Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Soph Vocab Unit 4 Sentence Homework

Students in both the blue and yellow sections should post their ten sentences using words in unit 4 here.

Same instructions as always: give context clues of restatement, compare/contrast, and inference.

Complete before class on Friday, November 4.


At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Chloe H Blue said...

1. I was surprised to see the usually solemn man in a jocular mood.
2. At the beach this summer, my friend and I saw flotsam in the sea near the sight of a boating accident.
3. The doctor told me to lie in a recumbent position to take pressure off of my ankle.
4. The football team used a stratagem to trick the opposing team.
5. The thought that she might move to Japan for a job seems ludicrous.
6. Although he took pecuniary precautions his whole life, he was broke by the age of thirty.
7. He was nettled by her inquisitive manner.
8. His conviction of an armed robbery at a bank led to his incarceration.
9. The room was in disarray after the party.
10. She rushed around, full of frenetic energy before her mother arrived.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous CamillaD Yellow said...

When the meteorologist was predicting more than three feet of snow the day before Christmas, the exigency of the late shoppers increased in to a hectic flurry.

In chess, it is crucial to have a well-planned stratagem or a signature gambit or the opponent will win almost immediately.

When a young prankster shouted “Fire!” in the movie theater, the audience was thrown into disarray while the movie continued to serenely reel on in the background.

After every war or major conflict, it is customary to have both sides enter a concord in an effort to work for more peaceful interactions in the future.

Her mordant words hurt many people in the room and even brought one girl to tears after the nasty remarks that had been made about her.

Her jocular nature was so well known that this new sullen and solemn side of her was quite unwonted.

It is incumbent for a student to complete twenty-five credits at St. Mark’s before the end of senior year to graduate.

After putting up with the constant nettling from my cousins, I finally gave in and agreed to play a game of hide-and-seek.

Although they would be cramped, the family of five moved into a smaller home after being forced by pecuniary reasons.

The flotsam in the ocean was the only remainder of the once majestic cruise ship.

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Lauren Johnson yellow said...

Most people wish for a peaceful concord throughout the world.

My mother consummated her tax return at midnight on April 15th.

The woman found her daughter’s room in complete disarray: clothes were thrown carelessly on the floor, miscellaneous items were strewn haphazardly about, and even found food lying under her bed.

The students filed out of the building with exigency as the fire alarm sounded.

The woman searched frenetically for her lost child.

The Amish farmers gleaned grain in their fields.

The people who just grouse without taking action never get anything done.

Christina’s father is in charge of the correction facilities that hold incarcerated felons.

The jocular young man is, simply said, popular among the ladies.

The girl’s statement was so juvenile and ludicrous that we thought she was joking. She wasn’t.

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous jDiana Yellow said...

The king’s final bastion was his towering castle that looked down on his now pillaged land.

After days of argument, Congress has finally reached a concord on the new amendment.

The once glamourous and enjoyable flash mob was thrown into a disarray after a number of dancers forgot their routine.

The cat burglar was finally incarcerated for his malevolent deeds that were committed in the past month.

The genius chess player of Saint Mark’s switched up his usual routine and used a special stratagem that threw off his opponent from the beginning.

After the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, firefighters were on the scene to pick up the debris and glean the survivors.

The small business's pecuniary conditions allowed it to leave its small hometown and move to New York for bigger profits.

If one were to travel back in time and tell a person that humans would go to the moon, he or she would claim the statement as ludicrous.

In movies, psychiatrists have their patients sit in a recumbent position and tell them their deepest secrets.

In medieval times, kings hired jocular jesters to cheer him up in times of hardship.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous KyleM Blue said...

1. After the earthquake struck, everything was left in complete disarray; the shelves had collapsed and scattered clutter was lying all around the room.

2. The only thing left of the destroyed boat was the flotsam floating gently in the water.

3. The people in the movie theater where frenetic when someone shouted, “Fire!”

4. The thief was incarcerated for many years after stealing a rare gem from the museum.

5. It’s always good to be around someone jocular when you’re in a bad mood because they can make you laugh no matter how sad you are.

6. The ludicrous costume she wore to the party earned many stares from the less festive guests.

7. The beeping nettled me for two hours until I finally searched for the irritating source.

8. The pusillanimous sailors refused to allow the woman onboard because it would mean bad luck.

9. As soon as I got recumbent in the chair, I instantly fell asleep.

10. There are a lot of helpful stratagems that you can use to win a game of chess.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Jen G yellow said...

1. After Hurricane Katrina, various pieces of flotsam filled the flooded streets.
2. The mother became frenetic when her two year old son went missing.
3. If you grouse a lot, people usually become extremely annoyed with you because you complain about every single thing.
4. Since he was declared guilty of murder, he will be incarcerated.
5. A round off back handspring is incumbent in the Level 4 gymnastics floor routine.
6. Our teacher’s jocular personality made the class on of the student’s favorites
7. That diamond necklace was a ludicrous amount of money so you better not lose it!
8. A great example of a mean-spirited and pusillanimous person is a bully.
9. His recumbent position allowed him to think of a creative and unique idea for his next painting.
10. Her stratagem cleverly got the suspect to admit the truth without him even realizing it.

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Alexis P yellow said...

1. When Anna tripped down the stairs, her notebook went flying through the air, causing her papers to fall to the ground in disarray.
2. When everyone was told to evacuate the building because of the fire, the students jumped up in exigency to exit the classroom.
3. If we incarcerate all of the criminals in our town, we should be safe, right?
4. On April Fool’s Day you seldom find people who are not in a jocular mood.
5. It is incumbent that I do my English homework because Mr. Fiorelli is collecting it for a grade.
6. It would be ludicrous if Mrs. Smith gives us math homework over Christmas break.
7. Every March you can hear adults grousing about their taxes.
8. No matter how much homework I have to do, I always want to relax and be recumbent when I get home from school.
9. Haley came up with stratagem to convince Dr. Fischer to move the test to Friday.
10. We finally reached a concord after weeks of debating over where to spend our summer vacation.

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous aislinnj blue said...

1. The babysitter had to clean the entire room after the obnoxious toddler ran around knocking over the furniture and scattering his toys.
2. After the hurricane struck and flooded the town, people peered out their windows in disbelief at the amount of flotsam floating in the water’s current.
3. When all of the students but one were accounted for on the bus, the frenetic teachers set out to find the missing child.
4. When Charlie’s mom ordered him to clean his room, he groused around the house complaining about the arduous task.
5. The allegedly innocent criminal was incarcerated when the judge ruled her guilty of larceny.
6. Allison was especially jocular when her dance instructor informed her that she had been selected to compete on the regional team.
7. When the crazy professor announced his ludicrous theory of evolution to the class, the students shook their heads and laughed to themselves.
8. The aspiring singer’s eyes welled up with tears as her voice coach presented to her rather mordant criticism.
9. Although the students were nice to the boy who transferred from a different school, he was pusillanimous towards their kindness and often dismissed their attempts to talk to him.
10. When the cliques of the school began competing for social domination, it became a battle of whose stratagem could outdo the others.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Christina T Blue said...

1) The atrophy of the liver is sometimes attributed to excessive use of prescribtion or over the counter medicaitons.
2) My room is normally found in various states of disarray, much to the displeasure of my neat mother.
3) By reading the book summary online he was able to glean enough information to write a mediocore synopsis of the plot.
4) No one likes a person who constantly grouses especailly for no reason other than to have something to do.
5) My Dad is always in a jocular mood when he comes back from a day at the country club hanigng with his buddies.
6) I find it extremely pusillanimous when bullies try to avert guilt onto their innocent victims.
7) Its ludicrous to think that in this day in age they have shots to irradicate childhood diseases yet no cure for the common cold.
8) The flotsam in the harbour is not only harzardous to the aquatic life in the area but also quite disgusting to look at!
9) The incumbent for President didn't like his odds as his popularity ratings were very low in his last few months in office.
10) My little sister knows exactly how to nettle me and make my temper rise.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Patrick said...

1. My mom told me that since I do so little thinking in the summer, my brain has atrophied quite a bit.
2. After a decisive victory, the defeated army retreated to their bastion where they believed that they were safe from the attacking army.
3. After hurricane Katrina, emergency management associations were left in disarray by the sheer scope of the disaster.
4. On the news I heard of a flotsam of debris from the Japanese tsunami in March 2011 is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
5. With my research paper due in a day, I was forced to work at a frenetic pace for hours to complete it.
6. Since I was so hungry at lunch, I attempted to glean a few Oreo cookies from my friends with almost no luck.
7. After the robber stole three-hundred-thousand dollars from a bank, he was caught and incarcerated for fifteen years in the county jail.
8. In the 2012 Presidential race Barack Obama will be the incumbent since he has already have been elected once.
9. I was given a ludicrous explanation from my little cousin about what broke my bike; it involved a magical unicorn and his grizzly bear friend Bob.
10. While I was out running, a car forced me over to the side of the road, and, much to my pain and discomfort, I ran into a patch of stinging nettle.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous PatrickMblue said...

1. My mom told me that since I do so little thinking in the summer, my brain has atrophied quite a bit.
2. After a decisive victory, the defeated army retreated to their bastion where they believed that they were safe from the attacking army.
3. After hurricane Katrina, emergency management associations were left in disarray by the sheer scope of the disaster.
4. On the news I heard of a flotsam of debris from the Japanese tsunami in March 2011 is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
5. With my research paper due in a day, I was forced to work at a frenetic pace for hours to complete it.
6. Since I was so hungry at lunch, I attempted to glean a few Oreo cookies from my friends with almost no luck.
7. After the robber stole three-hundred-thousand dollars from a bank, he was caught and incarcerated for fifteen years in the county jail.
8. In the 2012 Presidential race Barack Obama will be the incumbent since he has already have been elected once.
9. I was given a ludicrous explanation from my little cousin about what broke my bike; it involved a magical unicorn and his grizzly bear friend Bob.
10. While I was out running, a car forced me over to the side of the road, and, much to my pain and discomfort, I ran into a patch of stinging nettle.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Christina D Yellow said...

In Quebec City, there is a bastion, which is where the Plains of Abraham are located; it was an important stronghold during the battle of Quebec.
In the fall play, the Front Page, a search for a murderer leaves the characters in a state of disarray.
Because of the exigency of the car crash, no time was wasted getting to the passengers to a hospital.
The crowd became frenetic when the workers were attempting to free the trapped minors in Chile.
In Biblical times, it was customary for a farmer to leave the outskirts of his crop for the poor to glean.
In The Little Mermaid, Eric’s ship blows up, leaving a lot of flotsam in the ocean such as pieces of wood and barrels.
My dad is in charge of the Delaware State prisons where many criminals are incarcerated.
I see Santa as being very jocular because of all the cookies he eats.
The suggestion was so ludicrous that everyone was speechless.
10. In Remember the Titans, Coach Boone uses unexpected stratagem to win the championship game.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous ClaudiaS yellow said...

1. There was so much disarray in the Jennsen household on Christmas Eve as the family frantically packed for their extravagant holiday vacation to the Bahamas.
2. After several hours of debate over the homecoming theme Student Council reached a state of concord and agreed on one coherent theme that they believed the whole student body would like.
3. After intense volleyball games many opposing schools make a grouse or two about the way our fans act during the game.
4. My mom incarcerated my sister in her room after she continually talked back and chose not to do her chores all weekend.
5. As a student council officer you incumbent to follow all rules and regulations of the school and be an example and leader for others at all times.
6. When writing a speech most people tend to avoid making jocular sentences or remarks because they can easily ruin a speech that is not intended to be funny.
7. The price for a single shopping cart of groceries is ludicrous in today’s society because of the constantly changing economy.
8. As we drove home after a long weekend at a soccer tournament my sister was recumbent in the back seat of the car.
9. My mom has a few nettles in our home that she rarely waters and tells us not to touch in case of pricks or stings.
10. The economy has caused so many average people to become flotsam within the past year because of no availability in jobs, impending taxes, and higher prices on just about everything.

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Kim H Blue said...

1. The water was marred with flotsam from the cargo ship crash that had happened earlier that day.
2. I knew my mom had seen my room when she stormed angrily down the stairs after I had told her it was clean when in reality it was in complete disarray.
3. Her claim that I stole her lunch was so ludicrous that even the principal laughed when she heard it.
4. Because there was complete concord between the students a decision on the decorations for prom was very easy to reach.
5. The orator asseverated all the topics of his speech with such enthusiasm, everyone in the room was listening intently.
6. The jocular actor was amusing too watch as he cavorted around the stage acting like a chicken.
7. When the accused murders were found guilty, they were incarcerated for life.
8. Many people say that I am a pessimist, but I'm really just being mordant.
9. The incumbent officers of student council have to make many important decisions about the activities we do in school.
10. My little sister always tries to nettle in my business especially when it's something I don't want her to know.

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous ConnorH Yellow said...

1. My army held off he invasion, mostly due to the conveniently placed bastion.
2. The artist died before he could consummate his final sculpture.
3. I became very ill, and I was confined to my bed in a recumbent position for a few days.
4. Our strategem confused the army, allowing us to quickly flank and attack them.
5. The hamster gleaned across his cage, eating up all of the scraps left.
6. The only way to deal with criminals is to incarcerate them into our jails.
7. The flotsam standing at the bus stop made me wonder why my taxes paid for their bus fares.
8. The meeting was absolutely incumbent, and many who skipped were fired from work by our enraged boss.
9. There was a strange sense of concord after the storm passed our town.
10. The frenetic people ran frantically through the city streets, smashing windows and throwing trashcans everywhere.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Luke D Blue said...

In the disarray of the storm, confused sheep scuttled about attempting to find their shepherd.

The war lord held the hostages in his hilltop bastion because he knew the invincible fortress could not be trumped.

Her responses to the questionnaire were so ludicrous that the judge inquired whether or not she was in a healthy state of mind.

Her stratagem goaded her to betray her best friend in order to win the prize money.

The flotsam that festered around the once regal cinema center left the high and haughty with a distasteful attitude.

The grousing of the elderly is similar to a cryptic language; it cannot be understood or interpreted.

The lax and recumbent position of Bertha can be seen daily when she rests in her night chamber.

His jocular attitude toward the woes of the Great Depression was scolded upon.

The team’s experiment transformed the smooth and leafy plant into a prickly, rough nettle.

He deserves to be incarcerated with all of the other jail birds for the heinous act of pillaging a daycare center.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Will D blue said...

1.The king’s castle was an impenetrable bastion protected by knights in shining armor.

2. World peace could only be possible if every country were in concord with one another.

3. After the hurricane, the once prosperous neighborhood turned into flooded streets and a large amount of flotsam.

4. His idea of bungee jumping off a bridge just to promote our company was so ludicrous that we couldn’t help but laugh.

5. It is essential to have a well-planned stratagem before entering into war.

6. Being in a recumbent position makes watching television so much more relaxing.

7. Because the defendant was found guilty of grand theft auto, he was then incarcerated in the county prison.

8. Archaeologists have to glean small pieces of bones before they can eventually make out what prehistoric species they have discovered.

9. The rich man gave many pecuniary donations to the charity for koalas.

10. The whole nation was in a state of disarray as they watched the north tower collapse after being struck by the plane.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Krystina Callahan - Yellow said...

1. If he continues to smoke, e will have even more atrophy than he already does!

2. The students ask many random questions in an effort to disarray the teacher and get him off topic.

3. When Alex was yelling at us, he made many absurd and ludicrous remarks that made us think he was joking.

4. The robber of the bank was incarcerated for three years.

5. Carl always cracks a lot of jokes and everyone laugh, making him the most jocular person in class.

6. We collect peanut butter and yams to help the flotsam.

7. The lawyers used a clever stratogem to convince the jury that it was not her client’s fault.

8. I was pricked by a nettle and now the cut it gave me hurts.

9. The attorney slowly gleaned enough evidence to convict to felon.

10. When the teacher gave us homework, we all groused because it was Halloween.

At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Carin P blue said...

1. Although my brother and I were fighting all weekend, we eventually reached a concord.
2.With all of our shortened periods this week, our teachers were thrown into such disarray when the bells rang ten minutes early.
3.Although natural disasters themselves cause a lot of problems, the massive amount of flotsam after the wreck has occurred is even worse.
4.When I get into a fight with my mom, she's usually very frenetic for the rest of the day.
5.Whenever my dad wakes me up too early for school, the only thing I do from under my covers is grouse about how I don't get enough sleep.
6. I think my boyfriend is one of the most jocular people I know because he's always making people laugh.
7. My attempts at doing the "butterfly" in the pool are always ludicrous, while my friends on the swim team can perform the stroke without flaw.
8. I don't prefer talking to such a negative person like Annie because her responses are always mordant.
9.When I was running through the woods the other day, my leg brushed a prickly plant and I figured it was a nettle.
10. I find it so much more relaxing to study for tests while I'm in a recumbent position.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous MarenfBlue said...

1. My mom is so excited to leave for Italy and see the consummate paintings there.

2. Our field hockey team was left in disarray when our coach told the defense to switch positions with the offense.

3. The exigency of the last hurricane caused my aunt, uncle, and their new baby to live with us until everything was settled.

4. The frog in the pond rested on the pieces of flotsam floating in the middle of the pond.

5. My brother would always grouse about going to the dentist when we were younger.

6. Attending Cross County practices at the park where it was to be held a week before the race was always incumbent in grade school.

7. Teachers that are always in a jocular mood really annoy me some days.

8. Freshmen nettle upperclassmen with their huge backpacks and eagerness to learn.

9. If I try to study in a recumbent position, I tend to fall asleep in the middle of everything.

10. Some stratagems we learned this season in field hockey included dodges, pulls, and shots.

At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Mike C. said...

1. Betty decided to be an organ donor because she thought it was better to donate her organs than to let them atrophy.
2. John stayed up all night working on his essay until it was finally consummate.
3. Susan's apartment wes robbed and all of her things were thrown around and in disarray.
4. The man owns a business that goes out into the ocean and cleans up all the flotsam in the water.
5. Some say that grousing over a challenging activity only makes it more difficult.
6. Everyone wanted to be friends with him because of his jocular personality.
7. Some people think that the idea of Santa Clause flying around world in one night giving presents to all the kids is extremely ludicrous.
8. Jessica mordantly uninvited Wil to her party.
9. Raising your hand to ask a question while the teacher is talking nettles them more than anything.
10. Bobby used his stratagem to quickly defeat his opponent in the Chess Championship.

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Lexi O yellow said...

1. All of his hard work became evident through the consummate performance he gave in the recital.
2. The substitute teacher was thrown into disarray when she approached the unruly class with no instruction of what material to cover.
3. The paramedics emphasized the exigency to care for and operate on the victim once they arrived at the hospital.
4. After the devastating hurricane and flood, houses were destroyed and flotsam could be found in the middle of the streets throughout the town.
5. The frenetic mother could not find her toddler in the mall, so the security guards issued an amber alert.
6. Each day, archeologists glean evidence about the first Americans and their ancient culture.
7. No one likes to be around someone who grouses about whatever disadvantage, or misfortune comes his or her way.
8. Considering the fact that he expresses no interest in the purpose of the business, we have come to the conclusion that his involvement is specifically for pecuniary advantages.
9. His excuse for not having completed the project was so ludicrous that he not only didn’t receive sympathy from the teacher but also got laughs from the rest of the class.
10. The three weeks of recovery after the surgery were spent in a recumbent position either on the couch or in bed.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Claire D Yellow said...

1.In the play Les Miserables, the French revolutionists create a bastion against the French government; this barricade proves to be flawed when Eponine is shot and dies.
2.There is a disarray that follows the ball dropping in New York City because so much anticipation in Times Square leaves everyone confused when it's over.
3.In the play A Raisin in the Sun, Walter Lee Younger falls victim to a stratagem when he is tricked into investing money in a liquor store.
4.Laura, although coming off as mordant, is actually quite a gentle person.
5.In this economy, many families with financial difficulties are being forced to take out loans to help with their pecuniary crisis.
6.The courageous lion in The Wizard of Oz believed that he was pusillanimous.
7.A big topic of debate today is whether someone should be given the death penalty or be incarcerated for life.
8.The nettle was so prickly that it gashed my finger, but I should have known better then to touch a cactus.
9.Many new mothers are frenetic with their young children, but often times as a mother becomes more experienced she will relax.
10.I hope I will live to see the day when the world is in concord rather than filled with the strife and the war that tears it apart today.

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Benjamin S yellow said...

1) When we entered the bastion, we marveled at its great walls and at the old man with a smooth voice who narrated our every action.

2) The group was in concord after everyone agreed that Concord grapes are the best type of grapes.

3) After the death-ray had fired, the city was in a state of disarray.

4) As the sugar covered cat sprang across the field, it left a trail of rainbow colored flotsams in the rain puddles.

5) The surprise sale left everyone frenetic and wanting to buy every game in the store.

6) The masked Frenchman told me that a Cornish hen is a grouse.

7) The captain demanded that we go a speed so ludicrous, that it was even faster than warp speed.

8) The Italian plumber was happy walking along until he stepped on a nettle and fell over in pain.

9) After the Frenchmen informed me about the hen, he assumed a recumbent position, proclaimed that he was a rare species of crab, and then fell asleep.

10) Gabe’s stratagem was to have a sale when no one would expect it, in order to get even more money from his customers.

(Most of these sentences have a reference in them. Can you guess them?)

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous WillF Blue said...

1. Astronauts must routinely exercise and move around; otherwise their muscular strength can diminish or even atrophy.
2. The Boys and Girls Club of America serves as a bastion of positive energy and construction for many kids living under difficult circumstances.
3. Although fashion is subjective, many designers strive to have consummate collections that obtain visual perfection.
4. When I tripped on the stairs, my papers flew out of my hands and landed in complete disarray.
5. The man-made flotsam and trash traveling in the port would be a depressing site to any environmentalist.
6. The distraught toddler made a frenetic search for his out out-of-sight mom.
7. As I spent time with my friend, I slowly gleaned bits of information about what had really happened to his brother.
8. If my grandmother actually walked around in her nursing home she would grouse much less about the pain that comes with moving.
9. Sometimes, a jocular perspective is all you need to lighten a difficult situation.
10. Although I can see why people are upset with the state of our nation, I believe that some of the radical opinions of certain political parties are simply ludicrous.

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Matt S Yellow said...

1. The experienced hound spooked the grouse out of the underbrush so that the hunter could take the shot.
2. The judge ruled that the man should be incarcerated in a maximum security facility for twenty-five years for his atrocious crimes.
3. It was found that contact with a rare poisonous nettle was the cause of the hiker’s deadly allergic reaction.
4. On the eighth week of the drought, the town started to request government assistance to cope with the exigency for potable water.
5. Despite its placement atop a hill, the bastion fell to the enemy as a result of its constant besiegement.
6. General Adams’ stratagem of defense proved to be a failure when the army failed to defend well fortified island.
7. The political party stated that they would never back a politic with such ludicrous morals and policies.
8. It was evident that an explosion had taken place because the various pieces of flotsam drifting through the streets of the war torn city.
9. The critic’s mordant carping caused many amateur actors to give up their dreams of Broadway.
10. The jocular king took lightly to his jesters’ unending fat jokes about him and his wife.

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Hannah F Yellow said...

The warring countries finally reached a state of concord, though it was not easily won.

Many people feel that changing the clocks for daylight savings disarrays their normal routines.

She became frenetic after hearing the tragic news, and no one could calm her.

Do you think you can commit a crime like that and get away without incarceration?

We were nettled by the child’s incessant whining.

Helping the poor in our community is incumbent upon all of us, and there are many ways to be of service.

Who made the ludicrous suggestion that we should wing it and see what happens?

When performing CPR on a person, he should be in the recumbent position.

The somewhat thought-out stratagem worked surprisingly well, and we were very successful.

We gleaned as much wisdom as we could from the old man’s speech.

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Julia G yellow said...

1. When the archeologists dug up the remains of the old man, they saw that the atrophy of his organs became visible when the body had been decayed.
2. The disarray of the student’s History binder led him into a failing grade when the teacher gave the class a surprise binder check.
3. Firefighters have to have a lot of exigency when they get a worried call about a burning house.
4. When I have to eat raisin bread, I glean the raisins out of the bread because I don’t like raisins.
5. The jocular audience was even amused at the least-bit funny comedians.
6. The incumbent tasks of Santa Clause include giving gifts to al the boys and girls on the eve of December 25th and to make a naughty/nice list.
7. After the two boats collided, there was flotsam sinking in the water.
8. When the play was consummated, the actors were relieved to know that the play was finally ready to be performed.
9. The idea of wearing shorts in the snow is ludicrous.
10. Many high-school students grouse about the piles of tedious homework teachers give them.

At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Lindsey B yellow said...

1. The state of atrophy that the cadaver was in was rather disgusting and morose looking.
2. The two enemies not only have met a concord, but have decided to make an effort to get to know each other and become friends.
3. The girl consummated her college career by landing a dream job in the medical field right after graduating and earning her doctorate.
4. The classroom was such in a state of disarray that I couldn’t even find my glasses that I put down two minutes ago.
5. The nurse always puts such exigency on any minor scrape or bruise that you would think she had a broken limb in her office every two seconds.
6. There was so much flotsam in the river after the hurricane that it was safe to say there was no way the water was safe to drink.
7. Often beggars would glean corn and crop in the Bible, only because they had no other source of food.
8. She is always in such a jocular mood; it is quite rare to find her solemn and upset.
9. It is ludicrous to think that I wouldn’t do my homework simply because I didn’t feel like I needed to; one can always better his or her grades with homework!
10. That boy is so cunning and he is always coming up with some sort of mischievous stratagem to get out of class.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous BeckyG yellow said...

1. The house was in a state of disarray after the party.
2. Talking to people who grouse about everything is never fun.
3. Constructive criticism on someone's performance is a lot more helpful than mordant comments.
4. Five minutes before the concert was scheduled to start, people were still making frenetic searches for instruments and music.
5. After the ship wrecked on the rocks, all that was left was random pieces of flotsam.
6. The leader was the bastion of the rebellion, and after he was killed, the rebels scattered.
7. My first attempt to play the flute was completely ludicrous; I couldn’t even get a noise to come out.
8. The kids’ attitude went from jocular to serious when they realized he meant business.
9. The pusillanimous man had no friends because he was so mean.
10. After the treaty, the concord state of the nation was restored.

At 8:58 PM, Anonymous nvalenteblue said...

1) The cruel and mordant comments the boy was yelling at his younger brother was a true case of bullying.
2) Attending four years of high school is a duty incumbent upon me if I plan on going to college.
3) It is always enjoyable to have a teacher who knows their material and teaches well, but maintains a respectable jocular manner.
4) It was a major relief on the whole community once the thief was captured and incarcerated.
5) I did not mean to nettle the teacher with my constant questioning.
6) During fire drills, it is vital that you stay calm and collected, and not run around in disarray.
7) Specific cancer's can cause atrophy of the skin or muscles, slowly wasting away.
8) I could not believe my classmate gave the teacher such a ludicrous answer to such a serious question.
9) After the ship's wreck, I looked out into the water at all of the flotsam floating on the water's surface.
10) After a long and hard day of school, I like to relax in a recumbent position and take a quick cat nap once in a while.

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous DanielL Blue said...

1. I was extremely surprised when the snowball nailed me in the face because I was sure my snow fort was a bastion protecting me from snowy ammunition on all sides.
2. When couples say, “I do” and kiss, it consummates the matrimony and they are officially married.
3. When the news reported that an asteroid big enough to destroy the world was coming towards earth, it put the whole world into disarray as everyone panicked about how they were going to spend their final hours.
4. During the war many naval battles took place causing many ships to be destroyed by the enemy and reduced to flotsam.
5. When the bird hunter came back from the woods he had a blue grouse as his prize of the day’s hunt.
6. When Tom killed John, he was incarcerated in jail and spent the rest of his life there.
7. Many of Jack’s friends think that he is very jocular and his jokes can make almost anyone laugh.
8. I knew that George would be failing this quarter in school because his idea for getting good grades without working was so ludicrous that I had to laugh.
9. When the student got his paper back, it was filled with mordant comments that were so harshly criticizing that they were just plain mean.
10. During the game we developed a stratagem to win that was so clever that we knew we would win.

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous DanielL Blue said...

1. I was extremely surprised when the snowball nailed me in the face because I was sure my snow fort was a bastion protecting me from snowy ammunition on all sides.
2. When couples say, “I do” and kiss, it consummates the matrimony and they are officially married.
3. When the news reported that an asteroid big enough to destroy the world was coming towards earth, it put the whole world into disarray as everyone panicked about how they were going to spend their final hours.
4. During the war many naval battles took place causing many ships to be destroyed by the enemy and reduced to flotsam.
5. When the bird hunter came back from the woods he had a blue grouse as his prize of the day’s hunt.
6. When Tom killed John, he was incarcerated in jail and spent the rest of his life there.
7. Many of Jack’s friends think that he is very jocular and his jokes can make almost anyone laugh.
8. I knew that George would be failing this quarter in school because his idea for getting good grades without working was so ludicrous that I had to laugh.
9. When the student got his paper back, it was filled with mordant comments that were so harshly criticizing that they were just plain mean.
10. During the game we developed a stratagem to win that was so clever that we knew we would win.

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Bridget R Blue said...

1) The atrophied muscle in his leg made it appear withered and weak.
2) To a little kid, a snow fort is a bastion that can protect them from any attack.
3) The warring countries came to a concord when they signed the peace treaty.
4) I have little time for organization, so my bedroom is in a constant state of disarray.
5) After the Boston Tea Party, there was an incredible amount of flotsam and debris in the water.
6) Exam week is nerve-wracking enough to make even the best students frenetic.
7) He was always carefree and jocular, so it was unusual for him to be so melancholy.
8) She hated to hear people chewing their gum because the sound nettled her.
9) One must always be thinking of a stratagem to get the upper hand in chess.
10) No matter where he sat, he always sat in a recumbent position as if he were about to lay down and take a nap.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Daniel O yellow said...

1. The atrophy of the television series began in the fourth season, when critics began to notice a decline in the quality of the episodes.
2. The people of the kingdom were safe inside the city’s bastion, as the invaders were unable to find a way through the walls.
3. Congress will never reach a spirit of concord because the members of the different political parties will always argue over the issues.
4. The school was thrown into a state of disarray when a fire drill was mistaken for a true emergency.
5. The president stressed the exigency of improving the nation’s economy, as the nation was in debt.
6. After the students term paper was accidentally erased from the computer’s files the day before it was due, he made a frenetic attempt to rewrite the paper before the next day.
7. Some farmers have purposely left small portions of their crops untouched so that the poor may glean food from the fields.
8. The criminal did not receive the death penalty, but was still incarcerated for life.
9. Although Galileo is now recognized as a great astronomer and philosopher, many of his ideas were thought of as ludicrous by the people of his time.
10. Rather than relying on brute force, the football team used a clever stratagem to manipulate the opposing team.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous pbonkBlue said...

1.My room was in such disarray that I couldn’t concentrate on my homework.
2.If found guilty, the defendant could be incarcerated for at least twenty-five years.
3.Most of the people I hang around with are jocular and like to make me laugh.
4.His idea was so ludicrous that we dismissed the thought as a little joke.
5.After the Titanic sank a few of the remaining people survived by clinging to pieces of flotsam.
6.One of my pet peeves is when people grouse about every little inconvenience.
7.Since my wrist has been immobile for months, my muscles have atrophy.
8.My sister sometimes gets joy by nettling me until she gets a reaction out of me.
9.When a shark gets the scent of blood, it goes frenetic and searches for its prey.
10.A defense attorney’s main job is to brilliant stratagems to gain the support of the jury.

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Sara B -- Yellow said...

1. His army quickly bolted towards the enemy's bastion, holding shields above their heads as the sky rained down with arrows.

2. The new student wandered the empty halls in disarray until she found her classroom.

3. The pressured EMT demanded the paddles in exigency as the patient was rushed into the ER.

4. The pusillanimous kitten hissed and ran away as the puppy scurried after him.

5. The chess expert smirked at his opponent as he planned his stratagem for the next move.

6. They incarcerated the innocent man, while the guilty was still out on the streets.

7. Some people find church on Sundays to be an incumbent norm.

8. The men picked up flotsam that smacked into their small boat before jumping off and treading in the water.

9. The frenetic fans stirred like crazy as the team scored the final touchdown.

10. The town atrophied after the terrible hurricane hit and destroyed the precious homes.

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous AliceMblue said...

1. I don’t think that Salesianum and St. Marks will ever reach a concord, and will forever be bitter rivals of eachother.
2. The entire office was in a state of disarray after the new secretary had searched for the papers her boss had requested.
3. Parents always emphasize the exigency of studying and trying you’re best in school, always because they want the best for you.
4. The jocular boys were always goofing off during class, but everyone still liked them.
5. The flotsam floating in the river was narrowly avoided by the speeding boat.
6. The speech given by the artist was completely ludicrous, and was in no way coherent or relative to the topic.
7. The large nettle branch was caught in the jeans of an innocent passer-by, and caused the fabric to rip.
8. The mordant professor often made a mordant impression on his new students.
9. The politician gleaned the funds from the organization over several years, and wouldn’t have stopped if he had not been caught.
10. The tactful stratagem used by the chess player won him the game, and caused his opponent to wonder how he possibly did it.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous MatthewR Blue said...

1. Astronauts suffer from muscles atrophy because of the lack of gravity.
2. I was in such disarray this morning that I forgot my jacket at home.
3. If I put my assignments off to the last minute I have to work frenetically to finish them.
4. Gleaning was a common practice in ancient Israel.
5. He was incarcerated for his heinous crimes.
6. He used a clever stratagem to outwit his opponent.
7. He tried to lighten the atmosphere with his jocular mood.
8. It is incumbent upon you to pass the next test so you can pass the course.
9. They waited out the hurricane in a bastion near their house.
10. We reached a concord about what we were going to do for our project.

At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Sarah D Yellow said...

1.The students went into disarray when the fire alarm sounded.
2.When she couldn’t find her essay that was due, she frenetically looked through all of her papers in her backpack.
3.The lawyers eventually gleaned enough information to convince the jury that the man was guilty.
4.The class groused in unison when the teacher announced they were taking a pop quiz.
5.The man was incarcerated after committing the murder.
6.The class was surprised of the jocular mood of their usually grumpy teacher.
7.The teacher knew right away that the student was lying about his homework when he told a ludicrous story of how he doesn’t have it.
8.The coach devised a remarkable stratagem to win the championship.
9.The atrophy of his body left him weak and close to immobile.
10.After running the 10K, she went home and sat in a recumbent position to rest after the long run.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous John L Blue said...

1. His affability was a welcome change from the less approachable types who were usually members of the club.

2. The man's amorphous relationship with his secretary remained a secret affair for a long time.

3. An aura of optimism filled the locker room as the team prepared for the season's final game.

4. Strictly speaking, contraband is illegally imported or exported material, and so the word is not properly used in reference to a prohibited, locally-grown product.

5. The spider's gossamer web glistened in the moonlight.

6. didn't like that she was trying to infer that I was not being honest.

7. If you never travel outside of your neighborhood you would live in a very insular world.

8. I have an unfortunate propensity for using big words.

9. Although he continued to remonstrate against the unfairness of the hearing, the Congressional Committee ruled against him.

10. After being knocked down, the boy showed how resilient he was by getting back up and hitting back.

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous stephen c yellow said...

1. In school, I know that I’m safe from the pain of failure because I lie behind the walls of the bastion of help.
2. All it takes is an empty room and absolute silence to keep my mind in a state of concord.
3. When the lights turned off during the meeting, everything fell into complete disarray.
4. As time was running out to finish the exam, I could feel my heart racing from the exigency of trying to finish the rest of the problems.
5. If you listen closely at the guest room door, you can hear my Uncle Frank grousing over how he doesn’t have a wide enough bed.
6. Any pet with a small cage might feel as though it is incarcerated as punishment for doing something bad.
7. I must say that disguising ourselves as clowns to sneak into a circus is the most ludicrous idea I have heard from you ever.
8. As I sat in class minding my own business, a kid two seats away from me tried to nettle me by shining a laser pen in my eyes.
9. As Joe found a comfortable recumbent position, he immediately fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.
10. In order for my stratagem to succeed and for me to get the most money out of the deal, I had to eliminate my competition and anyone who would even think about getting in my way before heading towards my main target.

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous dDeTurkblue said...

1. The badly defeated army retreated quickly back to safety in the bastion.
2. My locker is sometimes in such disarray that I can’t find the book I need.
3. After realizing he had a paper due that day, the boy frenetically tried to write it in study hall.
4. The hungry man, after walking a long way, found a field where he could glean some corn to eat.
5. After being found guilty on all charges, the man will be incarcerated for life.
6. After finding out that he had straight A’s, the young boy was very jocular for the rest of the day.
7. The idea of the Buffalo Bills winning the super bowl is ludicrous.
8. For some reason, that guy has always been pusillanimous.
9. After a long day, nothing is better than just lying recumbent on your bed.
10. The general used a brilliant stratagem to outwit the other army and win the key battle.

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous megan b yellow said...

1. To prevent the body from atrophy, the ancient Egyptians used the process of mummification on their deceased loved ones.
2. When the teacher started handing out a pop quiz, the whole class erupted in a state of complete disarray.
3. If the hospital wouldn’t have treated the young man with exigency, he might not have recovered.
4. I went into a frenetic mode when I procrastinated; worried I wouldn’t be able to complete my assignments.
5. A generous farmer still participates in the ancient practice of gleaning, and gives a small portion of his crops to a food bank.
6. To graduate from my middle school, it was incumbent that we partake in twenty hours of volunteering.
7. He always went through life in a jocular manner; he turned every situation, good or bad, into something humorous.
8. Your allegations are so ludicrous that we couldn’t help but try and hold back our laughter.
9. Some would consider her humor to be mordant, as they became offended by a few of her off-color jokes.
10. Although his words might suggest he is tough, his actions prove him to be nothing but a pusillanimous bully.


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