Life is Beautiful project post
Benigni's Holocaust fable (and it is "just" a fable) makes no attempt to realistically depict the horrors of the concentration camp. Instead, his film focuses more on the sudden change that was inflicted upon Italian Jews like Guido who were living the beautiful life one day but sent to the camps the next. The Tuscany period of the film is vibrant with colors, music, gags and goofs. It is Guido's spirit, though, his industrious imagination, that is behind every high note and funny caper. His abilities to make people smile (even a serious German doctor), make end runs around officious clerks and inspectors, and to woo and win a woman way out of his league are skills Schopenhauer could only hope to possess. His life is beautiful because he lives his life in a beautiful way, and nothing can deter him from making the best out of the whatever situation falls into his path.
Guido's beautiful life is put to the test when his family and the film are moved to the concentration camp. Faced with the potential loss of his family and his life, he doesn't despair, but with his comic spirit and fatherly instincts intact, he cleverly pretends that the concentration camp experience is a"fun" game as a ruse to hide the cruel reality from Giouse.
But the true purpose of Guido's game can speak to all of us. We can win points in our own Game of Life by maintaining a sense of humor when confronted with arrogance and bigotry, by not "crying for our mommies" when the mean guys yell, and by being satisfied with a plain piece of bread when we'd really like bread and jam. If this behavior seems too submissive, too silly, too unmanly, well, let's consider how acting any differently would have benefited Guido and his child. Consider this, when faced with challenges as daunting as Guido's, do we always have to arm wrestle them to the ground? Sometimes, we can kill with kindness, too.
Guido jokingly uses Schopenhauer-like magic to get Dora to face him in the opera and to conjure dogs away from Joshua in the camp. In reality, there is no magic in Schopenhauer's philosophy, for he suggested that a great power can be gained from one's will. The brain can be mightier than the sword. Schopenhauer himself said, "Willpower is to the mind like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders a lame man who can see."
Guido's willpower to keep his family alive and intact represents "real" Schopenhauer willpower, not silly magical conjuring in a fable. In Tuscany, Guido shelters Giouse from the Nazi bigotry by joking about banning spiders and Visigoths from his bookstore. In the camp, Guido risks his life to pronounce his love to Dora over the camp loudspeakers, to play the Offenbach opera for her, and to save her at the end of the film before the Nazis can truck her away to her death. To the end, Guido winks, smiles, and goose-steps so that Giouse can continue to believe in his father's game .
Oh, no, you say. I could never be this heroic. Well, you could, and maybe you have been, especially if you have ever really cared for someone. Real heroes, like Guido, realize "life is beautiful" when they are willing to love and to take chances for others.
Consider these four situations that might apply to you and your beautiful "heroic" life.
Choose any ONE for your PROJECT response (minimum of 200 words).
1. Describe a trying personal situation in which you were able to persevere, especially if you did so for the sake of someone else. How did you keep thinking positively and how did this help?
2. Relate a situation where you (or someone you know) were able to prevent a potentially troublesome situation from boiling over by using a good sense of humor or some other means.
3. Tell about a situation where someone (parent, sibling, friend, etc.) risked his own safety or reputation to protect you. Or vice versa. Whom did you save?
4. In your best imitation of a David Letterman Top Ten List, write a either a serious or mildly comic (but NOT mean spirited) Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark's High School. This option might not speak to your personal heroism, but it will make you consider the blessings you've been given already. Let's avoid "sarcasm," please.
Check the archives for former senior responses. Type in "life is beautiful" in the Schoolsville search bar to check them out.
A personal struggle that I overcame was when I tore my ACL and bruised my meniscus. I did this at the end of my junior year, and I had to get surgery over the summer. I was not able to go out for about a month and a half apart from going to physical therapy every other day. There were times when I thought I would not be able to recover because the simplest activity were frustratingly hard for me to do- showering, walking, even just standing up. There were times when I just wanted to sit down and be mad at the world and contemplate with the “why me” question, but I never gave in to these temptations. I pushed through the intense physical therapy and began to see improvements. After a few months I was on my path to complete recovery. Although there are still some activities that I am limited in because of my knee, my knee is almost back to how it was before my injury. This experience taught me that hard work really does pay off and that I should never give up on something I really want. My surgery really opened up my eyes.
1. Because of St. Mark’s I am able to sleep a little longer every morning because my outfit is already picked out for me, thanks to our uniforms.
2. I know the heater and air conditioner works to its full potential because I am sweating in the winter and freezing during fall and spring.
3. Since our school has such a wide range of activities, responsibilities, and interests, I can always count on shortened periods to brighten a day.
4. As an art student, I am grateful to have my works in the display case- even if it is in a hallway where almost no one walks through.
5. I appreciate the new security measures because they really do make our school a safer place. I especially enjoy the plastic pouch we wear at the end of our lanyards to hold all our friends’ senior portraits.
6. I have had some great teachers at St. Marks and I have been lucky to have had some of the same teachers twice such as Mr. Fiorelli, Mr. Baldino, and Mrs. Connair.
7. I have been fortunate enough to go on two field trips throughout my four years at St. Mark’s, one to Philadelphia and one to Washington, D.C.
8. Individualizing our class schedules each year with a range of potential AP classes has further prepared me for college.
9. Participating in the Blue Gold Fashion Show at St. Mark’s reminded me to be grateful for the little things in life, and I am happy I made the decision to get involved in something so special.
10. Although I dealt with annoying carpools, or getting to school extra early or leaving later, to eventually driving my sister and I an hour round trip to school every day (sometimes twice), I would not have traded my education and experiences at St. Mark’s for any other high school.
1. The four core values it teaches; faith, humility, excellence and integrity
2. The ability of the whole community to come together
3. Teachers willing to help you with any of our problems whether it be school or just life.
4. Great access to resources like the computers, library and teachers.
5. Pep rally when everyone creates a great Spartan atmosphere.
6. Blue/Gold when we help the buddies and everyone comes together to create long-lasting relationshipS.
7. Students section during St.Marks athletic games.
8. How comfortable the senior sweater is.
9. That St. Marks is like a second home to me.
10. Everyday I get to see the beautiful landscape as I make my way up the driveway.
Top Ten List about SMH:
10) I don't have to spend hours picking my outfit at 6 in the morning. It's either a white or green polo.
9) It's good exercise running into school at 7:58 every morning.
8) We normally don't have a full week of regular classes.
7) The entire school always sings along with the choir to Hallelujah during mass.
6) There is only one long period a day as opposed to public schools where each class is ninety minutes.
5) During the Christmas season we can all show off our ugly sweaters, Christmas ones, not our uniform.
4) Nothing is better than realizing that there is a 1:46 dismissal that day.
3) We have a fifteen minute homeroom unlike public schools, which is the perfect amount of time to do last night's math homework.
2) I met my best friend here.
1) As much as I say I'm excited for college, I really will miss it here.
1. The ability to go to a school where the teachers care about the student body.
2. Being taught important core values over the four years we have been here.
3. The beautiful campus that we drive up to everyday.
4. The school is willing to come together as a family to support our sport teams.
5. The ability to walk away from a school with a great education.
6. To graduate from high school holding for core values: humility, integrity, excellence, and faith.
7. A great school for after school activities such as numerous clubs and art programs.
8. Being able to use the knowledge the teachers have presented us with to achieve our long term goals.
9. The blue gold buddies from the dance show.
10. Above all else, the important friendships I've made over the four years.
1.I get to share an important part of my life with my brother since he also went to St. Mark’s and understands what it means to be a Spartan.
2.The unity we all share with each other when something bad happens to a fellow student or teacher.
3.I know what I will be wearing when I wake up.
4.I can easily go to my locker between classes and make it to my next class on time
5.We start later in the day then the public school by my house.
6.The values of St. Mark’s I know I will carry with me through out my life.
7.I get picked to be a Godmother when my cousin’s have babies because they know I will share the faith I have learned at St. Mark’s with their child.
8.I used to have my dance recitals at St. Mark’s, so I can say I have been going there since I was three.
9.We often receive dress down days.
10.The friendships I have made at St. Mark’s will last my lifetime.
1.Walking in to the cafeteria and realizing it is Big Cookie day can make any day a little better.
2.Walking in to the cafeteria and realizing it is Big Cookie AND Spicy Chicken day is the highlight of any week.
3.Being able to count on having shortened periods at least once a week due to the many activities of St. Mark’s.
4.In the fall, campus transforms into a combination of browns, yellows oranges, and reds, looking more like a painting than a high school campus.
5.Because we are not allowed to have food or drink in the academic wing, it forces students to make sure that they eat the most important meal of the day since they can’t eat it during first period.
6.Soaking in the spring sun when spending free periods at the outside lounge in May.
7.Never having to worry about what to wear thanks to our awesome uniform makes mornings run a little more smoothly.
8.A class of 250 that feels so big freshman year feels so small by senior year, thanks to all of the sports, clubs, and activities that are provided for us.
9.Regardless of what your interests are, you will be able to find something at St. Mark’s that you want to be a part of from drama to sports to student council.
10.Young or old, student or faculty, the St. Mark’s bond unites all who had the great fortune to be a part of the Spartan family.
Top Ten Reasons Why Life at Saint Mark’s is Beautiful:
1. I have not had a full week of school without an assembly or mass in four years. The random assemblies and 1:43 dismissals are a great way to brighten up a week.
2. I never have to wake up early to pick out an outfit or worry about what I am going to wear because of the uniform. Just pick a color: green or white!
3. Holding hands at mass unites us as one big Spartan family.
4. Seeing the faces on our Blue/Gold buddies during the Prom Scene makes all of the hard work we put in to the show worth it.
5. My teachers are my friends-I can talk to them about anything, and they are always willing to listen and help me when I need them.
6. Watching the trees lining the driveway change from green to yellow to green again makes the morning drive interesting every season.
7. Having no school because the temperature was too cold-I can always count on Mrs. Ripken to come through with a snow day in the morning.
8. Singing Alleluia along with the chorus at every mass lets the whole student body show off their voices.
9. Being able to run to the library to print out a last minute assignment saves everyone at least once during their time here.
10. Going to France with Mrs. Hines, Mrs. Bryk, and my best friends was the highlight of my time at Saint Mark’s. I made memories that will last a lifetime, and I love looking at all of the pictures of our Spartan family. Far from home, but still representing it well.
Saint Mark's is beautiful because:
1. I can't remember the last time we had a full week of classes.
2. It's fun to play "guess what meat the Spartan Burger is made of."
3. It's also fun to see how many people get hyped up over a spicy chicken sandwich.
4. It takes me about two minutes to dress myself each morning.
5. Nothing beats the gorgeous drive up the campus in the fall.
6. I've had the privilege of being taught by some of the smartest educators I've ever had.
7. No other school hypes up Blue-Gold events as much as ours does.
8. I maintain my "summer ready physique" by walking up and down our stairs daily.
9. I get assignments like this one that reminds me of how funny I am (or think I am).
10. Saint Marks has the strongest sense of community that I have ever witnessed, and I call Saint Marks my home.
The time I remember more clearly than any other that I kept a situation from getting worse is at my Grandma’s funeral. Of course like any other funeral everybody is in a down mood so it is difficult to find anything funny. She died less than a week before Christmas so people were also upset from having our first Christmas without her. When we were at the funeral it was open casket. I tried not to cry to keep my little cousin from crying but when I saw her she looked so alive. Twice during her funeral I was able to make everybody laugh. The first time was when my blood related family which is my mom, dad, his two brothers and their wives and children, and all of my sisters went in to be the only people allowed to see her with the casket open. Her wishes were that she did not want anyone but us to see her. While everyone was crying I turned to my sister, who just asked if her makeup was running and if she needed to fix it, and asked her if my makeup was running too. Obviously I wasn’t wearing makeup. The second time is when the priest asked us what “Pat” liked to do or could be seen doing often. Everybody said logical things and towards the end I piped in and said “Watching Dr. Phil.” Anybody reading this may not find that funny but if you knew her, you would find it hilarious. Even in dark times there is a way to find humor. Whether we realize it or not.
Top 10 Reasons why life is beautiful at St. Mark’s
1. Ms. Mattick – enough said. She is by far of the smartest, most inspirational, and most amazing women I have ever met in my short 18 years of life. I am lucky to have had her for two years as a teacher and mentor.
2. You can almost guarantee there will be some type of interruption in the course of the week. We never have a full week of school.
3. Spicy chicken and big cookies
4. Sister Mary Ann saying “DID YOU SIGN IN?!” every single day.
5. Reading these comments make me realize how funny and awesome our senior class really is!
6. Mr. Baldino threatening to beat us with his club.
7. Our nationally ranked and back to back state championship winning baseball team.
8. The fact that Mr. Fiorelli has both of the Paller sisters this year. #PallersSquared #DoubleTrouble
9. Being a part of a loving community who accepts me for who I am.
10. Knowing that the friendships I have made here and the many lessons I have learned will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark’s
10. French toast sticks in the cafeteria make any morning a little brighter.
9. Homeroom with Mr. Sanna always leaves me laughing. Mr. Sanna reminds me to feel happy to be in school.
8. Watching German youtube videos in Ike’s class because German youtube videos are ridiculous.
7. Drumline not only creates great beats, but I’ve made some lasting friendships from joining
6. Marching band season- making friends and playing music, what could be better?
5. Jazz band the perfect way to unwind on Wednesdays with songs like Birdland.
4. Mr. Bookout always pushing me to do my best and pushing everyone to do their best. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
3. Mr. Fiorellis random tangents that other people get frustrated with but I think they’re fantastically true.
2. Mr. Bookouts stupidly funny jokes, I always say I’m unamused by them but I’ll miss them dearly next year.
1. I’ve met some of the best people here at St. Mark’s. My wonderful friends and teachers push me to strive to do my best and always support me. They are the number 1 reason why life is beautiful at St. Marks.
10. Having A-line lunches but especially tortellini day and big cookie
9. Having our own Sister, Sister Sandy, in our school every day who gives me the best hugs
8. Meeting some of the greatest people who I call my best friends and knowing they are going to be lifelong friends
7. Having my outfit already picked out so in the morning I get to sleep in and not worry about picking out something to wear
6. Pep Rally day when the seniors go to have a white-out at the fence and hold posters and show our class spirit
5. Spirit week and my personal favorite Pajama day when we can bring in our stuffed animals and sleeeeep….learn
4. Numerous assemblies such as Magazine drive so that we can enjoy the rest of the day on shortened periods
3. The feeling of pride for my school when I go out in public in my uniform or Saint Marks gear
2. Knowing that the values that are instilled in me from Saint Marks will last a lifetime
1. Lastly, having amazing academic and sports programs that are envied by every school
A very trying time in my life was when I did not get the starting spot on my sports varsity team. I was very disappointed because of the fact that I put so much work in the offseason to get better and it seemed as if it was not paying off. Instead of giving up and being content with where I was, I was determined to win the starting job by the time the biggest game of the season rolled around. I kept showing my coach that I deserved to be in the starting lineup by working harder than everyone else and producing on the field when he gave me the chance. The moment came when one of our starters had to sit out because of an injury. My coach approached me and said that I was in the starting lineup for the next game. Although he did not play me in my desired position, I saw it as an opportunity to show him what I could do. I played extremely hard every second I was out on the field, leaving everything I had out there. He was so impressed with my play that he decided to put me in the position I wanted to play all along. This was just a couple weeks away from the big game. I kept playing hard and never came out of the starting lineup the rest of the year. I showed maturity and that hard work really does pay off in the long run.
Top Ten Reasons Why “Life is Beautiful” At St. Mark’s
10. We come together at mass once a month, and get to have shortened periods for the rest of the day
9. We have award ceremonies that commemorate students in all activities, also giving us shortened periods.
8. The English Department
7. Even when we arrive late to school we receive a warm Welcoming
6. Long periods teach us the virtue of patience
5. The time schedule changes just as we begin to understand it, to keep things fresh
4. Driving in the parking lot is like taking a Driver’s Ed course every day
3. I get to wear a cool necklace with my name on it
2. Cafeteria Chicken Fingers
1. It’s not perfect, but it’s Home
Top Ten Reasons why life is beautiful at saint marks…
1.I walk through the same hallways that my parents once walked through as young Spartans
2.You could hang a chandelier from the gymnasium ceiling and have a ball, that’s how beautiful it is.
3.You can wear tights under your shorts for gym class and no one will judge you, it’s just normal.
4.Since I can’t buy a pop tart or candy during the day, the bookstore enforces healthier options such as crackers and cheezits.
5.The spirit and energy that is contained during the school days, is poured out at volleyball, basketball, and football games, to say a few.
6.Whether its spring, summer, fall or winter Saint mark’s campus is always beautiful, with blooming flowers, changing leaves, and prestigious fields.
7.God is always present in our everyday lives, whether it’s before class prayers or end of the week closing blessings.
8.Something as small as “senior assassin” can bring the senior class together in magical ways.
9.I have had the pleasure of learning some amazing life lessons from the greatest teachers and administrators.
10.After graduation I could wear a different shirt for the next six months that has something to do with Saint Mark’s.
1. How I gained patience, maturity, and wisdom through managing four years of lacrosse and two years of football.
2. ...and the fact that I learned how to wash jerseys marinated in sweat, blood, and grass stains.
3. Although I do not play a sport, managing allowed me to feel a “part” of something. Both teams accepted me into their families and treated me as a sister.
4. We never have a full week of school.
5. Sister Sandy’s hugs and Mr. Corrigan’s kind words every time I see him in the hallway (about 18 times a day).
6. Praying before every class. It is going to be strange not doing that in college.
7. I never have to put any effort into my outfit. I just have to pick between a white or green polo, or whichever one is washed.
8. Big Cookie Day.
9. My freshman year, I had the opportunity to go to Italy with my family through the St. Mark’s program. I will never forget it.
10. Mr. Ingram’s class Death and Dying changed my life like no other class has done before.
11. I wish this list was longer because I could keep going on about why St. Mark’s is beautiful.
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at Saint Mark’s
10. We have kids from all over come to Saint Mark’s, so if the weather is bad in Maryland, we are most likely off even though we are in Delaware.
There is guaranteed good vibes throughout school whenever Spicy Chicken is for lunch.
8. We get to experience all different types of climates in each classroom. When some may be 30 degrees, others may feel like the Sahara. This teaches us to be prepared for any kind of weather by always bringing a sweater... in particular our Saint Mark’s school sweater.
7. We also get to experience different kinds of wildlife. From the birds found in room 367 to the various sea creatures, found in the fish hallway.
6. The stairs give us all quite the workout. Our sports programs are very competitive and the stairs will hopefully help us to reach our full physical potential and bring out our A game during games/competition.
With the classrooms being so hot somedays, they can become saunas. Who doesn’t love a nice 40 minute sit in a sauna? Relaxing, if I do say so myself.
4. Saint Mark’s helps us to never misplace our keys because of the constant reminders to have our lanyards around our necks.
3. The hardest decision for me in the morning is whether to wear a green or white polo.
2. My brother is a freshman at Saint Mark’s, enough said.
1. I will cherish all the memories I made throughout my past four years at Saint Mark’s.
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at Saint Mark’s
10. Finding out it is big cookie day at lunch can without a doubt turn a bad day around no matter how bad it is (and provide a great after school snack)
9. The only thing I have to worry about in the morning is what jewelry or headband I am going to wear and never have to put time and effort into choosing an outfit that looks good and matches.
8. The alleluia at mass, especially when everyone joins in singing and cannot help but have a smile on their face
7. Having free periods to save me from my severe case of senioritis
6. No matter what is going on, the Saint Mark’s community has a way of coming together and being supportive when any member is in need.
5. The unforgettable Italian-exchange program that was one of the best experiences of my life
4. Running into school at 7:55 every morning gets my heart rate up bright and early
3. Wearing the fleece sweaters is almost as good as being wrapped in a fleece blanket
2.Fish Hallway because it’s awesome
1. Saint Mark’s homecoming pep rally is unlike any other and will always be one of my fondest memories at Saint Mark’s, even if we didn’t win (GO SENIORS!!)
Ten Reasons Why St. Mark’s is Beautiful
10. Because of the year 2014 and how the whole year has been a penny delay. There are many different clubs and activities at St. Mark’s so between all their assemblies and the countless snow days and delays, I can always count on shortened periods.
9. Because of the extra money I save not having to buy an outfit to wear to school everyday. Having a uniform makes outfit repeating acceptable!
8. Because not only do we help our fellow classmates and teachers out, but we extend our helping hands to the outside community. Our Blue-Gold club helps kids with cognitive disabilities and Z-club helps benefit different walks and women’s rites.
7. Because of the beautiful spring days when I can come up the drive with my windows down and see how amazing our campus really is with all of its fields and all of those playing on them.
6. Because of the days when I walk into the cafeteria and see those big, warm chocolate-chip cookies calling my name.
5. Because of the halls and how they are always filled with life. Taking my test in room 323 and hearing the laughter and loud voices, I can only shake my head and laugh too, knowing that my friends and I do the exact same thing.
4. Because of the “Flanigan Tradition”— how my dad and almost all nine of his brothers and sisters have attended here and how I am the twenty-second cousin out of twenty-six to keep our name going.
3. Because of the great teachers who know how to teach a great class. How they make going to their class not a treachery and make learning fun and interesting. How they genuinely care about your education and your own personal life. Teachers like Mrs. Delle Cave, Ms. Strocko, and Ms. Widdoes. As well as Mr. Baldino, Mr. Fiorelli, and Senor Sanna, who make you reconsider failing just to stay another year and not graduate.
2. Because of the same friends I can count on to always brighten my day by walking to class with them (or running because we are usually late) or searching the cafeteria to find their smiling faces at our lunch table. Not only is St. Mark’s beautiful because of my close friends, but I have made countless friendships with all sorts of different people—some that will last a lifetime.
1. Because of the fact that when I leave my own house in the morning I know I am not going to just “school,” I am going to The St. Mark’s High School—My Second Home.
Top Ten List:
1. It’s a clean place
2. I can stay in the pottery room during my free periods
3. My peer students are generally fairly smart
4. I don’t have to pick out my clothes every morning because we have a uniform
5. We haven’t had a full week of school almost all year because of mass and early dismissals and copious amounts of snow days
6. Everyone sings ‘Hallelujah’ in mass together
7. Fish hallway is very cool and unique
8. Spicy chicken A-Line is the best lunch ever
9. The way my teachers put up with my strange writing style and ideas
10. The way I’ve become so comfortable here, so much so that the ‘this is home slogan’ feels true to me now
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark’s
10. Seeing Sib’s big beautiful smile every time I walk into Economics class. He is truly the jolliest guy I know, despite our class’s shenanigans.
9. The occasional mornings where Mrs. Freund greets me in homeroom with Munchkins from Dunkin Donuts are great, especially since I normally skip breakfast.
8. Long period frees on B and E day allow me to spend a majority of my time at my favorite place in the school… the cafeteria.
7. Being allowed to wear my moccasins to school every day lets me feel like I’m walking on pillows.
6. Enjoying my afternoons with the bunch of goons that make up the volleyball team. There’s never a bad day in boys’ volleyball thanks to those guys.
5. Stephanie Strocko. She is truly an incredible woman for being able to put up with all of us.
4. Playing hide-and-seek from Dr. Schaff when I forget to put my ID on my lanyard is always a fun game.
3. I get to stare at and feed the fish in the science lab whenever we have “downtime” in environmental science.
2. Photo booth on the Apple computers never fails to entertain me while spending free time in the library or tech lab.
1. The wide range of characters and personalities that make up my classmates always keep things interesting because you never know what somebody’s going to do or say.
Saint Mark’s Top Ten List:
10. Everyone here is so polite; we hold doors open for each other even when it’s against the rules.
9. You get free periods for the rest of the year once you take the AP test- usually.
8. We carry on traditions like birthday signs on the fence, senior assassin, and spirit week.
7. We have so many shortened days that it feels weird to have a full week of school.
6. My homeroom teacher brings in donuts if it’s been a rough week (Repping Mrs. Fraund’s homeroom three years in a row).
5. There’s so much life and energy in the halls of St. Marks that if you tried to go a whole day without talking you’d be miserable.
4. We have understanding, compassionate teachers who allow us to hand in our homework “mañana”.
3. Our student body genuinely loves St. Marks so much that we can go on and list all the reasons we love it here.
2. We have a beautiful school, surrounded by beautiful sports fields, which we dominate beautifully on.
1. We have the best faculty who do everything they can to prepare us for life.
10. Chocolate chip muffins are a delicacy. Unless you're in the cafeteria by 7:30, don't count on one.
9. Did you sign in? Sister's missing one name on the list. Our safety really is the most important thing and St. Mark's is taking every measure possible to ensure they are doing the best they can to keep us safe.
8. It must be fate that I wear white every Chilli Cheese Nachos day.
7. The last day of winter dress code might as well be declared a holiday.
6. Sorry freshmen, there really is no fourth floor pool - a dip down the fish hallway will just have to do.
5. Opportunity is everywhere. With a school that encourages involvement as much as we do, it is nearly impossible to pass up a great opportunity.
4. There is nothing more unifying than a sea of green singing the Alleluia.
3. We are still bitter about the Spirit Stick, but we are all bitter together. Our class has formed a bond that will last a lifetime.
2. Time flies when you're having fun at St. Mark's. I feel like just yesterday I was sitting next to Claire in Mr. Townsend's World History class. These four years have been the best four years of my life. I will be ever-grateful for the teachers who have inspired me and the friends who surround me.
1. It has taken four years for me to adjust to the ever-changing time schedule, but no matter the time I can find my way to class on a route that passes all my friends' lockers. Though it took four years, St. Mark's is finally home. And I'm sad to be leaving home.
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful At St. Mark's
10. Almost every student is part of at least one activity so you will never see bare hallways because something is always going on.
9. If they're serving tortellini for lunch, I know it will be a good day.
8. You can say intentions before every class. This is especially great when you have a test that period and may be in need of some help from a higher power.
7. If you're having a rough day, you might get the chance to see a furry friend roaming the halls to cheer you up.
6. Taking three flights of stairs to get to homeroom is a great little exercise to start the day.
5. Some teachers are energetic and excited about everything, even on Monday mornings.
4. All of the clubs and teams support each other; at any event there is always Spartan fans.
3. St. Mark's is everywhere. Even when you're not in school you can count on seeing a Spartan sticker on a nearby car or someone wearing some form of St. Mark's clothing.
2. People here are so polite that I have yet to use my ID card to open the doors because someone is always willing to open the door.
1. Every single person at this school is a part of a giant family of Spartans and we are a community of united, supportive people.
1. Getting extra time to drink my coffee in the morning with the 45 minute drive in.
2. Watching the entire percussion section of the band not playing their parts because they're all too busy mimicking the maracas. They are the comedic relief of every practice.
3. Running to he cafeteria on tortellini day to avoid the line.
4. When I see one of my friends in the hallway and we immediately begin doing terrible Rocky Balboa impressions. Inside jokes can really make the day better.
5. Writing nonsense stories in Italian to make each other laugh.
6. Going to Book Club and fangirling over various books with Mrs. Boyle.
7. The energy the marching band gets before competitions and games.
8. Mr. Bookout dancing while he conducts.
9. Meeting people who are just as quirky and weird as I am. I never feel isolated or alone.
10. There's always a fundraiser going on. Being able to help out so many different charities and organizations has made me a more caring individual.
1. Having a uniform that prevents having to spend money on new clothes so you never repeat an outfit.
2. It is a co-ed school so we are used to being around people of the opposite sex.
3. Most faculty knows how to be serious but at the same time make school interesting and not boring.
4. There is a place/group for every individual, literally every single type of person. EVERY SINGLE TYPE.
5. Our fans get just as into the games as the players, if not more that is.
6. Everyone I know that goes to another school is extremely jealous of our spirit week.
7. We have these super awesome lanyards and i.d. cards, they are pretty nifty.
8. We have really great heating and air conditioning, it like really really works… maybe not at the right time but like I mean hey, nothing is perfect.
9. I get to see my friends everyday, that is pretty convenient for when i need something and what-not.
10. Birdman bought us Gelato, what could be better than eating in class…?
1. I can wake up every day and not worry about what I have to wear for school
2. SMH offers great exchange programs and allowed to me to have the time of my life in Italy with people I now call my best friends.
3. We have the best looking campus in the fall when all the leaves are different colors
4. Blue Gold creates such a happy environment and friendships that last a lifetime
5. Definitely Alleluia during mass, even though Kristina Cassidy isn’t singing the high note (we still have amazing chorus members)
6. The teachers who you don’t want to leave at the end of your senior year, like Strocko or Fio
7. Pep Rally…my favorite day at SMH, even though we lost, seeing how much spirit our class has when we come together is amazing.
8. Meeting my best friends who get me through the long days (since they added more time to the school day)
9. Sporting events that bring us together especially football and volleyball
10. St. Mark’s in general is a beautiful place to be… this is home
1. I get to sleep in an extra 15 minutes because I don't have to pick out an outfit, thanks to the uniforms
2. Spicy chicken, Tortellini, and Big cookies are the best
3. the close relationships between everyone in the school
4. the amazing sports teams and the unity we have- 24 sports, 1 team!
5. How everyone always sings the Hallelujah at mass
7. I actually enjoy going to school, its my second home
8. Fish hallway- no other school has anything like it
9. I never go a day without laughing with friends, and everyone is so friendly and accepting
10. almost every teacher is understanding and is willing to work with you if you're having any problems
1. Because of St. Mark's I have learned how to become involved in my school community since my Freshman year.
2. I have made life-long friends whom I consider family.
3. I have learned that "Welcoming Committee" isn't so "welcoming".
4. I have gained a new perspective and respect for people with cognitive disabilities through Blue Gold club.
5. I have witnessed the defeat of my senior class losing the "prized Spirit Stick."
6. I am going to miss the drive up to St. Mark's every morning and slowly watching the transformation of seasons.
7. There is nothing better then hearing Principal Ripken's voice at 7:00 am saying that "school is cancelled due to weather."
8. I have witnessed some of the most rewarding victories and heart wrenching defeats through playing 4 years of Field Hockey and Lacrosse.
9. I have learned to share in my faith, and I will truly miss gathering as a school for mass, and singing the crowd favorite "Hallelujah".
10. Because of St. Mark's, I am prepared for the future and couldn't have asked for a better 4 years of my life. It is my second home and it is something I am forever grateful for.
1.The overwhelming amount of homework each night keeps me from watching TV and frying my brain.
2.The 8:00 start to homeroom keeps me from sleeping in, after a long nights work, and getting a late start to my day.
3.If I forgot my lanyard I know that Dr. Shaff will always be there to remind me
4.I have made friendships with amazing people that I know I will never lose touch with.
5.The long line of cars up the driveway in the morning gives me time to really see how beautiful our campus is.
6.I have been blessed with a number of great teachers throughout my four years here and having them believe in my potential helps me reach for higher goals and to challenge myself.
7.Running into school every morning gives me that morning workout I always wanted.
8.St. Mark’s offers so many clubs and activities that people can get involved in and that brings everyone together.
9.Big Cookie and spicy chicken day always brightens your day.
10.The uniforms keep me from wasting time picking out an outfit in the morning.
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark's High School
10. If you’re just going up the drive way you can see the beautiful softball, baseball, football, soccer, and lacrosse fields. (Which you get to do a lot every morning waiting in line for 10+ minutes)
9. The long walk in the freezing cold the entire month of January really wakes you up and prepares you to learn for the next seven hours.
8. One of the most beautiful things has to be sitting in homeroom for 20 minutes each day. You see, in the gym homeroom we don’t just sit, we listen to music and even sometimes dance when we’re not getting yelled at by Mrs. Krias to move stuff.
7. Another beautiful things got to be the treacherous walk from the first floor to the third, but hey! These long walks help me get my exercise in and I’m always accompanied by some crazy friends who help to make the walk not seem as long.
6. The classrooms. Some maybe better than others but in the end they’re all the same. Filled with kids I’ve known for four years and teachers who have touched my lives in more ways than they will ever know.
5. The lunch room, more specifically the lunch ladies, most importantly Marcy. Some days if I have a free early in the morning, Marcy acts like my second mom and with a smiling face hands me an everything bagel to toast for breakfast.
4. Let’s not forget about the BIG cookies. I will truly miss these when I am gone, along with the crazy conversations my friends and I have at the lunch tables every day.
3. The bell that sounds in between every class truly is beautiful. It notifies me when I have six classes down and FINALLY only one more to go.
2. The locker room, even though 9 times out of 10 it smells, these smells are the smells of memories. Memories of funny gym classes or memories of the field hockey girls getting ready for a big game against Padua.
1. Finally the most beautiful thing about Saint Mark’s is not something that can be seen but something that can be felt; it is unforgettable place, filled with unforgettable people.
Why life is beautiful at SMH:
1.The cafeteria saved me from my moms packed lunches
2.Big cookie day. no explanation needed
3.I barely have to shave my legs anymore because four years in tights at school and then dance rubs the hair right off
4.Teachers actually care about their students and want them to succeed more than I ever thought high school teachers would
5.Having the core value of faith at school truly does create a better atmosphere, especially among students.
6.All the opportunities to be involved outside of sports still allowed me to feel connected to the school and my peers
7.I get to wear a plaid skirt which is pretty cool because it isn’t really socially acceptable anywhere else unless its a uniform
8. Every time I go in the library I get yelled at, it’s okay because I really can’t understand what Ms. Hadjipanayis is saying but her accent sounds awesome.
9. When I think I might be late to school I just call in sick and miss the whole day instead so I don’t have to get a detention
10. As much as I could complain St. Mark’s is a wonderful school that has taught me so much through its amazing teachers, faculty and students. I wouldn’t trade my years here for anything
Top Ten Reasons Why I love Saint Mark's:
1. At any other school I couldn't say that I was the eleventh Danberg to walk through a hall of fish.
2. By design or accident: never EVER having a full week of school.
3. Knowing that my teachers care about my opinions, insights, and my life in general makes school enjoyable and truly memorable. (shout out to some of my favs- Fio, Baldino, Healey, Ike, Bushy, and Hannagan)
4. In some way or another I am always eating food whether it be a chocolate chip muffin at dawn, rushing to get the last big cookie, or a cold Italian gelato on an (almost) summer afternoon.
5. With birthday signs, locker decorations, balloons, poems, cupcakes, and oreos...Saint Mark's makes birthdays seem more like national holidays.
6. Seeing the joy that lights up all the students faces at events such as Magazine Drive, Welcome Dance, Spirit Week, and especially Pep Rally (still too soon Fio...)
7. Mr. Fiorelli's relentlessness at trying to convince us that Senior Week is cancelled.
8. Soaking up the sun during free periods (especially frees from AP's- that sunshine is even more satisfying)
9. That never before have four simple words made me laugh so hard: Did. You. Sign. In?
10. My extended spartan family: Classmates, friends, and teachers that I will never forget.
10. Spicy chicken. Oh, my God, spicy chicken.
9. Walking in the 240’s hallway, smelling whatever the Foods class made, and making an audible announcement of precisely what you think that aroma is
8. The comradery of Welcoming and everyone’s zombie-esque morning face
7. The only reason I am in shape is because of my perpetual lateness and third floor homeroom
5. What do you like to do for fun? We have a club for that.
4. Everyone’s willingness to go all out for dances/pep rally/etc
3. We care so much about people/things we had a riot. Remember the riot? Maybe we’re not allowed to talk about the riot…
2. Saint Mark’s has the best and most supportive teachers of all time, and they all genuinely want to see their students succeed
1. Number one? Above all else, for better or worse (although primarily better), this is home. St. Mark’s has given me great friends and great opportunities and has put me on the track towards success… and if that ain’t beautiful I don’t know what is.
1.)We have many sports teams but some how, we are all one team by out school spirit.
2.)We come together as a community every month at mass.
3.)We have Z-Club that helps women in need
4.)We have Blue-Gold that has a buddy system with kids who have Cognitive Disabilities.
5.)We do many fundraisers for scholarships.
6.)We all help out at events that the school puts on for other schools.
7.)One the first day of the freshman first day, many of the students come out to help with it.
8.)Our prayer garden outside.
9.)Our chapel that we use every Monday morning before school.
10.) We do everything as a school and we never let anyone tell us we cant do something especially in sports and academics.
One instance where I have really had to be patient and persevere has been this season in track. I, like most on the team, started out this season with incredibly high hopes. This year, more than any other year, a first ever state championship for the boys track team is very much within reach. Naturally, I had and still have very high standards and hopes for myself and for the team, especially this year. However, in our very first meet this year, on April Fool’s day, I got injured. It happened during the triple jump; I landed wrong on my second jump and strained my left Achilles. It hurt so bad I had to scratch my last attempt, and it was bad enough that, to my great dismay and protesting, I couldn’t run my last event of the day. I tried as hard as I could to hide the limp when I was running in front of my coach so that I could run my last event, but he wouldn’t let me. It took over a week and a half to completely recover from that, and every day that I was limited in practice or could hardly run at all I felt more and more like I needed to get back out and prove myself. Finally I got my chance, at the Caravel Invitational. My Achilles was finally healed enough to where I could run with almost no pain, and I was more than eager to make up for lost time. I was running the anchor leg of the 4x100 relay, and I started off with everything I had. I was running a great race and my Achilles felt fine, but then with only 20 or 30 meters to go I felt a pop in my left hamstring. I immediately pulled up but kept running and finished the race. However, I had tweaked my hamstring to the point where it hurt to walk and was impossible to run. I couldn’t believe it. I had even been sure to stretch extra that day. It felt like a joke. Senior year, our best shot ever to win a state championship, and I get injured not once but twice. But I didn’t give up. I did everything I could to come back as quickly as possible. Ice, stretching, getting rolled out, soaking, chocolate milk and bananas, the whole nine yards. More than anything, I knew I had to get back as soon as I could and help the team. It took a while, longer than I wanted it to, and I had to sit out a meet and was limited in practice, but I recovered. It still feels tight from time to time, but I am back running with almost no pain and was able to recently run a new best time in the 400 meter and auto-qualify for states, as well as earn spots on the 4x100 and 4x400 A-relays. It was not easy coming back from two injuries in a row, and it was very disheartening. But I never gave up. The thought of winning the first ever state track championship drove me, and still fiercely drives me. I persevered and pushed myself to recover, and I did. Now I can just hope that it will all pay off, that all the pieces will fall into place, and that we will win that championship. Go Spartans
Top Ten Reasons Why Life is Beautiful at St. Mark’s:
10. The twenty minute crawl up the driveway in the morning allows for plenty of time to take in the beautiful campus.
9. Pep rallies teach you how important it is to fight over a giant, painted stick.
8. Even though the senior lounge is taken away, there is still plenty of free time to enjoy chocolate chip muffins in the cafeteria while simultaneously not doing homework.
7. Even though the seniors can’t beat the juniors in the pep rally, they can still beat sallies in baseball (Except for last night).
6. Achieving the twenty service hours required for NHS allows you to do many things for others as well as enabling you to wear a cool sash at Baccalaureate Mass and graduation.
5. The Cross Country and Track and Field teams at St. Mark’s get you in great shape but at the same time remind you how painful running is – multiple seasons with shin splints and stress fractures.
4. You will always have a good morning at St. Mark’s because none other than Carl DiStefano, will remind you to do so on Spartan Morning News.
3. You can never go hungry in the St. Mark’s cafeteria. There is just so much to choose from.
2. There isn’t usually a full week of school at St. Mark’s because of early dismissals, mass, assemblies, and department parties…meetings.
1. Classes like Creative and Critical will teach you that not all English classes are unbearable.
Being a goalkeeper is often a thankless and very stressful job. Regardless of how hard I play, how much I sacrifice myself for the ball, and how much effort I put in, the other team still has the opportunity to put the ball in the net. There are ten other people to get past for the ball to reach the net, however it is still my responsibility to not allow them to score. Being on the field one mistake can easily be handled by other teammates, but as the last line of defense, one small step or one miscalculation can and will probably result in a goal. How does one handle that kind of pressure? Positivity. I have to be confident enough in my ability to know that a goal is not entirely my fault. If I get down, my team will get down, so my response has to be encouraging, not angry. As a rule of thumb, I try my hardest to forget a goal as soon as possible. I have to recognize there is plenty time left in the game, and try my best to persuade my team the same, so that they can respond in a positive way as well. Goalkeeping is not for the pessimistic types, and it has taught me a lot about looking for the silver lining in each situation. Standing in the net can get lonely, and gives me more time alone with my own thoughts than I can deal with sometimes, but it is necessary for my position to be always positive and always encouraging and while difficult, it has to be done.
Just earlier this year I was umpiring a game of little league baseball, kids ages 9-10. It was my second game of the new season and I was behind the plate. The game was close and a kid from the visiting team came up to bat. He quickly fell behind in the count 0-1. He then looked at strike two go by him. After the pitch he turned around and said to me, “That ball was high, it wasn’t even a strike.” I completely ignored him and didn’t say a work back. I could have easily have said something back to him like “I’m the umpire I make the calls” but up to this point, he hadn’t done anything substantial enough that I felt needed a confrontation. The next pitch came and he swung and missed for strike three. He stormed out of the batters box towards his dugout angrily slamming his bat on the ground. I took my mask off and told him to knock it off. He stopped, turned around, and said some expletives directed towards me. At this point I threw him out of the game. After I gave him the hook, he stared me in the eyes and threw his bat at me. Luckily it hit me somewhere, I’m not sure where, that was padded. At this point I could have, and had the right to, lose control. I decided to stay calm and the coaches escorted him off the field after checking to make sure I was all right. Everyone was shocked at the kid’s actions. After the game everyone I talked to made sure to tell me how well I handled the situation and almost everyone of them concluded with adding that they would have never have been able to control themselves if that happened to them. I think that staying calm was the best way to quickly remedy the situation. I used my authority but didn’t take advantage of it. If we both started going at it and screaming, things would have gotten even more out of hand.
A personal situation that I was able to overcome in my life was when I got in a bad accident in the fall of my junior year. It was bad enough that my car had been totaled. I was left without any mode of transportation to/from school and had to arrange rides with friends which was difficult to do, living 30 minutes away from St. Mark's in Bear. On top of this, my parents had grounded me so any chance I found to preserve the few shattered remains of my social life I was not able to take. To make things even worse, I had to begin saving up for a new car and, in order to make my life better, I needed to do so as soon as possible. In order to raise the money I needed, I had to increase my hours at work from the already high amount of about 20 a week to about 25 a week. This meant working everyday after school except for one and working everyday of the weekend. All of these factors on top of the already piled work load that comes with the junior year of high school, I felt like I was drowning in work, stress, and bad luck. Working as hard as I did paid off though, and I was able to afford a new car in about a month while maintaining my grades. With a new car I was able to decrease my work hours back to normal, focus more on my school work, and begin to piece together the fragments of my once lively social life. This was a very tough time for me, but it taught me the valuable lesson that with hard work, perseverance, and a good attitude, no problem is too much for me to handle.
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