Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Soph # 3 Journal: The Conceit--due Monday, Oct. 6

I'm driving 65 mph on I-495, cars whizzing by me like I'm standing still (yeah, that's me in the picture above). 

Two guys darting in and out of traffic like it's some video game chase--I can only imagine how fast they're going. I'm on the gas just to keep up with the flow, the left foot covering the pedal (yeah, that's old-school bi-pedal technique), just in case . . . momentarily reverting to what Mr. Shaw instructed back in my tenth grade driver's ed class.

Then comes the inevitable question from the backseat driver, who actually occupies the other seat in the front. You know what I mean? (remember, a backseat driver is a common metaphor for someone who gives you unwanted directions when you are driving, whether they're in the back or the front)

"Are you using cruise control?"

"No," I answer curtly.

"Why not? Doesn't your foot get tired?" the passenger harps.

It is at that point that I begin my rant on the dangers of cruise control.

Clicking on the cruise control does prevent tired, cramping feet, I say. However, it has its problems, too. For one, it lulls you into a false sense of security, and the feet usually get further and further away for both the gas AND the brake pedals. At that point, how much control do I really have?

Like my car, I don't like to put my life in "cruise control." I want to be the one in charge as much as I can be, without being a "control freak." I'm no risk-taker, so most of the time I travel the "road more taken." And that's OK with me. I like to know where I'm going, traveling at my own speed. I haven't driven further north than Saratoga Springs, NY, or more south than Augusta, GA, but that doesn't mean I've led a boring, provincial life, either. I can make a Saturday night trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond an adventure by taking some of the back roads to see the Belted Galloway cows on Center Meeting Road (click to enjoy) in Centreville.

How are you "driving" yourself through life?

Do you gas up first, and then check the oil, wipers, and air pressure before a big trip?

Do you have the "pedal to the metal" or are you driving more cautiously with "both hands on the wheel at 10 before 2?"

Do you prefer major roadways like the Kirkwood Highway or would you rather take the more scenic route?

When you drive, are you easily lured into the local McDonald's at the sight of the golden arches, or can you get from point A to point B without making a single stop?

Do you use your cell phone while driving, chatting and texting away instead of paying attention to the road? It's against the law, you know.

Obviously, all of these driving situations can be applied metaphorically to situations in our lives.

For instance, the guy who gases up and checks out his car before a trip is the man who begins all his endeavors in life with preparation and a plan.

The "pedal to the metal" driver travels recklessly through life, hellbent on getting things done in a hurry without concern for safety for himself or anyone else.

The guy who stops at McDonald's, well, he needs a little bit more self-control, doesn't he? Can't he wait a few minutes to get home to snack on last night's leftovers?

Hopefully, you have the idea of what makes a CONCEIT, an elaborate (sometimes far-fetched) extended metaphor. Two things that are essentially unalike, like driving a car and living one's life, are compared. The "extended" part of the metaphor means that different parts of each procedure are compared, like the examples that I've given above comparing driving a car to living one's life.

So now it's your turn.

Think of an area in which you have some knowledge and expertise. Maybe it's a hobby (reading) or activity (playing a sport, dancing, fishing etc.).

Think of a metaphor, and then extend it by breaking it down into parts.

For instance, reading a book is like developing a strong friendship.

How might choosing a book to read be like finding a friend? Examine its cover, its prologue, the reviews on the cover. How might this be similar to entering into a friendship? You can go on from here, and talk about opening the book the first time, feeling the stiffness of the book's bindings, maybe reading a few uneventful pages and then putting it down. How might this be like the beginning of a friendship, too?

Choose between one of these two assignments:

1. Make a conceit comparing two dissimilar but similar processes, like reading a book and making a friend.

2. Tell me what your LIFE is like. Let's avoid the commonly used "roller coaster" or "box of chocolates" metaphors. Even my "highway" metaphor has been done before. 


For either choice, make sure you extend your general comparison with at least SIX specific comparisons. You'll probably find yourself doing many more. 


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Chris L Blue said...

My two favorite things in life are food and baseball. In my opinion, pitching in baseball is like ordering food at a restaurant. When you are deciding what you want to eat at a restaurant, you are in full control because you choose what you eat. In baseball, a pitcher is in full control of the game because he can just throw a shut out and hit a solo home run. Also, when you are choosing what to eat, you want to make sure you pick something that really "hits the spot." Similarly, in order for a pitcher to have success, he must hit his spots that the catcher gives him. If you go to the same restaurant a lot, you might want to change your order up and throw the waiter a sort of curveball. Just as in baseball, a pitcher will change up his pitches and try to throw off the batter's timing with a nasty curveball. At a restaurant, waiters will often ask if you want extra toppings on a burger that you have ordered, and you will typically shake your head and say no. Well in baseball, if a catcher gives a sign that the pitcher disagrees with, the pitcher will shake him off until he gets the sign he wants. Sometimes you will be in the mood for something hot in a restaurant and order buffalo wings. In similar fashion, pitchers like to show off their velocity and throw "high heat" to batters when they are up in the count. Lastly, you settle down and order a peaceful dessert. A pitcher's dessert is the sweet feeling of everybody congratulating them after they pitch a great game.

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous McKenzie S Blue said...

A lacrosse game is like making a friend. As the player steps onto the field at the beginning of the game, the intial nerves sink in. As time on the clock passes, the uncertainty in the game begins to settle. The friendship is growing stronger. The first goal is scored from the 8-meter, gaining trust and confidence in the game. However, being scored on can lead to apprehension. The friends are unsure of their relationship. It is now a tied game, the friendship can either succeed or fail. The home team wants to do anything they can to save the game. One last play is made and a goal is scored from the crease to put the home team in the lead. One can rely on their teammates much like one can rely on their friend. The home team wins the game.

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Catherine J (yellow) said...

You wait and watch, and just at the right moment, you throw your board onto the freshly wet sad and hope to catch a nice ride.
Just like making decisions in life, skim boarding is all about timing.
When faced with a decision, it might not be the right time for you. So you wait and watch s the waves roll in and out.
Sometimes decisions are so easy that you immediately throw down that light, fiberglass board and ride all the way into the waves.
Making wrong decisions affects your ride in life too. Sometimes, a decision can leave you feeling burned. The same as a fresh sand burn from a gnarly wipeout.
When you make the right decision, man oh man it's like flying. You ride all the way out to the wave and turn around just as one is crashing which brings you back all the way to shore just to throw another decision, and a new wave in your face.
Sometimes, peers pressure you into decisions, you see a wave that is just a facade. You choose to hop on the band wagon but are left with your board stuck in the wet, unforgiving quicksand.
But maybe once a summer, and once a lifetime you make a decision that is remarkable. As soon as your board touches the sand you know that the stars have aligned. The slick beach grants you the ride you have been waiting for all summer and it's all you will remember until next summer. In life, I suppose it is like your wedding day, knowing you're about to spend the rest of your the life with the person you love the most. Those are the best decisions, and the best rides of all. Someone once said, "If you are gonna ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." I can only see this as true while I wait for that next perfect wave.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Domeni. said...

Making a new friend is like finding new music. You are listening to the radio, in the car on the way to wherever your day is leading you. You hear this one song, and it hits your ears so sweetly that you turn up the volume. This is like making a new friend. You meet the person and introduce yourself, and hear their first words. They say their name, where they live, what their favorite movie is, etc. But then the song ends, and you hear the next tune, but that song still stays with you. Then it comes on again on a new station, and this time you begin singing along. With a new friend, the next time you meet, is easier and nicer, because they are a familiar face. Conversation with them is much less difficult. You exchange more pleasantries, and get to know the person better. When you get home from your car ride to wherever, you look up the artist of the song, and read article after article, interviews, and biographies because you have to know more about this artist. With this friend, this is the point where you delve into each other's interests and personalities a bit more, and you learn about their family life, and other more personal aspects of this person. After reading about this artist, you decide to buy their albums, and you see that a lot of their music is very different from that particular song that sparked your interest in them, but a lot of it is the same as well. You listen to it all night and learn all the lyrics. In this new friend, this is when you find their similarities and differences, and realize this friendship has the potential to be the best you've ever had. You know everything about them, and they know all about you. After listening to the whole album countless times, you buy concert tickets to the artist's show. You have the best night of your life, surrounded by fellow fans, shouting those lyrics that you adore so much. You go to all the shows in your area, every time, to relive the experience all over again. This is peak of your friendship, where you do everything with them, know all about them, tell them everything. They are now your best friend, and the artist is your favorite artist. Years pass, the artist hasn't put out an album in years, and you haven't seen or heard from your friend in forever. Soon you are reunited though, and the person who has affected your life so much is back and it picks up right where you left off, and your favorite artist puts out more hits. The moral is, even if your favorite artist doesn't put out music like they used to, or you don't see your best friend as much as you used to, it doesn't matter. They will always be your best friend, and that artist will still capture you with every lyric.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Domenic S. Yellow said...

Making a new friend is like finding new music. You are listening to the radio, in the car on the way to wherever your day is leading you. You hear this one song, and it hits your ears so sweetly that you turn up the volume. This is like making a new friend. You meet the person and introduce yourself, and hear their first words. They say their name, where they live, what their favorite movie is, etc. But then the song ends, and you hear the next tune, but that song still stays with you. Then it comes on again on a new station, and this time you begin singing along. With a new friend, the next time you meet, is easier and nicer, because they are a familiar face. Conversation with them is much less difficult. You exchange more pleasantries, and get to know the person better. When you get home from your car ride to wherever, you look up the artist of the song, and read article after article, interviews, and biographies because you have to know more about this artist. With this friend, this is the point where you delve into each other's interests and personalities a bit more, and you learn about their family life, and other more personal aspects of this person. After reading about this artist, you decide to buy their albums, and you see that a lot of their music is very different from that particular song that sparked your interest in them, but a lot of it is the same as well. You listen to it all night and learn all the lyrics. In this new friend, this is when you find their similarities and differences, and realize this friendship has the potential to be the best you've ever had. You know everything about them, and they know all about you. After listening to the whole album countless times, you buy concert tickets to the artist's show. You have the best night of your life, surrounded by fellow fans, shouting those lyrics that you adore so much. You go to all the shows in your area, every time, to relive the experience all over again. This is peak of your friendship, where you do everything with them, know all about them, tell them everything. They are now your best friend, and the artist is your favorite artist. Years pass, the artist hasn't put out an album in years, and you haven't seen or heard from your friend in forever. Soon you are reunited though, and the person who has affected your life so much is back and it picks up right where you left off, and your favorite artist puts out more hits. The moral is, even if your favorite artist doesn't put out music like they used to, or you don't see your best friend as much as you used to, it doesn't matter. They will always be your best friend, and that artist will still capture you with every lyric.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Mollie M yellow said...

Chewing a piece of gum is a lot like a friendship. First you have to choose a piece from a pack, just like you get to choose your friends, picking out a random one after sizing each and every piece for a couple of seconds. Then you have to unwrap the tiny sliver of gum, now this part is crucial, messing this tiny detail could indicate whether you quickly throw away this piece of gum or not. Getting to know the person who you have chosen to become friends, unwrapping their waxy first layer and getting to know the real them. At that point you start chewing, discovering that the smell of the soft rectangle was not lying to you, and the gum tastes exactly like the slight minty aroma it first gave off when you unwrapped it. After having gotten to know your friend you start hanging out together and things are great; they’re just as you assumed and ever better. Depending on what brand you have the pungent taste could last for a long time or just twenty minutes, either way the gum will start losing its flavor. The excitement of finally hanging out with your friend has passed and some of your visits have started to become dull. Even though the gum has most lost its pepper-minty appeal you still chew it, trying to savor the last of its tang. Your friendship is slipping through your fingers, you’ve started fighting, making rumors about the other to prolong the inevitable split between the two of you. Soon the blandness of the gum is just too much to bear so you spit it out into the trash where it belongs. The relationship you have built up is done with; the flavorless friendship is over with.

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anna Sonchen Blue said...

Friends are like endangered animals. Although one may not have many close friends, the few real friends that he or she has are extremely valuable and genuine. There are not many endangered animals, but the ones that are still in existence are treasured and loved. It is better to have a small number of great friends than a large number of fake or distant acquaintances. A zookeeper, for example, would want to have an endangered animal in his zoo because there are not many left and the certain species is cherished and prized for its rareness. If a person has one hundred acquaintances and zero close friends, no one will be there for them when it is needed. If someone has five extremely close friends and no acquaintances, they will be a much happier and secure person. This is because those five friends will be there for them when they are going through hard times. Some people, such as wildlife or conservation biologists, try to save endangered species and keep them in existence. They normally do not pay attention to the animals that are not endangered or extinct because nothing needs to be done to save them. This is the same idea with friendship: one tries harder to keep friendships if they do not have tons of friends because if they lose a good friend, it has a big effect on their life. If someone loses one out of their one hundred acquaintances, it will not make a big difference in their life. This is why we should value and try to keep the few close friends that we already have.

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Mary KAtherine D. Yellow said...

Since I was a little kid, I have always enjoyed skiing. I started when I was around two, and I have never stopped. My favorite part was always when I got the bottom and looked back up at how high the mountain was that I just accomplished. Although this was my favorite part, I would never want to get to it because that meant that that part of my adventure was over. In a sense, it is a little like reading a good book. In a book there are many parts. There is the exposition, narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement, when it is all over, and all the moments in between. The exposition of a book is like putting on your skis and remembering how to ski with a little warm up hill or just skiing out of the locker room. It is like a book in the sense that you are aquatinting yourself with all the parts and information needed like the lead characters. The narrative hook in a book is the part in the story that catches your attention. In skiing, it is deciding which slope you want to conquer that day. The rising action is the ride up on the ski lift, and all of the short practice runs you make. When something happens to a character in the book, such as in a romance novel when the character and the male lead have a fight or break up, that is when you fall during the day. Just like that character, you do not want to keep going. You have the urge to stop for the day and go drink some hot chocolate in the warm ski lodge. Just like the character, you do not know why, but you get up and keep going. The climax is going down the hill that you set your sights on in the beginning of the day. This is the most important part of your day and you are nervous the whole time, but you keep going. The Falling action is when you reach the bottom of the big hill and all the warm down hills that you ski after. The denouement is when you are taking your ski equipment off in the locker room, and start to leave. It is the conclusion of your day and all the fun you had. The aftermath of reading a good book is my favorite part although it is also one of the saddest parts of the book reading process. Even though the book is over, you can revisit the book anytime, by either looking at the book or reading it again. In skiing, you can revisit the feeling of accomplishment you had anytime by either skiing the hill again or just by looking at the hill and knowing that you skied it.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Mary KAtherine D. Yellow said...

Since I was a little kid, I have always enjoyed skiing. I started when I was around two, and I have never stopped. My favorite part was always when I got the bottom and looked back up at how high the mountain was that I just accomplished. Although this was my favorite part, I would never want to get to it because that meant that that part of my adventure was over. In a sense, it is a little like reading a good book. In a book there are many parts. There is the exposition, narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement, when it is all over, and all the moments in between. The exposition of a book is like putting on your skis and remembering how to ski with a little warm up hill or just skiing out of the locker room. It is like a book in the sense that you are aquatinting yourself with all the parts and information needed like the lead characters. The narrative hook in a book is the part in the story that catches your attention. In skiing, it is deciding which slope you want to conquer that day. The rising action is the ride up on the ski lift, and all of the short practice runs you make. When something happens to a character in the book, such as in a romance novel when the character and the male lead have a fight or break up, that is when you fall during the day. Just like that character, you do not want to keep going. You have the urge to stop for the day and go drink some hot chocolate in the warm ski lodge. Just like the character, you do not know why, but you get up and keep going. The climax is going down the hill that you set your sights on in the beginning of the day. This is the most important part of your day and you are nervous the whole time, but you keep going. The Falling action is when you reach the bottom of the big hill and all the warm down hills that you ski after. The denouement is when you are taking your ski equipment off in the locker room, and start to leave. It is the conclusion of your day and all the fun you had. The aftermath of reading a good book is my favorite part although it is also one of the saddest parts of the book reading process. Even though the book is over, you can revisit the book anytime, by either looking at the book or reading it again. In skiing, you can revisit the feeling of accomplishment you had anytime by either skiing the hill again or just by looking at the hill and knowing that you skied it.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Karina T. (blue) said...

A keyboard is like a family. Each note (key) represents a different family member. When I spend time with my family I tend to think of different generations as octaves on a keyboard. My grandparents and their siblings make up the C0-B0 octave (the lowest notes on a keyboard) because grandparents are the basis of every family just as low notes are the basis of most songs. My parents, aunts, and uncles make up the C1-B2 octave. These notes are not as deep in sound as our parents are not as old as our grandparents. My sister, cousins, and I makes up the C2-B2 octave. This octave is most commonly heard in most piano arrangements as the kids at family gatherings are the loudest, most lively part of the event. As life goes on and more generations are added they will reach the C8-B8 octave (the highest notes on a keyboard). Each chord on a keyboard represents the different family units. Just as chords are a specific series of notes that are similar in sound, each family unit is different in its own way. All of these chords come together to form a song while each family unit comes together for holidays, birthdays, and various other occasions. The different sounds on a keyboard represent the different occasions families gather together. On my keyboard there are 500 different sounds from which to chose, each unique in its own way, and in my family, it seems like there are 500 reasons we make up just to spend time together.

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Claudia K yellow said...

I am the ITunes Store.
Some people’s IPods are out of storage because they have so many songs. Similarly, I am out of free time because I participate in so many activities.
Every IPod comes preloaded with some apps, one of these is the music app. Music is a very important part of me. I can play piano, tenor sax, and baritone sax; whenever I am allowed to listen to music, I most likely am. Our ITunes accounts are filled with songs we don’t listen to often like Hannah Montana and High School Musical. My tenor sax is a High School Musical album, it sits in its case in my basement; sometimes I miss playing and I’ll get it out for an hour or so just like I sometimes jam out to High School Musical.
The ITunes Store has many different genres of music; we can choose what we want. I enjoy multiple different genres of music, activities, and hobbies.
My free time is country music. I enjoy country music and I have nothing against it, but I don’t own any. Country is the music genre I listen to the least; free time is something that rarely appears in my life.
Electronic or dance music is cross country. I have just recently started listening to this genre of music and I enjoy it. This fall was my first season running cross country; I’m glad I decided to join the team.
Alternative music is all of the sports I used to play. Just like I keep expanding my horizons in the sense of music genres, I am increasing the amount of sports I have experience in. I used to listen to alternative music all the time; it was one of my dad’s favorite genres so I could not avoid it, even if I tried. I used to do gymnastics and play volleyball and basketball. I still listen to alternative music occasionally, just like how I play basketball in my driveway and I work on perfecting my back handspring and aerial.
Pop music is my hobbies. I enjoy pop music, but I tend to listen to other genres more often. One of my hobbies that I love is making hair bows. I make bows for myself, my friends, and the little girl I babysit. So many different types of songs can fit under the metaphorical umbrella of the pop genre, just like there are multiple different types of bows. I wish I had more time to make bows; I wish I had more time to listen to pop music because I’ve never heard of a lot of my friends’ favorite songs.
Dance to me is music that falls under the genres of indie, folk, and singer-songwriter. I could listen to this type of music all day, every day. Dance means so many things to me. It’s somewhere I can truly be myself, it’s an escape; it’s a way to express myself; it’s comforting; it’s safe; it’s fun; most importantly, it’s home. Dancing can calm me down, boost my mood, and make my day. Indie, folk, and singer-songwriter music can have the same effects on me. They’re my go-to genres and I have a playlist for every mood whenever I need it. One of the best parts about this genre is that it is one of the main music genres used in dance. This means that my favorite music style and my favorite activity are commonly combined, leading to a more happy me.
I am the ITunes store because the ITunes store has every genre of music. Unlike most people, I listen to music in genres that are completely opposite of each other, and I participate in activities with conflicting stereotypes (for example, most soccer players would not be seen dead in a ballet class). Because of the variation of both my interests and the music genres in the ITunes store, I am the ITunes store.

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Meredith F. Blue said...

Ever since I was a baby, I have spent most of my summers at the shore. I have grown up loving the beach and the memories that come with it. A perfect day at the shore is like producing an movie. To make a successful beach day, the weather and setting has to be perfect. To me, this perfect weather is 84 degrees, sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and a sea breeze. Just like in a movie, the setting has to be ideal and has to fit the plot. If a movie is being filmed outdoors, the weather needs to be in accordance with the scene. Being on the beach with the right people is another way that defines a good beach day. The best memories I have are with my family, especially my cousins. I like to share these days with people who will make me laugh Similarly, a successful film always seems to have the best actors or actresses. The director has to carefully pick actors or actresses who will best portray the characters that appear in the movie. If it is a comedy movie, the director need to pick actors or actresses that are very funny. Next, is what I do during my perfect beach day. I love splashing in the water with my family, having paddle ball tournaments with my cousins, and taking naps in the warm sun. In a movie, the plot is the most important part. The writer needs to make the script very appealing to the audience in order for anyone to watch. At the end of the day, we walk home, spray the sand off our feet, and sit around the picnic table eating popsicles. We are left feeling satisfied with how our day turned out. After watching some movies, many people are pleased with how it turned out and how all the components of it were put together smoothly. And feeling happy is the best feeling anyone can possibly have.

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Taylor S. Yellow said...

You turn on the treadmill and hop on. Once you are jogging at your desired speed, what else is there to do but to let your mind wander?
After you are done exercising you decided to head to bed. When you are lying there trying to fall asleep, all you can do is think.
In this way, exercising on a treadmill and daydreaming are the same. Your thoughts will change easily and change often.
Neither one will get you anywhere. This is figurative in the case of jogging on a treadmill. You can not move forward if the ground beneath you is moving in the opposite direction. In the case of daydreaming, you can not go anywhere either because all you are doing is thinking of "what if's." You are not putting any action into fulfilling the dream.
There are no benefits to either of the two activities if you do not follow through. Following through with exercising on a treadmill includes eating better foods so that you may have a healthier lifestyle. To follow through with your daydream, you must put them to action and face your fears in order for there to be a benefit.
Both jogging on a treadmill and daydreaming can be done whenever you want to. Whenever you feel the need to get some extra exercise, a treadmill is one of the first places to go if there is one nearby. Like the activity before, daydreaming can be done during any part of the day. It does not even matter where you are.
Although jogging on a treadmill and daydreaming can not bring you anywhere, they both are the start of something. They will take you down the path that leads to something greater, like when you finish a marathon or solve a problem.

At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Amanda M. Blue said...

Fishing is like looking for the right guy
Baiting your hook is expressing your best qualities to catch their eye
Casting your line is starting a conversation
Watching the bobber is noticing the things they do
Getting excited when you feel a pull on your line is catching feelings
Reeling in your line is become closer with them
Most importantly, you have to catch some sunnies before you can pull in the big bass

At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Kellie V. Yellow said...

There are a variety of books with different plots, genres, and themes. There are also many different personalities of your family members. In this way, the messages and genres of books are like the members of a family. Words in a book can have the ability to comfort someone, just as a parent may comfort their children. Family can help guide you through life or everyday tasks, similar to how a guide book or an instruction book can show you the next step. The people who drone on with their own tales are like the books you are having difficulty focusing on. You don't want to leave halfway through, but you are hoping the end will arrive soon. The fast-paced adventure books are the family members you admire and who have you hanging on to their every word.
A family can have its rough times, as can a book. There can be sadness and anger written into the pages that reflect the troubling times in your own family. A book begins and a family member is born, and a book ends and someone may leave or pass away. Books can continue with a sequel or a prequel. Family can continue to grow through marriage, adoption, or birth. A book can end on a cliffhanger, never finished, and left to our imagination to finish. Family can end as well, whether through death or a sudden move. They can remain away from the family for months or years, leaving you wondering and imagining what they are like now. Family and books can be exciting or dull, childish or mature. Just as a book can remain with us wherever we go in life, family will always be there to support us, whether in spirit or in person.

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Jared W. Blue said...

Life is a lot like running a cross country race. In races, you will sometimes have to run up challenging hills. This is similar to big obstacles in life that you may need to overcome. Also, at the end of the race you have to sprint to the finish to try to get a good time. This resembles deadlines that you have to meet in life, whether it be homework, or an important project. Downhills are the easier parts of a race where you can speed up your time without using much energy. This is like the times in your life when you are relaxed and everything is calm. You usually set a goal time for yourself in a race, just as you set goals for yourself in everyday life. You also have to compete with other runners during a race, just like how you may compete with others for awards or a position, or even compete against yourself to do your best.

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Sophia P. blue said...

Passing a class is like making dinner...
Many different elements go into both dinner and passing. For a dinner, you need different foods, such as the main dish and all the sides. Likewise, you need to do well on homework, quizzes, and tests to pass a class. The first step in making dinner is getting all the ingredients together. the first step to passing class is making sure you have all the right materials for the class. Next you have to make all of the side dishes. The side dishes are like the small assignments for class, like homework and quizzes. Even if you fail one test or quiz, it won't completely ruin your chances of passing. In the same manner, if you mess up on one side, it won't mess up the whole meal. The main dish is like the final. It requires more prep time and effort. The main dish is the biggest part of the meal. The same goes with the final, it is one of the biggest grades in the class. Sometimes, the main dish doesn't turn out the way you planned, but the dinner is still a success. Even if you don't do as well on the final as you thought you did, you can still pass. Every dinner is composed of one thing, it has many different elements. In like manner, passing a class is made of many different assignments. Neither can be successful without hard work and time.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Madison S Blue said...

Running a race is like riding a roller coaster. You stand there on the line, nervously excited to take off at the sound of the gun. You have that same feeling in your stomach every time, no matter how many times you've run the race before. That same feeling is present as you fasten your seatbelt for your favorite roller coaster. It doesn't matter how many times you've ridden it in the past, the adrenaline starts pumping as you wait for the ride to begin. And finally, you're off. You start out fast, caught up in the excitement. As you go through your ride, you only think about the fun your having, the ride is over too quickly to think about anything else. While you run, you only think about your race, you cant afforded lose your focus and think about dinner or what you're going to wear tomorrow. And then you hit that hill, the dreaded, endless hill that sucks all of your energy. As the car climbs up the tracks, the excitement builds for the drop down. The downhill where you can finally catch your breath and relax after the strain of the uphill. After the hill, the rest of the ride seems to fly by. It's a maze of twists and turns until you finally cross the finish line. And once it's over, and you catch your breath, you think about it and realize that that was the most fun you've had on that ride or that it had been your best race to date.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Brianna J. Blue said...

Dancing a jig is like Morse Code. A jig is typically done in what we Irish dancers call "hard shoes." Morse code has its own alphabet, consisting of its own letters and sounds. This is similar to Irish dance. When I watch a step, I can tell you which move is a treble, which move is a tip, or which move is a hop. Any other person could not describe what moves we are doing in a jig. For each letter in Morse code, there is a specific sound and light that stands for different letters. In Irish dancing, each different move has a different sound. A lot of people just hear tapping on the floor and see flailing legs, but each move must be controlled in order to produce the anticipated sound. A tip is just toeing the ground, while a treble is a forward and backward tip combined. When typing in Morse code, you must create a specific pattern in order to create a legible sentence. This is just like choreographing a treble jig. You must put together various beats to create a pattern that agrees with the eight bars of reel music. The patterns you dance should sound like patterns you would hear played on the drums. The sound patterns you hear when Morse code is read out is almost like the music a jig is danced to. Lastly, dancing a jig tells a story, just as Morse code translates a message. Every move and pattern has a different meaning, almost how Morse code has different sounds and lights that create sentences. Morse code was a way to give people messages and important information. My dream is to send messages through dancing and move people, without the use of words.

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Alex D. Yellow said...

Creating and playing most video games can be compared to life. The first step in creating a video game is the development process when all of the aspects and features of the game are designed; this is very similar to pregnancy in the sense that your body size and features are designed. The next step is releasing the finished product; this can be compared to human birth. The next step is to release patches that fix various bugs and glitches allowing the game and its community following to grow, this can be associated with a human’s adolescent years when growth is most prevalent and intense. When playing most games decision making is always an important part of the game and it can change your final outcome and result, we are faced with these decisions everyday during our daily lives and sometimes they can be ones of life and death. Eventually games, if they are good enough, are given sequels, new games made to carry on the originals legacy, in life having children is quite related to this in the sense that they may carry on your legacy striving to be just like you, but at the same time attempting to be better and learn more and do more in life than their parents did. Unfortunately all games, even the most popular ones must fade off into obscurity, in this case this is very close to death, close but not the same, this is because after you die, not everybody, but most will remember you for who you were and what you did with your life.

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous E said...

With each school year, students to through many phases. That is why we are like the four seasons, constantly changing. We start out school every year at the very end of summer, well rested, healthy, and relaxed from our long, yet short lived vacation. We enter the school year most enthusiastically, somehow completely unprepared for the harsh winter of the year that lies ahead. As fall comes and the leaves start to change, our colors begin to fade as well. Literally, as our tanned skin returns to its formal pastiness, but also as it becomes harder to keep up with the cold nature of our schoolwork. Our energy starts to die down more and more as we approach winter. The frigidness of winter reminds us every day that we should be hibernating. Yet, we continue on with our studies, barely alive, unfruitful, and producing no harvest. With spring comes a great rejuvenation of each of us. We reap in the fresh rain as it comes, and there is a hope for our liveliness to return. Each day spring fever sets in more, causing new buds to blossom within us each day. As we get closer to summer, we hatch from our shells. Our chirping and our buzzing is even too much for our teachers. Then finally summer returns. We bloom steadily in the warmth of the summer haze. We are radiant and exuberant. We grow and we take in as much as we can before the cycle repeats itself again in just a few short months.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Elizabeth D. Blue said...

With each school year, students to through many phases. That is why we are like the four seasons, constantly changing. We start out school every year at the very end of summer, well rested, healthy, and relaxed from our long, yet short lived vacation. We enter the school year most enthusiastically, somehow completely unprepared for the harsh winter of the year that lies ahead. As fall comes and the leaves start to change, our colors begin to fade as well. Literally, as our tanned skin returns to its formal pastiness, but also as it becomes harder to keep up with the cold nature of our schoolwork. Our energy starts to die down more and more as we approach winter. The frigidness of winter reminds us every day that we should be hibernating. Yet, we continue on with our studies, barely alive, unfruitful, and producing no harvest. With spring comes a great rejuvenation of each of us. We reap in the fresh rain as it comes, and there is a hope for our liveliness to return. Each day spring fever sets in more, causing new buds to blossom within us each day. As we get closer to summer, we hatch from our shells. Our chirping and our buzzing is even too much for our teachers. Then finally summer returns. We bloom steadily in the warmth of the summer haze. We are radiant and exuberant. We grow and we take in as much as we can before the cycle repeats itself again in just a few short months.

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Pav N. Yellow said...

Part 1/2: Much to the dismay of my parents I have a certain love for video games. My favorite genre tends to be platforming games, such as Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog, however any game has levels and most games have a story. When presented with what I can compare life to I realized that I often think of my life as a video game, each different portion representing a different part of the game, and all of these coming together, perhaps in the long run, our lives truly are a game, being played by something greater than we can possibly imagine, although that is just speculation. Throughout your life you find yourself constantly waiting for different milestones. Perhaps waiting for the age of 12 where your mind has reached a developmental peak and you can now watch television with no limits, or maybe the sought after achievement of having 16 years, after which you can drive and hold a steady job. No matter what age you are, you always have something that you are looking forward to. Recently, I have been an avid player of the Ace Attorney games, and I found myself wanting to start the second game in the series however I had to complete the final case in the first game because of nothing more than the mere principle of beating the game. I found myself waiting for the end of the case, later in the day I found myself waiting for the day when I should turn 16 and be able to go wherever my heart desires. It was in that moment that I realized how much I was treating my own life as if it was a video game. As if each year of my life was some level that I just wanted to beat to the best of my ability so that I can show off how well I completed it and reach the next level and reap the benefits that come with it. Another similarity between these two things, are enemies. In video games you are constantly tasked with completing puzzles and defeating fierce enemies, and solving any problem that can present itself, and should you fail, you are sent to the beginning and forced to try again until you get it right. However the way it is done, it is never done to where you are driven mad, at least not normally. Instead you learn to enjoy the challenge. While I overtly admit to not speak on the behalf of anyone, I am someone that enjoys challenge. In fact a problem I might even have is making my own problems and forcing myself to solve them. Whether it be who my friend likes or a creative way for my friends to ask someone to homecoming, I task myself to come up with certain ways of solving problems. Throughout your life you will face problems and be forced to over come them and you will have no other choice. Continuing that train of thought (problems being in both video games and real life), sometimes in video games, players tend to exhibit and action known as "rage quitting". To "Rage Quit" is to become so absolutely flustered and enraged with something in a video game that you outright give up and let go of that problem, either to return to it at a later date or not return at all, mirroring certain problems in our world as well. Sometimes, you will face something that you can simply not overcome. That can range to liking someone who just does not like you back, or attempting to befriend someone who just won't give you a chance. The final similarity is quite a depressing one. All games come to an end, as do all things. Should that be a good game you will not want it to end and it a bad game you should look quite forward to its end. Should you have had a good life, once full of prosperity and happiness you can only look back on your life as it ends with a bitter-sweetness, reminiscing about the good times and regretting that it should end. That can again be applied to a bad life, perhaps you had a hard life, and never made the most of it, and it should be filled with regret and hardship. As depressing and sad as it might be to say there are definitely people out there who are happy to see the end.

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Pav N. Yellow said...

Part 2/2: After a game end it is over. Or is it? Most games should they have been successful, will get sequels, such as Mario, Sonic, Zelda, and a plethora of others. Similarly, if you are successful in life you will have children that will carry on your name and continue your lineage for generations and generations to come, making sure that your memory will never fade.
While I can say that life and video games are very alike, that does not change that the two are at the same time, extremely different. However the lessons that you can learn in a video game can be applied to life. Never give up, there is always a solution. Enjoy challenge, test your abilities and push them further and further everyday. There is much that can be learned from video games, since video games, are indeed, life.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Nick P. Blue said...

Delaware license plates are people. They are very diverse, as are people. There are many different types of plates. The typical ones with just numbers are your everyday commoner. PC tags are for large vehicles that can hold a lot; they are the soccer moms who are always shuttling around people, or those who grow attached to so much that they accumulate "baggage," which they haul around for their whole life. Commercial tags, which are typically found on trucks and vans, are the hard workers in the world; they never take things for granted, and they work to earn what they need. The MC tags, for motorcycles, are the flashy people and daredevils in the world. Plates also have different appearances. The everyday blue and gold plate is the people who are rather simple and not strikingly unique. Special interest tags are those who are unique. They can also be compared to those who are devoted to a certain cause, like those who want to save the environment, or those who are devoted to some other thing, like a fan of the Eagles who would never miss a game under any circumstance. The most special tags are the black and white replicas. They are those who stand out and really are one-of-a-kind. Delaware license plates only use numbers (aside from the beginning prefixes like PC). The lower the number, the more the value, sometimes even more than the car that displays them. The lower numbers are those who are wealthy, and the most prestigious of us all. The middle numbers are the typical, middle class people. The highest numbers are the bums in society, that lack motivation and don't really do anything of use or worth. Delaware's lowest license plate numbers have a lot of value and are passed down from generation to generation. The lowest numbers can also be the famous people like movie stars and musicians, whom so many people cherish and adore. The ages of the plates and their numbers are also like people. The oldest plates and also the lowest numbers are the elderly, who have seen so much and have so much to say. The plates hot off the presses and the highest numbers are young children, new to the world and inexperienced. A final aspect of Delaware tags are their details. Some with frames and even old date tabs from the 1940s and 50s are those who are knit-picky and pay a lot of attention to detail. The plain plates are those who are simple and rather carefree. Delaware license plates have several different aspects, as do people.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Lucie M. Blue said...

Good friends are rare. They aren't something that you just come across every day. True friendship is like the cheerfully crackling flames of a bonfire. Sitting around a bonfire fills you with warmth and a sense of happiness that is just like sitting around with friends. Before a bonfire starts, there needs to be plenty of wood to fuel the fire. Just in the same way friendship is built on trust. The more trust there is the greater the flame of friendship will be. Fires and friendships will both burn out if they aren't taken care of. Effort has to be put into keeping the flames ablaze. The best part about both fires and friends is when you stand back and just enjoy the view. Once a bonfire gets going it can grow to huge sizes or last all through the night. In comparison, friendship can last a lifetime or just short periods of time. Even after a bonfire dies out, you're still left with glowing embers or the memories of that friendship. 

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Kirsten A yellow said...

Your so nervous that your stomach feels like there are ten million butterflies swarming around, but you're also excited because you're about to experience something new. You could have these feelings when jumping out of an airplane or when going on a first date. Before you jump out of the airplane you're full of anxiety and nervousness because you don't know what's coming next, but you are also full of excitement because you about to experience something new. This is like getting ready to go on a first date because you may nervous because you do not know what to expect and how the date will go, but you are also very excited to get to know the person you are going out with. Once you get to your date, you may feel a rush of excitement and you get to know everything about that person, but you're also taking a chance on hearing something about them that you don't like. This is like free falling because you get a rush of adrenaline and you're taking a chance on whether or not you land safely. When your parachute opens, you are still in that phase of wondering where you are going of land and whether or not it will be safely, but you're almost done your experience, so that "rush" is pretty much gone.once your date is almost over, you must decide whether or not you would like to go on a second date with that person. Once you decide, the excitement for meeting that person is gone, but there may be new excitement if you decide to go on a second date. When your parachute lands, the excitement is gone, but you might be excited to do something new or maybe you want to go skydiving again, either way, your adrenaline rush is over.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Kevin O Yellow said...

Something holding oneself down and providing a stable, reliable source of structure and order is one concept that most people need to keep themselves grounded. A way some people support themselves with is with romance, finding another person with which to lean on. This idea of the two of them together keeps them in line and leading their idea of a good life. The effect of romance on people and that of pop music to the same people is remarkably similar in the fact that I personally don't see the mass appeal to either, currently, at least. With the radio being a major part of the daily lives of most people, it provides the reliability of producing catchy, cheery pop music being delivered quickly and straightforward, with little choice of the listener on the music decisions presented to them. This provides the consumer with little in the way of diverse instrumentation or idea being presented. I am not that big of a fan of the radio; I find music I like independently, without the need for people besides myself deciding what most the majority listen to and sticking to that. I might occasionally like one or two songs being played on the radio, but my interest in them fades, they go off the air, or I find the artist's other material comparably worse than the one song I did like by them. Pop music on the radio also provides listeners with song upon song of catchy, mundane lyrics. This is much like how most people in today's world constantly go in and out of relationships, without much substance behind the person they are with. Also much like pop music, I find romance played out too idealistically. Pop tunes about love and finding the perfect partner and giving everything for that one person are now the nearly unobtainable bar that must be reached for a romantic relationship. This is not to say that pop music played on the radio cannot have a great impact on me, such as the M.I.A. song "Paper Planes" has, for instance. But these occurrences are far and in between and may not present themselves immediately, much like I started getting very involved in M.I.A.'s music six years after the release of that song. Pop music on the radio also provides listeners with song upon song of catchy, mundane lyrics. This is much like how most people in today's world constantly go in and out of relationships, without much substance behind the person they are with. In all, pop radio music just isn't the thing for me, or something that I'm really interested in investing my time into, but somewhat like romance, if something comes along and I find it unique and it blows me away, I will take the opportunity.

I'm not going to take an hour out of my life listening to the new Lana Del Rey album when I could be doing something I know I'd have a much more enjoyable time doing.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Joseph W. Blue said...

"Slow down your going to get hurt", the type of things mothers say to their children. But that doesn't hold you back from what you love doing. Life is liking riding a longboard. As you pick up the longboard, jump on, and go down the hill, you look down to realize how fast your going, as your mother is yelling at you on how your going to break a bone. But that is the excitement that you live for to riding a longboard. But it's the first little things that matter the most like stepping on the long board, taking your first feet on it, and then going a little faster. In life the little things count like making someone's day by helping them carry their books. When you are riding up a hill, sweat dripping down your face, and your legs cramping up, you think about the view at the top which will motivate you to get their. Just as in life when their are struggles that are keeping you back, remember that their is always something good waiting to happen. Everything happens for a reason so if you never give up great things will happen that follow on the other side of the hill. When you get to the top of the hill you will see why it was so worth it to get their and how the excitement level rises as you prepare to go down the hill. As you look down and see what kind of ride your in for you realize how lucky you are to have this chance. At the top, you can take a break, and look down at the easy road ahead. Just as in life when you resolve your problems, you can take a break, and think about the easier life then before. The break is a time of relaxation to think about making your life better. When going down the hill, the wind is running through your luscious hair, the excitement of your body, the speed of the board, the curiosity on how your going to stop, and felling free are things you can only feel when you are living. Just as in life when you resolve the problem, things get better from their on. Things might get a little risky on the way down but at least you came over your biggest problems and are enjoying the excitement of having no struggle. You can be happy and proud for getting over those struggles. Just as you are riding down that hill on a beautiful day, you fall of your board, and hurt your knee. But you realize why you were out their in the first place and that was to ride, so you hope right back on your board and keep going. When thing in life are feeling bad, you just have to get up, never give up, and strive for greater things. One thing that happens when long boarding is the board speed wobbles when going to fast down a hill. The board shakes, but you just have to keep your balance and keep your composure. Just how in life their are twist and turns in life, but you have to stay calm and fight through those twist and turns. When you are about to get to the bottom of the hill their is a sharp turn that you have to make so you don't crash. So you lean right, lean down, put your hands with gloves on them on the ground, and slide. Sliding is a trick in long boarding to avoid crashing just how in life you want to avoid things in life that will keep you from staying on track. Long boarding is dangerous but it is the excitement that keeps your life going.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Morgan b yellow said...

For Sweet Love
"Lips like licorice, tongue like candy.", lyrics from the popular song My First Kiss. Many people have compared love to eating candy for the way they are both sweet and desirable. Everyone wants some of the sweet affection of that special person, just as everyone craves the taste of sugary sweets. However, many people neglect to realize the consequences they both have. Ten minutes of the awe from looking at all the choices; gummy bears, twizzlers, lemon heads, how does anyone decide? Then you see the chocolate and your hooked memorized by its simplicity and beauty. Just the same as when you find the boy who makes you remember why you did your hair and make up. You know he's your chocolate even if he isn't everyone's favorite. Next the unwrapping, piece by piece you discover more and more of the chocolate each little piece has a slight imperfection. Every fact you learn about him no matter how imperfect is exactly what you want. Finally you dive right in, unable to control your craving anymore. Each piece is better than the next, makes you wonder how anyone before you could not have liked this chocolate. How could this perfect boy not be taken. Everything is all happy and smiles, until you ate to much chocolate. It starts to make you sick and tired of the taste. You realize you have had this taste many times before, done the same dates and same stories. So you stop eating the chocolate, you fallout of love with it's once perfect taste. The boy is no longer all you want and dream about. So you go back to the candy shop and try the twizzlers. They aren't as perfect as the chocolate, but now you have the candy you have to finish it. The new boy is similar even though he is desirable and equally sweet you start to miss the old eye candy. You keep trying new candy until you can't take it anymore you want the chocolate. Now though all the candy has made you gain weight. Your mile times starts to slow down, your homecoming dress does not fix, how could this thing that you once loves caused you so much problems now? How could the craving of one boy still linger in your heart? Not everyone goes to a candy shop however, some are diabetic or on a diet. Just like not everyone wants love. The aftermath of to much love and candy can leave you miserable with either a stomachache or a heartbreak.

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Matt T Blue said...

Life is like running a marathon. Life is one long journey with hills, obstacles, and rough terrain, just like a marathon. The goal of the marathon is reaching the finish line. I believe that the goal in life is to reach the finish line, which is death, and be happy and proud of your journey there. Even though I have not personally ran a marathon myself, I know that finishing one is a great feeling. All the hard work and training pays off once you finish. Just like in life, finishing the journey after all the pain and hard work is a great feeling. Life has some ups and downs too. These good and bad moments can be compared to running up and down large hills. When we are struggling and in a tough time in our life, it is like running up a large hill. We can not lose our momentum and stop in both cases. When we are feeling good and are having a successful time, it is like coasting down a hill where all is easy and calm. The point of the race is not always to come in first, but it is just to finish. We don't want to die an incomplete life where we weren't happy how we lived it. The people that help you train for the marathon are your parents, because they get you ready for your future life. The other runners that you run along side with are the people in your life that have the same thoughts or goals as you. They are your friends.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Diana S yellow said...

Sometimes we stop and just think about life. We think about the memories and replay them in our head. We also think about the future and try to imagine what will happen in the next chapter of our lives. By saying this our life is like a book. We have already lived the past like the parts of the book you have already read. But we do not know what will happen next. We can sometimes plan our future or predict that something may happen. Just as you might in a book if you are trying to figure out or can predict the ending. We plan out our future just as there is a table of contents in the front of a book. Every day we turn the page to see what will happen next in life. Every big step we take in life is a new chapter. Sometimes there are turning points in our lives when something big and unexpected happens just like in a book. We can look back at the memories we live just like you can go back and reread parts of a book. Every book has an author and our author is God. He is the only one that know what will happen next. He has made a plan for each of us. God wrote our story and we live it.

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Patrick d yellow said...

Listening to a song is like playing a lacrosse game
First is the introduction, a short instrumental rift gives an idea of what kind of song it is
The face off starts and the game begins, the faceoff is short, but can give a hint as to what team has the upper hand
The Intro quickly moves into the first verse
A team ganis possesion and sets up the offense
Then the refrain comes; its loud and fast and repetitve
The team executes a play with great swiftness as the crowed raors with exitement
The verse refrain pattern reapeats with as the game continues.
But ten things slow down and it's halftime
The intulude comes on, it is halftime
Now, maybe there is a guitar rift or an instrumental tune. It's somewhat calming amd t is a nice break from the action of the game
Then soemthing changes the notes start to build up to the refrain once again
The coach gives a speach and the players subsiquently assume their positions on the field
The refrain comes back on, but this time something is different
It's the second half and things seem even louder and more spead up.
The excitement of he song grows just as the excitement of the game grows
Then it slows down, it's the outro now,
The outcome of the game has already been determined
Thesng starts to close. Sometims it's an eciting finish, a winning goal.
Other times it jut sort of fades out and ends.

At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Ryan B Blue said...

Reading a book is like going to school. Every subject is like a new chapter in the book. In a chapter, you learn a bunch of important details as you would in your class period about that subject. Having to look up a word you don't understand is like homework. Going to lunch is like putting the book down for a while and taking a break. All of the characters in a book are like the people you meet in school, such as your friends and teachers. Finishing the book is like going home and the next day, you start the next book in the series.

At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Janelle H yellow said...

Life is like a game of softball. Before a softball game can start the players have to warm up. School is like the "warm up" of life. It is preparing us for the real world, just as warm ups in softball prepare the players for the game. Some people in life are focused on succeeding and becoming rich, just like in softball some players don't want anything other than a win. Some people are just living, focused not so much on succeeding but having a good time, just like some softball players would rather have a good time than win. In life some people are very bold and involved in many things, just like a pitcher in a softball team. The pitcher throws all the pitches and is involved in every play. Catchers are involved in the majority of plays as well and they often guide the pitcher by giving them signs and also providing support if the pitcher is having a bad inning. The "catchers" of life are the people who know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. And they aren't afraid to tell you how to do it and help provide moral support. Infielders are quick on their feet and quick thinking, just like in life some people are quick thinkers and always have a witty comment or Retort. They are ready for anything you "throw at them". Outfielders are the last line of defense. If it gets past the infield its up to them to be there to back up and make sure nothing gets passed them. Outfielders are like the people in life that are always there for you and always have your back.

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Sarah E. Blue said...

The varsity field hockey team runs off the field with smiles on their faces; they won. Just like that they are excited to go on with their cheer, calm and content with what happened over the past hour, just as if they were waking up from a good night's sleep, ready to tackle on the day. The JV's game was not as peaceful as the Varsity's, however. As we go through our pre game rituals and pray, I stand there in my goalie pads, not quite ready to start the game. I turn the water on and brush my teeth and wash my face in my pajamas, not really wanting to go to go to sleep, but eventually, it's time to go to sleep or run onto the field. The game starts and the ball comes towards me in goal. The other team has the possession, and my heart rate goes up as the ball gets closer and closer to the circle. I am tossing and turning, I cannot fall asleep. All the sudden, a girl on the other team hits the ball over the end line, and my team takes the hit from the top of the circle. It is a hard drive, speeding down the field, passing the fifty, and entering the other team's circle. I start to relax and stand up straight. I can fall asleep calmly now. The other team now starts with the ball, and right away, we have let down our guard. The ball comes into the circle, and one of our defenders kicks the ball. It is a corner. I scream "go!" as we run out of the goal, and there is another foul committed in the circle. Another corner. I kick the ball and it goes up into the air. Another corner. This is a reoccurring dream. Over and over again, my brain gets plagued with the same thoughts, the same defensive corners. My defender's stick interlocks with someone from the other team's stick. My heart sinks. It is a stroke. This is the worst nightmare. Nothing good can come out of this. The ball passes me and I can hear the clunk on the back of the goal. I am out of breath. I just woke up from my nightmare. I'm still trying to get a grasp on what just happened. The game goes on,but the buzzer eventually rings. My alarm clock goes off. We lose the game, and the day is going to be bad. The game of field hockey is just like sleeping.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Eddy M blue said...

People are like roadsigns. Some people will get in the way of you achieving your goal like stop signs stop you from reaching your destination. Other people will slow you down but will not completely stop you from reaching your goal. These people are yield signs. There are also people who will help you reach your goal, there are directory signs that help you know which paths to chose, and there are people who are like speed limit signs that will help you know your limits and not go faster than is good for you. There are do not enter signs that help you to know where not to go and there are people who tell you that there are some places you should not go.Even if there is a problem on your journey there are people like detour signs that will help you get back on track


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