Where's the Love Train, Man?

This ranks as one of my favorite student remarks of the year, the decade, no . . . of my teaching career. In an informal discussion of Cuckoo's Nest, it was delivered today in as honest and clear a voice by a young woman who says what she means and means what she says. In much of Cuckoo's Nest, Love is replaced by imposters like fear, control, and lust. It's not until later (oops . . . can't spoil the ending) that Love makes a sad but triumphant return.
As the movie Wedding Crashers pointed out, weddings are often predictable xeroxed copies of someone else's idea of "the perfect ceremony." Some Bible readings, same sappy toasts, same bad gifts, same songs, like Love Train. But as Wedding Crashers also proved, real love lives, thrives, and conquers all even at the most contrived of ceremonies. Love is in the air.
Love Train was a huge disco dance record performed by the O'Jays in the mid-70s. The infectious tune orders everyone to "join hands" and "form a love train." Not so surprisingly, everyone at a wedding reception (at least in my party universe) will board the love train as it weaves it way for the five minute duration of the song. The train doesn't have a destination, but that's not its purpose, either. Just ride the love train, man. That's all. Feel the Love.
For a more recent paeon to Love, listen to the song One by U2. I missed the Grammys, but I heard that Bono and Mary J. Blige performed a Gospel-infused version of the song that had even the stoniest cynics in the music industry who were in attendance holding hands and swaying to the music.
Now if only the O'Jays or Bono had only been in the Cuckoo's Nest in 1962, instead of Lawrence Welk's Tea for Two. Nah . . . Big Nurse was one tough mama. She wasn't holding hands with anyone.
hahaha! i didn't expect to see this one fio, but as cliche as it seems, if the world did just decide to go by that song, unite and hold hands, it would be a better place.
i know that i'm still going to be checking this blog even after i'm graduated and in college, its just another reason why i'm going to miss my home at st marks so so much. thank you for making class so fun, interesting, and inspriring, its gives everyday another reason to look forward to!
- kelly muldoon
Darn it Fio!!!! Now every time we hold hands at Mass I'm gonna be thinking of "The Love Train" Please advise on what to do 'cause I don't wanna get carried away.
mike love jr.,
I'm going to slip Mrs. DeAscanis the sheet music to Love Train during the next Mass. Along with In a Gadda da Vida--the extended organ solo version. Feel the love.
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