Thursday, April 07, 2011

Senior Research paper and project


Three things--the research paper, the Cuckoo's Nest project, and a short writing assignment/test on Cuckoo's Nest.

That's right.

The research paper is due Thursday, April 14 to receive three points extra credit. Do NOT sacrifice another proofreading of the paper in order to get the three extra points.

The paper MUST be turned in no later than Friday, April 15 to receive full credit. NO EXCUSES. This is the last day before Easter break, so make plans to turn in your paper on time.

With your5-7 page research paper you must turn in 6 source cards and 60 source cards, and of course, a works consulted page that does not count towards your 5-7 page paper. This paper is worth 40% of your 4th quarter grade. I encourage you to see me anytime soon for help with any matters concerning this paper. I will present a lesson real soon reminding you how to integrate and cite quotations into your paper text. I will post a file on Studywiz for your reading on this topic.

Your Cuckoo's Nest project is due Tuesday, April 12. Presentations will begin that day and continue on April 13 and April 14. I will conduct a "draw" before Friday to let you day what day you will be presenting. You must be ready to present when scheduled; make plans to do so even if a group member is NOT present on your scheduled day.

As for the "test" on Cuckoo's Nest . . . I will assign this for completion over Easter break. You will have a choice to write about some theme or motif of the novel. More on this later.


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