Friday, October 18, 2013

Soph Update Week of 10-21: The Greatest Generation, Your Journal, and Literature Test

You will have a test this week on Puritanism and the four authors whom we studied (Bradstreet, Bradford, Taylor [conceit poet] Edwards). We will review in class the day before your section's test, but you should begin reviewing NOW.

That test will be Wednesday for the blue and yellow classes and Thursday for the green class.

The test will be made up of fill-in questions (that test your knowledge of historical and literary facts and terms), identification of quotations (you must identify the author of the quoted lines), short answers (that test your knowledge of themes and literary techniques used by the writers), and a possible short paragraph (that will ask you to write about more than one of the writers).

Before Wednesday's test on the Puritan writers (Blue and Yellow classes only), please read the two introductory essays in The Greatest Generation. They are called "Generations" and "The Time of Their Lives." The Green class should read these sections before their test on Thursday.

Your writing journal is due Tuesday (All classes). You will print out, then fasten together, and then hand in your four numbered blog assignments that were given this quarter. This grade will be worth 40 points.

Have a great weekend!


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