Seniors Red #1 journal--From a Different Point of View

In the movie, The Dead Poets Society, English teacher John Keating (played by Robin Williams) stands on his desk, and invites his students to do the same, in order to see the world from a different point of view. Looking down at things sure does wonders for those with inferiority complexes, doesn't it?
When Keating is fired at the end of film, his students stand on their desks in tribute to their "captain." You'll just have to watch the film to understand ALL of this, but you don't need to in order to complete this journal assignment.
For this first exercise of the third marking period, you'll learn how point of view effects a story.
Here's the scene that you will write about:
It's lunchtime on a Monday afternoon at a large diocesan Catholic school in Delaware with these three characters: Joe, Tom, and Susan. Tom and Susan are high school seniors and have been dating for a while. Joe is Tom's best friend, but he and Susan have never gotten along too well. Tomorrow all three have a big Calculus test, but tonight, the football team is playing in the state finals (OK, it's a Monday night football game--it "could" happen). Win or lose, a big victory party is planned afterwards, and "everyone" is invited.
Tom is torn—to study or not to study, that is the question.
Susan is very certain of where she stands. Knowing that Tom needs a good Calc grade this semester to get into Virginia Tech (the school to which she has already been accepted), Susan feels the need to get together with him to study; to her, the football game is not an option.
Joe, on the other hand, will definitely attend the game and the party, and hopefully with his friend, Tom. Whether Susan joins them is up to her.
The three are eating lunch. After this thirty-minute period, each person wants to be sure to have his or her fate for the night decided. So, using one of the three first person points of view below, tell the story.
FOR EXTRA CREDIT---Working with a partner in your class, tell the same story from TWO different points of view. Post together at Schoolsville.
Choose from the following points of view to tell your story of what takes place:
Interior monologue or stream of consciousness—the reader gets to tune in to somebody's train of thought or stream of consciousness. Choose either Tom,
Dramatic monologue--another first person point of view. The reader gets to overhear someone speaking aloud to and interacting with another person. The "other person" does not respond. See "Straight Pool" in Points of View for an example. This point of view could work if ONE of the characters is a "big talker." Have him or her dominate the conversation, reacting perhaps to "unheard" dialogue by the others.
worked with kdpurple
Here we go again. Here I am stuck in another one of these predicaments. Do I do something extremely boring to make the woman I love happy? Or do I go out with my best bud and have a great time, but maybe jeopardize my future. I know what I really wanna do, go to the party. But is it worth it to listen to my girlfriend bitch? I don't wanna make Joe my longest friend mad either, I feel bad because I seem to always ditch him for Susie. But that’s because she gets a little crazy sometimes. Maybe she really is crazy? I mean, she wants me to spend every waking second with her. Sometimes I wanna hangout with my boys. I wish she would understand that. Anyways I don't even really think I'll need to study for the Calc test. I mean, I've been paying really good attention so far and I sit next to the smartest girl in the class. Is Virginia Tech even the school I want to go to? Or is that where Susan wants me to go? I'm done letting her run my life, I care about her, but I need to do what I want to do. I’m going to the party and that’s final.
Sometimes I feel like I’m loosing my best friend, Tom. I’m loosing him to a girl, a girl I don’t like very much! You would think he would be considerate of my feelings about her before he decided to actually date “Hitler”. She’s always telling him what he can and can’t do. I’m beginning to question his manhood. She’s even dragging him to go shopping, a man’s worst nightmare! Sometimes, I’m embarrassed for him especially right now. I’m sitting at lunch, feeling like a third wheel, watching “Hitler” stroke her evil hands through Tom’s hair as if she were trying to show off in front of me. I’m zoning out, everything around me is silent while I’m focusing on the constant movement of Susan’s manipulative mouth. It just keeps going and going, rambling about some useless information that frankly, no one cares about! Here she goes again. I’m tuning back into the conversation listening to her attempt to convince Tom to come over her house after the most important game of the season so he can study for the Calc test tomorrow when he could be going to the after party with me and actually have fun! Everyone who’s anyone is going to be there, but Susan just doesn’t understand that. She wants him to do good on this Calc test tomorrow so he will be able to get into Virginia Tech with her. Did it ever occur to her that maybe he doesn’t want to go there? Maybe he was just saying he wanted to go there with her to make her happy. Well, I don’t know I can’t speak for him. We should come up with some sort of compromise. I mean I don’t see why he just can’t study before the game or after the party. If we were keeping count, it would be my turn to hang out with him because Susan hogs him for herself every day. It’s my turn, god damnit! Doesn’t Tom know the saying “Pals before gals”? In my opinion, he should really take that into consideration. I know as Tom’s best friend I should make an effort to get along with Susan, but I just can’t! She makes it impossible. I often daydream about the bad things I’d do to Susan for belittling Tom. Of course I would never actually act on these daydreams, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think about it to myself, right? She’s still babbling. I swear she won’t shut up until she gets her way. Her way or the highway is what I always say, and Tom certainly goes along with it. I’m so tempted to say something, but being the good friend that I am, I’ll keep my mouth shut for Tom’s sake. I want to talk to Tom about her and tell him how I really feel, but I’m afraid that if I gave him an ultimatum he’d choose her over me. How good could our friendship be if I’m questioning it? I know it must be a tough situation for Tom to be in, but I just want things to go back to normal, like in the old days driving around town and picking up chicks. The guys and I call it B.S. (Before Susan). This might sound metro, but I miss my best friend. I’m not going to loose him to a girl, hell no. He’s coming to the game and party with me. I made the decision for him, just like Susan does.
worked with jfred.
I don't understand why he can't just tell her he doesn't want to be with her anymore. You think she would get the hint when she has to beg him to apply to Virginia Tech, beg him to cal her, and beg him to hang out with her. It's so pathetic how he has to feed her lies at lunch everyday just to get her to shut up. Even when we go out with the guys somewhere, she won't stop texting and calling him or just leave him alone for at least two seconds. It's almost like he dates his mom, but even his mom gives him more space then she does. Doesn't she have any other friends? As i watch them argue, i am tempted to tell Susan everything Tom is dying to tell her. No, he doesn't want to go to Virginia Tech. No, he doesn't want to study pre-calc. Actually, he doesn't want to be with you at all. He wants to go to the football game and enjoy his senior year just like any other teenager does. But i continue to shove my ham and cheese sand which in my mouth to keep me from saying something. And try to think of someone else to go to the game with because i know he's going to give into her, as usual.
worked with ec & rw
What does he see in her? I can't stand this. He's changed so much since he's been with her. Like just look at them, planning out their lives. Does he seriously think they're going to last that long. We're going to Virginia Tech, we're gonna get married, blah, blah, blah. It's stupid. You're in a relationship in high school, you're not gonna last forever. Seriously, what is he thinking? What happened to my best friend. He's always with her now. I mean it's not jealousy, I'm definitely not jealous. He though that at one point, remember what he said. It's just annoying how he always spends his time with her. I've become nothing to him. Look at them! Oh my gosh they send me over the edge. It's like I don't even exist when they're together. They're in their own little world and they really don't even care about me or anything I'm doing. It's like I'm just here, but I don't exist or something. Does he really love her that much? I don't see how you can be in love at our age. And he tells me it's me thats different and how I'm hanging out with different people. It's only because of you, man. You've ditched me for everyone else. You didn't leave me any other choice! I hate fighting with him but it's just so annoying how he does this to me. You're supposed to put your friends first, right? How could I have let this happen? I thought things were great. That our senior year would be so much fun and we'd have no problems. Of course not. There had to be drama and problems, with a girl!! I don't even know what to do at this point. I'm at a complete loss. I wonder what he would do if I told him all of this....nah whatever. Shoot there's the bell! I'm gonna be late. Ugh, they're walking together.
Interior Monologue - Tom
I dunno' what to do. My girl wants me to study. She has this huge plan for us to Virginia Tech together, but I really don't wanna' go there, with her anyway. She's been nagging me about this studying for so long, and I'm gonna' to kill her. Tommy doesn't wanna' fly solo at the after party, and he's my boy, so I gotta go with him. Susie's gonna' flip on me if I go, but I really don't care. We really aren't gonna' last that much longer together anyway, especially with us going to college. My uncle said, "Don't take a sandwich to a buffet," so I'll take his advice and dump her eventually. This is the championship game of my senior year. There's no way I'm gonna' spend my night with my head in a book next to my woman, breathing down my neck to make sure I'm studying. Tommy's gonna' think I'm whipped, which I'll admit I am, but not tonight. You know what, she is pissing me off so badly just thinking about her. I think I'll just break up with her tonight. Once she finishes that grilled cheese sandwich, I'm breaking the news to her, right in front my boy Tommy. Look out ladies, me and Tommy are available. We're goin' to the game single and ready for a good time at the after party. I HATE Calculus anyway.
They are nauseating together. Susan is so clingy. Ever since they got together she is always in the picture. What does he even see in her? Tom used to be able to make his own decisions before her. He’s going to do fine on the calculus test, even if he doesn’t he will have time to do better in that class, this is our last high school game. Does she honestly think they are going to stay together in college anyway? One of these days Tom will realize he can do so much better. I never even heard Tom say he wanted to go to Virginia Tech before she said she was going. Just look at them right now, they haven’t acknowledged my presence for the past ten minutes. What do they even talk about? It sounds like mindless chatter to me. I remember the fun me and Tom had before Susan, then once she came along and… Look at them! For God’s sake we are in a cafeteria right now, there are other people around! I’d say something but they wouldn’t listen. That’s it, me and Tom are going to the game and the party tonight. She doesn’t have control over him, who cares if he fails one test! So what if he doesn’t get into Virginia Tech, life will go on, so what if they break up, maybe he will be able to get control back in his life. As soon as Susan gets up I’m going to scheme something with him. The party is going to be so great. Everyone is going, Susan doesn’t have to find out. Did I finish my calculus homework?
Interior Monologue - Tom
I dunno' what to do. My girl wants me to study. She has this huge plan for us to Virginia Tech together, but I really don't wanna' go there, with her anyway. She's been nagging me about this studying for so long, and I'm gonna' to kill her. Joey doesn't wanna' fly solo at the after party, and he's my boy, so I gotta go with him. Susie's gonna' flip on me if I go, but I really don't care. We really aren't gonna' last that much longer together anyway, especially with us going to college. My uncle said, "Don't take a sandwich to a buffet," so I'll take his advice and dump her eventually. This is the championship game of my senior year. There's no way I'm gonna' spend my night with my head in a book next to my woman, breathing down my neck to make sure I'm studying. Joey’s gonna' think I'm whipped, which I'll admit I am, but not tonight. You know what, she is pissing me off so badly just thinking about her. I think I'll just break up with her tonight. Once she finishes that grilled cheese sandwich, I'm breaking the news to her, right in front my boy Joey. Look out ladies, me and Joey are available. We're goin' to the game single and ready for a good time at the after party. I HATE Calculus anyway.
Dude will she ever shut up? Nag. Nag. Nag. Then blah, blah, blah. Then a little more nag. That’s all she's good for. I’m so over this sick little hold she has over him. He's a grown ass man. He can make his own decisions. I don't know why he would ever accuse me of that. I’m not jealous. Who wants a girl the care about every breath he takes everyday? That's what I call a stalker. Oh God he's such a wimp. Why is he just sitting there while she keeps telling him what he "needs" to do. He doesn't "need" to do anything but eat, sleep, and shower for heavens sake. I’m not jealous. I just want my friend to have some fun. Is that a sin? Hell no! Is she stilllllll talking? Just shut up! Doesn't she ever take a second to breath? What would I ever be jealous of? Nothing. That's what I tell you. I swear if I hear her say how important his future is one more time I’m gonna take this pudding and throw it in her hair. Maybe that will shut her up. Everyone would turn around and laugh at her. Haha. Then they maybe Tom would see what a nag she is a break up with her. Maybe then I could have my friend back. But I’m not jealous.
Do I really wanna study with Susan tonight, or do I wanna chill wit my boy Joe at the big game? That’s a tough one! Sike! Susan is always clinging to me and it’s really startin’ to get old. I don’t wanna go to Virginia Tech; she does! Joe and I have both dreamed of majoring in Exercise Science and, although a prestigious school, VT doesn’t have it. Susan just told me that I should do Architecture, which is the exact opposite of what I want to pursue and I shouldn’t have listened. Architecture involves a lot of math and sitting and I truly hate both! I don’t even need freakin’ Calculus to be good in Exercise Science and I don’t like sitting around, drawing things. I’d rather stick needles in my eyes. Why did Isaac Newton develop Calculus any way? It isn’t even needed in life unless you’re a nerd and a lot of kids could be learning something more beneficial. Joe and I have been friends since the first grade and I can’t let him down like this so I guess I’ll just break up with Susan. It’s not like we’re getting married or anything, and Joe and I will meet plenty of women at Ship! Alright here she comes; man up Tom!
worked with er.
stream of consciousness - Susan.
Who does he think he is? Yeah okay, so he’s his best friend, but I’m his GIRLFRIEND. Girlfriend trumps best friend every time. Like seriously though, a stupid party or getting into college – the answer seems pretty simple to me. College. Tom always acts like such an idiot whenever he’s around that tool. Thinks he’s such a hot shot and can call the shots. No chance, what I say goes and that’s the end of that. What does Tom even see in him, stupid, greasy, unmotivated loser. Like really though is he even going to college, probably not he such a slacker. Like act your age and try and do something with your life, you’re sure as hell not going to screw up my boyfriend’s life. Or our plan, we are both definitely going to Virginia Tech together. I swear hell will freeze over before Tom goes to that stupid party and gets shitfaced and just screws up his future. Like come on now, get over its high school you’ll have plenty of time to party in college. Unless your Joe and have no future plans past what he’s going to eat for lunch today. Lame. Where is Tom anyway? Joe probably trapped him in a corner and is telling him of how “crucial” it is from him to come to this party without him… like really though? Crucial is getting into college, crucial is making something out of your life. Like grow up and move on already. God I really can’t stand that kid.
I swear to God Tom better not even be thinking about going to that party. How can he not see that Joe is keeping him from his full potential? If he didn't hang out with that idiot all the time then his entrance into Virginia Tech wouldn't even be riding on this one test. I know he has it in him to pass the test but not with that unintelligent slob he calls his best friend putting these ideas if a party in his head. I love Tom but he needs to get his act together if we're gonna be spending the rest of our lives together. Can he honestly not find a better best friend? I mean i understand Tom's loyal, which is one of the things i love about him, but look at Joe. He has no morals. All he cares about is getting trashed and hooking up with as many girls as he can get his hands on. He's not good for Tom. Of course, if i tell him all this it's only going to push him away. i need him on my side. It's so sad that it's had to come to me against Joe but I will win. Tom's going to spend the rest of his life with me, not Joe. He'll study with me tonight alright, if he knows what's good for him.
(Interior Monologue from Joe’s perspective)
(At the lunch table)
God look at the two of them, practically feeding each other... disgusting. It’s incredible how fast Susan was able to have Tom completely under her control. Ever since she came around, all she’s done is drag Tom away from all his friends. I can’t even remember the last time we hung out without his ball and chain following right behind. And now she’s trying to get him to go to Virginia Tech with her! As if she hadn’t already stolen enough of his social life. Tom knows that nobody stays together through college, I think that he’s just telling Susan what she wants to hear because, Lord knows that she needs to control every aspect of his life. At least we have tonight’s game to hang out and forget about her. Tom’s been waiting for this night for weeks and he isn’t going to just give up an awesome time just to sit around and study for some stupid test. I can’t believe he’s even considered missing the game. It’s the state championship for Christ’s sake! It only comes once a year! There’s going to be a million other calculus test after tomorrow, but this is our last year at this school. Shouldn’t we enjoy it?
(Susan scoots her chair out)
Oh good, I think Susan’s going up to buy more food. I can finally talk to Tom about tonight!
(Interior Monologue from Susan’s perspective)
(Susan is in like waiting to pay for her food)
Oh look. There goes Joe talking to Tom again. What do you think they’re talking about? Oh me of course! Stupid Joe. No one even likes him. I don’t understand why Tom is such good friends with him. Yeah whatever they knew each other since 2nd grade. Big deal. Tom better study with me tonight. Trust me he needs it. If I go to college without him I’ll be pissed. Who cares about a dumb football game. Our team sucks anyway. Everyone knows we’re gonna loose just like every year. Tom and Joe had all season to go to football games. What’s one more to miss gonna do to them? What’s that, what are they doing? A high five?! I know what that means. Tom is now defiantly going to that game! How could he do that to me? And look at Joe, thinking he is the world’s best friend, taking my boyfriend away from me. I don’t even want to go over there. I’m going to sit somewhere else! Ugh I hope he doesn’t expect me to answer his call tonight. Stupid Joe this is all his fault.
I don’t know what happened to my best friend. Ever since he got a girlfriend he isn’t the same anymore. Tom is constantly ditching me for his stupid girlfriend Susan. Every time I confront him about it he gives me the “you’re my best friend talk” and how he feels awful for doing it but knows ill understand because I’m his best friend. Now it looks like he’s gonna ditch the big football game and after party for her, to study. Who studies? He can cheat off of me I don’t care. But no Susan’s all like, “oh Tommy babe you should study with me so we can go to Virginia tech together and be happy.” Gag me with a spoon. Tom needs to stop being whipped and realize that what they have isn’t gonna last and he can do a lot better than her. I think he’ll figure it out but I think I’ll give him a little nudge into the right direction. Hey what are best friends for?
Look at her, in line for pasta. She’s so annoying and controlling. All she ever does is tell Tom what to do. Obviously he wants to hang out with me and go to the game, but no, psycho girlfriend has to make him study with her tonight. He always pulls this crap. He always listens to whatever she says. They aren’t going to get married or anything. She’s not even that good looking! I mean yeah Virginia Tech is a good school, but this is the biggest game of our high school years. She is just so boring. She would rather sit home and study then go to a game. I mean what a boring girl. I would never date a controlling girl like that. I need a girl who won’t boss me around and who will want to do fun stuff. She shouldn’t even be eating that pasta to be honest. She does look kind of chubby in those jeans. I mean I guess Tom likes the love handles or something. I hate her. I would hit her if she wasn’t a girl.
Look at him; he always cuts in front of me in the pasta line. He is so incredibly annoying. He always tries to make Tom go against what I say. I don’t understand why he does that. All I want Tom to do is study with me instead of going to that game. It is going to be Joe’s fault when Tom doesn’t get into to Virginia Tech because he’s the one convincing him to go to the game. Ugh! He is so stupid. I hate this! I mean, who does Joe, think he is anyway. He’s not Tom’s girlfriend. I am. Tom needs to think about the rest of his life, not just this weekend. If he wants to listen to Joe, then fine, but he should know that he is making a stupid decision. The game won’t be that good anyway. And Joe is such a jerk, no wonder he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Who would ever want to date him anyways? Definitely not me. I just do not get this at all. It is ridiculous. Joe just needs to stop, and Tom just needs to come over and study. Problems solved. We’ll both go to Virginia Tech and everything will be perfect!
DF Red
Why cant i just go out? I just dont get it. All of my friends can do whatever they want too whenever they want to and all im asking to do is go out for a few hours and then come home by midnight. Its not like im asking for a new car. Seriously what is the big deal with going out to hang out with my friends for a while. Just because i got in trouble one time, yes just once, doesnt mean i would make the same mistakes. Im almost eighteen years old. Im almost an adult, soon to be living on my own, i just dont get it why i cant have more freedom. Yes i understand they love me, and want me to succeed but that doesnt mean trapping me in this house forever. Im going to be graduating soon, and then what? Are they going to college with me too? No!! Exactly why i need to experience some things and go out to have fun before all of my friends go away to different schools. I guess i understand where they are comming from but i just hope my freedom will come soon. Oh well ill just end up sitting in my room for another few hours.
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