useless information that frankly, no one cares about! Here she goes again. I’m tuning back into the conversation listening to her attempt to convince Tom to come over her house after the most important game of the season so he can study for the Calc test tomorrow when he could be going to the after party with me and actually have fun! Everyone who’s anyone is going to be there, but Susan just doesn’t understand that. She wants him to do good on this Calc test tomorrow so he will be able to get into Virginia Tech with her. Did it ever occur to her that maybe he doesn’t want to go there? Maybe he was just saying he wanted to go there with her to make her happy. Well, I don’t know I can’t speak for him. We should come up with some sort of compromise. I mean I don’t see why he just can’t study before the game or after the party. If we were keeping count, it would be my turn to hang out with him because Susan hogs him for herself every day. It’s my turn, god damnit! Doesn’t Tom know the saying “Pals before gals”? In my opinion, he should really take that into consideration. I know as Tom’s best friend I should make an effort to get along with Susan, but I just can’t! She makes it impossible. I often daydream about the bad things I’d do to Susan for belittling Tom. Of course I would never actually act on these daydreams, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think about it to myself, right? She’s still babbling. I swear she won’t shut up until she gets her way. Her way or the highway is what I always say, and Tom certainly goes along with it. I’m so tempted to say something, but being the good friend that I am, I’ll keep my mouth shut for Tom’s sake. I want to talk to Tom about her and tell him how I really feel, but I’m afraid that if I gave him an ultimatum he’d choose her over me. How good could our friendship be if I’m questioning it? I know it must be a tough situation for Tom to be in, but I just want things to go back to normal, like in the old days driving around town and picking up chicks. The guys and I call it B.S. (Before Susan). This might sound metro, but I miss my best friend. I’m not going to loose him to a girl, hell no. He’s coming to the game and party with me. I made the decision for him, just like Susan does.
Alright Tom, now we both know where you’re going tonight right? I hope so because you know what you’ll have to deal with otherwise. You can’t let her tell you what to do all of the time. Dude, I hardly even get to see you anymore because you two hang so much. Seriously man if you don’t go just to study for your calculus test all the guys are going to call you a pansy. It’s not like it’s even a weekend night, that girl needs to worry about herself a little more; ya know maybe get some friends. It’s just ONE test Tom –it’s not going to make you or break you. And I’m sure that regardless of how you do on this test that your other grades will still get you into Virginia Tech. You’re in the freaking National Honor Society you have nothing to worry about. Plus haven’t you been saying that you want some time away from her to get back to how things used to be? And that you can’t take much more of her or else you might have to ‘take a break’? Yeah man, just think about your choice and how it’ll show whether you’re a real man or not…better see you there.
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