Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Seniors: # 2 journal ---Modern American Themes class only!


For this post you are writing about one of the articles that you read in class on Tuesday and Wednesday. Basically, you are posting at Schoolsville (for the world to see) the work you did for one of the articles.

So you should:

Note: the title of article (put the title in quotation marks), the author of article, and the date published:

Then answer ….

What important issue, idea, concern, practice, or THEME is addressed in the article? (write in a 2-3 sentences)

Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know




Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about



Note one question that you now have about any of the information



At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Jenna Tomovich said...

Article: "Does this Ad Make Me Fat?"
Author of Article: Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons
Date Published: March 10, 2013
Theme: How advertising for fast food increases the chance of obesity.
3 Things I Learned:
1) For every 10% increase in advertisement for food, the chances of obesity goes up 5%.
2) Government could have the right to restrict food ads.
3)Many advertising agencies target obese consumers because they will buy the product.
2 Things I found Interesting:
1) Food advertisement has a huge affect on how and what we eat.
2) The government feels that it is bad enough to the point they need to step in.
My Question:
How will restricting advertisement affect the government?

At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Kennedy Clark Purple said...

"Life In a Toxic Country"
Edward Wang

The important issue or theme addressed is that China's air and food is so toxic that is decreasing population. It is also causing millions of death each year, making the death rate increase.

Three things I learned
-Not only is Chinas air toxic, some restaurants have been passing off toxic meat such as rat meat and pretending that its veal or lamb.
-At one point half of Chinas milk supply was tainted by a dangerous chemical called melamine.
-It is mandatory that people have air purifiers and filtration systems in their homes, because of how bad the air is.

Two things I found interesting
- 60% of the year China prompts its residents to stay indoors because of the bad pollution.
-Over half the population wears face mask regular that cover their nose and mouth.

A Question
-Why do people continue to live in China if they know how toxic it truly its?

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Amanda s purple said...

Title: "Can't place that smell? You must be American"
Author: T. M. Lutherman
Published: Sunday, September 7, 2014
An important theme in this article is that sensory perception is culturally specific.
Three things you learned:
1.The knowledge we gain from our senses is described as "zero-order beliefs"
2.Scent is a trigger for personal memory.
3.The team also found that several communities used different metaphors than English and Dutch speakers to describe pitch, or frequency.
Two things you want to learn more about or found interesting:
1.How language and culture specifically affect sensory awareness
2.Sensory perception is about cultural training of attention and biological capacity.
One question:
1.Why is sensory perception so different in the cultures?
THeme of article: different cultures in America

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Sarah J Purple said...

Title: “ Why Healthy Eaters Fall For Fast Food”
Author: Stephanie Clifford
Date Published: Sunday, June 30, 2013

Theme: American Consumers, even healthy ones, keep choosing caloric indulgences rather than healthy food at fast food restaurants. Are the menu contents the problem or the will power of Americans?

Three things that I learned from the article that I didn’t know
More than 1/3 of American adults are obese.
54% of people notice calorie labeling, but of those a quarter said they ate fewer calories as a result.
American fast food is getting so out of control that people from foreign countries eat our food for the experience. People are after the cultural experience of eating a “doughnut breakfast sandwich” because it is not found in their country.

Two things that I found interesting and want to know more about
Healthy options on an otherwise unhealthy menu lead us to swing to pick something worse for us than we normally would. This is called the “vicarious goal fulfillment phenomena”.
New ways to try to get people to eat heathy are underway. Such as signaling nutrition by saying how much exercise it would take to burn off a menu item.

One question that I now have about the information
1.What is the psychological thought behind people ordering unhealthy food over healthy food at fast food places if they are otherwise healthy eaters. Also if there were more healthy options than unhealthy would people choose the healthy items or still pick from the few unhealthy items available.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Sarah J Purple said...

Title: “ Why Healthy Eaters Fall For Fast Food”
Author: Stephanie Clifford
Date Published: Sunday, June 30, 2013

Theme: American Consumers, even healthy ones, keep choosing caloric indulgences rather than healthy food at fast food restaurants. Are the menu contents the problem or the will power of Americans?

Three things that I learned from the article that I didn’t know
More than 1/3 of American adults are obese.
54% of people notice calorie labeling, but of those a quarter said they ate fewer calories as a result.
American fast food is getting so out of control that people from foreign countries eat our food for the experience. People are after the cultural experience of eating a “doughnut breakfast sandwich” because it is not found in their country.

Two things that I found interesting and want to know more about
Healthy options on an otherwise unhealthy menu lead us to swing to pick something worse for us than we normally would. This is called the “vicarious goal fulfillment phenomena”.
New ways to try to get people to eat heathy are underway. Such as signaling nutrition by saying how much exercise it would take to burn off a menu item.

One question that I now have about the information
1.What is the psychological thought behind people ordering unhealthy food over healthy food at fast food places if they are otherwise healthy eaters. Also if there were more healthy options than unhealthy would people choose the healthy items or still pick from the few unhealthy items available.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Sammy B Purple said...

Title: “Bodies that Guard our Secrets”
Author: Jonathan Reisman
Date Published: April 27, 2014
Theme: The literal theme is that every living thing holds something in common, the thing that is most private and personal: our hidden insides and the story they tell. The underlying theme is that everyone has a hidden story.
A. Three things that I learned from the article that I didn’t know:
1. Animals and humans have similar anatomy. Ex. Cows have the filet mignon and humans have a psoas major.
2. A basement membrane forms the foundation for all surfaces in the body.
3. Rabbis check the lungs of the cow by inserting an air tube into their trachea to pump them and check for holes or bubbles.
B. Two things that I found interesting and want to know more about:
1. I want to know more of how we can see if a tumor is benign or malignant.
2. I want to know more of the comparison between human and animal diseases.
C. One question that I now have about the information:
1. Why exactly does a hold in a cows lunch make it not kosher?

At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Daniel Eissmann Purple said...

the title of article (put the title in quotation marks): “The Data of Hate”
the author of article: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
date published: July 13, 2014
Then answer ….
What important issue, idea, concern, practice, or THEME is addressed in the article? (write in a 2-3 sentences)
The theme of the article is white nationalism. A site called Stormfront contains white members who are discriminate against other races.
Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know:
1. Montana is the most involved on the site and Hawaii is the least involved.
2. The biggest increase in membership to Stormfront was the day after Obama was elected.
3. Seventy-six percent of American users of Stormfront identify as ages 14-29
Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about:
1. Jews are the most discriminated group on Stormfront. I want to know why they are the most discriminated.
2. Most stromfront users are male; however, a good percentage are female. I want to know what is attracting females toward the site since it is obvious that males are more attracted to the site.
Note one question that you now have about any of the information:
1. Why do people participate on the site when they could end up in trouble with the law because of
information that can be linked to a crime, most likely a hate crime?

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Daniel Eissmann Purple said...

the title of article (put the title in quotation marks): “The Data of Hate”
the author of article: Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
date published: July 13, 2014
Then answer ….
What important issue, idea, concern, practice, or THEME is addressed in the article? (write in a 2-3 sentences)
The theme of the article is white nationalism. A site called Stormfront contains white members who are discriminate against other races.
Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know:
1. Montana is the most involved on the site and Hawaii is the least involved.
2. The biggest increase in membership to Stormfront was the day after Obama was elected.
3. Seventy-six percent of American users of Stormfront identify as ages 14-29
Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about:
1. Jews are the most discriminated group on Stormfront. I want to know why they are the most discriminated.
2. Most stromfront users are male; however, a good percentage are female. I want to know what is attracting females toward the site since it is obvious that males are more attracted to the site.
Note one question that you now have about any of the information:
1. Why do people participate on the site when they could end up in trouble with the law because of
information that can be linked to a crime, most likely a hate crime?

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Samantha E red said...

"The Killers Underfoot" Matthew Lewin, April 13, 2014
What important issue, idea, concern, practice, or THEME is addressed in the article?
This is article talks about different ways to treat snake bites. It also talks about how snake bite cures are not a top priority right now. The different ways they can cure it are interesting.
Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know
1. Hundreds of thousands of snake bites will cause around 40,000 deaths during monsoon season.
2. Venom injected in a horse eventually forms an antibody which can be injected in a human to save their snake bite injury.
3. Some bites can paralyze you.

Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about
1. The financial side of curing a snake bite.
2. How neostigmine works. (Nasal spray)

Note one question that you now have about any of the information
1. Why do public health organizations pay little attention to the amount of snake bite injuries?

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Rachael D purple said...

“How Tests Makes Us Smarter”
Gary Metter
July 20, 2014
The theme of this article is how taking multiply quizzes helps students remember the information a lot longer and improves grades. They also talked about some ways that students think are helpful with studying but are actually not doing much to help them remember.
Things I learned:
1. Underlying and highlighting don’t little to help you learn the information.
2. Students taking one test averagely got a C but if they took multiply quizzes on the subject got an average of A-.
3. Reviewing previously learned information helps students remember the information longer.
Things I found interesting and what to learn more about:
1. If standardized tests are a good way to see how much we remember from class?
2. How many quizzes will be enough for students to remember the information?
One question I have:
1. What other things can schools do to improve learning and students love of learning?

At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Caroline O Red said...

"Support Your Local Slaughterhouse"
By: Nicolette Niman March 1, 2014

Important Issue: The importance of knowing where your meat comes from and to buy safe meat.

3 Things I didn't know:
a. I did not know there was an understaffing of food inspectors
b. I did not know that when there is a recall, dozens of small or large farms are affected.
c. I did not know that there was a good amount of farms that actually raise cattle with out hormones or other drugs.

Two things I found Interesting:
a. I thought it was interesting that one can re3cord every stage of animal's life to ensure that they know that it is safe.
b. I think it is interesting that slaughterhouses do not open their doors to local farms.

One Question:
a. Are any slaughterhouses taking advantage of available technology to track an animals life.

At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Sonia S purple said...

Title of Article: "Syria's Lost Generation"
Author: Khaled Hosseini
Date published: April 13, 2014

Important issue and concern addressed: Syria is on the verge of losing a generation.

Things I learned that I didn't before know:
1. There are 2.5 million refugees in Syria. 1.2 million of them are children.
2. Syrian refugees make up a quarter of the population in Lebanon.
3. A whole generation of children in Syria are unable to attend school.

Things I found interesting and want to know more about:
1. In Syria, the war shows no sign in ending. How and what is being done to prevent this?
2. Children in Syria face a broken future. When will kids be able to receive an education?

Question I have about the info:
How does Syria plan on taking over Afghanistan this year?

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Maureen M purple said...

"Schools Are Not Cool"
By: Sara Mosle
June 2, 2013

The important issue in this article is the negative effects of not having air conditioning in some schools.

Three things that I learned from this article that I didn't know:
1. Studies show that after a room reaches 77° or 78° cognitive ability and concentration of students greatly decreases.
2. Sweating for or during a test usually undermines a student's performance.
3. Some American companies and businesses complain about their offices being too cold.

Two things I found interesting and want to know more about:
1. Some people believe that air conditioning is becoming a major contributor to the nation's obesity epidemic.
2. People are using the excuse that they (or someone they know of) went to schools without air conditioning and everyone should have to experience the same conditions.

One question I now have:

Why is air conditioning not a top priority in schools when students and teachers are suffering?

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Michael H Red said...

Article: “China’s Poisonous Waterways”
Author: Sheng Keyi
Date published: April 6, 2014
The important issue expressed in this article is water necessary for some villages in china to use but is polluted and toxic, especially the more agricultural based villages there.
Three things I learned:
1.) You can have cancer in your digestive system.
2.) How bad rivers can be polluted.
3.) How much the locals relied on the river ways near their village.
Two things I found interesting and I want to know more about:
1.) How many villages are like this one where they rely on the river for their lives?
2.) What other rivers are like that in the world and how many?
One question about the information:
3.) Where did the pollution come from?

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Fiona Walsh Red said...

Title of the Article: Scottish Independence Is Inevitable
Author of the Article: Neal Ascherson
Date Published: July 18,2014
Theme: Will the Scottish people vote to become independent from the rest of the United Kingdom.
Three things I learned:
1) This is the third referendum for independence in Scotland's history.
2) Scotland has two different government parties, The Scottish National Party (S.N.P.) and the Labour Party.
3) Scotland manages the oil wealth in the North Sea.
Two things I found interesting:
1) The Scots in Parliament are outweighed in votes by the southern English voters.
2)If they were to become independent, they would still want to use the pound as their money.
My question:
How would the rest of the United Kingdom and surrounding countries benefit from Scotland's independence?

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Emily E Purple said...

Title of the article: "Fast Time and the Aging Mind"
Author: Richard A. Friedman
Published: July 21, 2014

Theme: Learning new things slow down an individual's time perception.

Three things I didn't know:
1. Attention and memory play a part in our perception of time.
2. Time seems to speed up when you are not learning new things.
3. Emotions also play a part in how fast time appears to move.

Two things I found interesting and want to learn more about:
1. Why does time appear to move slower when we are afraid?
2. How do levels of dopamine effect how time appears to move to an individual?

One question I now have about the information:
1. Why does learning effect how fast/slow time passes to an individual?

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Andrew T Red said...

Andrew Taylor
The title of the article is Bug Love and it is written b Scott R. Shaw. The article was published on August 24th, 2014.
The issue addressed in the article is the destruction of ecosystems and nature by humans that destroys the homes of animals and causes extinction.

Three things that I learned from the article are:
1. In North America there are 87,000 named insect species.
2. Less than 1% of insects are pests, the rest affect the ecosystem in some way.
3. There are hidden secrets with the bugs that are being destroyed and lost due to humans.

Two things that I found interesting
that I want to know more about are :
1. What the actual classification of a pest is.
2. Since the insects were the first things to fly, what made them grow wings out of all of the other creatures to survive in life.

One question I had was, do caterpillars really swarm crops and eat out huge chunks of farmland at a time?

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Dana Carmack Purple said...

Article: “The Power of Talking to Baby”
Author: Tina Rosenberg
Date: April 14, 2013
Theme: The idea that talking to your baby helps boost their IQ.
Three Things I Learned:
1. By age three, a poor child would have heard 30 million fewer words in his home than a child in a professional family.
2. Richer, more educated parents talk more to their kids than poorer, less educated ones.
3. Studies show that talking to your child more as a baby makes them smarter.
Two things I found interesting:
1. The LENA system records babies and their surroundings talking for 16 hours.
2. Poverty can limit a child’s ability to learn.
One question you have: I want to know more about how the LENA system works and how accurate it is.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Jeff Pala Red said...

"Women, Bought and Sold in Nepal"
Katie Orlinsky
September 1, 2013

The issue of this article is the large amount of human trafficking that is occurring between Nepal and India and the impact it is having on the countries and its people.

Three things that I learned are
7,000 women and girls are trafficked out of Nepal to India every year.
200,000 women and girls are working as sex slaves in Indian brothels.
A brothel pimp pays close to $2000 for one trafficked Nepalese girl.

Two things I found Interesting:
Charimaya Tamong is now trying to help spread awareness for human trafficking because of her own experience of being a victim.
Border police officers are bribed so human traffickers could travel between India and Nepal.

One question I have is:
How has Tamong impacted the awareness of human trafficking and have the numbers dwindled down at all?

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Caelyn B purple said...

Title: How Googling Unmasks Child Abuse
Author: David Stephen-Davidowitz
Published: Sunday July 14, 2013
Theme: The theme of this article is child abuse.
3 Important Things:
1. Researchers can roughly determine how many cases of child abuse occur at a certain time due to topics people have googled.
2. Adults that were victims of child abuse face a higher probability of mental illness and criminal behavior.
3. Doctors admit they do not report at least 27% of suspicious incidents.
2 Interesting things:
1. Researchers can more often than not determine if someone is googling a topic to learn more about it or if they are actually looking for advice.
2. There were more cases of child abuse reported during the Great Recession than any other time period.
1 Question: Why were there so many more cases of child abuse during the Recession?

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Bertin R. Red said...

“Fixing Immigration in the Field”
August 17, 2014
Theme: There is discrimination towards Latinos.
3 things I learned:
There is a sheriff who is being tried for injustices against Latinos.
There are dozens of state & local governments that have been refusing to cooperate with ICE(Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
ICE vans are equipped with fingerprint readers.
2 things I found interesting:
ICE is out seeking out Latinos that pose no threat to others.
New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice is raising awareness towards racial profiling by ICE
1 Question I now have:
What does Obama plan to do in order to help unauthorized immigrants?

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Papa Otchere-Addo purple said...

Article: "The Brain: Our Food-Traffic controller"
Author: Kathleen A. Page and Robert S. Sherwin
Date published: Sunday April 28, 2013
Theme: The theme of the article is how the brain affects what we eat. In addition and how that relates to obesity.
3 things i learned:
1. The hypothalamus monitors the body's energy supply.
2. With new technology we can now see how food reacts with our brain.
3. Fructose is almost entirely removed from our blood by the liver.
2 things i found interesting:
1. Why after drinking fructose our brain doesn't react and say we are full.
2. Why after drinking glucose our brain reacts to say we are full.
My question:
If we know from this article that fructose is bad for us then why have we produced high-fructose corn syrup?

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Morgan Newman Purple said...

Title: "What I Say to My Fat Son"
Author: Joshua Max
Date Published: March 23, 2014

Theme: The important concern discussed in this article is obesity and how you view your image can lead you to experience an eating disorder.

Three things you learned:
1.Even after getting help for an eating disorder, people still continue to have the urge to binge and purge.
2.Stomach acid from vomiting so much can cause your teeth to rot.
3.Peace and faith are very supportive to end an addiction.

Two things you found interesting and want to know more about:
1.How can you help a person with an eating disorder learn how to eat more nutritional.
2.Find out why most American people portray fat people as lazy, stupid, and ugly.

One question that you now have about any of the information:
1.Do most families with obese children get them help or let them continue to consume large amounts of food?

At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Peter B Purple said...

“After Guantanamo, Another Injustice”
Author: John Grisham
Date Published: August 10th, 2013
Issue: Innocent people in the middle east are being illegally captured by United States’ soldiers to be put in prison in Guantanamo Bay.
Theme: Corruption of U.S. Military
Three things I learned from article:
1. The U.S. was capturing people from the middle east and keeping them in confinement for over 10 years.
2. Obama asked for innocent people to be released, but the soldiers at the prison didn’t follow the orders.
3. After they do release the prisoners, the U.S. doesn’t give them compensation so they’re on their own.
Two things I thought were interesting and would like to know more about:
1. The statistics of how many people are captured illegally by U.S. soldiers.
2. The torture tactics the soldiers do to the prisoners.
One question that I know have about the information:
How long has the U.S. illegally captured innocent people and what are they trying to accomplish by doing so?

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Jack M red said...

"The Sequester and the Homeless"
Published: March 23,2014

This article addresses the theme a housing crisis for the poor and homeless throughout the U.S

Some things I learned:
1. America has a serious housing problem.
2. About 2 million Americans live in government subsidized, section 8 housing.
3. Recent housing cuts led to the movement of nearly 60,000 newly homeless people to emergency shelters.

I would like to know more about:
1. The governments' tactics on dealing with such a vast homeless population
2. Future plans for govt. housing

A question:
Why is this housing epidemic not a top priority?

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Julia S Red said...

The title of article: "Of Love and Fungus"
Author:Frank Bruni
Published on Sunday, July 21,2013

Theme: Can separation(living in separate households)make a relationship stronger?

I've learned: 1. Separation is a good thing in relationships
2. LAT life- A group of couples who are "Living apart Together"
3. There are romantic partnerships that crumbled not because a spouse traveled too much but because he or she stopped doing so.

Two things I found interesting: 1.LAT life and their studies.
2.Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Question: Does LAT life really strengthen relationships? Could it lessen the chances of divorce?

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Charlie Zhou purple said...

“America exports democracy, just not the way you think” by Sasha Issenberg
March 14, 2014
Theme: America’s democracy has impact for other countries. But has not influence how people think.
Things that I learned from the article that I didn’t know

1.Party leaders in France, Italy, Argentina and Canada are chosen under new systems designed to spur intramural competition by widening the circle of people empowered to choose party leaders.

2.The party primary is a unique creation of the American 20th century.

3.Many party leaders are choosing to relinquish that authority in exchange for developing better relationships with a type of casual backers.

Two things that I found interesting and I want to know more about

1.The way the American democracy system works.

2.The things others countries did before they have democracy?

One question that I now have about any of the information

1.What is the way that makes better world?

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Megan T purple said...

Title: "Facebook's Gateway Drug"
Author: Evgeny Morozov
Published: August 2, 2014
Theme: Social media is the center of attention in society and it is all that people worry about in today's world.
3 Things I Learned:
1)There is now a "pay-as-you-go" app model that charges users different rates for data for different apps used.
2)Some refer to Facebook as a "gateway drug" since it is used as the median for hundreds of websites and their users.
3)"One of Facebook's goals is to offer credit and identity infrastructure" just like a person's driver's license and Social Security number.
2 Things I Found Interesting:
1)Since Facebook is used for identity infrastructure, they track people who use the site with their personal information.
2)Some online courses for students give them no choice but to give up their data to Facebook in order to access the course.
Why does social media and the internet have so much control over our lives giving us no choice but to give in?

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Jay Perry Red said.....
Title: “California’s continuing prison crisis”
Author: N/A
Date Published: Sunday, August 11, 2013

Theme: The continuing over population of California prisons.

Three things that I learned from the article that I didn’t know:
That California prisons were overcrowded causing dangerous health hazards for inmates.
The three strike policy for non-violent offensives followed by the Californian government.
California released prisoners after a sentence with no material needs or job opportunities.
Two things that I found interesting and want to know more about:
A man was sentenced to life in prison for stealing gloves at a home depot.
Virginia and North Carolina both had their own issues with overcrowding in prisons.
One question that I now have about the information:
How has California changed so that the population issues in their prisons do not happen again?

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Alex W red said...

"The Toxic Brew in Our Yards"
Diane Lewis
May 11, 2014
Theme: Common chemicals that we use outdoors are causing a spike in cancer.
Three things I learned:
1. Fertilizers and other chemicals we put onto our lawns and gardens get drained into our drinking water and local streams.
2. Letting clover grow in your lawn adds nutrients that most fertilizers would add.
3. The effects caused by these chemicals are long term and scientists are not yet sure of the extent of damage this is causing to us.
Two things I found interesting:
1. There are many ways to get sufficient nutrients into our lawns and gardens that can reduce our exposure to these harmful chemicals.
2. Scientists are finding tumors that are being caused by these chemicals and are finding substitutes in the development of new fertilizers.
My question:
How much of our drinking water has been affected by the draining of these chemicals and how harmful can it be?

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Courtney S Red said...

Article: Women, Bought and Sold in Nepal
Author: Katie Orlinsky
Date Published: August 31, 2013
Themes: Respect for Human Life
3 Things that I learned from this article that I didn't know :
1)A pimp pays $2,000 per trafficked Nepalese girls
2)Women are given a dot on their forehead to symbolize while walking with these strange men
3)As many as 7,000 women and girls are trafficked out of Nepal
2 things that I found interesting that I want to know more about:
1)Once the women are bought they're expected to pay back their pimp with prostitution
2)Border police are bribed to let the men across the Nepal-India border with the women
1 Question that I have about the Information:
1)If the border police are not getting paid enough ,and people are aware of the problem, then why aren't the men being paid more or being replaced with people who care?

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Claire A. purple said...

Article: “Arizona Did Us All a Favor”
Author: Timothy Egan
Date Published: March 2, 2014
Theme: The concern in this article is the act of different laws being passed and vetoed.
3 Things I Learned:
1.Businesses are allowed to use religion as a shield against legal movements.
2.Arizona was one of the first state to make a stand against the question of are the decisions they make for passing laws fair and equal.
3.Arizona was the first state to veto the religious liberty bill for the right to refuse the service from sinners.
2 Things I found Interesting:
1.One of the laws being passed or negotiated is legalizing gay and lesbian marriages.
2.The Supreme Court is the highest level of hierarchy for passing and vetoing of laws.
1 Question about the article:
1.If laws are being vetoed, how many people or states does it take to veto a law?

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Robbie Van Duzer Red said...

Title: “Life in Iraq Grinds on, Whoever is in Charge”
Author: James Glanz
Published: June 28, 2014

The important issue addressed in the article is ISIS. They have been the topic of discussion in the news lately and this article gives some information on them from a couple years ago.

Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know

1. I had no idea that ISIS was even around in 2003

2. ISIS tried to take over Iraq in 2003, just like they are trying to do now

3. A Sunni or Shiite can literally be killed for just stepping into the territory of another

Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about

1. ISIS invading Iraq

2. The Sunni and Shiite crisis

Note one question that you now have about any of the information

1. What are ISIS’s plans for the future?

At 7:18 AM, Anonymous Connor E said...

"All Children Should Be Delinquents"
John Beckman
July 13, 2014
Important issue: Should kids be trouble makers.
3 things I learned
1. By making mistakes we learn how to protect ourselves.
2. By being able to make our own choices we learn how to protect ourselves.
3. We learn and see how we put our parents parenting to the test when we are faced with difficult tasks.
2 things I found interesting
1. making mistakes is how we grow to learn right from wrong
2. All children should be delinquents.
my question: Should parents let their kids get into trouble to teach them lesson?

At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Brittany W Red said...

Title: "Schools Are Not Cool"
Author: Sara Mosle
Date Published: June, 2, 2013

Important Issue or theme: It's important to keep students comfortable during school so they can succeed.

Three things I learned:
1. Many schools do not have air conditioning
2. Different temperatures a student sits in, it results in different test scores
3. Studies show that concentration and cognitive abilities decline substantially after a room reaches 77-78 degrees.

Two things I found interesting:
1. Air conditioning may contribute to the nations a beauty epidemic
2. Schools try to keep cool by wind-powered classrooms or grassy roof gardens

One questions I now have: What can people do with helping schools get air conditioning

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Wil Barbes Red said...

Title- "Racially Biased Arrests for Pot"
Author- N/A
Date- Sunday June 16 2014

Important issue- African Americans get arrested for pot more than whites

Three things I learned:
1. Blacks are four time as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.
2. Police officers turn a blind eye to marijuana use in white communities
3. These arrests distract police from more serious crimes.

Two things I found interesting:
1. These arrests bring a disasterous consequense for young people.
2. Convictions lead to fines, jail time, or loss of financial aid.

Why do these petty arrests count toward the arrest goals of the police.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Chris T Red said...

Title:Racially Biased arrests for pot
Theme:Increasing racially biased arrests for drug use
Note three things that you learned from the article that you didn’t know

1.Marijuana arrests make up about half of all drug arrests in America

2.In some places, blacks are 10,15 or even 30 times more to get arrested than white because of drug possession

3.Racailly biased arrests wasted billions of dollars

Note two things that you found interesting and you want to know more about

1.Federal office's may offer a solution or response to this problem

2.Legalizing few kinds of drugs will be a plausible idea

Note one question that you now have about any of the information

1.Is the legal system going to get changed or improved in order to avoid racial bias?

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Michael Slights said...

Title of the article "When They Imprison the Wrong Guy"

Author: Nicholas Kristof

Published: July 6, 2014

What important theme is addressed in the article?
-The important issue addressed in the article is the flawed justice system.

Note three things you learned that you didn't know
1. The Innocence Project is a non-profit organization set up by defense lawyers who advocate for the wrongly imprisoned
2. Many people believe the justice system is corrupted
3. Many think there are lots of clinically insane people stuck in prison when they should be in other institutions

Two things you want to know more about:
1. Wrongful Imprisonment
2. The Innocence Project

One question about the information
How many people, per year, are wrongfully imprisoned?

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Alexandra G Red said...

“Stop Holding Us Back”
Robert Balfanz
June 8, 2014
This article discusses the issue of young African-American and Latino boys being held back, dropping out, or not being able to graduate. These young men are not receiving the help or support from their teachers that they need to succeed.
I’ve learned:
1. One-third of the nation’s African-American and Latino young men will not graduate.
2. Teachers are not recognizing students’ distressed signals.
3. The 660 high schools that produce half of the African-American male dropouts spend more than $500 million a year to retain more than 46,000 boys and girls in ninth grade.
I would like to know:
1. I would like to know more about the Diplomas Now program that some schools have started doing in order to help theses struggling students.
2. I would also like to know, now that America’s graduation rate is at an all-time high, about how schools are getting their students back on track.
1. How do schools plan on helping these students in need?

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Jude S purple said...

Article: "Great Hope for Babies With H.I.V."
Author: N/A
Date: March 9, 2014
Theme: A cure for H.I.V. in newborn babies may have been discovered.
3 Things I learned:
1. If the mother is infected with H.I.V., the baby still may not be.
2. H.I.V. can't be cured, it can just become so minor that it does not effect the infected party.
3. Not all babies can be cured.
2 Things I found Interesting:
1. What 3 different medications are used on the babies.
2. 50 out of 75 babies are cured in America. I want to know about what it is like in the rest of the world.
With the medication, how does the body combat this virus?

At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Ariel T purple said...

“The Trick of Life”
Akhil Sharma
April 6, 2014

Theme: To focus on things besides yourself. Only focusing on your own problems makes them seem worst.

Three things I learned:
Keeping your mind quiet is beneficial
Saying “I love you” in your head keeps you sane when talking with someone
Focusing on others and their needs makes your problems seem less unique and pressing

Two things I found interesting:
How by changing our thoughts, our entire behavior is also changed
How praying for others helps calm ourselves

One question:
How can positive thoughts have such an impact on behavior even if our feelings are still negative?

At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Nicole T Red said...

Title: “A New Education Mayor”

Author: Editorial

Date Published: July 7th 2013

Important idea addressed in this article: Bettering our education system.

Three things that I learned:
1. They are working on changing the education systems away from memorization and towards reasoning skills.
2. Charter schools are funded in the same way that public schools are but don’t have the same restrictions as a public school.
3. A 2012 study showed that students from a school with fewer students had a higher rate of graduation than students who attended a tradition high school size school.

Two things that I found interesting and want to know more about:
1. I found the difference between charter and public schools interesting and wonder what the differences would be between a charter and private school would be.
2. The article wants to lower class sizes and I’m interested on how they plan on doing so.

One question that I now have:
1. Lowering class size will require more teachers. How will this be achieved? How will that change effect teachers? Will teachers be making less money?

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous nick d purple said...

nick D purple said...
Title: “The New Gay Orthodoxy”
Author: Frank Bruni
Date Published: April 4, 2014
Important Issue
The important issue in this article is whether or not same sex marriage should be legal or not. Also a main theme is about how same sex marriage is being accepted more and more across the United States. Although they have a different preference they should be treated equal to every other person.
Three things learned from the article
1. The business community is a strong supporter of same sex marriage.
2. President Obama did not support this same sex movement in 2012.
3. Arizona passed a bill that would allow people to discriminate against gays and lesbians on religious grounds.
Two things that were interesting
1. The majority of Americans support same sex marriage.
2. Discrimination of gays/lesbians is being equated to racism.
When will those labeled as different be treated as equals?

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous nick d purple said...

nick D purple said...
Title: “The New Gay Orthodoxy”
Author: Frank Bruni
Date Published: April 4, 2014
Important Issue
The important issue in this article is whether or not same sex marriage should be legal or not. Also a main theme is about how same sex marriage is being accepted more and more across the United States. Although they have a different preference they should be treated equal to every other person.
Three things learned from the article
1. The business community is a strong supporter of same sex marriage.
2. President Obama did not support this same sex movement in 2012.
3. Arizona passed a bill that would allow people to discriminate against gays and lesbians on religious grounds.
Two things that were interesting
1. The majority of Americans support same sex marriage.
2. Discrimination of gays/lesbians is being equated to racism.
When will those labeled as different be treated as equals?

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Mari-Kate O Red said...

Article: "Suicide, With No Warning"
Author of Article: Elisabeth Rosenthal
Date Published: March 10,2013
Theme: Suicide related with guns
3 Things I Learned:
1) 60% of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides.
2) When a convenient lethal method is removed, many people do not seek other options for suicide.
3) Up to 50% of people who attempt suicide make the decision within minutes to an hour before they act.
2 Things I found Interesting:
1) It only takes minutes to purchase a gun.
2) There are many gun restricting laws now in place in the United States but the number of suicides has not gone down.
My Question:
If the suicide rate with guns is so high, why is it still so easy and fast to purchase a gun?


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