Wednesday, September 08, 2010

September 9 Senior Computer Lab Day

Today in class you should work on these three items:

1. Check the comments made by last year's seniors for the personal essay warmup blog (see the archives for September 2009) to get some ideas to write your own paper or blog response.

2. Complete and post #2 journal, Personal Essay Warmup, before tomorrow's class

3. Read files and/or messages posted on Studywiz that will help you to write your own personal essay

IF you've finished 1-3, then visit Studywiz where you'll find a file containing a short written piece by James Baldwin that you should read and analyze for "catchy" language for homework over the weekend. You can find more specific directions at Studywiz.
Remember that we'll have a short summer reading quiz on either Siddhartha or A Gracious Plenty tomorrow.

Please bring your copies of Fish Cheeks to class tomorrow. Be sure to be able to identify at least ten "catchy" words or phrases, also.


At 1:53 PM, Anonymous courtmred said...

Many people come in and out of our lives. Over the years we will meet many people who may affect us in many ways. The ones that truly matter are the ones who come into our lives and help us grow into the individuals that we are today. An important person in my life that I look up to is my older sister. She is not only a role model to me but she is also my best friend. We are 4 years apart which when we were younger made our relationship difficult because the maturity level of a 6 year old and a 10 year old is a lot different then an 18 and 22 year old. Like friends we get along and are able to laugh together but like sisters we know that family is stronger then anything and we will always be there for each other. She has proved to be a good role model because she is driven and smart. She has taught me a lot of things about life that only a sister could understand. All through out my life I have always looked up to her and wanted to do the same things as her. She has been a positive influence in my life and even though we fight I always know I have her support with anything I do.

At 12:58 PM, Anonymous cdred said...

Unfortunately sometimes it takes experiencing a hardship to truly make an impact on one's life. On September 9th of last year this became very apparent for my family and I when my Uncle Mark passed away after an eight month battle with cancer. He was diagnosed with a stage four brain tumor and his surrounding friends and family were devastated by the news. Uncle Mark played many diverse roles aside from being an uncle. He was also my godfather, my Aunt Joy's loving husband, a loyal friend, and an older brother and father figure to six younger siblings. Although everyone had various ties to my uncle mark and learned something different from him one thing remained constant, he was an exceptional role model that everyone gravitated to and loved. I learned more and more from Uncle Mark everyday especially in his last days. His sudden diagnosis taught me how fragile life is and to live your time on earth to the fullest. Uncle Mark's positive attitude during his struggle with cancer put my misfortune into a greater and more accurate perspective. He handled everyday of suffering with grace and amazed us all every visit we had with him. Uncle Mark's earthly presence can never be replaced and he will always be missed but through his battle with cancer I became enriched with a deeper understanding of life.


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