I've been keeping a running dialogue with someone who purports to be Mike Love Jr., son of Mike Love, former lead singer for the Beach Boys. First of all, I don't even know if there IS a Mike Love Jr., so I might be the victim of a blogging prank. Anyway, if such a person exists, I think I may have found him, photographed on a Beach Boys album cover called
Sunflower. Could that be Junior on Mike's left lap (right as we look at it)? Mike is the folically-challenged dude seated on the far left.
Peace out, Mikey. Guess Dad passed along his love of music to you, but I hope the bald gene skipped a generation.
u said peace out!! hahaaa
Ah my Son !! We are so grateful for the kind words. The benefits and joys of Transcendental Meditation cannot be overstated. Mike Love is a true disciple and you can read about his spirituality
at ..... hmm...apparently cannot insert links in messages ...hmmm ...many places on the world wide web.
For more information you can contact me at
Maharishi Univ of Management
Fairfield, Iowa
No charge for initial sessions!!
Now I'm both flattered and astonished. First, I'm flattered that the MMY even READ my blog. I'm astonished that he's offering the initial sessions at NO CHARGE. I might take a trip to Iowa during this four-day break. So if I'm not bloggin', then you know I'm chillaxin with the Enlightened One.
I knew that title was familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. Then all of a sudden I realized it's San Fransisco! If you had an iPod, I think we'd have the same playlists.
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