Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cuckoo Essay test info for those who missed today's class

For Part 2 of the test, you will answer in the form of a four-paragraph essay with an introductory-thesis paragraph, THREE body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, but NO concluding paragraph NECESSARY (unless you have time—I will offer extra credit for an original conclusion that goes beyond restating your central idea and thesis). The most important part of your paper will be your body paragraphs, but I still want you to clearly state your central idea and thesis in a short opening paragraph that is REALLY SHORT in its rhetoric.

When you come to class tomorrow, be ready to write with 4 to 6 pieces of lined loose leaf paper and a pen (you will write on the front side only). You may use prepared notes and a copy of the book. Do NOT come with any notes obviously printed or “borrowed” from a web site. I will check all of your notes to see if they are in your “own” language and take away ones that are not.  

Here is a list of possible writing topics for tomorrow’s second part of the test:
a.       McMurphy is a Christ figure in the way that he preaches a gospel to the men. Write about THREE of his gospel messages, providing specific examples from the book of him “preaching” and the men “learning” these three specific lessons. Cite lines from the text as support.

b.      One of the themes of Cuckoo’s Nest discusses the blurred lines between who is sane and who is insane. Discuss how THREE of the characters in the novel are possibly “mislabeled” by   60s Society as to their sanity and need to be institutionalized. Use specific references from the text to show why they may need hospitalization or therapy but why they are not insane.

c.       Though Cuckoo’s Nest contains characters, scenes, descriptions, and language that are opening misogynistic and racist, these abhorrent elements are part of a larger Kesey purpose that is not misogynistic or racist. Cite lines from the novel in your supportive body paragraphs.

d.      Cuckoo’s Nest uncovered some of the poor practices, mistreatment, and abuses of the mental health system. Discuss three separate parts of that system that are criticized in the novel. Make sure that you cite lines from the novel in your supportive body paragraphs.

e.      The paranoid schizophrenic character of the Chief suffers through many instances/scenes where he cannot distinguish between what’s real and what is not. Examine three of those instances, briefly describing each, and then, most importantly, telling how each one is “the truth, even if it didn’t really happen.” Make sure that you cite lines from the novel in your supportive body paragraphs.

f.        This is the Chief’s book; he progressively gets bigger and comes out of his self-imposed fog. Write about three scenes that show this progression. Make sure that you cite lines from the novel in your supportive body paragraphs.

g.       CRITICAL OPTION: Some of you who have both read the book and “really” thought about it have made some excellent points about the novel’s problems, or maybe, your “problems” with the novel. Discuss three problematic areas of Cuckoo’s Nest that (despite your teacher’s insistence and excellent instruction) made you dislike or not understand the book.  


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