# 5 Seniors: One Scene With Extra Cheese, Please

My plebeian, if not bad, taste, does not begin and end with food. Quote Shakespeare if you want to impress the OTHER English teachers 'round here; I'm a sucker for a cheesy movie line. The cheesy movie line, like its Velveeta metaphorical counterpart, isn't REAL, but boy is it GOOOOOOD.
Come on. Admit it. When you're watching a movie for the umpteeth time, you patiently wait for your favorite cheesy bits of dialogue every, just so you can smile, or roll on the floor, or grow sad, or even emote a real, truly heartful "awwwww." It doesn't matter that the lines seem so unrealistic, so contrived, so sometimes out of character. They still work.
So you say you need some examples?
"You had me at hello." (Renee Zelwegger in Jerry Maguire) How did this girl so easily forgive the caddy Tom Cruise?
"No one puts Baby in the corner!" (Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing) Wow, man. Chill. OK, we'll find a better seat for Baby. No, you're not going up on stage to dance, too. You're a wild man. Swayze continues to heap on the sauce: "I do the last dance every year, and I'm going to do it again this year. Except I'm going to do it my way." I'm writing this one in my journal to prove to myself that I can do ANYTHING.
"I'm the King of the World." (Leonardo DiC in The Titanic) Dream on, Leo. Tomorrow morning you'll still be down below with the rest of the hired help. Or going down with a sinking ship.
Even so-called "real" mobster movies aren't exempt. In The Godfather, for example, a chubby hit man by the name of Clemenza blows out someone's brains and instructs his gang: "Leave the body, take the cannolis." This man has a cast iron heart and a stomach to match.
And my favorite, which some day I'll show you in class, goes like this: "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her." World famous movie star Julia Roberts (shoulder length red hair, baby blue cardigan sweater, OK I've seen this more than once) lays this line on a simple British bookshop owner, Hugh Grant, who then turns HER down. Double unrealistic.
Dialogue in movies, drama, and prose, for that matter, isn't always very realistic. That's the great illusion. No one we know would ever talk like this, but we also know that we want our characters to talk EXACTLY like this. Good dialogue may sometimes get a little cheesy, but at least it is NOT ordinary. To me, the trick is to write extraordinary, fascinating, or at least, interesting dialogue, and make it SEEM entirely natural for the situation. The pros, in any profession, make the difficult look easy. Ryan Howard hitting a home run. Pavarotti hitting the high notes. When you read, watch drama, film, or TV, listen carefully to the dialogue and then think about what it does. It creates character, conflict, dramatic tension, moves the plot along, and makes us laugh, cry, and get angry. It sounds real although we know it's completed fabricated. It bears many burdens. It's hard work. That's why writing dialogue makes or breaks a good story.
Assignment: Tell me your favorite movie lines, their cinematic origins, their speakers, and why you love them so much in 250 words or more. Your writing can be heavy on the cheesy lines and light on the explanation or vice-versa.
Extra credit if posted by Tuesday, October 21.
"it will be alright, it will work out, it always does.. this is the way it goes, sometimes your flush, sometimes your bust, and when your up its never as good as it seems, and when your down, it seems like you'll never be up again, but life goes on, remember that." - blow (george's dad to george)
- I love this line because it portrays someone so selfless. In the scene the father is walking out of a bank with his son, telling him this. He had just lost his business that he worked 14 hours a day 7 days a week on. It is such an emotional scene, but you feel the hope in his voice, even when he has nothing.
"I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day." Noah to Allie in the Notebook.
- Though this might be extraordinarily cheesy, this just grabs your heart. It brings to your mind an old flame, or a crush, and makes you want them to express such deep emotion. In the scene Noah is fighting for Allie, and when you watch it, you just want to tell Allie to pick him.
"I feel the need, the need for speed" Maverick and Goose say this in the movie Top Gun.
-In this scene they are getting ready to go fly the jets. It portrays the young men as living on the edge, and loving every second of it. It makes you feel like you wanna cut loose, and do something crazy.
"Well, all I'm saying is that I want to look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place. Had as much fun as I could while I was stuck in this place. Played as hard as I could while I was stuck in this place." Dawson in Dazed and Confused said this talking about high school.
- I think i like the quote because I am in high school now. And 10 years from now, I do want to look back and not regret anything. I want to know that I did everything I could do. Everyone in high school feels that they are stuck at one point or another, especially senior year.
My favorite movie lines are pretty cheesy, but what makes them so good is they were supposed to be cheesy. The first one that came to mind was from one of my favorite horror movies, “Evil Dead 2.” The line occurs when the protagonist, Ash, has long since cut off his hand after it was possessed. To help fight off all the demonic possession happening left & right, Ash goes to the work shed, strapped his chainsaw right onto where his hand use to be, and using it to cut off the front half of his shotgun, takes a good look at his craftsmanship, and with a deep grim tone, simply says “…Groovy.” My favorite film of all time, made by my favorite filmmaker of all time, Kevin Smith, is “Clerks.” While most of that movie has lines in it that I can’t really repeat to a teacher, the main line of the film is spoken by Silent Bob (which was his only line in the entire movie, as his name might imply) where he tries to console Dante, the troubled protagonist who’s in the midst of choosing between his old flame from high school and his current girlfriend. He merely says “You know, there's a million fine-looking women in the world, but they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of them just cheat on you.” I also tried to think of a good line from my all time favorite John Hughes film, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” but when I looked at a list of quotes from it, I realized practically every line in that movie is a little cheesy. Man, that’s an awesome flick.
“You’re still here?...It’s over! Go home...Go!”
The Wonderful Wisdom Of The Wizard Of Oz!
My favorite movie lines of all times come from The Wizard Of Oz!
1) Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh My! (Dorothy, Tin Man, Scare Crow) “Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh My! Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh My!” I sing this chant EVERYTIME and it always seems to be stuck in my head for the rest of the week after I watch the movie, and I still love it!
2) There’s no place like home! (Dorothy) Dorothy has been my favorite character ever since I was a little girl. I used to dress up like her and click my heels along with her every time I watched the movie, and I agree there really is no place like home.
3) Auntie Em! Auntie Em! (Dorothy) It always frightens me when Dorothy is still out in the storm and everyone else is looking for her, even though I know she will be okay. When she screams “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!” it always reminds me of my Grandmom because to this day, that’s what she says, quoting the movie, every time it looks like it is going to rain.
4) I’M MELTING! (Wicked Witch of the West) I love this scene because it always gives me a happy feeling inside when Dorothy is able to defeat the witch who brings so much evil into the Land of Oz. I have been watching this movie for as long as I can remember and I always used to cry whenever the witch appeared in the movie. Thankfully I have outgrown this.
5) I’ll get you my pretty! And your little dog too! (Miss Gulch) I hate Miss Gulch. She is probably the scariest character and is very unreasonable! I always get so apprehensive about what she is going to do with Toto when she takes him. Although I strongly dislike her, the character adds a sense of mystery and adds to the plot, which makes the story much more dramatic.
6) Just follow the Yellow Brick Road. (Glinda) Glinda is my second favorite character, next to Dorothy, because her dialogue is always very positive. I often think of the Yellow Brick Road as the road we are on in our lives, and like Dorothy we just have to trust we are on the right path that leads us to our happy ending.
7) If I only had a brain. (Scarecrow) I sing along with this movie line too. I love it because it reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, “ Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”. This is true in the Scarecrow’s case and he just needs to believe that he is smarter than he thinks.
8) How bout a little fire, Scarecrow! (Wicked Witch of the West) I always feel so bad for the poor Scarecrow when the evil witch tries to light him on fire and he freaks out. I always mock the witch when she says this.
9) Oil! (Tin Man) When Dorothy and Toto first see the Tin Man, they think he is just a statue and I love their reactions when they discover he is actually muttering OIL.
10) I am the king of the forrrrreeesssstttttt! (Cowardly Lion) This is another line that I belt out throughout the movie. I love the irony because at the end of the story, when the Lion thinks he has been given his courage by Oz, but really Oz has done nothing of the sort. It is all in the Lion’s head. His self-esteem increases when he thinks he has been given “courage”, but really his confidence rose all on its own.
Today, television and movies are a predominant part of our society. The average American makes around five trips minimum to the cinema each year. Movies consume teenage lifestyles. I myself am not a big television or movie watcher but I have five of my own favorite movie quotes. They are touching and make the scene and that is why they are memorable to me.
A Cinderella Story is a comedy and love story. The story takes place in California and the main character has to live with her evil Step-Mom after her father’s death. He had owned a restaurant and there was a saying hanging on the wall. The saying read, “Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game”. Throughout the movie Sam (the main character) faces many trials and has a hard life with her Stepmother and Stepsisters. Toward the end of the movie Sam feels like giving up. She finally decides to stand up to her step mom. The quote can be seen on the wall and it reminds her of her father. The saying helps her to win in the end and continue to try and stay positive in life. I love this quote because it is very motivating. It helps me to remember to always try my hardest and stay positive in every situation that I may endure.
In my book, Elf is definitely one of the funniest movies ever made. I laughed uncontrollably the first time and saw it and still laugh today when I watch it. I have three favorite quotes from the movie. One of my favorites is when Elf enters the mailroom. He says, “It’s just like Santa’s Workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms . . . and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me.” It is such a funny quote and the scene goes along with the quote so well. Another memorable quote Elf says is when he is talking to the manager of the toy store. Elf says, “I just like to smile, smiling’s my favorite”. I love that quote because if everyone always smiled the world would a much happier place. My third favorite quote from Elf takes place when he enters “World’s Best Cup of Coffee”. Elf walks into the café and yells, “Congratulations! You did it! Worlds best cup of coffee!” I love that quote because every time I watch the movie and hear it I cannot stop laughing. And usually have to go back and watch it again.
My all time favorite movie is the The Notebook. The main theme of the movie is to always be true to yourself, and to follow your heart especially once you have found true love. There are two main characters Allie and Noah. They are teenage lovers that eventually get married and grow old together. My favorite quote in the movie happens at the very end when Noah is talking to the nurse. He says, “I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived: I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough”. This quote is very inspiring and very romantic. I love this quote because I consider loving someone else and caring for them, more then anything in the world, as the ultimate fulfillment of life.
When I think of my favorite quotes from movies, three specific quotes come to my mind. These quotes come from two movies, Meet the Robinsons and Dodgeball. The first quote is from Meet the Robinsons and it is said by a scientist judging the school's science fair. Lucille Krunklehorn says, "Well, I just don't get out of the lab very much. Is that a bowtie? I like bowties. I haven't slept in eight days!" In this scene, Lucille is talking to one of the science teachers at school, Mr. Willerstein, who is also judging the science fair. Lucille is using one of her new inventions, the caffeine patch. According to Lucille the caffeine patch she invented is equivalent to 12 cups of coffee. I really like this scene because her face expression is really funny and she has a lot of energy from the caffeine. She is talking really fast and she is moving around while she talks, which makes it really funny. The second quote is also from Meet the Robinsons. This quote is “keep moving forward.” This quote is said many times throughout the movie. I really like this quote because you can relate to it in real life. When times are tough, you can just think “keep moving forward!” The third quote that I like is from the movie Dodgeball. This quote is from when the group of men from the gym enters a dodge ball tournament to raise money for their gym. They play against a Girl Scout troop and before the winner is announced, the dodge ball judge told the Girl Scout troop “one of your players tested positive for 3 types of anabolic steroids, and a low grade beaver tranquilizer.” I liked this quote because it was so surprising and the other girls on the troop were really mad. It was really funny because the other girls in the troop started yelling. My favorite part of this quote was when she got in trouble for the beaver tranquilizer.
Any movie with Johnny Depp in it is bound to have some memorable lines in it. For instance, in Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow comes up with: “Me, I’m just dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. Its the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly... stupid.” I like it because this quote is almost a complete personification of Jack. Also, sometimes I can’t seem to figure out if this is supposed to be a piece of good advice or an insult.
“We've had one breakfast, yes, but what about second breakfast? Elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner?! Supper?! He knows about those, doesn't he?” This one I like because it just goes to show that not everything in life is about money or possessions. For Pippin(Lord of the Rings), life is about food and plenty of it. It’s always time to eat and eat a lot, something I totally agree since I love food a lot.
My favorite line of all, though, comes from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. At the end of the movie, after Cloud ‘orders’ Sephiroth to stay in his memories, Sephiroth replies with, “I will never be a memory.” This statement is quite true, too, because he can be equated with a cockroach. Since this is be the third time in the course of the fandom that he has died, I highly doubt that he will remain a memory.
Cheesy movie lines are always entertaining and catch our attention. They are sometimes what make a movie spectacular. Movies can be known just by these cheesy lines or sayings. They add a kind of dramatic effect to the dialogue used. One scene and dialogue that I just recently saw reminds me of this. The 2007 movie, “License to Wed,” is about a very young couple, Ben played by John Krasinski and Sadie played by Mandy Moore, who wish to get married but, want a reverend, Robin Williams, to grant them their marriage license by passing his course. Everything starts off well, and then things start to go down hill. The couple begins to fight about everything and think they are not right for each other. Therefore, they decide to take a break. Sadie goes off to the island resort where their honeymoon was supposed to be, while Ben resides back at home. One morning when Sadie wakes up and begins to think about Ben, he magically calls her. He says to her, “I think you should come to your window.” Sadie gets up and goes and outside in the sand Ben is standing there on top of some of his wedding vows he has written in big letters in the sand. He then says, “I forgot to bring my wedding vow book, so I just figured I write a few of them down right here.” Next thing you know Sadie is running outside towards him and they hug and make up. I really love this cheesy scene because it’s not something that would likely happen. First of all I’m not sure if you could really manage to write something like that in the sand and actually get it to stay there and be legible. It’s so sweet though what he does for her. It just makes you heart melt when you see it and you can’t help but smile and say, “Awww!” when seeing it. This is just one of many cheesy movies scenes out there. But, I especially enjoy this one.
Some of my all-time favorite quotes from movies are as follows:
1.) “Gentlemen, it’s been a privilege flying with you.” This quote is from the movie Apollo 13. Tom Hanks’ character Jim Lovell is talking to his crew right before their departure home. At this point they don’t know if they’ll make it home alive because of damage done to the spaceship. He looks at both of his crewmembers and says that line. The way he says it you can tell they don’t know what’s going to come next. It just seems perfect for the scene.
2.) “ Let me tell you what I do know. Every day I come by to pick you up, and we go out drinkin' or whatever and we have a few laughs. But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on the door 'cause I let myself think I might get there, and you'd be gone. I'd knock on the door and you wouldn't be there. You just left.” This quote is from the movie Good Will Hunting. This movie has so many great quotes, but this one comes from the scene where Chuckie (Ben Affleck) is talking to Will (Matt Damon) at the construction site. In this movie Will is a genius, but doesn’t take advantage of his intelligence. Chuckie is telling him that he hopes that his friend can achieve all that he is capable of. This shows how good of a friend Chuckie is. This is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
3.) “You know, a lot of people would think these questions are difficult... not me… these questions all have answers.” This quote is from the movie The Perfect Score. The movie is about kids who steal the answers to the SATs. This line is taken from the part where they are trying to print out the answers, but realize they can’t because of password protection. They do have access to the test, though. They split up the test and take it. The one character, Roy, is a drug-head, but really smart. He says this line while working on a question and it just fits the movie perfectly. The one person you wouldn’t expect to say something philosophical, does.
4.) “You gotta hear this one song, it'll change your life I sware.” This is my favorite quote from the movie Garden State. When I heard we were going to watch a scene from this movie in class, I was sure it was going to be this one, but it wasn’t. This is in the part of the movie when Andrew (Zach Braff) is talking to Sam (Natalie Portman) in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. She is listening to the song New Slang by the Shins (which is one of my favorite songs). She hands him the headphones and says that line. I don’t know why, but it just fits. Two people who are going through struggles in their life, and one of them says that; it’s perfect.
I think people’s favorite movies are defined by how much they can remember and which lines stick out to them. These are some of my favorite movies and movie lines of all time with a description to go along.
The Notebook
The Notebook is my favorite love story and is full of cheesy lines that I love. The two main characters names are Noah and Allie. Noah is a poor, small town boy while Allie is a rich girl with a lot of pressure from her parents to marry a rich man. Noah and Allie fall in love, which cause problems for her parents. Eventually, Allie has to go back to her life and is engaged to a rich man. In the end of the story Allie decides that the money is not worth it and goes back to her true love, Noah. This quote shows an example of when Allie comes back to Noah in the end.
Allie: Do you think that our love can create miracles?
Noah: Yes I do. That's what brings you back to me each time.
Allie: Do you think our love can take us away together?
Noah: I think our love can do anything we want it to.
Allie: I love you.
Noah: I love you Allie.
Mean Girls
This is a movie showing the typical teenage mean girls. There is Cady the new and nice transfer and this is right after she joins the mean girl group. This movie has many quotes that I love to look for when I watch this movie but this is one of my favorites. This quote demonstrates the teenage pressure to fit in with your friends. In the end of this movie, Cady learns a lesson about not having to conform to fit in.
Cady: I think I’m going to joining the Mathelets.
Regina: No! No, no. You CANNOT do that. That is social suicide. DAMN! You are so lucky you have us to guide you.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s:
This movie is an oldie but goodie. My favorite quote in this movie is between Holly and Paul. I think it is cute and a little corny but it really adds to the relationship between Holly and Paul.
Holly: I'll never let anyone put me in a cage!
Paul: I don't want to put you in a cage, I wanna love you.
Holly: Same thing!
Paul: No it's not, Holly--
Holly: I'm not Holly! I'm not Lula Mae either. I don't know who I am. I'm like Cat here. We're a couple of no-name slobs. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other.”
I believe an exceptional movie has an ingenious plot, realistic yet perplexing characters, and moving lines. Few movies these days have these characteristics, but the ones that do catch my eye. Little Miss Sunshine is one of my all time favorite movies. This movie accurately depicts how dysfunctional a seemingly typical family is. The movie revolves around the Hoovers an “ordinary” family trying there best to get by. When their daughter Olive wants to participate in a pageant the family wont stop for anything to get her there. In one particular scene in the movie the Hoovers encounter a cop and Richard, Olive’s father says, “Oh my God, I'm getting pulled over. Everyone, just pretend to be normal.” At this point in the movie after everything the Hoover family has been through, emotionally and physically, they are truly content, happy even. This line sheds some light on their situation. The Hoover’s seem to accept their oddities and differences, and clearly are in harmony. From the beginning of the movie to the very end their main drive was to get Olive to her pageant and I believe that this initiative, that they all shared, was the cause of their allegiance. The Hoover’s end up gaining a better understanding of each other and themselves. In this line Richard seems to be joking about himself and his family because of their actions realizing that they are not in fact “normal”, and understanding that most likely no family is.
Noah: Would you just stay with me?
Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'
Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.
Allie: So what?
Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out.
Allie: What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt.
Noah: Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT?
Instead of picking on simple line, I picked a few from a tiny scene in The Notebook. I know there will probably seventeen people that do some sort of line, quote, or scene from this movie, but I don’t care – I love this movie. The Notebook is such a mushy, romantic, love story that makes you laugh and cry, even though it is very predictable, it’s the perfect story. The story is about what everyone wants in life, someone who loves them – forever. The lines that I chose to highlight from the movie are towards the end, when they’re fighting about staying together or whether Allie is going to go back to her fiancée. I especially like the second line that Noah says about Allie telling him when he is an “arrogant son of a bitch” and he tells her when she is a “pain in the ass” and he keeps going on and on about the things they have against them, but then he just sums it up with “I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” That line is usually right about where I lose it and start balling my eyes out, every single time I watch it. Everyone wants someone to love them, but especially to actually tell them that they love them and to fight to be together. The Notebook truly is about a fairy tale romance, the kind that everyone fights to have.
One of my favorite movies has got to be 10 Things I Hate About You. My favorite line of that movie is Kat’s poem she writes for English class. “I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” I love this quote because it reminds me of so many relationships I know of, including one of my own. Sometimes, somebody can annoy you so much, but you can’t do anything except love them. I guess I love this quote so much because I can really relate to it.
Another one of my favorite movies is The Notebook. I love when Noah says to Allie, “You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. And, my darling, you will always be mine.” I like it because it’s so cute and romantic, but nobody would ever say that in reality.
One of my favorite movie lines comes from my favorite move Where the Heart is. “Do you feel that bump bump, that’s where the heart is” (Natalie Portman). These is such a cute line a mom touches her stomach and feels the baby’s heart beat for the first time. This line just melts my heart.
“You have bewitched me body and soul and I love love love you and never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” (Matthew Macfadyen, the pride and the prejudice) That is so serious I think it takes the romantic touch out of it. But it worked for Elizabeth she married him the next day.
“Between Austria and Italy there is a section of the alps that is an impossible steep very high part of the mountains, they built a train track over the alps between Vienna and Venice they built these tracks even before there was a train to make the trip, they built it because they knew one day the train would come.” (Vincent Riotta, Under the Tuscan Sun) This quote is a great medifore for life that you should always try your hardest even if the end can’t be seen. You just have to believe it will come.
“Here’s Johnny.” These two words happen to be the scarcest part of the whole movie The Shinning said by Jack Nicholson. I bet the first time people watched this movie they peed them selves when this scene came on. Seriously no need to chop anyone with an ax.
“I feel the need, the need for speed.” (Tom Cruse, Top Gun) Do you really need more speed then an F14 Tom cat fighter plane? This happens to be one of my all time favorite movies, and the danger that Maverick gave off when he was flying. Made the movie so exciting to watch.
“Third test today mama bear your eggo is preggo no doubt about.” (Rainn Wilson, Juno) Funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. But also really weird. Really what convenience store cashier would say that? And who would take three pregnancy tests in a convenience store bathroom ew.
“As boyfriend go Pauly Bleeker is totally boss he is the cheese to my macaroni.” (Ellen Page, Juno). I love all the different jargon used in this movie it just seemed so original to me. This analogy is weird but cute at the same time.
“I’m like cat here, no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other.” (Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s) This movie is an amazing classic. Holly was such a crazy and confusing girl in the movie and this line proves it. Poor cat it just wants a friend. You have to belong to something. Or care about something right, like her love for the jewelry store Tiffany’s.
“That’s why they call them crushes, if they were easy, they would call them something else.” - - Sixteen Candles
This quote is said by the main character’s father after she reveals to him that she has a crush on a boy that she doesn’t think will ever like her. I love this scene because in the beginning of their dialogue the father doesn’t seem to have much advice or knowledge on the subject of heartache or guys, but as the scene goes on he shows a softer side and comes up with a simple yet reasonable explanation. He uses a bit of sarcasm and wit without being harsh and displays what may be some insight into his daughter’s world that she never thought he had.
This quote can sympathize with anyone who has ever had a crush on a person who maybe never liked them, or maybe never even really acknowledged their presence. This scene is one of my favorites because of the way that one simple line can have a punch. It makes you think about the kind of relationship the characters have, and how just from the beginning to the end of the scene their relationship changes and they are closer for it.
This quote is also quite cheesy. If anyone were to ever say this to me after I came to them with boy troubles I would probably make fun of them immensely and then be angry because I would feel just as crappy as I did before. But in the context of the movie and the way the characters are portrayed, it works. It is one of my favorite cheesy, sappy love quotes of all time.
I love a good cheesy movie every now and then. The first one that comes to mind is the scene between Danny and Sandy in the movie “Grease.” Danny, the bad boy of the movie, and Sandy, the good girl, have had their ups and down in their relationship. In the end of the movie, Sandy gets a makeover which surprises Danny. In response, Danny exclaims, “Sandy!” and the cheesy part is when Sandy replies, “Tell me about it, stud!” No one responds that way in real life, but in this movie it works. If you must know one quote from the movie “Grease,” the line “Tell me about it, stud” is one. Even if you have not seen this movie, it’s well-known enough, for one to have heard of it. The next movie, “The Notebook,” calls for extra cheese. Noah and Allie are young adults in a summer romance. The scene goes:
Allie: Do you think in another life I could be a bird, you know like reincarnation?
Noah: No.
Allie: Say I’m a bird!
Noah: No.
Allie: Say it.
Noah: You’re a bird.
Allie: Yeah now say you’re a bird too.
Noah: Well if you’re a bird I’m a bird.
The last line has got to be one of the cheesiest. Although it is a cheesy line, it works for the movie. The movie is about Allie and Noah’s romance and relationship. The cheesiness in this line portrays the romance perfectly to the audience. The line shows how much (and how cheesy) their love is for each other. Another cheesy line that proves their romance is when Noah says, “I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us… And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love.” This line is so good and perfect that it becomes so cheesy. One of the reasons I love “The Notebook” is for the way the actors execute the cheesy lines. Reading the lines does not do the movie justice, the actors portray the cheesy lines so well, they make you believe in the cheesiness. I must agree, even if cheesy lines are not used in real life, they make the audience of a cheesy movie fascinated in the movie.
-“There are five players on the floor functioning as one single unit, team, team, team, no one more important than the other.” --Hoosiers a basketball movie where the coach is trying to change his life for the better. He decides to coach a less skilled basketball team and eventually after hard work and dedication the team ends up as one of the top contenders.
-“If you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? ---- Carpe -- hear it? – Carpe, Carpe Diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.” – Dead Poets Society Based on a true story, an English teacher played by Robin Williams, tries to break free of the normal sticks rules of the school. In the end wants them to think for themselves and follow their hearts.
-“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” – Forrest Gump Forrest Gump portrays the mentally challenged. He tells about is adventures and is remembered for his out look on life for example the quote above.
-“I love waking up in the morning not knowing where I’m gonna go or who I’m gonna meet. Just the other night, I was sleeping under a bridge, and now here I am, on the grandest ship in the world, having champagne with you fine people.” – Titanic Jack a poor man finds himself on a beautiful ship (because he happen to win a ticket during a card game) eating dinner with Rose and her high class family. The only reason he was fortunate enough to eat dinner with this privileged was due to the fact he saved Rose’s life.
In Her Shoes (2005)
Rose Feller: Why can’t I just stay mad at you?
Maggie Feller: Because we’re a pair. Like…Sonny and Cher.
Rose Feller: They broke up.
Maggie Feller: But they remained quite close.
This is one of my favorite movies. Maggie is the younger, gorgeous, carefree sister, while Rose is the not so attractive, uptight, extremely smart workaholic. The two fight a lot, but always make up. This particular scene reveals Maggie’s lack of knowledge along with her compassion towards her sister. The scene also shows Rose’s lack of character and bluntness.
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004)
Katey Miller: Javier once said that dancing is about being exactly who you want to be in that moment. Dancing with him, I realized I was becoming exactly the woman I wanted to be. We didn't win the contest- but we did win something more important to us. On my last night in Havana we were King and Queen of La Rosa Negra. We didn't know when we would see each other again, but we knew that this wasn't our last dance.
This is another one of my favorites. I love the idea that another person can be the key to seeing who you truly are. Javier gave Katey a whole new beautiful perspective on every aspect of life.
Ever After (1998)
Henry: Do you really think there is only one perfect mate?
Leonardo da Vinci: As a matter of fact, I do.
Henry: Well then how can you be certain to find them? And if you do find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are? And what happens if the person you're supposed to be with never appears, or, or she does, but you're too distracted to notice?
Leonardo da Vinci: You learn to pay attention.
Henry: Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?
This dialogue is great. Henry is going on and on to Leonardo da Vinci with such deep questions that take people their whole lives to answer. Henry is looking so far into the situation and is so distraught, while da Vinci answers simply and plainly. Da Vinci’s answers are so logical, sensible, and point blank, yet they are still not satisfying to Henry.
“It wasn’t over. It still isn’t over!” Love the Notebook, almost every line. True love is a real thing; at least this movie allows it to be.
“What is that?! WHAT IS THAT!?” I would be yelling too if my luck was as bad as Jim Carey’s in Bruce Almighty. I mean what’s worse then stepping into a huge puddle and soaking your entire foot up to mid calf?
“Lock it up!” Such a simple phrase, but yet neither Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson seem to be able to give in. Everyone wants the last word.
“I missed.” I bet Eddie Murphy wasn’t expecting to walk into the bathroom and see that.
“That’s just a little bit of me, being me.” “Noooo, that’s just a little bit of you being something you never have to be again.” Will Smith sure kills his self confidence. Should we really conform to what seems right to everyone else, or at the end of the day, are we better off being ourselves.
“Never let go Rose. Never let go.” Ok, immediately after Leo DiCaprio says that you let go and sinks off to the bottom of the ocean. So much for keeping your promise.
‘P.S. I love you.” How can you not at least tear up, get chills, or something every time you hear Gerard Butler utter those words.
“This is Sparta!” I think we would all like to kick someone into a pit, where you can’t see the bottom, sometimes.
“Bobbaganoosh!” Who even knows what it means, but its fun to say and basically can be used anywhere. Owen Wilson and Isla Fisher sure do.
I would call myself a movie buff. My family has never been big on TV and for example, as a younger child, my dad would shut off the TV in the summer time. This allowed my three other siblings and parents to enjoy a “quiet” house without the buzzing of the TV in the background. Ever since, I have only watched a few TV shows a week that were worthy of my busy schedule with sports and home work every night. This led the way to Netflix (the world’s greatest invention).
Being one of three girls in my family, my Dad has had his fair share selection of chick flicks! We all have our favorites. One of my favorites is Hitch with Will Smith. One of the lines he says in the movie is, “Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.” This quote is cheesy in its own way, but very sentimental in another light. All of us live for the thrill of finding someone and this quote could possibly sweep me off my feet! This leads me to my next favorite quote from Hitch when Will Smith is describing the rules of dating, “Any guy can sweep any girl off her feet, he just needs the right broom.” How cute is that? Come on!
My all time favorite quote is from How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, when Kate Hudson says to Matthew McConaughey, “I love you, Benny, but I don’t have to like you right now.” This just makes me melt. It is the ultimate saying to someone, although I would never think of saying that. It just has a nice essence to it, making it less hurtful towards the other person.
I just can not forget You’ve Got Mail. That movie is my favorite. There is one scene when Meg Ryan is explaining how she met someone.. online! And Tom Hanks says, “You’ve got Mail.” “Three powerful words.” As you have said, the power of threes makes remembering easier. This movie is all about a love affair online. I like to think about going onto my email and seeing a new message pop up. The excitement beams from me depending on who it is from! As you can see, I enjoy movies especially the romantic ones!
"Get off my plane," Harrison Ford says to a Russian Terrorist (Ivan Korshunov) as he breaks his neck and pushes him out of a 737 at 30,000 feet in the movie Air Force One.
"Do or do not. There is no try," chants Yoda, the mysterious keen green machine in Star Wars. This line is a classic and will never get old.
Another timeless classic is in Jaws when an anxious boatman obviously states, “You're gonna need a bigger boat.”
Another favorite of mine is Eric Bana (Hoot), in Black Hawk Down, who shows his wisdom, "Y'know what I think? Don't really matter what I think. Once that first bullet goes past your head politics and all that sh** goes right out the window."
Pretty much anything R. Lee Ermy says in Full Metal Jacket is too crude to post but definitely worth mentioning.
"You don't have time to think. If you think you're dead," is said by Tom Cruise in Topgun to his civilian instructor and just brings out his cocky side.
"One word love. Curiosity. You long to do what you want to do because you want it. To act on selfish impulse. You want to see what it's like." Jack Sparrow, in Pirates of the Caribbean II Dead Man’s Chest, rambles on about temptation. We already know he is selfish, but does this quote resolve anything? Maybe it is true that all men are drawn to the see.
"Houston, we have a problem," which is a line said by Tom hanks in Apollo 13.
"A martini. Shaken, not stirred," a quote from the infamous James Bond. Every person in the world probably knows this one, but it is the line that makes a Bond film and Bond film.
“Tell me I’m a bird. Tell me your bird. If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” (Rachel McAdams in the Notebook)I am a hopeless romantic and it shows that there is still some hope for prince charming to love everything about you and come sweap you off your feet.
“Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up?” (The Genie in Aladin) Who did Aladin think he was questioning the powerful genie? He rubbed the lamp for a reason, whether he wanted to admit it or not . We can relate to this because we all do things for a reason, whether we admit them or we do not.
“I’m sorry that people are jealous of me…but I can’t help it that I’m so popular.” (Lacey Chabert in Meangirls) This quote always gives me a good laugh and not to mention is my all time favorite movie. It reminds me of the girls of high school who think they are superior to all and do no wrong. It reminds me of my imperfections and how everyone has flaws.
“Why are you dressed so scary?”
“It's Halloween.” (Amanda Seyfried and Lindsey Lohan in Meangirls) This quote also makes me smile every time I hear this line. It is so realistic and applies to our generation completely. No one dresses up scary or like characters out of a horror movie anymore. It is all about what is showing and how revealing your outfit can be. Halloween has lost it’s edge.
“That's a polite way of putting it, ja. Mum was raped and shot and uh... Dad was decapitated and hung from a hook in the barn. I was nine... boo-hoo right?” (Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond) This quote reminds me to not judge before I know. Everyone has an unknown past and hidden truths about themselves. Before we judge we must know the full story behind people and their experiences they have gone through.
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