Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sophs Vocab Update

ALL CLASSES: Post your vocab sentences before class on Thursday.

GREEN CLASS: Bring your vocab book to class for your BLOCK class on Thursday.

I will review your blog sentences on Thursday (green class) or Friday (yellow and blue classes).

Complete Unit 5 through complete the sentence to bring to class on Monday.

Unit 5 vocab quiz next Monday, November 18.


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous ChristinaG blue said...

1.The acuity of the dog’s sense of smell was portrayed through his sniffing the air as I made bacon.
2.My sister Jen delineated our house with every little detail in her sketch book.
3.The Wicked Witch of the West has a depraved green tint to her skin, proving she is evil.
4.Cancer affected her life in so many ways, even enervating her physical abilities.
5.Her friends purposefully made esoteric remarks to make her feel left out.
6.My grandfather’s fecund farm resulted in many buyers interested in his crops.
7.Our new principal made many new fiats that help our school prosper and thrive.
8.Her figment of imagination caused her to believe she was actually a princess from Genovia.
9.Throughout the years, I will have garnered a lot of pertinent information that I will remember.
10.In the cheerleading movies, the girls hallow the “spirit stick”, the most sacred thing if they win the competition.

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous SpencerJ blue said...

1. It seemed like he had lost all of his acuity when it took him longer than most to answer the question.
2. She delineated the word perfectly when they were playing charades,
3. Adolf Hitler was a very depraved man who committed crimes against humanity.
4. As the smart man got older his intelligence began to enervate and he eventually couldn’t even solve a simple math problem.
5. The esoteric riddle told to the class was only understood by a few students.
6. Pumpkins are a very fecund fruit (Yes, fruit) especially during the fall.
7. The leader issued a new fiat which taxed citizens on small goods.
8. She thought she saw a bear standing in the middle of the road, but it was just a figment of her imagination.
9. The squirrel was able to garner some acorns before the harsh winter.
10. There are many places on Earth that are said to be hallow ground because people say they have encountered God.

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous CarolynL Blue said...

1. The acuity of the dog’s smell made him the police unit’s top pick for house searches.
2. Despite the war taking place when the veterans, who are now in their eighties, were in their twenties, they can still explain their experiences so delineate that it was like it happened yesterday.
3. Ouija boards are often seen as depraved, because some believe they are connected to the devil.
4. After hitting his head in a snowboarding accident Kevin Pearce was forced to quit this sport as his brain was enervated by the concussion he had received.
5. Some friends have inside jokes for an esoteric to purposefully draw other’s attention when they did not understand the joke.
6. The fecund in their crops this year made up for the terrible two years they had of no crops.
7. When the king caught whiff of the possibility he could be overthrown he created a new set of fiats to make this task almost impossible.
8.With the way things are now, the once strong and loving relationship they had seemed as if it were just a figment of the imagination.
9. After the summer internship had ended, the man used all the knowledge he had garnered up about the company, to his advantage in his interview.
10. Men in the book the Greatest Generation were hallowed by receiving the Medal of Honor the highest honor a man can receive in the armed forces.


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