Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Soph Yellow Class--Vocab unit 1 homework

Post (over this weekend) ten (10) sentences using ten different vocabulary words correctly, giving a context clue to the meaning of the word    within your sentence.

Your context clue should use restatement, contrast, or inference (see pp. 9-10 of your vocab book if you need help with these).

Of course, identify yourself according to your first name, last initial, and section color.

e.g. Usually slightly nervous and uncertain, most ninth graders entering St. Mark's are somewhat taciturn during their initial days in school.


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous DylanC Yellow said...

1. Some acquisitive students are able to easily retain what they learned in class, while others remember nothing.

2. In a new TV series, the United States government collapses and many people arrogate land, forcing taxes and harsh laws onto residents even though the land doesn't truly belong to them.

3. My mean preschool teacher carped and criticized every drawing or painting I ever made.

4. When it comes to essays, most students think the bigger the better, but in actuality some short essays have just as much information and are much more coherent.

5. When I cook Spaghetti-Os in the microwave, some of the tomato sauce on the edge of the bowl congeals into crust and causes a tiresome cleanup.

6. Many new smart phone apps attempt to emulate console video games, but they will never seem to copy the greatness of console games on the big screen.

7. Asking "Can I go to the bathroom?" immediately after the teacher asks a question is germane; it interrupts the whole class because of the extreme irrelevance.

8. Many high schools benefit from the largess that was given many alumni.

9. In court, a defendant cannot provide facts without substantiating them with official documents or other kinds of evidence.

10. Some people that are considered shy might just have a taciturn personality.

At 9:28 PM, Anonymous CaitlinM Yellow said...

1. The acquisitive woman’s closet was overflowing with expensive clothing and jewelry.
2. The young boy arrogated the throne by having his brother captured and imprisoned in a foreign country.
3. The book’s plot was so banal that I felt as if I had already read the same story a thousand times.
4. The artist belabored his painting and took so little time for breaks that he often missed his meals.
5. The constant carping of the boss finally made her throw her keyboard across the room.
6. Her wild excuse about missing her grandmother’s party was anything but coherent.
7. The boy’s insatiable hunger for power finally caused him to kill his brother for the throne.
8. The sight of the congealed oatmeal in the bowl made herm become nauseous.
9. The board meeting ended on a disastrous note because of the man’s intransigent attitude.
10. He was taciturn at school, but his close friends could hardly ever get him to shut up.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous JustinE Yellow said...

1. My uncle has a very acquisitive mind, he can remember information I told him years ago.

2. I hope my teacher knows how banal and over used the joke he tells us all the time is.

3. Joseph’s father is always carping him in a nasty way about his effort in sports’ practices.

4. Mr. Redson gets frustrated when his students ask questions that are not coherent or connected
to the topic they are learning.

5. When an actor or singer wins an award they usually thank and praise their supporters in an encomium.

6. I usually try to eschew the people that are always mean and rude to others, but sometimes its not so easy to avoid them.

7. Greg and Frank are always arguing and can never compromise until someone steps in to help the intransigent boys.

8. A brutal fight broke out when one student said invidious, hateful things to another student.

9. Before the commander led his troops into the hostile war zone, a reconnaissance flight had
revealed possible hiding spots of the enemy.

10. The suspect in the murder case had no evidence to substantiate his alibi on the night the
murder took place .

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous AnnieE Yellow said...

1. To truly be happy, one must be free of an acquisitive mindset and realize that the amount of money and possessions you have has no meaning in the end.
2. The excessive belaboring from his boss made him so discouraged and annoyed that he quit his job.
3. Carping about small things gets you nowhere; it is better to stop complaining, realize the bigger picture, and be grateful for what you have.
4. The article could have been more coherent if it had left out the random pieces of information that had nothing to do with the main topic.
5. As a kid, I was fascinated by the wax that dripped off a burning candle; when I got some on my finger, it would congeal and form a solid.
6. As a new artist, I can see he is emulating the work of the artist I have always admired, yet he is adding his own twist to the music.
7. She tried to eschew the people that could have a bad influence on her, because she knew hanging around them could be harmful.
8. From the largesse of her house, I could tell that her family was extremely wealthy.
9. I am extremely taciturn around strangers, but once you get to know me I become comfortable around you.
10. I used to be the type of person to temporize when I did my school work, but I have learned to take advantage of any time I have so I don’t fall behind.

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous AndreaL Yellow said...

1. The movies banal plot line made it very boring to watch.
2. Susie would belabor on all her schoolwork and job that she always forgot to spend time to have fun and enjoy her life.
3. After all the hard work I put into my performance, I did not appreciate the carping from my instructors and even my parents.
4. My mother always told me to watch other people because you can learn a lot by trying to emulate them.
5. Before giving the award for outstanding service, the leader of the service organization gave a touching encomium to all the volunteers.
6. During the serious discussion about responsibility, your comical lines were not germane.
7. Isabelle’s insatiable need for attention made her even go as far as to pretend to faint so everyone would look at her.
8. Even though the homeless family appreciated the largesse given to them, they were still hesitant to take it because they don’t like being pitied.
9. Even some of the most taciturn people can end up being the most outgoing and talkative.
10. Unable to decide about which school she should go to, Sarah chose to temporize the decision until the last possible day.

At 3:35 PM, Anonymous JoshanW yellow said...

1. The acquisitive nature of the businessman caused him to amass a larger quantity of wealth in a short period of time.
2. The banal nature of the 1,337 page long instruction manual kept many away for the fear of boredom was great.
3. The woman’s incessant carping and nagging agitated the staff, for they have done no wrong.
4. The soup congealed overnight, and it turned into a blob of jelly.
5. The charming encomium congratulated all the volunteers at the town hall.
6. One must be germane and on topic when writing a paper about just one topic.
7. The intransigent parties refused to compromise, and they never got any work done.
8. The generous largesse of cash from his uncle sustained Shane for over three years.
9. The scientist was able to substantiate his claim about his new theory with pure logic and terabytes of data that proved his theory.
10. The sneaky agent temporized the meeting long enough for his accomplice to hack the computer.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Alexa M yellow said...

1. On my first day at my new swim team, I was very taciturn because I didn’t know anyone else on the team yet.
2. The general required a detailed reconnaissance before sending his troops any farther into the seemingly empty house.
3. Some people are so fortunate as to receive the largesse of their school in giving that student financial aid to be able to attend that school.
4. One problem with our government today is the intransigent attitude of politicians; they refuse to agree on some topics.
5. After a long, hard swim meet, my hunger is so great, it is almost insatiable.
6. Talking about history during math is not germane to the class.
7. To be a student-athlete at St. Mark’s, you must eschew the use of alcohol.
8. Every year on September 11, there are countless encomiums given to thank all the officials you risked their lives trying to save others when the Twin Towers collapsed.
9. The new song’s banal lyrics make it less catchy and unimpressive.
10. After the team lost their captain to an injury, Cecily to herself the position of team captain.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous AlyssaS yellow said...

1. I feel sorry for farm animals whose owners belabor them for their own use.
2. When I went to clean the dish from earlier it took forever because the leftover food had congealed to the bowl.
3. I wish that in history class we discussed topics germane to what is going on in the world today.
4. The invidious comments the other team made to us before the game meant nothing to us after when we beat them.
5. When dealing with intransigent people nothing will get accomplished with their unyielding attitude.
6. It is extremely important for the head of the military to make a thorough reconnaissance before sending the troops out.
7. I’m sure the teachers would appreciate the students more if we had a more uncommunicative or taciturn personality.
8. Getting into the habit of temporizing rather than doing things ahead of time could lead to many issues in the future.
9. It is important for student-athletes to eschew from the use of drugs and alcohol because it could hurt their performances in games.
10. Instead of trying to emulate someone else’s work you should try and come up with your own style.

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous NicholasC Yellow said...

1. How can you arrogate someone else's property when it isn't yours?
2. Most clichés become banal over time due to overuse.
3. A good teacher is one who can make any complicated problem coherent.
4. When water is put in the freezer it congeals into ice.
5. Most people you dislike, you tend to eschew and keep away from.
6. To digress is to say something germane from the current subject.
7. Many dictators are intransigent and refuse to compromise.
8. Saying invidious things to other people will upset and anger other people.
9. Before any decisions are made, the army will make a reconnaissance of the area to investigate.
10. When uncertain, people will temporize and stall to gain more time to decide on a choice.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous ChrisB Yellow said...

1. The banal plot of the new movie was dull and bored its viewers.
2. The carping teacher graded so tediously that her class was very difficult to pass.
3. The coherent carpenter’s glue was very useful when we constructed the birdhouse.
4. If you leave milk out for too long, it may begin to congeal into cheese.
5. The extraneous details in the student’s essay were not germane to his topic.
6. Some people have an insatiable appetite for candy and always want more.
7. The new foundation wants to collect largesse of donations for cancer research.
8. The military conducts reconnaissance missions to learn about their enemy.
9. The usually taciturn student surprised the class with his loud and exciting presentation.
10. The tenable fort was very easily defended and therefore suitable for a military outpost.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous SamanthaK yellow said...

1. The principal's speech was so banal that half the students fell asleep before it was over.
2. The football team came and arrogated the football field while the marching band was practicing.
3. I was annoyed when I got a less than desirable grade on a paper that I belabored for hours on end.
4. The talk the priest gave on understanding God was coherent, meaningful, and powerful even though it was on a subject that some people have difficulty grasping.
5. As a vocalist, I like to try and emulate Kelly Clarkson since she is my idol.
6. While I'm training to be a cantor at church, I must eschew bad habits like not warming up before I sing.
7. Little kids are known for being intransigent, or unwilling to share or take turns.
8. I was hurt by the invidious comments made by the person whom I thought was my best friend.
9. The student was able to substantiate his claim that his dog ate his homework.
10. We were all surprised when the usually taciturn girl made a loud comment in class.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous MichaelG Yellow said...

1. The bank robber arrogated the parked car to get away from the crime scene, leaving the confused owner without a ride home.
2. It seems to me that songs are growing banal, with artists running out of unique melodies.
3. The student's paper was confusing and not coherent whatsoever, so the student did not receive a good grade.
4. Leaving a glass of milk out overnight is a bad idea, for it causes it to spoil and congeal into a lumpy substance.
5. It is necessary to eschew junk food such as chips and soda when one is on a diet.
6. Several of my past teachers tended to go off topic and tell us stories barely germane to the lesson.
7. It is necessary for a debater to be ready to substantiate his or her argument.
8. The teacher called on the taciturn student frequently, embarrassing him greatly.
9. The procrastinator temporized whenever he had to do something, leaving him little time in the end to actually do it.
10. Good debates are won by whichever side has the better debaters, not whichever side has the more tenable topic.

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous HannahC Yellow said...

1.) The selfish mother arrogated her own daughter’s hard earned money so she could buy herself a new purse.
2.) A highly jealous guest carried on with the carping comments all night at her best friend’s wedding.
3.) Though the handout seemed illegitimate, the professor gave a coherent lecture on the topic of forensic science.
4.) Emily did not realize how quickly the stream congeals in the frigid winter months.
5.) When Ronnie saved Mike’s beloved pet, Ronnie received a thoughtful encomium and a reward of five-hundred dollars.
6.) The father told his son to have fun at the party, but to eschew from drinking.
7.) It’s hard to believe Becky and Beth are twins because Becky is a very kind-hearted girl, while Beth has a very invidious personality.
8.) If you are looking for a very family oriented pet, a fish is not a good choice since they have a very taciturn nature.
9.) The nanny made a silly choice of trying to temporize her boss instead of telling him that she accidentally broke the expensive vase.
10.) Wearing a hippie outfit to the party was not very germane since the invitation said the theme was cowboys and indians.

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous KatieL yellow said...

1. My carping aunt always has something to complain about.

2. After putting the Jell-O into the refrigerator, it congealed into some gelatin.

3. Carly eschews any unhealthy food because she is on a diet.

4. In his essay about music, the sentence about food was not germane.

5. The baby’s hunger seemed insatiable because he kept reaching for more and more food.

6. Because of the largesse of the school alumni, the school was able to remodel its gym.

7. Although the student claimed that her dog ate her homework, she had no way of substantiating her claim.

8. Everyone was surprised when the taciturn man spoke up at the meeting.

9. We sent him to temporize while we finished preparing Jack’s surprise party.

10. While one candidate could prove all of her claims, the other candidate’s promises were not tenable.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous TrevorB Yellow said...

1. My acquisitive brother is very good at retaining ideas or information about school.
2. It is very ungrateful of President Obama to arrogate the army’s accomplishments when he does nothing on the battlefield.
3. The banal performance by the drama club was very stale, and made it very boring.
4. His willingness to belabor at everything he does makes him one of the most dedicated workers I have ever met.
5. Most celebrities try to ignore the carping from the paparazzi, and the constant criticism.
6. The coherent speech given by my teacher was very logical and meaningful.
7. In my chemistry class we are going to congeal water by freezing it over night.
8. People who always emulate other people’s work are very cheap and lazy because they cannot come up with there own ideas.
9. I always respect presidents who give encomiums to the military for the great work they do.
10. When I go to Wilmington I try to eschew form the ghetto side of town for safety reasons.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous TrevorB Yellow said...

1. My acquisitive brother is very good at retaining ideas or information about school.
2. It is very ungrateful of President Obama to arrogate the army’s accomplishments when he does nothing on the battlefield.
3. The banal performance by the drama club was very stale, and made it very boring.
4. His willingness to belabor at everything he does makes him one of the most dedicated workers I have ever met.
5. Most celebrities try to ignore the carping from the paparazzi, and the constant criticism.
6. The coherent speech given by my teacher was very logical and meaningful.
7. In my chemistry class we are going to congeal water by freezing it over night.
8. People who always emulate other people’s work are very cheap and lazy because they cannot come up with there own ideas.
9. I always respect presidents who give encomiums to the military for the great work they do.
10. When I go to Wilmington I try to eschew form the ghetto side of town for safety reasons.

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous JohnL Yellow said...

1. The TV, rather than airing new shows, only had banal re-runs on.

2. For a somewhat lazy worker, the intern wanted to belabor and work overtime tonight.

3. The nagging mother wouldn’t stop carping at her husband for at least an hour.

4. Some criminals make their money by emulating dollar bills.

5. The video gave no warning of its invidious content prior to the start of the video.

6. The purpose of the platoon’s reconnaissance mission was to scout the nearby village for any enemies.

7. The lawyer made his case by substantiating his point with solid evidence.

8. Even though the boy was so taciturn, he had the guts to be the lead character for the play.

9. Rather than actually doing homework, I tend to temporize for a good hour or so.

10. The point of the essay was in no way germane; it had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous PatrickH Yellow said...

1. Many children try to emulate their heroes by trying to mimic everything he/she does.
2. The award won by the student was tenable because he studied very hard and got good grades.
3. The speaker was belaboring the point with many meaningless stories.
4. The largesse that was given to charity was a direct result of the company’s big profit this year.
5. The lawyer was able to substantiate his clients claim through a long process of witnesses and evidence.
6. Despite many attempts to break our bad habits, it is very hard to eschew from them.
7. Usually the students who are acquisitive are the ones who are in the top classes and get the best grades.
8. The teacher decided to tell us about her family instead of germane subjects that we are studying.
9. Most of the time, people who make carping comments about people usually are jealous and are trying to make themselves feel better.
10. The student temporized by not showing up the day of school when the project was due in order to finish it.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous DanielC Yellow said...

1. I didn’t think that talking about politics was a germane way to end a sports meeting.
2. Some people’s hunger for success could be classified as insatiable.
3. No one usually associated with the little boy because he was often taciturn.
4. We won the game after the officials could substantiate that we scored the last bucket before the buzzer sounded.
5. After winning the lottery, I felt like benefiting charities by the means of largesse.
6. Please eschew any words that come out of that boy’s mouth; he is a compulsive liar.
7. The young boy always tried to emulate his parents’ actions as he thought they were very good role models.
8. The little girl cried after she heard the invidious comments about her new hairstyle.
9. No matter how well you do there will always be someone who will make carping complaints about you.
10. Although the intent was there, Stacy’s lecture about how we should never eat meat was not coherent.

At 8:54 PM, Anonymous KelleyK yellow said...

1.My sister is constantly making carping comments about my appearance; she once said that my hair looked like it was dead.
2.If men ruled America without any input from women, society would be so acquisitive because all men care about is power and money.
3.Last year in history class, I belabored the tiny details; however, my teacher always asked questions about the larger picture and none of the details that I studied.
4.Some men’s insatiable need to be rich is so annoying because they are never content with what they have.
5.The banal plot line of the movie caused me to turn it off half an hour into it.
6.When I grow up, I want to be a lawyer and be able to substantiate the innocence of my clients.
7.If you eschew people who are into drinking, then you are less likely to drink yourself.
8.It bothers me when you are talking to someone, but then someone else gets your attention and tells you something that isn’t germane to the conversation.
9.Before you make an accusation against someone, make sure that your sources are tenable.
10.My friend thinks she is awkward because she is so taciturn when everyone else is so talkative.

At 10:10 PM, Anonymous AllanC Yellow said...

1.The bad acting and banal story line of the sitcom made the program unpopular and unoriginal, resulting in the show’s cancellation.
2.My parents constant carping about cleaning my room made me want to run away from home.
3.The police officer suspected that the driver he pulled over was under the influence because the man was stammering and could not put together a coherent sentence.
4.As Catholics, we try to emulate the holy lives of the saints by doing good deeds.
5.As part of the toast at my grandmother’s seventieth birthday party, her best friend delivered a beautiful encomium about my grandmother’s volunteer service at church.
6.The patient with high blood pressure promised the doctor he would eschew salty and fatty foods.
7.The hoarder had an insatiable need to continue buy and collect things.
8.Saint Mark’s High School was able to fund the new walkway due to the largesse of several wealthy donors.
9.The FBI agent conducted a reconnaissance in order to gain information about the enemy’s safe house.
10.The doubting child asked her parents to substantiate their claim that Santa Clause really existed.

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous ToddP Yellow said...

1. Most professional football players tend to ignore the media’s carping, because they do not care what they have to say.
2. The largesse from the organization helped fund the schools math program.
3. The Navy Seals went on a reconnaissance to find out where the enemies were located.
4. The officers must substantiate evidence before they can make an arrest.
5. If you put water in the freezer it will congeal into turn to ice.
6. When my parents went away for the weekend, I promised them I would eschew from bad behavior.
7. Making invidious remarks behind someone’s back always leads to trouble.
8. On most days I do not temporize on my homework so I can get some free time to myself.
9. She was very taciturn, making it hard to hold a conversation with her.
10. The documents she brought up in court were not germane to the trial.

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous AnnW yellow said...

1. Banal movies will not be very popular because originality is preferred over staleness.
2. Many athletes use the carping and disapproval of fans or newspapers as motivation to perform better.
3. The teacher tried to eschew complaints by compromising with the students about the test format; she didn’t want to deal with another stressful situation.
4. After a student asked a question that was not germane to the discussion, the teacher got angry because he clearly stated that the students should only ask questions pertinent to the topic.
5. The student was sent to the principles office for being intransigent and then got a demerit for insubordination.
6. After the largesse given to the hospital by a very generous donor, new supplies and expensive machines were bought in abundance.
7. On the bus back from our field trip to D.C., I had to sit next to someone who had a taciturn personality; she didn’t say a word the whole trip.
8. Instead of temporizing and waiting until the last minute to write his paper, the student decided to hand it in a couple of days early.
9. The lawyer was able to substantiate that the defendant was guilty, so the criminal was sentenced to 5 years in prison.
10. It is always good for people to give encomiums to police officers, firefighters, or soldiers; it helps to show praise and respect for what they do.

At 11:58 PM, Anonymous RegineC Yellow said...

1. The nobles tried to arrogate the throne by influencing the young king to make decisions that favored them.
2. Sometimes witty statements can become banal over time as people start to overuse those statements.
3. The carping teacher brutally criticized the minor grammar mistakes that Michael had made while presenting his otherwise perfect project.
4. The football team tried to emulate its rival’s success by recruiting only the best players and by developing a similar winning strategy.
5. People in forums would rather read germane and constructive posts than off-topic, meaningless posts that do not add to the discussion.
6.My uncle had an insatiable thirst for knowledge that could only be quenched if he read at least five nonfiction books a day.
7. I could basically do nothing when my intransigent partner for my group project decided that she only wanted everything done her way.
8. Most waiters and waitresses live on the largesse of the customers who give them generous tips because they do not receive very high wages.
9. The defendant substantiated his innocence by showing pictures that proved that he was nowhere near the crime scene on the night of the murder.
10. I thought that the girl had a taciturn nature because she did not speak much in class, but she surprised me when she started to constantly talk with her friends after school.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous GabiD Yellow1 said...

1. My mother's carping criticism annoyed everybody at the dinner table.
2. If placed in a refrigerator, the liquid Jell-O will congeal.
3. Some people try to emulate their role models because they want to be just like them.
4. When on a diet, you should try to eschew any foods that are high in fat.
5. Smokers will receive an insatiable need for nicotine after their first cigarette.
6. Both canidates are so stubborn and intransigent, neither can reach a compromise.
7. In court, if you can not substantiate your claim without a reasonable doubt, you will lose.
8. Everyone was suprised when the usually taciturn man gave such great imput at the meeting.
9. John heard someone was going to confront him about the mistake he made, so he decided to temporize rather than talk it out.
10. Some people believe that the Big Band Theory is a tenable theory, others believe that the Bible is literal truth and it is not able to be defended.


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